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单词 Elect
1. First-year students may elect French, Spanish, or German.
2. Councils should be answerable to the people who elect them.
3. The people of the Philippines have voted to elect a new president.
4. The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new chairman.
5. Cardinals elect and advise the Pope.
6. Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography.
7. Unions would elect their leadership by secret postal ballot.
8. Who's going to elect a geriatric President?
9. Voters always elect the candidate most tuned in to their needs.
10. Increasing numbers of people elect to work from home nowadays.
11. You can elect to delete the message or save it.
12. I elect to stay.
13. Clinton's past indiscipline helped to elect Bush.
14. Should the people elect their representatives?
15. Delegates are regarded as mandated by those who elect them to support specific policies and to return to explain their subsequent decisions.
16. They can elect legislators who have the power to impose their will on judges through one means or another.
17. Otherwise we just elect a few representatives who can totally ignore our wishes for several years after we have counted the votes.
18. The members could still elect local officers,(http:///elect.html) but it was like electing your classmates to student council.
19. Washington voters usually elect moderate Republicans and Democrats who could work together in Congress or in Olympia.
20. Foreseeing the need to elect his successor when the time came, Omar designated a body of electors charged with the task.
21. Each class will elect two students to represent them on the School Council.
22. He called forth again the language of the elect, but turned it from the Puritan community to the whole nation.
23. We are going to hold a rally next month to elect a new leader.
24. Austrian voters went to the polls this weekend to elect a successor to the President.
25. After several years of Republican government, the pendulum will undoubtedly swing back and voters will elect a Democrat.
26. Voters are due to go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president.
27. The country goes to the polls on May 7th to elect local councillors.
28. Several women took over powerful committee chairmanships and a growing bloc of 14 Latinos helped elect Bustamante speaker.
29. The United States is one of the few democracies that does not allow its citizens to elect their national chief executive directly.
30. Your editorial accusing San Francisco gay and lesbian voters of being irresponsible for helping elect Willie Brown mayor is just another example.
1. Councils should be answerable to the people who elect them.
2. The people of the Philippines have voted to elect a new president.
3. The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new chairman.
4. Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography.
31. However, the firm can elect to have its capital assets collected in a pool.
32. The people of Houston will go to the polls next week to elect a new mayor.
33. You should just elect people to Parliament and have collective responsibility.
34. Because the law requires a two-thirds majority for an appointment, government and opposition parties must agree in advance whom to elect.
35. No permission is required to photograph the monoline, unless you elect to do this inside a station.
36. You can elect to print faxes on receipt, or view them first.
37. Some might decide to elect a special institutions representative, a steering committee, and a hospitality committee.
38. Under any such setup, voters elect a leader who espouses a program.
39. Since 1879, House rules have required a majority of those voting for a distinct candidate to elect a speaker.
40. The main features of committees are: They elect or have appointed a person who chairs the meeting.
41. The first step towards achieving peace in the region will be to elect a government that represents all the people.
42. After inspecting an item of mail, each user can elect to delete the message or retain it for later examination.
43. The Purchaser must be able to elect which measure of damages is most appropriate.
44. Voters elect members of Parliament from districts known as ridings.
45. One goes to elect a member of parliament on a first past the post, single member constituency basis.
46. The council would elect a board of directors to act as consumer advocates on judicial, legislative or regulatory health-care matters.
47. If all the disputed electoral votes went to Hayes, he would win; just one of them would elect Tilden.
48. Proportional systems elect several candidates in multi-member constituencies, giving due weight to minority votes.
49. It decreed that a council of representatives would elect a president and would be responsible for drafting a constitution.
50. The Congress was also to elect the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet.
51. In which case it would make more sense to elect proven adulterers instead of discouraging them from public life.
52. Labour's complex leadership rules, first used to elect Mr Kinnock in 1983, make a smooth transition impossible.
53. We had worked hard to elect the women, believing that they would bring a valuable, new perspective to government.
54. As if he sensed their homage the Kha-Khan elect waved a hand in dismissal.
55. Political consultants used to be little-known operatives working in dingy offices trying to elect better-known candidates.
56. McCarthy's Communist witch-hunt had been unleashed with the support of leading Republicans and had undoubtedly helped to elect Eisenhower in 1952.
57. The central committee would elect its president from its ranks, but each time from a different republican or provincial party.
58. I could simply elect to walk out the door, act on reckless impulse without fear of consequences.
59. The first act of the Convention was to elect a president.
60. First, a statute may require that the school board take affirmative action to elect a teacher to tenure status.
61. Shareholders as the electorate are given the power to elect and dismiss their leaders, the directors.
62. Two weeks after the death of Pope John Paul, the cardinals met to elect his successor.
63. Supposing Yorkshire or Cornwall decided by a majority vote to secede from Britain and elect their own government.
64. 12,000 party members will vote next week to elect a new leader.
