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单词 Elsewhere
1. She is becoming famous in Australia and elsewhere.
2. You must look for hotels elsewhere.
3. Can you find anything like this elsewhere?
4. Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?
5. Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny spells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ireland towards evening.
6. Elsewhere is mainly dry with some sunshine, but heavy showers possible central and southeast England on Tuesday.
7. You could earn a higher rate of interest elsewhere.
8. If the restaurant is full we can go elsewhere.
9. Could there be intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?
10. Prices are higher here than elsewhere.
11. The salaries here are low against the rates elsewhere.
12. Experiments elsewhere corroborate these results.
13. Elsewhere, the weather today has been fairly sunny.
14. The main problem, I believe, lies elsewhere.
15. Our troops are to be redeployed elsewhere.
16. The answer to the problem must be sought elsewhere.
17. The arguments for change are buttressed by events elsewhere.
18. The panel shows marked similarities with mosaics found elsewhere.
19. But if you are not satisfied then go elsewhere.
20. This research merely duplicates work already done elsewhere.
21. Our problems don't bear comparison with those elsewhere.
22. A bank's local market share tends to be divided equally between the local branch and branches located elsewhere.
23. The praesidium has decided to hold this evening's meeting elsewhere.
24. Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that'sgoing on elsewhere.
25. The presidium has decided to hold this evening's meeting elsewhere.
26. The report looks at economic growth in Europe and elsewhere.
27. Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
28. Almost 80 percent of the state's residents were born elsewhere.
29. Unable to find the book in this bookstore, he bought elsewhere.
30. America's rise in rates was conjoined with higher rates elsewhere.
1. She is becoming famous in Australia and elsewhere.
2. You must look for hotels elsewhere.
3. Can you find anything like this elsewhere?
4. Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?
5. A bank's local market share tends to be divided equally between the local branch and branches located elsewhere.
6. The praesidium has decided to hold this evening's meeting elsewhere.
7. Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that'sgoing on elsewhere.
8. The report looks at economic growth in Europe and elsewhere.
9. Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
10. Almost 80 percent of the state's residents were born elsewhere.
11. Unable to find the book in this bookstore, he bought elsewhere.
12. The panel shows marked similarities with mosaics found elsewhere.
13. Our favourite restaurant was full so we had to go elsewhere.
31. From 1960 to 1970, Ayatollah Mohsen al-Hakim reigned supreme among the Shi'ites of Iraq, Iran and elsewhere.
32. They neglect their duty at the least hint of fun elsewhere.
33. The criteria will be different from those that pertain elsewhere.
34. The Fife coast harbours many insects which are rare elsewhere in Britain.
35. They couldn't find what they wanted and decided to look elsewhere.
36. Now Betterware plans to set up shop elsewhere in Europe.
37. It is not the primary tumour that kills, but secondary growths elsewhere in the body.
38. This comment jars with the opinions we have heard expressed elsewhere.
39. Tampering with a single enzyme can lead to untoward effects elsewhere.
40. They are pondering whether the money could be better used elsewhere.
41. Japan's productivity has overtaken America in some industries, but elsewhere the United States has clung on to its lead.
42. The findings from the case study school may apply to schools elsewhere.
43. Our favourite restaurant was closed, so we had to go elsewhere.
44. If we don't give good service, people will take their custom elsewhere.
45. While most bloggers comment on news reported elsewhere, some do their own reporting.
46. In Italy, as elsewhere, television has made deep inroads into cinema.
47. Parliament is seen as a rubber stamp for decisions made elsewhere.
48. This guest house is full. We must look for rooms elsewhere.
49. At that time I was ignorant of events going on elsewhere.
50. He was very happy with us but wanted to see if the grass was greener elsewhere.
51. Our favourite restaurant was full so we had to go elsewhere.
52. People are being enticed away from the profession by higher salaries elsewhere.
53. Retailers can exert leverage over producers by threatening to take their business elsewhere.
54. The capital is calm,[] but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere.
55. The director is thinking of leaving the firm for a better position elsewhere.
56. It was felt that the company had an unfair advantage vis-a-vis smaller companies elsewhere.
57. Once customers come to rely on these systems they almost never take their business elsewhere.
58. There was a distant look in her eyes from time to time, her thoughts elsewhere.
59. Kerala has less crime and alcoholism than elsewhere in India.
60. Elsewhere within residential areas the car remains king.
61. It will be easier to find a soul mate elsewhere than in one's own backyard.
62. Disguise Disguise your steps with feints that make the opponent blink, or which divert his attention elsewhere.
63. It then gave her notice to quit the temporary accommodation, and offered her alternative accommodation elsewhere which she refused.
64. The relation between alcohol consumption and sickness absence will be reported elsewhere.
65. The latter, meanwhile, settled in and around Madrid and concentrated upon advances elsewhere.
66. It was as though our brains had been programmed elsewhere, then shipped here for final assembly.
67. Voice over Elsewhere investigations are continuing into a separate security alert in Gloucester City Centre yesterday.
