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单词 Transfer
1. Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas.
2. I couldn't transfer all my credits from junior college.
3. Would you transfer this call to extension 103?
4. They will transfer those books into the new library.
5. The war caused a massive transfer of population.
6. The club's top goalkeeper is on the transfer list.
7. The captain applied to headquarters for a transfer.
8. He has been kicking against this transfer for weeks.
9. Let me transfer this call for you.
10. Where am I supposed to transfer?
11. The government plans to transfer some 30,()000 government jobs from Paris to the provinces.
12. Staff who transfer to a different office will receive a transport allowance.
13. How can I transfer money from my bank account to his?
14. Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card.
15. The deed of transfer must be entered at the land registry.
16. The news of your transfer surprised us all. We will miss you,() but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges await you. It has been an honor to be your colleague. We have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.
17. I'll transfer your call.
18. Remove the wafers with a spoon and transfer them to a plate.
19. He intends to transfer the property to his daughter.
20. Can I have a transfer to a new office?
21. Please transfer the money to my account.
22. Penny's applied for a transfer to head office.
23. They've a new transfer from Tottenham playing for them.
24. Negotiations about his transfer are continuing off the pitch.
25. Our company will transfer to London.
26. The transfer fee for Darren Brinkworth was £500 000.
27. Transfer the files onto floppy disk.
28. Only the owner can make a transfer of goods.
29. Football clubs have been busy in the close season transfer market.
30. If I spend a semester in Madrid, will my credits transfer?
1. Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas.
2. I couldn't transfer all my credits from junior college.
3. Would you transfer this call to extension 103?
4. The war caused a massive transfer of population.
5. The club's top goalkeeper is on the transfer list.
6. He has been kicking against this transfer for weeks.
7. Let me transfer this call for you.
8. Where am I supposed to transfer?
9. The government plans to transfer some 30,000 government jobs from Paris to the provinces.
10. Staff who transfer to a different office will receive a transport allowance.
11. How can I transfer money from my bank account to his?
12. Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card.
13. The deed of transfer must be entered at the land registry.
14. I'll transfer your call.
15. Football clubs have been busy in the close season transfer market.
16. Remove the wafers with a spoon and transfer them to a plate.
17. If I spend a semester in Madrid, will my credits transfer?
18. I intend to transfer the property to my son.
19. The manager arranged for his transfer to another football club.
31. I'd like to transfer $500 to my checking account.
32. His club have given him a free transfer.
33. Hold on one moment while I transfer your call.
34. I intend to transfer the property to my son.
35. The novel does not transfer well to the movies.
36. Divers transfer from the water to a decompression chamber.
37. The Philippines needs capital and technology transfer.
38. Transfer the meat to warm plates.
39. Please hold the line while I transfer you.
40. She now had to transfer her design skills to a commercial environment.
41. Black's transfer to an Italian football club came as a shock to Coventry supporters.
42. Children usually transfer to secondary school at 11 or 12.
43. The speech did not transfer well to the printed page.
44. The new government's policy is to transfer state industries from the public sector to the private sector.
45. The ageing president is preparing to transfer power to his son.
46. You will need to arrange a telegraphic transfer from your bank to ours.
47. The club captain has been put on the transfer list at his own request.
48. Ideas that work well in one school often don't transfer well to another.
49. Anton was able to transfer from Lavine's to an American company.
50. Some party members found it hard to transfer their loyalty to the new leader.
51. Employees are paid by direct transfer to a bank account.
52. The club's goalkeeper isn't happy here, and has asked for a transfer .
53. He has asked for a transfer to the company's Paris branch.
54. It was the first goal he had scored since his transfer from Chelsea.
55. The show will transfer to the West End on October 9, after a month's run in Birmingham.
56. I decided to transfer my loyalty to my local team.
57. They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power.
58. You can transfer data to a disk in a few seconds.
59. Would all transfer passengers please report to the airport transfer desk.
60. The aim is to transfer power/control/responsibility to self-governing regional councils.
61. After the election there was a swift transfer of power.
62. The person can transfer from wheelchair to seat with relative ease.
63. It was his instinct for self-preservation that led him to abandon his former friends and transfer his allegiance to the new rulers.