65. The winning party gets to elect the next House speaker.
66. To elect as many legislative candidates as possible this fall who are sympathetic to both sides.
67. An estimated 1,400,000 people were eligible to vote to elect officials who in the past had been appointed by the President.
68. The republic's 245,000 registered voters were to elect deputies to the 42-seat Federal Assembly from 320 candidates representing 21 parties.
69. In six rounds of voting, deputies repeatedly failed to elect a candidate by the required majority of 531 votes.
70. These are the folks who elect politicians who produce excessive regulation.
71. The team elected by Labour members yesterday bore some resemblance to the team the public might elect to take on the Tories.
72. We now have Congressman Forbes, who has clearly said he will not elect the speaker.
73. This system relies upon the ability of the electorate to elect and dismiss leaders at periodic intervals.
74. The indigenous population had the right to elect two congressional representatives in special elections.
75. They elect a 45-member board of directors, which in turns elects a seven-member executive committee, which hired Harlan.
75. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
76. But donations to help elect or defeat political candidates have been denied such a subsidy since 1954.
77. The aim is now to change the constitution to elect four associate members on to a management committee.
78. According to the Constitution, parliament, together with regional representatives, had 15 days from that date to elect a successor.
79. Is it by clustering together to elect one of their own in isolation?
80. We are the national majority, but we must elect a Republican president for that national majority to truly govern.
81. It looks like a standard case, but despite the stigmata I elect to join her in innocence.
82. It cost almost as much to elect an honest candidate as to elect a dishonest one, he observed.
83. If you elect to become self-employed you will have to let your local inland revenue office know.
84. Many Labour Party members believed that the ballot to elect a mayoral candidate was rigged.
85. A sports fan might elect to have the latest sports scores continuously scrolling on to his screen.
86. The British might occasionally elect a desiccated calculating machine.
87. They elect Mr. Ma chairman of the board.
88. Employees from each department elect a representative.
89. The right to elect chieftains and to depose them.
90. The president - elect will be inaugurated in February.
91. To foreordain or elect by divine will or decree.
92. Americans elect a President every four year.
93. I have a suggestion to Labour MP's. if you want to have a prayer at winning the next election, dump bumbler Brown and elect a chinese Judge as your leader.
94. Study on the mathematical mode of mine workings advance direct cost, Optimal design and elect position of mine workings based on this mode. Search for the best economic benefit.
95. Since the Spirit certainly consented to apply Christ's work to the elect (John 15:26), there is no reason why the Holy Spirit's work cannot be integrated into the pactum salutis.
96. For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
97. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
98. The president - elect will raise rates on high earners, including many owners of unincorporated businesses.
99. The aggrieved party is entitled to elect to hold the party liable for breach of contract in accordance herewith, or hold the party liable for tort in accordance with any other relevant law.
100. Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers dispersed through Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, elect.
101. The automation department of Shenzhen kuki Elect Ltd is engaged in developing, producing and salving automatic equipment.
102. The artist must elect to fight for freedom or slavery.
103. Matthew 24:31 – And He (Jesus) will send His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
104. ELECT deals in Gas burner, Heating systems as well as in Heat generation plants.
105. It is the difference of the elect and the vulgar.
106. The president - elect has brandished his reputation for non - partisanship and for a willingness to negotiate.
107. On which types of network will OSPF elect a backup designated router?
108. Elect labor union member of committee and budget investigates member of committee a candidate.
109. You know, with the national debt getting so big,(http:///elect.html) maybe we ought to elect some penny-pinchers to the Congress next time.
110. It drew a line; it created an elect; it was sophisticated and Continental; it dealt with provocative subjects, with torture, sadism, hermaphroditism––with sex and power.
111. Next week the Tibetan community in exile will vote to elect a new Kalon Tripa, or prime minister, who will take on the Dalai Lama's political functions.
112. Later, they began to elect a person of high moral standing porridge out of hours.
113. The vegetative and propagative organs of Cymbidium sinense were studied by paraffin method and observed under scanning elect ron microscope.
114. Thirty-nine of the fifty states elect at least some of their judges.
115. But since the 1990s villages have at least had the nominal power to elect their own heads (real power is often still held by unelected Communist Party secretaries).
116. The first order of business is to elect a President for this assembly.
117. In 2004 Don Blankenship, the chief executive of Massey Energy, spent $3m to help elect Brent Benjamin to the state Supreme Court.
118. The Israelis had just begun to elect their prime minister directly, so Netanyahu had a four-year term, but he still had to put together a majority coalition in the Knesset.
119. Christ fulfilled the legal obligations of the pactum salutis in his active and passive obedience as the representative of the elect.
120. All souls were to be judged by Mithra (represented as a bull) with the Elect going to heaven, and the earthly and evil being annihilated in a great battle.
121. The highlight of my visit to the Philippines was my meeting with the Present - elect, Ramon Magsaysay.
122. We must prepare ourselves to finish worthily the marvelous design of the elect of twenty generations.
123. Federal regulators, desperate to keep up with the New York attorney - general ( and now governor - elect ), ran amok.
