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单词 Moreover
1. It was, moreover, a waste of time.
2. The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is perfect.
3. The whole report is badly written. Moreover, it's inaccurate.
4. Toleration, moreover , is something which is won , not granted.
5. They knew the painting was a forgery. Moreover, they knew who had painted it.
6. The source of the information is irrelevant. Moreover, the information need not be confidential.
7. Moreover, international consortia and large enterprises equipped with high technology are entering into the China market in a steady flow, to join in the competition.
8. I don't want to go skating and, moreover, the ice is too thin.
9. I don't like skating, moreover, the ice is too thin.
10. There are, moreover, other barriers to using birth control.
11. Moreover,() my finger-tips began to bleed.
12. Moreover, with strictly asexual reproduction, mutations will inevitably accumulate.
13. Moreover, strike action could be counterproductive.
14. Moreover, in stating a preference, she chooses her career.
15. Moreover, the problem of antibiotic resistance is global.
16. Moreover, technological advances compound engine makers' problems.
17. Moreover, they are virtually unknown in established residential areas.
18. Moreover what seems to have been a clerical error made even that original level low.
19. Moreover, many widely reported accounts of astonishing experiences are elaborations or flat lies.
20. Moreover, the specific Newtonian scheme has given rise to a remarkable body of mathematical ideas known as classical mechanics.
21. Moreover, the major parties today are supported by two distinct coalitions of voters, each with core interests and demands.
22. Moreover, mercury in the banned products can be absorbed by the skin and lead to hypertension, stroke and heart failure.
23. Moreover they know that Hick has the potential to dominate against spinners in a manner beyond Vaughan's capability.
24. Moreover, difficulties may arise if both parties have such a provision in their standard terms.
25. Moreover, the audit certificate for the target's published accounts is not the comfort it first seems.
26. Moreover, Kalmar contains but a small part of the total final assembly facilities within the Volvo enterprise.
27. Moreover, prosecutors argued successfully that Lee should not be released on bail.
28. Moreover, Hewlett-Packard is not yet convinced that the market is ready for such advanced technologies on the desktop.
29. A true love is what doesn't strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury, and moreover for hokum.
30. She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely.
1. It was, moreover, a waste of time.
2. The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is perfect.
3. Toleration, moreover , is something which is won , not granted.
4. I don't want to go skating and, moreover, the ice is too thin.
31. Moreover, Boyle also demonstrates that the Security Council violated its own charter through the adoption of Resolution 731.
32. Moreover, as a worker gets older, overtime, shift work and so on become less and less a physical possibility.
33. Moreover, once the elements of theft are satisfied, it does not matter that the victim has no civil law remedy.
34. Moreover, the Left has tended to turn away from applause for insurrection - at least in so far as prospects for change in Britain are concerned.
35. Moreover, surveys reveal that the process committee overlay to the traditionally managed organization is winning limited employee acceptance at best.
36. Moreover, such a requirement would discourage prosecutions for the aggravated offence and would exclude private prosecutions.
37. Moreover, the questionnaire permits the almost automatic dissemination of information in directory format, and it is then a saleable product.
38. Moreover, religious and patriotic works fulfilled an important role in reaffirming traditional beliefs.
39. Moreover, candidacy for technical membership has to be proposed and endorsed by council members.
40. Moreover, few patients, if any, have their cholesterol decreased to very low levels with drug treatment.
41. Moreover, we can safely assume that information technology and biotechnology will get cheaper, more interesting, and more prevalent.
42. Moreover, they are inclined to deal with geographical areas in turn.
43. Moreover, students in colleges encompass a wide age range and exhibit very varying academic abilities and communication skills.
44. Moreover, proof of non-consent on a charge of buggery or indecent assault is likely to become harder.
45. Moreover, there were still jurists prepared to justify such action.
46. Moreover it may sometimes be the case that the acoustic input is simply insufficient to discriminate between hypotheses.
47. Violence is not the monopoly of the exploiters and as such the exploited can use it too and, moreover, ought to use it when the moment arrives. Che Guevara 
48. Moreover, after 1905 the press was increasingly adept at escaping censorship, and it became more assertive.
49. Moreover, surveyors are sometimes pressurised by the subcontractor to overpay, particularly when output has been restricted during adverse weather conditions.
50. Both physicians insist, moreover, that the broader issue is one of intimidation.
51. Moreover, theories of atmospheric circulation on Jupiter yield winds rather than waves.
52. Moreover, the arable land is more suited to collective as opposed to subsistence farming.
53. Moreover his senior colleagues shared his vision for change in his division and in Southwest as a whole.
54. Moreover, such groups require innovative and community education approaches if adequate and relevant social purpose education is to be provided.
