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单词 Urge
1) The urge to look was almost overwhelming.
2) I felt an uncontrollable urge to scream.
3) I felt an irresistible urge to laugh.
4) Brenda repressed the urge to shout at him.
5) I strongly urge you to give up smoking.
6) We urge you to adopt all necessary measures to guarantee people's safety.
7) I felt a sudden urge to smash the teapot against the wall.
8) You must urge the children on or we'll never get home.
9) He controlled the urge to laugh.
10) I can never resist temptation/chocolate/the urge to laugh.
11) She fought back the urge to run.
12) I was overcome by an irresistible urge to cry.
13) He has an urge to become a film star.
14) I had an uncontrollable urge to laugh.
15) I had a sudden urge to hit him.
16) I suppressed a strong urge to yawn.
17) We urge caution in the use of this medication.
18) The urge to survive drove them on.
19) I urge you to support this motion .
20) He overcame his urge to run from the room.
21) She inherited the urge to travel from her father.
22) He forced back the strong urge to stroke her.
23) I had an urge to see him.
24) I urge the house to vote against the motion.
25) His urge for revenge would never infect her.
26) She inherited the urge to travel from her mother.
27) The urge to fast-forward is almost irresistible.
28) Your progress will urge us to work hard.
29) He stifled an urge to hit her.
30) He felt pleasantly drowsy and had to fight off the urge to sleep.
1) The urge to look was almost overwhelming.
2) I felt an uncontrollable urge to scream.
3) I felt an irresistible urge to laugh.
4) Brenda repressed the urge to shout at him.
5) I strongly urge you to give up smoking.
6) We urge you to adopt all necessary measures to guarantee people's safety.
7) He felt pleasantly drowsy and had to fight off the urge to sleep.
8) I felt a sudden urge to smash the teapot against the wall.
9) You must urge the children on or we'll never get home.
10) He has an urge to become a film star.
11) He forced back the strong urge to stroke her.
12) Your progress will urge us to work hard.
13) What can we do to urge these lazy workers to greater production?
31) She resisted the urge to kiss him.
32) Urge your child to verbalize his feelings.
33) I restrained the urge to punch him.
34) Sometimes riders urge their horses on with whips.
35) We urge vigorous action to be taken immediately.
36) I desperately fought the urge to giggle.
37) The President has a strong political urge to conciliate.
38) Julia had to subdue an urge to stroke his hair.
39) He had an urge to open a shop of his own.
40) She could hardly resist the urge to turn and run.
40) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
41) It is all very well to urge people to give more to charity when they have less, but is it really fair?
42) She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened.
43) He could no longer resist the urge to go and see Amanda.
44) Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away.
45) The police have the same human urge for self-preservation as the rest of us.
46) He tamed the urge to participate in the new venture.
47) I urge those responsible to call a halt to the violence.
48) We did have to urge the students along in the last few weeks before their examination.
49) Leaving him off the guest list satisfied her urge for revenge.
50) What can we do to urge these lazy workers to greater production?
51) I have complained to my MP, and urge all ,like-minded 'people to do the same.
52) Suddenly she had an overwhelming urge to be with her son.
53) He denounces people who urge him to alter his ways.
54) If you feel the urge for a cigarette, try not to give in to it.
55) I had to check the urge to laugh out loud.
56) He continued to urge the Conservative Party to tilt rightwards.
57) At school he played bass in a pop group called The Urge.
58) He fought with the urge to smoke one of the cigars he'd given up awhile ago.
59) We shall continue to urge for leniency to be shown to these prisoners.
60) She fought back the sudden urge to run to him and beg his forgiveness.
61) She fought the futile urge to draw breath.
62) Donaldson fought the urge to put his tongue out.
63) We urge them to turn over a new leaf.
64) Or perhaps by a more basic urge.
65) Creed resisted the urge to back off more.
66) The urge to destroy is also a creative urge. Pablo Picasso 
67) Yanto resisted the urge to rush things.
68) You are to be complimented, though I urge caution.
