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单词 Congressional
(1) The president explained his plans to congressional leaders.
(2) He represents the Congressional District of Illinois.
(3) The task force is comprised of congressional leaders, cabinet heads and administration officials.
(4) In 1987 Congressional Quarterly published a series of guidebooks to American politics.
(5) The Congressional Budget Office says the federal deficit shows every sign of getting larger.
(6) But congressional staffers fret that the project will eventually cost billions more.
(7) It also has received bipartisan congressional support.
(8) Foreign bases can be closed without congressional approval.
(9) Before full authorization, the Energy Department needs Congressional approval.
(10) New weapons programmes can not proceed without Congressional authorization.
(11) Furthermore[/congressional.html], women also favor Democratic congressional candidates over Republicans by a 15-point margin.
(12) Republican Congressional leaders have launched a rhetorical assault against the Clinton proposal this week.
(13) Since then, Carlton has coolly fielded questions for congressional inquisitors with wit and folksy aplomb.
(14) Subject to congressional approval, it proposed increased spending on highways, mass public transport systems, bridge improvement and highway safety programmes.
(15) Few doubt that if Mr Clinton asked for congressional approval for air strikes, he would get it.
(16) The rest of the delegates are apportioned by congressional districts, with the winner of each district getting three delegates.
(17) Congressional representatives and religious leaders fired off faxes condemning violence at abortion clinics.
(18) The president may not seize private property without congressional authorization. 11.
(19) In many areas where congressional assent is necessary, it is almost automatic.
(20) In 1974 congressional committees began raising questions in public about the security and usefulness of the atomic weapons.
(21) Those awarded congressional gold medals have not led sainted lives.
(22) Clinton has urged bipartisan congressional passage of a major campaign finance bill co-sponsored by Sens.
(23) Congressional criticism of Bush's proposals concentrated on the limited additional funding provided.
(24) But the congressional intelligence committees are like a black box.
(25) Voters are selecting candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats.
(26) But the disdain of these accomplished economists for supply-side economics can easily be deduced from their writings and congressional testimony.
(27) To get any work done, Gray had to go hunting for congressional aides.
(28) He also contends that Democrats have not produced a bumper crop of congressional candidates this year.
(29) McCurry said he expects the issue to come up at budget negotiations with congressional Republicans.
(30) Overall, the 176 PACs gave $ 65 million to congressional candidates since 1989, the group reported.
(1) Voters are selecting candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats.
(31) The governors, nevertheless, bowed to pressure from Republican congressional leaders not to call for reopening welfare legislation for major changes.
(32) Clinton and congressional Republicans have been at odds over a plan to balance the federal budget in seven years.
(33) Forty years ago, female reporters were denied access to the congressional press galleries with the same excuse.
(34) It should include congressional leaders as well as administration officials.
(35) But the Senate is not likely to act on the bill this year, according to congressional aides.
(36) Soft money is different from contributions made directly to presidential and congressional candidates.
(37) A congressional observer recalled that during the campaign for former Oregon Sen.
(38) Or Republicans could try to cut a deal with congressional Democrats in the hope that Mr Clinton would come aboard later.
(39) Only once was the congressional retreat beneath the Greenbrier Hotel put on alert and readied for possible occupancy.
(40) Dole had visited the Battle Creek Federal Center in 1994 while campaigning for a local congressional candidate.
(41) Organized labor provided major support for Clinton and Democratic congressional candidates in 1996.
(42) Even congressional leaders who pushed hardest for it were sufficiently nervous to build in some hedges against runaway presidential abuse.
(43) In 1822[], a congressional committee was appointed to explore solutions to the problem.
(44) Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage with one-third of the senators elected indirectly.
(45) Riggs said Clinton administration representatives agreed to the further funding restriction in return for congressional leaders' blessing of the spending bill.
(46) Congressional Republicans have made an increase in the debt ceiling contingent on a balanced budget agreement to their liking.
(47) Within a month, the president needs congressional approval for his package of 22 provisional measures.
(48) The congressional leaders with whom they dealt had similar backgrounds and a similar preoccupation.
(49) Congressional Republicans are developing alternative proposals that rely mostly on private-sector initiatives, sometimes in partnership with state governments.
(50) The Clinton administration said the agreement does not require congressional approval.
(51) But any deal done between the leaders and the White House may be subject to full congressional approval.
(52) Another obstacle to congressional effectiveness is the communication gap between the executive and legislative branches.
(53) Indigenous organizations had threatened to boycott the presidential and congressional elections unless their demands were met.
(54) He voted against abortion consistently all through his congressional career.
(55) But the many other problems that beset Florida on Election Day are far more deserving of a congressional investigation.