55. Moreover, both these leaders served immensely long political apprenticeships before finally winning independence.
56. Moreover there were no clinical or prognostic differences between those with and those without abnormal pancreatic radiology.
57. Moreover both counsel would shortly before the summing-up have reminded the jury of the burden of proof.
58. Moreover, imbalances arose within the economy as a whole, in particular between consumption goods and capital goods.
59. Moreover, some agreements enabled local authorities to obtain gains which could not legally be achieved through a condition.
60. Moreover, the covenant went on to restrict the defendant's ability to accept any professional appointment.
61. Moreover, some of the riots were incited by local High Church clergy and gentry.
62. Moreover, and to add insult to injury, these off-centre policies are never supported by a clear majority of the electorate.
63. Moreover, technically speaking, this would be the perfect moment to amalgamate the three major currencies into one.
64. Moreover, all Soviet art education was state financed and students got materials, free board and lodging, and pocket money.
65. Moreover, visual input produces direct emotional arousal, which is the most potent neurochemical condition for learning and attitudinal change.
66. Moreover it began to free captured troops on July 5 and to lift blockades.
67. Moreover, the administrative cost of the procedure for making awards is high.
68. Moreover, the assessment tests had ceased to function as barriers to the remedial curriculum on many campuses.
69. Moreover, some type C strains having lost the capacity to produce beta-toxin failed to hybridize with the IS1151 probe.
70. Moreover, most of the existing ethnic minority units managed, with Rosenberg's assistance, to elude Vlasov's control.
71. Moreover, particular examples of the use or non-use of multiple points of view are not necessarily indicators of cognitive deprivation.
72. Moreover, the proteins remain below the silicone partition, leaving the clear aqueous phase on the top.
73. Moreover, overcapacity reduced margins during the 1980s when the real costs of construction rose, thus creating higher barriers to entry.
74. Moreover there is a direct correlation between the degree of adherence to the principles and success.
75. Moreover, as we have remarked, many relative clauses with adjectives will not give postnominal adjectives.
76. Moreover, a lot of money would be left over to relieve the tax burden.
77. Moreover, one experimental study showed increased tumour formation with dietary calcium.
78. Moreover, lean grass-fed beef has not caught on as farmers hoped.
79. Moreover, the most important legislation for bond market investors -- the 1996 budget bill -- has already been passed.
80. Moreover, getting the cheapest rate depends on where you call, and, more importantly, when.
81. Moreover, other inventors may be stimulated by what they see to make a breakthrough in an entirely different area.
82. Moreover, the potentiation produced by arachidonic acid is comparably slow to develop.
83. Appearing to move especially swiftly because of that media focus, moreover, police have already made arrests in her case.
84. Moreover, in their view, this inequality is not random, but is structured by the needs of international capital.
85. Moreover, demand for heating oil did not meet expectations during the cold snaps over the last two months.
86. Moreover, it raises an interesting question about the cast of mind of the government as a whole as it seeks re-election.
87. There was little chance to look towards democracy or any political liberalisation, moreover, while the party remained the central authority.
88. Moreover commercial banks today mainly lend to well-heeled borrowers in their own countries.
89. Moreover, there is no doubt that in large classes this practice can ease the burden on the class teacher.
90. Moreover, whether or not conditions are attached to debt relief, they will certainly be attached to other forms of aid.
91. Moreover, he was in sole charge of a relatively new branch office.
92. Moreover, an explicit claim to multiple points of view tells us nothing about the actual practice of using them.
93. Moreover, they have seen that it is possible to break out of the capitalist system and go forward.
94. Moreover, the same group of xenobiotic metabolising enzymes are probably involved in the development of colonic carcinoma.
95. Moreover, its ranks have been increasingly swelled by deserters from social behaviourism - an evidently liberal position.
96. Moreover, departmental rivalries are endemic in the style of central government whereby competitive bids are made for limited financial resources.
97. Moreover, banks must be given time to adjust to changing reserve requirements.
98. Moreover, the assumption that such differences are inherent has encouraged the development and use of standardised tests to assess child development.
99. Moreover, the Government's original standard spending assessment may or may not be realistic.
100. Moreover, such educational concepts are integrally related to political commitments to a radical and decentralised democratic social and political structure.
101. Moreover, to be able to perform a reliable statistical analysis the sample size must be considerably larger.
102. Moreover, its finest details lie beyond what is accessible to us by use of computers.
103. Moreover, it alerts us to the fact that short-sighted tactics may thwart the overall strategy.
104. Moreover, those who have helped you plan your communication will give it their active support. 5.
105. Moreover, the empirical evidence on the effect of egalitarianism on capital formation is uncertain.
106. Moreover, unlike Bacon, they painted portraits - always a useful adjunct to any artist's income.
107. Moreover his domestic position was seriously weakened by his obvious lack of success as a diplomat and a military commander.