64. The presence or absence of clouds can have an important impact on heat transfer.
65. The official transfer of ownership will take a few days to complete.
65. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
66. Encouraging teacher transfer would not, by itself, integrate the teaching corps.
67. He expected the transfer to go through by today's noon deadline.
68. There has been a net transfer of lower-paid people away from the inner cities.
69. We had to transfer from Gatwick to Heathrow to catch a plane to Belfast.
70. The transfer takes place only when the data is complete.
71. The manager arranged for his transfer to another football club.
72. The transfer from the airport to the hotel is included in the price.
73. They can transfer or share the contract with whosoever they choose.
74. He likes to transfer from the bus to the Blue Line at 103rd Street in Watts.
75. Arrange for the transfer of medical records to your new doctor.
76. Men must pay in to the trade society to which they transfer their labour.
77. It can be connected to a PC for the transfer of information.
78. I'll ask my solicitor to make a deed of transfer.
79. An inheritance tax has replaced the capital transfer tax.
80. Transfer mince to a small warmed ovenproof casserole dish.
81. FastLynx takes the bind out of file transfer.
82. The lace carriage, for transfer lace.
83. And are death duties or capital transfer tax relevant?
84. It represents a radical and all-embracing transfer of allegiance.
85. Despite the big money transfer of Colin Caulderwood.
86. Transfer to Kaprun and check in at the hotel.
87. With a cash transfer the recipient of government assistance would attain a welfare level as shown by.
88. Both were accused of aiding and abetting the transfer abroad of £2.6m of St Piran assets in breach of the undertaking.
89. After this date, and until 18 March 1986, a form of death duty called capital transfer tax applied.
90. The transfer of certain functions of administrative control from central departments of government to the county councils - decentralisation; 6.
91. The gift is an irreversible transfer from ourselves to the second selves.
92. However, such a transfer can happen only at the expense of the central authority.
93. Cover the entire surface with your chosen filling and transfer to an oiled baking sheet.
94. Advance payments can be transferred to an advance reservation deposit by using the transfer debit and credit keys. 8.
95. The transfer is made to avoid a reduction in share capital and, accordingly, to protect creditors.
96. Again, a Rule 72 Transfer is equally applicable as between a leasehold or freehold property.
97. These garments now await the guile of high-priced tailors before transfer to my hotel.
98. There are three points to watch as you use the rib transfer carriage.
99. There are several specialist groups for business, subcontractors, large-scale tax avoidance and transfer of assets overseas.
100. This can be arranged easily by standing order, automatic transfer or by telephone.
101. Any reference to payment of rent by banker's order or credit transfer should be vigorously contested.
102. Drain sweetcorn and broccoli and transfer all ingredients to the salad bowl.
103. After April 1993, for new applicants, these funds transfer to the Department of Social Work.
104. Within a building, a local area network can transfer data at broadband speeds-10 megabytes per second or more.
105. Scanning technology would enhance their capability even further, allowing transfer of physical pictures.
106. Brady collapsed on Boxing Day, three months into a hunger strike in protest at his transfer to a tougher ward.
107. Is it simply a transfer from the customer's bank account to building society account of money that was lying idle?
108. Applications include mobile facsimile, data sharing and transfer and remote computer access.
109. If Henry failed to abide by these terms his barons were to transfer their allegiance to Philip and Richard.
110. Once you have stocking stitch between simple lace strips you can transfer the stocking stitches to make a narrow cable pattern also.
111. The factors which, if present, indicate the transfer as a going concern largely relate to intangible assets.
112. However, the net energy transfer between the magnetosphere and the upper atmosphere is downwards.
113. Again cast on in full needle rib then transfer the stitches according to the diagram.
114. The Grand Forks City Council approved a transfer of the cable franchise recently to the partnership, which remains unnamed.
115. Or a trade may be used not to do new business, but to transfer a credit balance between accounts.
116. We will continue our programme of Large Scale Voluntary Transfer of council properties to housing associations.
117. This transfer of resources has been recycled into higher investment and the stock market boom.
118. Transfer stations like the one the county owns in Carlsbad will be key to accomplishing that goal, they said.
119. Such a scheme will allow firms operating on the exchange to hold and transfer shares without the need for share certificates.