69) She quelled an urge to race up the winding stairs and find out for herself what was going on.
70) Which raises an obvious question: Why do humans have such a powerful urge to consume this poison?
71) But once Ollie had started to mature socially[http://], his male hormone output enhanced his urge to gain a higher social level.
72) She had an overwhelming urge to call Mel again in New York.
73) I urge the administration to find a more appropriate and forthright solution to the budgetary and debt extension issues at hand.
74) But she resisted the urge to turn and glance at him and kept her eyes fixed straight ahead.
75) A strong creative urge led him to experiment with collage, which he finds deeply satisfying.
76) I urge you, for your sake and for the sake of the country, to open the door once again.
77) If you have a sudden urge to do something - as long as it can not harm you or others - act on it!
78) She told herself she was just feeling a biological urge. Perfectly natural.
79) They encourage efforts to preserve that potential, and urge continued co-operation in this area.
80) I urge, therefore, a cautious approach to the ascertainment of the intention of the legislature.
81) Some officials, such as Mr Gavin, urge Washington to consider a one-time national amnesty.
82) Sometimes, though, the urge to answer back is just too strong.
83) He ended up calling them all to Washington to urge prudence in the lending system, not pyromania.
84) Clinton used his weekly radio address to urge Congress to pass a health-care overhaul bill sponsored by Sen.
85) The urge to translate her emotions into some tangible piece of artwork made her itch to get pencil to paper.
86) Like Allen, I would urge you to provide a systematic review of the empirical data supporting your proposal.
87) He shows no urge to rub shoulders with the lower orders but, if anything, a tendency to keep his distance.
88) Yet she was having to subdue the urge to dash back there and scream at him.
89) I urge all Opposition Members who have not paid their poll tax to do so without delay.
90) But standing there with Billie, surrounded by implements that promised home improvement, he yielded to an acquisitive urge.
91) As the singing draws to a close, the cousins urge her to make a wish.
92) I urge those on both Front Benches to reflect on how they can make up for that democratic lack.
93) The board hopes the Federal Aviation Administration will urge the airlines to adopt such measures.
94) Nor did I have the urge to linger on the Neva embankment with Charsky.
95) But the urge to indulge, never rational, never completely disappears.
96) First, an overwhelming urge to find a market researcher and kick him or her hard on a soft target area.
97) There are many more ways the ornamental gardener can satisfy a latent urge to produce food.
98) It is probably premature to urge all patients to stop dieting.
99) I urge the Government to continue to resist the idea of more regulations being attached to employees.
100) If you have the urge to try your hand at a grant,[http:///urge.html] do so!
101) Trading standards officers urge anyone with this type of mixer to stop using it immediately.
102) While male continence was necessary, it could not be guaranteed, because of the strength of the male urge.
103) I have a sudden urge to touch her, to hold her, to tell her I know how she feels.
104) With difficulty Shiona resisted the urge to phone him up at home and demand an explanation.
105) There is an urge to recapture the missing person in some way by hanging on to memories, and treasures.
106) President Pascal-Trouillot went on national television to urge her countrymen to vote.
107) Half way through the park Quinn was overtaken by an urge to rest.
108) Bernice could hardly resist the urge to turn and run, but she supported Defries and retreated step by step.
109) Since caffeine is usually consumed in beverages, the liquid by itself will result in an increased urge to urinate.
110) Consumer advocate Ralph Nader wrote to me recently to urge I abandon my advocacy of legal reforms.
111) She shooed it off, vindictively giving it an urge to become a great landscape painter in place of its rope obsession.
112) So we urge you now to place your order by post or by phone.
113) Then the urge to laugh dried up and all my anger against Bobbie returned.
114) Will we as lawyers use our privileged positions to extend our influence, or resist the urge to make ourselves indispensable?
115) She excuses herself a moment to prepare a tray of little snacks they urge her not to trouble herself to prepare.
116) Lind, on the other hand, is a victim of the great urge to simplify.
117) They strongly urge the assorted presidents, prime ministers and corporate chieftains to come without their staffs and guards.