108. Moreover, methods now permit recycled paper to have the same aesthetic appeal as virgin pulp.
109. Moreover, an educated workforce is argued to be one of the important prerequisites for economic expansion and advance.
110. Everything suggests, moreover, that Sereny has a special and patient charisma.
111. Moreover, nation-states belong to the community of nations, whether the United Nations or trading blocs.
112. Moreover, literature relating to nursing ideologies, primary and therapeutic nursing as well as nursing beds is briefly reviewed.
113. Moreover, it is tempting to translate them directly into human social and political affairs.
114. Some sectors, moreover, lagged behind completely, by force of circumstances or on account of reluctance to abandon traditional ways.
115. Moreover, social values and structures have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment.
116. Moreover Pound's anti-Semitism, later so notorious, certainly casts a sinister light on his readiness to broach these issues.
117. Moreover they could always use family labour or import casual labour to carry out any essential work.
118. Moreover, the technology that is commonly available for large cement factories is inappropriate for most developing countries.
119. Moreover, current cost accounting strictly demands that a business's cash book be segregated into capital and revenue cash.
120. Moreover, those elected might then declare independence and seek foreign intervention to aid their cause.
121. Moreover, in many worldly situations there may not be general agreement about what is actually true and what is false.
122. Moreover, we are now in a position to examine how effectively research has analysed this change.
123. Moreover, the high number of births in a family is offset by the high incidence of infant mortality.
124. As, moreover, deficiencies have appeared in the capital control mechanisms, so refinements have been introduced.
125. Moreover, the law is only one method of control over what is placed in the public arena.
126. Moreover, ideas and assumptions circulate in disguised and concealed forms, once they have achieved a certain currency.
127. Moreover, manual workers tended to be paid benefits for shorter periods of time and they received smaller amounts than non-manual workers.
128. Moreover, battered women often wind up dropping the charges as reconciliation with the abuser.
129. Moreover, the large city or freight terminals had to have massive capacity to cope with intense seasonal pressures.
130. Moreover, Earth-based photometric studies have indicated that most of the lunar near side must be blanketed in such dust.
131. Moreover, as the 1939 survey showed, few women sought medical attention for their ailments.
132. Moreover, convictions for non-consensual buggery of a male over 16 are less than frequent.
133. It would have looked, moreover, as though the Government were backsliding, so a swift change of tack was ordained.
134. Moreover, response was often a matter of context, and of finely attuned social and cultural distinctions.
135. Moreover, the report questions the Dole campaign for taking on Mark Goodin as a senior adviser.
136. Such a code, moreover, offered mutual benefits, making it easier to turn today's enemies into tomorrow's allies.
137. Moreover, the findings challenge conventional assumptions about the amounts of time the different subjects should be allocated.
138. Moreover the West has developed cheap alternatives for most things they used to depend on the Third World for.
139. Moreover, her individual sense of fun and fantasy made her an enchanting companion, though a neurotic strain was also apparent.
140. Moreover, in the building of the great Gothic cathedrals many new devices were introduced, including flying buttresses.
141. Many councillors, moreover, are builders, businessmen, transport workers, accountants and so forth who may have appropriate specialist knowledge.
142. Moreover, anarchists and socialists who offered alternative ways forward had few tangible achievements with which to support their arguments.
143. Growing deafer, moreover, as they had certainly not been deaf as babies.
144. Moreover, in all these examples we have assumed historic cost accounting.
145. Moreover, tensions exist between the rural population and the town-dwellers who buy second homes in the more accessible areas of countryside.
146. Moreover, particularly with smaller firms, the builder may be unable to pay owing to cash flow problems, receivership or bankruptcy.
147. Moreover , a lot of balding men wear wigs.
148. And moreover , with my false teeth in my left hand.
149. Moreover, multivariate splines also have certain relations with pure mathematics, such as, abstract algebra, algebraic geometry combinatorics and so forth.
150. Other Job's tears composed another group. Moreover, it was found that genetic diversity of Job's tears resources wasn't associated with their origin obviously.
151. Moreover, the new concepts of ecological optimization criterion and finite time availability are presented.
152. Moreover, the time or execution phase, when in the life-time of an activity the problem occurs, determines what repairing actions can be performed.
153. Moreover, all stem in part from human activities such as habitat alteration.
154. Moreover, host plant can also affect the growth and development of AM fungi, and produce different infection rate, spore-bearing rate and mycorrhiza effect.