120. North Manchester health authority was making emergency plans last night to use voluntary agencies to transfer patients between hospitals.
121. Local authority associations say the transfer money is likely to be more than £100 million short of what is needed.
122. Besides this, employees receive an additional taxable transfer allowance of £526 paid in three instalments over 16 months.
123. In credit transfer, the previous experience is always attested by an award or certificate from an awarding body.
124. Remember to knit a loose row first before using the transfer carriage.
125. Some mortgagees insist on approving the draft conveyance or transfer and regard must therefore be had to the practice of each mortgagee.
125. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
126. The spot rate is also known as the basic rate or telegraphic transfer rate.
127. If a capital instrument contains an obligation to transfer economic benefits the entire instrument should be accounted for as a liability.
128. A justices' clerk has power to grant or refuse an application for transfer.
129. Weight the bird; transfer to a rack in a roasting tin and cover with aluminium foil.
130. If you try to move the carriage too lightly or too quickly you might not transfer the stitches firmly enough.
131. You should enter an approximate time for this media unit to transfer a 512 byte block of data.
132. Any well-drafted transfer will therefore provide for the transfer of the right to sue for such breaches.
133. In 1981 the Conservative government abolished capital transfer tax and replaced it with inheritance tax.
134. Individual shareholders will continue to have their transactions settled through the existing Talisman system, which issues share certificates and transfer forms.
135. Fry bacon, pork and duck in oil and transfer to a large casserole.
136. It is thought that banks will now be forced to drop their charges for those who wish to transfer.
137. Borrowers wanting to transfer debts to the egg credit card would pay 2.5 APR on all transfers before January 31, 2001.
138. What is needed is a balanced measure incorporating the human, economic and technical aspects of the technology transfer process.
139. We collectively transfer enough resources from the war zone to the ant hill to support the young and the elderly.
140. In advanced economies the cheque and associated electronic transfer techniques have become the chief means of payment in the business world.
141. The possibility of transfer of responsibility to central government agencies for some services previously provided by local authorities has already been mentioned.
142. In 1974 the Labour government introduced capital transfer tax which taxed certain gifts given by people who were alive.
143. They also want financial aid and technology transfer to be included in binding agreements.
144. If necessary, we will offer you the opportunity to transfer to an alternative holiday or cancel the holiday without penalty.
145. Many observers suggest that this transfer has had mainly adverse effects on the population concerned.
146. There, the capitalist class had the larger savings propensity, and a transfer to wage-earners reduced the rate of accumulation.
147. The Contract also aims to dismantle the Department of Education and transfer its funds to families and local school boards.
148. They were subject to transfer, but the executive branch was unable to interfere with specific decisions.
149. The above trends govern the technology transfer process by making certain types of technologies available to well behaved states.
150. A settlement for these purposes does not include a transfer of assets.
151. Now that punchcards exist it is quicker and less troublesome to let your lace carriage transfer the stitch for you.
152. Transfer to a blender or food processor and puree until smooth.
153. For the sake of reliability, pumps were not used to transfer fuel and oxidizer to the thrust chamber.
154. Weights, summing and transfer functions, and learning algorithms all rely heavily on mathematics.
155. Transfer to a serving bowl or to individual salad plates and garnish with dandelion,(http:///transfer.html) arugula or lettuce.
156. I've had my rib transfer carriage about nine years and I've only just discovered that!
157. Or the board might transfer or dismiss an administrator for marrying a teacher.
158. As before this simply tells you in which direction to move the lace carriage to transfer the selected stitches.
159. In the 1983 budget, gifts to charities were exempted from capital transfer tax.
160. The legal arrangements for the transfer are virtual carbon copies of those agreed for Hong Kong.
161. As with the basket, divers are recovered from the water to the surface, where they transfer to the decompression chamber.
162. The rib transfer carriage is lowered on to the needlebed to the right of the knitting.
163. So again, credit transfer would allow this student to gain the higher award on the completion of six more credits.
164. The fact that they controlled the company which consented to the transfer was irrelevant in the light of their dishonest appropriation.
165. Near facilitates the rapid transfer of information about attacks on academics and academic freedom on a global basis.