118) I strongly urge you to just gently dress the pasta with the sauce.
119) When you hear the moan of the rowlocks, do you urge him on like a cox?
120) Few indoor plants can match the collecting urge that cacti are capable of inspiring.
121) I can cheerfully admit that it made no impact on me apart from an overwhelming urge to be violently sick.
122) She stared up into his blue eyes, trying to conquer the urge to scoot further up the bed.
123) As soon as they sit down and relax again, this irresistible urge returns.
124) My urge to prove my sanity made me gabble, and my gabbling disproved my claim.
125) Governments interested in publicity and propaganda have published much under the impulse of the urge to justify themselves and vilify their opponents.
126) It was in weather like this that she had an urge to take the scissors and cut the whole lot off.
127) However, science springs ultimately from the human urge to truth, and dogmatism eventually gives way under this impetus.
128) Further, it is no defense to urge that the religious practices here may be relatively minor encroachments on the First Amendment.
129) Suddenly I had a compelling urge to look at Wilkerson.
130) Speakers urge the crowd to take responsibility for their own lives, families and communities. 18 -- Sen.
131) What primal urge makes these men want to ride the bull?
132) Yet this notion was conquered by a stronger urge I could not deny.
133) The statement went on to urge popular support for Sihanouk's candidacy in these elections.
134) His need or urge for ejaculation levels out during this decade to about once a week.
135) Their high-kitsch varnish was offset by an overwhelming urge to educate.
136) Roth was possessed by an irresistible urge to fix things up.
137) Whatever she can urge in mitigation, she is a fallen woman for the rest of her life.
138) A wild urge to cling to him like this for the rest of her life?
139) The governor said he will urge the 1997 Legislature to require parental consent for abortions performed on minors.
140) We urge you to ensure the most stringent environmental assessment procedures are followed before any irreversible damage is done.
141) We urge that all commercially marketed aids to stopping smoking should undergo the same regulatory scrutiny.
142) Student welfare officers became concerned about the intensity of Life at oxford University, and in todays report they urge immediate action.
143) But that early promise isn't carried through, as flooring the pedal produces little extra urge.
144) The urge to acquire interesting and possibly valuable things is widespread and can strike unexpectedly and sometimes with great force.
145) By concentrating only on the sound, I lost the irresistible urge to hit the ball hard.
146) Corrigan resisted the urge to grab him by the arm and hold him.
147) We urge parents to plan ahead for postpartum home help.
148) I would urge particular caution, at least until Clarion Call's whereabouts are confirmed.
149) I urge you to seriously consider this offer and to ensure that you reply before the closing date.
150) As I constantly urge members - your signature is your most precious possession.
151) She fought back the sudden urge to run to him, to fling herself into his arms and beg his forgiveness.
152) I decided I would urge her to take some time off, what with the busy holiday season looming ahead.
153) The political situation made her work increasingly dangerous, and some part of me desperately wanted to urge her to quit.
154) His career suggests that he was capable of combining a sense of duty with an urge to self-help.
155) Such matters do not, can not, stop the agitations, the incomprehensible simmering of an awakening of the biological urge.
156) As he felt Joe begin fumbling with his trousers Michael stifled an urge to slam his fist into Joe's head.
157) Holmes turned to urge the cabbie on, as the horror dawned on me.
158) I urge my hon. Friend to keep in close touch to make sure that response times are up to the charter.
159) Does a children's party or a loved-one's funeral inhibit the urge to chat up new acquaintances?
160) Alongside the urge to blow down the house of cards comes a tender impulse towards reconstruction.
161) I urge him to stop any move to allow the barrage project to continue to be used as a party political football.
162) You resist the urge to test the weight on the lid again,[Sentencedict] because by now you've forgotten how it felt before.
163) That has prompted top Dole advisers here to urge a new round of much tougher ads attacking Forbes.
164) Humankind seems to have an insatiable urge to conquer and explore.
165) No doubt she would be doing the cycle irreparable damage, but the urge to ride it was too strong to be denied.