(56) It reflected growing concern about the level of spending on congressional election campaigns.
(57) But he and his Republican Congressional opponents have yet to decide on a seven-year plan to balance the budget.
(58) The congressional black caucus has lost its way since the Republicans took control of House and Senate.
(59) Political action committees, which are more active in congressional races, represented only 2 percent of the presidential campaign coffers.
(60) The reorganization is expected to go into effect on 1 October pending congressional approval of the internal transfer of funds.
(61) The tax expired last Dec. 31, a casualty of a congressional budget impasse in Washington.
(62) The Supreme Court's decision also focused attention on the Freedom of Choice bill currently awaiting congressional consideration.
(63) The Congressional Budget Office, an independent adviser to Congress, had recently forecast growth of around 2.6 percent per year.
(64) Simultaneously, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus is holding briefings on the subject.
(65) The past 10 congresses averaged voting on one amendment apiece, according to Congressional Quarterly.
(66) Virtually everyone agrees that if there is to be any military action in Bosnia it must be accompanied by a congressional resolution.
(67) The Congressional Research Service is an independent agency that offers members of Congress objective analysis of issues and legislation.
(68) Or the business interests that provide campaign cash and are more philosophically in tune with the congressional leadership?
(69) He was effectively granted a blank cheque to conduct a war without Congressional authorization for up to 90 days.
(70) Or rule on whether asset sales, user fees, mandates and flashes of congressional ingenuity yet undreamed of violate the Constitution?
(70) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(71) Wilson and congressional conservatives began their campaign to end it.
(72) Concern that White House and congressional negotiators were unable to reach an agreement to balance the budget helped send stocks plunging yesterday.
(73) The arguments by the erratic billionaire that automatic limits on congressional terms would create more efficient government are simply unrealistic.
(74) C., at the time of the hearings and the publicity that surrounded him focused congressional attention on both issues.
(75) These protections addressed issues ranging from the death penalty and homosexual rights to term limits, campaign-finance reform, and congressional redistricting.
(76) On Friday, he was at the Arizona Biltmore to raise money for Republican congressional candidates.
(77) Republican congressional leaders and Florida lawmakers announced an agreement Thursday to spend up to $ 300 million on Everglades restoration.
(78) After all, the gabfest involving senior Congressional leaders from both parties lasted well over six hours, with no tangible results.
(79) The nominee to lead the Office of Management and Budget in the White House is Peter Orszag, until now the director of the Congressional Budget Office.
(80) I asked Jim what he thought about the Congressional move and he pointed out that the Act allows for finning of smooth dogfish shark.
(81) The government does not want to sell at a loss, a point that Herbert Allison, Treasury assistant secretary for financial stability, emphasized in Congressional testimony on Thursday.
(82) Pelosi was non-committal when asked about how much this would cost, saying more clarity will come from congressional hearings before and after the November 4th U.S. presidential election.
(83) Under the War Powers Resolution of 1973 a president can only send troops into combat for 60 days without congressional approval.
(84) She won a special election -- with nearly 62% of the vote -- to succeed longtime ally Hilda Solis, now U.S. Labor secretary, in the 32nd Congressional District.
(85) Some in the Obama camp have pooh-poohed as small-ball those items that Clinton chased after losing his congressional majorities.
(86) Congressional officials and the Office of Naval Intelligence have described the ASBM threat in various open sources, and they are taking the threat seriously.
(87) The Obama tax proposals don't include a plan to limit foreign insurers' ability to reinsure their own policies -- a practice some congressional Democrats allege is done to avoid U.S. taxes.
(88) In nearly every Congressional and Senate race, these are the issues that explode into attack ads, score points in debates and light up cable talk shows.
(89) The HELP panel was the first of five congressional committees to complete work on a major overhaul for the health care sector, which comprises one-sixth of the U.S. economy.
(90) In Maine and Nebraska, the statewide popular vote winner is awarded two electoral votes and the winner in each congressional district is awarded one electoral vote.
(91) By announcing the scrapping of its Chery deal now, while negotiations are still underway between Congressional Democrats and the Bush White House, Chrysler wins a PR twofer.
(92) Natural resource management in the parks also benefited from congressional initiatives, including the Wilderness Act (1964) and the Endangered Species Act (1973).
(93) That’s why the Congressional Budget Office rates aid to the unemployed as a highly cost-effective form of economic stimulus.
(94) Congressional Record: The official transcript of the proceedings of the U.S. Congress.
(95) The unyielding criticism from those who opposed stimulus from the get-go — laissez-faire economists, Congressional Republicans, German leaders — plays a role, too.