68. In any case the number of dwellings actually completed by 1950 was pathetically small, and housing shortages were felt acutely elsewhere.
69. It was necessary to bolster his position elsewhere too, however.
70. The significant discontinuities elsewhere support the thesis of adversary politics.
71. It was not until the Ptolemaic period that its price fell to that obtaining elsewhere in the ancient world.
72. There are beaches of rounded grey basalt pebbles of varying sizes elsewhere around the island.
73. As with fat-free products and artificial sweeteners, people will probably compensate for olestra by eating more calories elsewhere in their diets.
74. I regard rule 7.23 as restating, by way of convenient compilation, rights of appeal which are given elsewhere in the Rules.
75. My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there. Rumi 
76. The colon was not assessed in nine patients in whom the diagnosis of malignant disease elsewhere had been obtained by other tests.
77. Whether they will be allowed to evict their unwelcome, unsavoury, tenants, from belfries and elsewhere, is another matter.
78. It is not true that elsewhere they obey it without beating it[], since one beats time wherever choruses are sung.
79. Similar schemes have proved successful elsewhere - one of the best-known being the Stroud Pound scheme, which now boasts 200 members.
80. Elsewhere, individual protesters were being held down while Mosley's guards beat them over the head and about the face.
81. The action taken in London had an immediate affect elsewhere as ambulance crews began to protest at the Government's intervention.
82. Elsewhere he considers everything from laughter's part in boosting the immune system to the role of laughter in speech evolution.
83. This coincided with a change that extended the ban on share buy-ins to companies domiciled elsewhere.
84. If small aircraft were routed elsewhere, Kamman said, Lindbergh Field would have more runway space for larger airliners.
85. Elsewhere, urban centres did not experience the anticipated post-war expansion in liberal adult education.
86. If the area concerned is not suitable, you should try to distract their attention elsewhere.
87. The tree regenerates elsewhere, where there are bison and wild cattle or even domestic buffaloes and cattle.
88. The study will have immediate relevance both in strengthening the capacity of the agencies dealing with the crisis and through transferability elsewhere.
89. In consequence, Secretaries of State tended to look elsewhere within the Ministry and elsewhere for impartial advice.
90. Curiously, he felt the beginnings of sorrow, which perplexed him, and it required effort to direct his thoughts elsewhere.
91. Elephants elsewhere have been known to overcome both types of barriers that the task force was planning to erect.
92. But even elsewhere, 1995 was a banner year for conspiracy theories.
93. The hijackers gave themselves up after receiving assurances that they could seek asylum elsewhere.
94. Our technique and results of endoscopic treatment of bile duct injury after open cholecystectomy have been described in detail elsewhere.
95. The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us. Bill Watterson 
96. But adults say they believe there are tastier burgers elsewhere, a disturbing fact when Census Bureau trends show an aging population.
97. We can help you find information and obtain materials from elsewhere whether books, journal articles or research reports.
98. Malayan barn owls are adapting quickly to this rich habitat and are reproducing much faster than elsewhere.
99. Florida escaped the pains of the lagging economy nationwide elsewhere because the state has such a small manufacturing base.
100. Maybe some other race of intelligent beings elsewhere in the galaxy will achieve a better balance between responsibility and aggression.
101. The staff includes many top scientists who left attractive jobs elsewhere to join the hard-driving CEO.
102. Mandeville and Southgate joined us, the soldiers who had accompanied us being billeted elsewhere.
103. In finest conspiratorial tones a correspondent insisted he could not yet tell whether the bishop would settle at Boston or elsewhere.
104. Never can he enjoy the same advantages, however great his learning, when he pitches camp elsewhere.
105. But Lissovsky's biggest problem is to persuade the gangsters who frequent the club to settle their differences elsewhere.
106. Some, because their interests lie elsewhere, may be barely able to read, and their writing may be rudimentary.
107. The traveller may thereafter accept the terms of the offer, or reject them and seek accommodation elsewhere.
108. Efficient recycling is the only acceptable solution for Earth and the only key to sustainable life elsewhere in space.
108. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
109. Forty years ago it began to attract squatters who could not find cheap housing elsewhere.
110. You have to accept responsibility for the fruits of your actions, in the scientific field as elsewhere.
111. We are ... concerned about the extent of the misplaced adverse criticism social workers have received from the media and elsewhere.
112. For years people have bandied about the idea of supplementing the Pusch Ridge herd with sheep brought in from elsewhere.
113. Many of the trilobite fossils found commonly elsewhere in the world are these empty suits of armour.
114. I was glad to hear the accent, for it reminded me of my exciting days in Northern Ireland, recounted elsewhere.
115. Elsewhere the stations consisted of the usual combination of waiting-room, baggage room, office, and telegraph-operator's room.
116. Also, utility stocks with their ample dividend yields tend to attract investor attention when rates are low elsewhere.
117. I should be sorry to have to advise the Parish Council to look elsewhere for banking services.
118. It had failed to meet the demand for family accommodation, and cheap holiday alternatives were attracting young members elsewhere.