166) Simply to add water to a dry powder was not enough to satisfy this ritual urge.
167) If you can not afford it yourself, you should at least urge your library to buy a copy.
168) But they denied hens much of their normal behaviour and in particular frustrated the urge to nest.
169) Sailors travelled to the New World with the urge to conquer and explore.
170) Willing my heart to beat normally, I defy the urge to turn back or freeze or cry out.
171) No way do you feel the urge to cut and run before suffering the onslaught of hypothermia.
172) May I urge him to press for a return to traditional standards of teaching in our primary schools as soon as possible?
173) In furtherance of that, may I urge him to bend his considerable energies towards the development of solar and tidal power?
174) When councillors finally meet tomorrow to consider the proposal their officers will urge them to deny permission.
175) This is an illogical, nay, fanciful urge since I have never really heard them.
176) The minister, it seemed, had an urge to hear Mitchell talk.
177) You have no intention of giving her up, and, in honesty, I can not urge you to do so.
178) He was rash enough to plead the cause of feminine education and at the same time to urge public control of brothels.
179) In the following quote, a young married woman with two children describes the urge to use following detoxification.
180) The Parish council would, therefore, strongly urge your committee to refuse this application.
181) Urge to build, to make, as compensation for anxieties of exile, he wrote.
182) You feel that the music carries the words along on the back of its urge to secure release.
183) He tried to find a compromise that would satisfy his artistic urge and quieten his conscience.
184) I strongly urge him to do so, if he can reach a sensible and reasonable compromise.
185) To heighten his own flow of adrenaline, he ignores the advice of friends who urge him to wear a reserve chute.
186) The urge to invent oneself begins early and is perhaps coeval with the advent of any sort of self-consciousness.
187) I was overcome with an irresistible urge to hit him.
188) She had repressed the urge to reach over and touch her-this woman who smelled deliciously of perfume and powder.
189) It was as if it was harbouring some great consuming sadness and had lost the urge to live.
190) We urge that what is devised should not make excessive demands upon time or resources.
191) It represents the one and only fundamental urge at the heart of all human suffering!
192) That is why I urge a renaissance of local government in the context of a more pluralistic and diverse society.
193) Happily, the urge to commit suicide was itself long dead,[http:///urge.html] buried beneath her need for revenge.
194) In this case the conflict is between the urge to flee from the predator and the urge to attack it.
195) He felt an urge to record certain facts, and he wanted to put them down on paper before he forgot them.
196) It was endowed with an endless capacity for multiplication and a remorseless urge to advance.
197) Most individuals experience the urge to defecate on morning awakening and after meals, when colonic motility is known to peak.
198) I would urge Reed to think again as wholesalers are a vital ingredient for effective modern bookselling.
199) Or perhaps they felt an irresistible urge to act as Guardians of Truth.
200) True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist. Albert Einstein 
201) Pilates instructors also teach correct breathing and urge concentration on form for best results.
202) There is within us all an urge to make order out of seeming chaos.
203) The urge to bake another pie began to take hold in the village towards the end of 1985.
204) For once he felt no urge to share his knowledge with her.
205) Urge incontinence, also known as overactive bladder, is when you feel a sudden urge to urinate, and sometimes accidentally leak urine.
206) I do get that hermitic urge. I'm quite anti-social in some ways, even with my mates.
207) The symptoms of senioritis include an all but irresistible urge to cut classes and ignore due dates for homework and presentations.
208) Dissocial to behavior, shrink back, the chronic schizophrenia with dim affection has urge the action with active drive.
209) I urge all readers to make a noise about this.
210) I also urge Najib to ask Ong and the Chairman of the BN Back Benchers Club to go on leave until the allegations are investigated.
211) He was also the man who initiated the Manhattan Project, writing to President Roosevelt to urge him to develop these weapons, as he believed the Germans were researching something similar.
212) But, if that is so, why not simply urge the government to stop the creation of money?
213) Wise investors should resist the urge to flee, reduce their holdings of risky assets and stare down the bear.