(96) Rambo is a former United States Special Forces soldier who fought in Vietnam and won the Congressional Medal of Honor, but his time in Vietnam still haunts him.
(97) The bill is introduced in the Senate and/or House. It is assigned a number and its title and sponsors are published in the Congressional Record.
(98) O. P. And he has no authority: Republican voters ignored his call to support a relatively moderate, electable candidate in New York's special Congressional election.
(99) It's a matter of US Congressional record that in the 50's and 60's the CIA conducted behaviour or mind control experiments using LSD etc. on innocent victims.
(100) As soon as I had signed up people in every congressional district, I headed back to California, this time by the southern route so that I could stop at home.
(101) A congressional mandate from the 1990s forbids government funding for an Expo, and only a last-minute fund-raising effort by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton salvaged U.S. participation.
(102) The Congressional Budget Office projects that America's 2011 deficit will be $1.5 trillion, or 9.8% of GDP, and debt held by the public in the 2011 fiscal year will approach 70% of GDP.
(103) targeting John McCain's temperament, and calling into question his behavior during Congressional deliberations on the financial crisis.
(104) The congressional committee will check into the financial dealings of the government contractor.
(105) Chu, a former BOE chairman who served three terms in the California State Assembly, will represent the 32nd congressional district as the first Chinese American woman in the House.
(106) The sit-down between President Barack Obama and Republican congressional leaders will have to wait nearly two weeks.
(107) Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke today will be published in the Congressional Budget Committee testimony.
(108) Radiologist groups and manufacturers of CT equipment, among others, launched a write-in campaign, conducted congressional briefings, and persuaded 56 members of the U.
(109) Congressional Republicans, however, are between unalterably opposed or skeptical about the sort of action that some economists -- including several of Mr. Obama's former advisers -- are urging.
(110) This is a perfectly sensible idea, but predictably, the National Rifle Association and its congressional allies are trying to kill the new rule, which goes into effect on Sunday.
(111) The year 2006 – the last year of GOP control – marked a high-water mark for congressional spending, at $29 billion.
(112) Thus, when trying to get a watered-down bill passed, its drafters will often try to insert language into the Congressional Record that would be supportive of their preferred interpretation of the law.
(113) Prior to her congressional service, she was an elected official in state government for 14 years and was recognized as VISTA Volunteer of the Decade 1976-1986.
(114) The painkiller Vioxx was voluntarily withdrawn in 2004, and more recently the diabetes drug Avandia, which is still on the market, has been the focus of congressional inquiries and lawsuits.
(115) Johnson insisted on a 10 percent tax surcharge, and Congressional conservatives demanded sharp cuts in domestic spending, which Johnson saw as threatening national stability.
(116) That message helped Republicans trounce President Obama's Democratic Party in recent Congressional elections.
(117) The congressional record lists pages upon pages of trips, including one taken by eight congressmen and three staffers to Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica.
(118) In Washington, congressional Democrats, including Representative Nydia Velazquez (Democrat, New York), urged other states to leave immigration to federal officials.
(119) "Using the Fed's balance sheet is at times the path of least resistance, because it allows government lending to circumvent the congressional approval process," Lacker said on Monday.
(120) This recent speech was a chess move, says Tom Davis, former chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, and a pretty predictable one.
(121) The United States has woefully underfunded its national infrastructure, according to a bipartisan congressional commission, the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission.
(122) "One way or the other they're going to reach out and move on," said James Thurber of American University's Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies.
(123) Obama's proposal will run up against the congressional calendar as well as election-year politics.
(124) Congressional action this week will center on reducing emissions by raising vehicle fuel-efficiency standards, including those for SUVs.
(125) The plan is controversial, and has increased tensions with Russia, which views the future system as a threat, and has faced opposition from congressional Democrats.
(126) Titus, a Fourth Classman, was awarded the Congressional Medal of honor for gallantry at Peking, China, 14 August1900, while a soldier of the 14th United States Infantry.
(127) Alice Paul and Lucy Burns organize the Congressional Union, which later becomes the National Women's Party.
(128) Democratic source told CNN on condition of not being identified that Vice President Joe Biden had engaged in behind-the-scenes negotiations Sunday with congressional legislators.
(129) Redistribution of representation in a legislative body, especially the periodic reallotment of U. S. congressional seats according to changes in the census figures as required by the Constitution.
(130) Broad omnibus bills meant that many interest groups would be subject to the law's provisions, with producing and processing units located in every congressional district.
(130) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(131) The Congressional Budget Office (usually known by its nickname, "the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office") projects inflation rates of less than 2 percent for the next decade.
(132) Britain's row over MPs'expenses and America's scandals over congressional lobbying have their own specific origins.