124. Who, s to say Americans don, t elect another hung jury to Washington after next year, s presidential election?
125. "I can't wait to work with Presi -dent- elect Obama, alongside Democrats and Republicans in Congress, to deliver the change our country needs, " Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, said.
126. I. Elect and appoint the chairman or members of the presidium of inaugural meeting.
127. The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone.
128. The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would the elect.
129. The conference first adopted the congress to elect the scrutineer and the total scrutineer name list.
130. One is that our supporters, they feel that their constitutional rights to elect the president has been deprived simply because the election fraud.
131. Directors continue to hold office until the shareholders elect their successors and the latter take office.
132. The offer allows Yahoo shareholders to elect to receive cash or a fixed number of shares of Microsoft common stock with the total purchase consisting of half cash and half stock.
133. With elections coming up in Israel, I assumed Hama's was trying to defeat Prime Minister Peres and provoke the Israelis to elect a hard-line government that would not make peace with the PLO.
134. The Department of Chemistry offers programs of study leading to the M. S. and Ph. D. degrees. Students may elect studies in analytical , inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
135. But you could also elect to have your dead body help a student mortician learn his trade or spend a few months rotting away under the watchful eye of forensic scientists.
135. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
136. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
137. In the Indonesiancapital of Jakarta, he dressed as U.S. President - elect Barack to talk with his colleagues.
138. Elect whom you please to be your cap'n now ; I'm done with it.'.
139. Massey's chairman had spent three million dollars to help elect him to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. That was after the company lost a jury trial over a business dispute.
140. The covenant of grace is principally between God and the elect.
141. And the righteous and elect shall be saved on that day, and they shall never thenceforward see the face of the sinners and unrighteous.
142. As Comrade Teng Hsiao-ping stated, if we elect them the significance will be similar to their election at the Seventh Congress.
143. The right to elect the chief and to depose him is nowhere mentioned.
144. College of Cardinals , the Church's highest - ranking clergy(), meets in Vatican City to elect new cardinals.
145. In the 1950s, voters were happy to elect venerable leaders like Winston Churchill and Konrad Adenauer.
146. So we can see why there is going to be so very few very elect chosen and faithful called when He calls from above soon as written in I Thessalonians 4:16 to 18.
147. Accept the default for the statement type (SELECT) and elect to use the SQL builder.
148. PYONGYANG, March 8 (Itar-Tass) - Citizens of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea go to the polls today to elect deputies to the country's one-chamber Supreme People's Assembly.
149. The President - elect visited the Tennessee Valley in company with Norris.
150. The Maritime Arbitration Commission shall elect a Chairman and 1-3 Deputy Chairmen from among its members.
151. If we don’t think twice about carrying a boatload of debt in our personal lives, we will elect people who don’t mind carrying debt into the public sector.
152. A conclave of cardinals was held to elect the new Pope.
153. The body of all the cardinals that elect the pope, assist him in governing the church, and administer the Holy See when the papacy is vacant.
154. I don't think we will know who the POTUS elect by the time I return.
155. On the occasion of the spring season, we BBT-11 will sum up the past quarter's work and elect the production stars of our inventory team for each month .
156. If you elect Jessica, you may be sure she will present our views forcefully and energetically. She is a very dynamic speaker.
157. Today the cold war was long over. we elect an African American as United States president.
158. The president - elect picked up a bagful of votes from the youth of America.
159. You can then elect to use the Design Advisor to help find indexes to mitigate this performance degrader.
160. The elect and shift cylinder bore and the size of other relevant parts were designed after the analysis of the structure of the vehicle's electing and shifting cylinder and the principle of shift.
161. Democratic Party Executive Department that should be within in August to elect a new prime minister to avoid political power for too long blank.
162. They will elect all four hundred thirty-five members of the United States House of Representatives, thirty-seven senators, many state governors and local officials.
163. The Presidium shall elect some of its members to rotate as executive chairmen of the sessions.
164. Certain other expenses also may be deducted from taxable income, or one may elect to use the "standard deduction.
165. Some years the tigers elect a triarch, and some years they do not, but never more than one, so the elephants have ruled the city for three hundred years.
166. The politicians tried to smear the governor's reputation in order to elect the man they chose.
167. In the last resort a minor may elect a guardian himself.
168. And what I do is, I select a hard stone hammer, in this case a quartzite pebble about the size of a cricket ball,(http:///elect.html) and I elect to hit it in one place - and this is where I start to knap.
169. The highlight of my visit to the Pilippines was my meeting with the Present - elect, Ramon Magsaysay.
170. He is an abrasive New Yorker in a country that tends to elect hail-fellow-well-met types like Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.
171. Hammer - shape pulverizer adopts particular hammer - shape rotor, which has excellent pulverizing, elect , adapt to carbamide, monoammonium and so on.




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