214) First and foremost, don't give into the urge to prop your head up with a hand.
215) Expect him to urge Mr. Obama to be aggressive and creative in trying to jump-start lending — and to avoid the rosy predictions that have made the Bush administration appear to be out of touch.
216) That our government takes the initiative ... to urge international outlawry of atomic and hydrogen weapons.
217) Be at ease, I can guide, persuade, supervise and urge he learns, but I won't gruffly is privative his happiness.
218) Although do not work, do not have teacher classmate supervise and urge, go to an unripe very easy also laches.
219) He says the smart procrastinator can earn a reputation for productivity while giving in to the urge to delay.
220) We urge that both sides put the public interest first in any event. In no circumstances should either use it as a bargaining counter.
221) Track them for a couple days, putting a tally mark in a small notebook every time you get an urge. Write out a plan, before you get the urges[/urge.html], with strategies to beat them.
222) The emotion is Janus-faced : we are torn between a nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange.
223) As the anti-art urge in modern artists prompts them to topple or transcend themselves, they help audience to look at art intuitively by using silence, blanks and sketchy approaches.
224) Rooted in paternalistic culture and practiced for centuries, female circumcision in Uganda is thought to protect a girl's chastity by "reducing the urge for sex in women, " Mirundi said.
225) "The sexual urge is strong in all Its...It s a part of life, its fun to have sex, " Soeli said of the reasons for homosexuality or bisexuality among animals.
226) Before taking a step which is to exert an influence upon all your future life, I urge you to give the subject careful and prayerful deliberation.
227) Objective To observe the effect of magnetic stimulation of sacral roots on detrusor overactivity and urge incontinence after spinal cord disease.
228) Business leaders, the famous 1%, need to resist the urge to dismiss the whole movement based on the scattershot and at times ill-conceived nature of the arguments on the placards.
229) The scorching weather in the UK prompted the Trades Union Congress (TUC) to urge employers to adopt a more relaxed approach to office attire.
230) The male exhibitionist impulse seems to be similar to the ancient primate urge to groom evinced in girls' enjoyment of combing one another's hair.
231) And that is the merits of allowing to do so. i urge those who stand diversely think twice and then they will have a brandnew view.
232) Saw palmetto, however, was recently found to have no effect in reducing the frequent urge to urinate or other annoying symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
233) The government has promised to chop back its own spending in an effort to urge the nation to do the same.
234) An example that is easily observable is the sexual urge.
235) Supervise and urge formulation reasonably put in practice under strict handling procedures.
236) "I strongly urge people to sort out whether you're in one of those high-risk groups and talk to your doctor or ask your pharmacist whether you can be vaccinated,()" she said.
237) I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women differ so much.
238) Along with this urge to be jack-of-all-trades goes a willingness to change from one occupation to another.
239) Snack healthy. If you feel the urge to eat between meals, choose a low-fat, low-calorie snack, such as fresh fruit, vegetables with fat-free dip, or unbuttered popcorn.
240) Reasonable, perfect library field goods manages what can urge company whole level of management to rise.
241) Platonism and Hermetism are discussed in the Nag Hammadi collection, but there is no urge toward "world destruction" or even the deliberate disruption of the social order.
242) Everyone has the urge to know that the Divine Exists, beyond any doubt in body, mind, or heart.
243) No surprise, then, that a counter-movement has arisen, in the form of books that urge us to take these shows more seriously.
244) Pointing out absurdities or making jokes is a mature and healthy way to ease tension, so there's no need to feel bad the next time you feel the urge to crack a joke at an inappropriate time.
245) The incidence rates of urge incontinence and stress incontinence were 19.8% (with 3.1% often) and 14.5% (with 1.9% often), respectively.
246) The researchers urge general surgeons to include discussion of all surgical options lumpectomy, mastectomy and mastectomy with reconstruction at a point when a patient is considering her choices.
247) It would be naive to urge or expect either country to become a full-blooded democracy in a trice.




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