155. Moreover in speech enhancement, especially in reducing the pulse noise, morphological algorithm has its unique advantage.
156. Moreover, the U.S. also intends to deploy TMD in the region.
157. Moreover with the domestic and foreign well-known factory apple, Nokia, Tristar, MOTO, LG, the day language, the rainbow, the wave guide has cooperated closely.
158. Moreover, new structures of the riser reactor ends can also suppress the coke deposit on the FCC unit so that the on-stream period of the unit can be prolonged.
159. Moreover , a fan simulation test rig was designed, and the hydraulic automatic balancing experiment was done.
160. Moreover, a new visual control scheme based on artificial neural network is designed, and the visual tracking problem is converted into a servo problem in image feature space.
161. Moreover , the system configuration block diagram and main procedure were also given.
161. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
162. Moreover, unsorted_list and sorted_list would now be aliased to the same sorted-and-reversed list (as described under " List assignments and aliasing").
163. Moreover, simplified methods for calculating consequence of accidents in both individual and social risk were also developed.
164. The effective system is united thing of state institution and public serve system. Moreover, mercerization and socialization are the tendency of the public security working development.
165. Moreover, through further analysis research to practice exploring content, the penman obtained some beneficial enlightenment, and utilized it in chemistry teaching.
166. Moreover, preserving the spatial forms and making a palimpsest of the space allowed the process of revitalization as a double edges sword to carve the city's history and culture face.
167. Moreover, changes in endocrine status by adrenalectomy or ovariectomy in the rat profoundly increased the density of the nerve fibres in the anterior pituitary as a result of active axonal sprouting.
168. Then it seems that you were the first to use the method of applied mechanics to research microchip structure. Moreover you have unceasingly promoted this kind of research.
169. Moreover, the application of angle-count cruising to calculating the stand volume, standard stock number, stand weight and stock number per unit area[], is discussed.
170. Moreover , the existence of a small amount of cannabinol is adequate to kill the fungi microorganism.
171. This paper aims at describing the reform objectives of turnover tax, near term measures for its realization. Moreover, the author also delineates the policy targe...
172. Moreover, the parameters affected the stereochemical outcome of the reaction, such as solvent, substrate design, immobilization and directed evolution, were more understanding.
173. Moreover, if you have access only to a remote database, you might have trouble with intermittent or slow access to your network.
174. Moreover, the obturation equipment was greatly improved, by using both rubber and asbestos to seal up.
175. Moreover , the performance analysis shows that It'satisfy actual application.
176. Moreover, programmers working in an interpreted language can work faster, because the compilation and link steps are unnecessary.
177. Moreover, the system is expandable, namely, we can append function module and refresh data.
178. Todd: Lorin Maazel. he did an amazing job. Moreover, He just celebrated his 75th birthday.
179. The length is longer, the influence of diametrical error is more, moreover the semi-finished products'section exist different shape errors.
180. Moreover , he presumed that cycle times for development were long.
181. Moreover, a gear pair with curvilinear - tooth traces operates without axial thrust force.
182. Moreover, the target imaging prOjection plane may also change with time.
183. Moreover, the high-obdurability highway concrete can reduce surface layer and improve road surface service performance, thereby prolonging pavement life and saving engineering cost.
184. Moreover, each system resource disposition nearly revolves a center to carry on, that is the balance.
185. Moreover, since many illnesses have incapacitating fatigue as a symptom, care must be taken to exclude other known and often treatable conditions before a diagnosis of CFS is made.
186. Moreover, what motivates Hollywood to incorporate "Chinese Style" into movies is the interplay of global film market and Chinese domestic system.
187. Moreover, comparing with odeometer test, the time required for consolidation by centrifuge test is much shorter. So it offers higher efficiency in consolidation tests.
188. Moreover, experiments on explosive limits of air that contains methane and oxygen with different percentage of contents were also carried out.
189. Moreover, dynamic society also demands human relations " develops and keeps pace with it. "
190. She took her part moreover all on a sudden with heroism.
191. Moreover the stability is very good, the life is long, measuring accuracy basic not temperature effect.
192. Moreover, a heuristic is proposed to simplify the computation of variable discount factor when the process disturbance follows MA(1).
193. Moreover, the multi-valued sequences generator has simple structure and good real-time performance.
194. Moreover, research on hybridity in postcolonial translation studies in a certain sense also support the prototypical view of translation.
195. Moreover, increasing the stiffness and damping of lower control arm rear bushing and the steering column inertia can effectively reduce the shimmy caused by brake judder.