(133) A fierce battle was fought between Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and his Congressional ally James Madison during the Washington Administration.
(134) Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, just back from a congressional fact-finding mission, said he saw signs of progress in Iraq.
(135) All bills introduced during a two-year congressional term are designated "HR" in the House and "S" in the Senate, with consecutive numbers assigned in order in which they are introduced in each house.
(136) Today he represents Georgia’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.
(137) For individuals, congressional aides stressed the new levy would be in addition to the existing tax system, both the regular income tax and the alternative minimum tax.
(138) He was a member of the Congress from Texas’ 12th congressional district from 1989 to 1997. During that time, he served on the House Armed Services Committee.
(139) This presidential and congressional jiggery-pokery is the height of public dishonesty.
(140) Once Democrats solidified a majority on the NLRB, they set out to push a pro-union policy agenda that never could pass congressional muster.
(141) The U.S. Treasury will next month issue a key currency report and contention over policy toward China could be magnified by mid-term Congressional elections in November.
(142) Senator McCain, who has been on a weeklong congressional "fact-finding" tour that has taken him to Iraq for the eighth time, said Iraq would likely be the key issue of the U.S. presidential election.
(143) This division was so diligent that in 1940, when a Congressional subcommittee investigated the W.P.A., it couldn't find a single serious irregularity that the division had missed.
(144) George Bailey: That's a lie! Harry Bailey went to war - he got the Congressional Medal of Honor, he saved the lives of every man on that transport.
(145) As far as I'm concerned, he should have the Congressional Medal of Honor.
(146) Then, Michigan Representative John Conyers gave her a job working in his congressional office in Detroit. She retired from that job in nineteen eighty-eight.
(147) As the New York Times has noted, congressional visitors to Iraq almost never have unscripted meetings with average Iraqis whose political views aren't already known.
(148) John Basilone got the Congressional Medal of Honor, and his life and his 6)exploits were very well documented for us, and so we could follow them.
(149) As a result, a congressional research arm estimates, the "net cost [to the government] is likely to be substantially less than $700 billion."
(150) And although concerns about biopiracy are widespread in Brazil, a member of the congressional committee investigating it says they have not found evidence for even a single case.
(151) A research project at UNC-Chapel Hill is trying to develop a user-friendly filter for searching the Congressional Record.
(152) There’s at least one: The one that bagged Oregon Democrat David Wu, who until recently represented the state’s first Congressional district.
(153) But chunks of it are very conservative, such as the reliably Republican 26th congressional district in western New York.
(154) If your company has a global reach, you might want to weigh in with your Congressional representatives.
(155) Congressional opposition to the move intensified late last year after the attorney general announced the decision to try the 9-11 suspects in federal court.
(156) Cantor's top spokesman, Brad Dayspring, accused the White House and congressional Democrats of having a "visceral reaction," to GOP efforts to "save taxpayers' money.
(157) Jimmy Carter's transition team prepared well before the 1976 election. But that did not stop in-fighting among White House aides or conflicts among congressional Democrats early in his administration.
(158) The only exceptions are the states of Maine and Nebraska, where two electors are chosen by statewide popular vote and the remainder by the popular vote within each congressional district.
(159) True or not, the story is in character: Mr Emanuel is famous for being the president's most pugnacious panjandrum and congressional and media manipulator, and proud of it to boot.
(160) So she wasn't about to bite her tongue when she heard about the congressional check-kiting scandal.
(161) Obama set in February this year by the 18-member Democratic and Republican Congressional Budget Control Committee to study the control of expenditure and taxation options.
(162) Each Representative is elected from a defined geographic area within a state called a Congressional District.
(163) The point of this story is that, like most Americans living on the West Coast, residents of Oregon’s 1st Congressional District look to Asia for trade, travel and sometimes practical jokes.
(164) This is in addition to cuts of about nine hundred billion dollars required by the budget law that created the congressional supercommittee.
(165) The U. S. Supreme Court in 2003 upheld congressional restrictions passed in 2002 on soft money contributions.
(166) The nonpartisan congressional Joint Committee on Taxation has estimated the holiday would cost the federal government about $80 billion over ten years in lost revenue.
(167) Between July 29 and August 5, I was asked to organize two towns in the Fifth Congressional District, Bethel and Trumbull.
(168) Unfortunately, that is highly unlikely in the United States, where a bloated budget deficit has already become a major talking point for politicians looking to November's congressional elections.
(169) He now runs a consulting firm in the Houston suburb of Sugarland, which is in the 22nd Congressional district that he once represented.
(170) This is AP News Minute. The sit-down between President Barack Obama and Republican congressional leaders will have to wait nearly two weeks.




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