119. While it deals mainly with the Arizona border area, much is obviously applicable elsewhere.
120. In Yorkshire, and elsewhere, the public relations and promotional aspects are now in the ascendant.
121. No, our science is no illusion. But an illusion it would be to suppose that what science cannot give us we can get elsewhere. Sigmund Freud 
122. She knew a couple of friends elsewhere who lived together under the pretense of sharing an apartment or duplex.
123. But no sooner than it evaporates from academia, it re - emerges elsewhere, often with a vengeance.
124. In this case, the steam pipe can come out elsewhere visually.
125. Elsewhere, with heart-rending supporting detail, the author calls the Golden Venture "a floating cattle car.
126. If you don't make concessions, we'll buy the fancy silks elsewhere.
127. The idea is that it produces more plutonium than the plant needs to run, providing fissionable material usable elsewhere in the nation's nuclear program.
128. In addition to the recent graduates, Sumption said experienced researchers are being enticed to seek their fortunes elsewhere.
129. Residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included; municipal waste; sewage sludge; other wastes specified in Note 6 to this Chapter.
130. Elsewhere, I Built Myself a Metal Bird, with its insistent Neu!
131. The rate of economic growth of these and many other developing nations far outstripped the rate of growth elsewhere.
132. They had never been found elsewhere but in the intestinal epithelium and this phenomenon supports the theory that EC cells are derived from endoderm.
133. Also on sale are accessories such as delicately made bird cages, and bird feed, which are not available elsewhere.
134. Shoring up Fannie and Freddie will also compensate for tighter credit elsewhere.
135. It is implemented on the host's network interface card and managed by a protected, central policy server located elsewhere on the network.
136. As the spacecraft went around and around Jupiter, mission controllers would turn on the tether near periapsis to produce drag (and usable power) and turn it off elsewhere.
137. The fossilized remains of the ostrich-like ornithomimids are rare evidence of social behavior, say scientists from Montana State University and elsewhere.
138. But look elsewhere and we are scarcely witnessing a resumption of socialism's long march.
139. Elsewhere in developing countries, where these is insufficient revenue from current taxation, governments seek to make use of PFI and PPP methods to deliver projects on a deferred payment basis.
140. In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit-guarantee schemes that destabilize banks elsewhere.
141. Bernardine : Well, if that's how you feel, I think you had better go elsewhere.
142. Disturbed development of lymphatic channels can also exist elsewhere in the body causing serious bodily malfunction, as is the case with pulmonary lymphangiectasia, cystic hygromas and lymphangiomas.
143. Meanwhile, US companies from Dellto Microsoft and Apple gazed studiously elsewhere.
144. But most Senegalese are uninsured, especially the poor -- a common story across Africa and elsewhere.
145. Designed around technology imported from Nubia and elsewhere, the Royal Starship's unique spaceframe was crafted at Theed.
146. Michael Musher, a National Weather Service meteorologist, said light snow in the Midwest and light rain elsewhere around the country could cause only minor problems.
147. Small wonder that they are increasingly turning elsewhere in search of friends and allies.
148. Its primary focus is on quackery -related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere.
149. Elsewhere, legal shipments of ivory have been used to smuggle illegal ivory.
150. For more reasons, click the links under Elsewhere on the Web in the sidebar.
151. Elsewhere, trees must send taproots deep into the hard baked desert soil to draw on underground water.
152. This is decidedly odd because the atoms that so liberally and congenially flock together to form living things on Earth are exactly the same atoms that decline to do it elsewhere.
153. While governments elsewhere tend to shrink from legislating higher fuel costs, Beijing may not be as reluctant.
154. There is also concern about fresh competition for access to markets elsewhere in Latin America.
155. Dry weather in pockets of Parana, Bahia and Mato Grosso do Sul,[http:///elsewhere.html] coupled with Asian soybean rust in Mato Grosso and elsewhere led to the lower crop estimates.
156. Elsewhere, Murdoch's empire was hit by huge reorganisation costs and write-downs at its interactive media division, which includes the social networking website MySpace.
157. Some tears were associated with low cellularity close to the tear but not elsewhere, whereas extensive end-plate separations showed global reductions in cellularity.
158. Hong Kong adopts a territorial source principle of taxation. Only profits which have a source in Hong Kong are taxable here. Profits sourced elsewhere are not subject to Hong Kong Profits Tax.
159. "There wasn't the problem of over-consumption, as there is now." During World War II, officials noted skinny and under-nourished young men who enlisted from Appalachia and elsewhere.
160. Those reports remain controversial, but nevertheless, the ever growing list of long-lived microbes gives scientists hope that life may exist elsewhere in the solar system.
161. That is working — particularly in Romania — but it is a slow slog elsewhere.
162. While these issues have killed many proposals elsewhere, some public high schools including those in Minneapolis and West Des Moines have adopted later starting times.
163. Elsewhere, customers using PayPal can receive cash-back incentives ranging from 5 percent to 30 percent off at retailers including American Eagle Outfitters Inc., and Blockbuster.




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