196. It not can only play the single melody music, moreover can play and the sound and the duplicate accent technique multi-musical part music.
197. Moreover, price trends have a political dimension, with rural inflation now atypically stronger than that in urban areas, potentially fuelling tensions over the widening wealth gap in the country.
198. Moreover, genetic operators were selected by adaptive algorithm to avoid unwanted early convergence.
199. Moreover, some theorems are obtained to determine logical adventure and function adventure by karnaugh map.
200. Moreover, the second Industrial Revolution led to several developments that have not been rivaled by the so-called third Industrial Revolution.
201. Moreover, the biogeographic analysis implied a presumed center of recent differentiation in the region from upper to mid Changkiang River to Qin Mountain .
202. Moreover , the restrictions have been subject to changing formulations.
203. Moreover, Enterovirus infections can cause myocarditis, pneumonia, meningoencephalitis, or even lead to death.
204. Moreover, as circumstances change constantly, it follows that people evolve and mature gradually.
205. Technological advancement is the source of economic growth in the long run. Moreover, it is the result of market selection to a higher degree.
206. Moreover, MBO seems to generate a greater tunneling effect than PBO.
207. In this paper, the influence of glass bead diameter on single bead and property of retro-reflective fabric are discussed, moreover, it brings forward the conception of glass coverage.
208. Moreover, M. alternifolia developed aerenchyma and adventitious roots during inundation, with root porosity in the flooded seedlings much higher than that of the control.
209. Moreover to expound the mechanism on the acupuncture combining with acupoint-injection of cobamamide for injection for peripheral facial palsy.
210. Moreover, employees' ingratiatory motives had indirect effect on their OCBs toward other targets by increasing exchange relationships with their supervisors.
211. Moreover, the vibrational frequencies of the core barrel in still water are much lower than its corresponding order frequencies in air.
212. In the case of something like crop insurance, moreover, it could put money in the hands of farmers immediately after the rains fail – and before the hunger sets in.
213. Moreover, the simulations and experiments of efficiency optimization control, as well as SVPWM overmodulation control, also verify that such IM model accords with the actual behaviors of IM.
214. Moreover, the approach can be extended to be applicable to other architectures sufficiently.
215. Moreover, Japanese have a high opinion of the physiological benefits of using chopsticks. They believe that using chopsticks leads to a clever mind and deft hands.
216. Moreover, the rheological properties of the low molecular weight fenumgreek gum cross-linked gel systems were researched.
217. It ripples out , moreover , to the heartstrings that will tug.
218. Moreover, the outwash discussed herein demonstrates unambiguous evidence that the Qinghai—Xizang(Tibet) Plateau in Quaternary is not mantled by a whole icecap.
219. Moreover, it is the first to show effectiveness of a monoclonal antibody targeting a glycolipid.
220. Moreover alveolus clearances in transmission machine could submerge the rotor's libration so as to decrease loads' dithering.
221. Moreover,[] the deadline of a negotiator is dynamically modified by the Weber-Fechner law throughout the negotiation.
222. Moreover, the reactive conditions of many elementary reactions are studied and optimized by time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis, and root locus analysis.
223. Moreover, the anode detector head and the cathode detection handle are used to acquire bioelectricity data.
224. Moreover, in Iranian prisons, on Khomeini's direct order, about four thousand MEK prisoners, who were serving time on earlier charges, were summarily executed lest they help the invading MEK units.
225. He had, moreover , sandals bound on his feet by cords.
226. Moreover, if you follow my advice and choose to use multiple build scripts, hard-coded values can become the ultimate challenge in build maintenance.
227. Moreover, the anode chamber has not presented the acidified phenomenon.
228. Moreover, the stabilization of the complexes, especially the influence of the optical activity of dipeptide on the stabilization has been discussed.
229. Moreover, in evaluating the effectiveness of these programs, you may want to consider the incentives that a spiller might have in not reporting an incident.
230. Moreover, the implementation of the limitation of liability for maritime liens and bankruptcy institution will affected realization of maritime lien.
231. Moreover, it was shown that degradation of lignin was promoted by veratryl alcohol added, no effect of veratryl alcohol on degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose was detected.
232. Moreover, on the basis of that, this paper constructs the first-order autoregression error model to get the quantitative relationship of macroeconomic influence on stock market.
233. Conclusions (1) Detachment of EC is more severe with the increase in hydraulic dilation pressure. Moreover, the subendothelial layer tends to be exposed.
234. Moreover, the two dimensional measurement particle idenification technique was used.
235. Moreover, Chapter Three analyzes the effects of the foreign reserve on the money supply empirically through the cointegration theory and vector autoregression model.




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