166. Our Priest agreed, and the necessary arrangements were made for the boy's adoption and transfer to Eire.
167. Transfer the meat to warmed plates. Add the brandy to the meat juices and heat for a few seconds before igniting.
168. An increase in transfer of power from the state to local government would also make institutions more accountable.
169. The reorganization is expected to go into effect on 1 October pending congressional approval of the internal transfer of funds.
170. For example, a warrant will usually not be a liability as it does not contain an obligation to transfer economic benefits.
171. He has already triggered a steep rise in transfer market prices by proving such a bargain at £2.5 million.
172. Wells were coated as indicated and bound virus was detected by transfer of puromycin resistance to NIH3T3 cells.
173. Inheritance tax is charged on the value transferred by a chargeable transfer. 2.
174. Transfer butter to a sheet of wax paper, spreading butter out to form a rough log shape.
175. The bottom half hangs down, allowing me to transfer the envelope to inside my coat.
176. Such a transfer could and would only be brought about by a bourgeois-democratic revolution.
177. Deglazing is simple: Remove the roast from the oven, and transfer the meat to a serving platter or cutting board.
178. Mr Birt himself has stressed his desire to transfer support services out from the central bureaucracy in London.
179. Chernomyrdin denied that Moscow had authorized transfer of the giant missile, administration officials said.
180. Simple arithmetic quickly tells us that this is equivalent to an average data transfer of 150,000 bytes per second.
181. Remove from heat and transfer to a small mixing bowl.
182. The commission will advice the Secretary of State and local authorities on the appointment, transfer, retirement and redundancy for staff.
183. If the pan is not suitable for use in the oven, transfer the meat to a casserole dish.
184. Mowbray moved to Celtic in a £1m move last year but has been dogged by injuries since his transfer.
185. Much of that sentiment stems from the transfer in March of Gloria Nogales-Talley, a popular Latina assistant principal.
186. At the front of the rib transfer carriage there are some metal prongs.
187. I had the chance to audition for the transfer to London cast of Another Country which requires young actors to play seventeen-year-olds.
188. Similarly, a New York court ruled that a school district could transfer a teacher who married her assistant principal.
189. Such systems offer scope to allow aircraft maintenance engineers to transfer between aircraft types more easily.
190. The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is a high performance team that guides breakthrough NUI Galway research to business reality as well as manage the NUI Galway Business Innovation Center.
191. It is octagonal and has lovely painted green, brown and black details over a transfer.
192. Although main INS with high accuracy, its' error affects transfer alignment precision of slave INS.
193. The existence of this branch is of prime significance for the South China Sea hydrographic structure,() water self-purification and air-sea heat transfer.
194. The results show that CF can significantly improve the heat transfer rate of n-Docosane, and the mixing amount and the length of CF are two influence factors.
195. The finned pipe has been used widely in the heat transfer equipment, such as heating radiator.
196. A novel configuration of fully differential continuous time current mode CMOS OTA C all pole low pass filter is proposed based on direct simulation of the current mode transfer function(SFG).
197. Properly used, e-mail writing mode can facilitate EFL writing to transfer from Product Writing to Process Writing.
198. From the transfer function of the system, and transform the signal flow graph to its log-domain form, then use the corresponding log-domain circuit to realize the log-domain filtering.
199. We require that at the signature of the technology transfer agreement, you will provide us with the bank guarantee for the transfer of all payments.
200. Based on the optimal closed-loop transfer function, a new design method of optimal controller is proposed; which can be widely used to a process control sys-tem and for instrumental calibration.
201. If choose the telegraphic transfer, please fill in the bank address and the branch name clearly.
202. Therefore, combined with mass and heat transfer in liquid film, it is important for optimizing operation condition and enlarging equipment to study rarefied gas flowing in distillatory.
203. The calculation can be performed with standard transfer matrix technique computer programs. The procedure provided here can avoid the calculation difficulty met in the procedure of some literatures.
204. The present thesis focuses on the developments of advanced numerical algorithms and their applications in the simulations of enhanced air convective heat transfer.
205. Meanwhile, by setting up sub-accounts, we can expand the accounting of the social transfer of physical merchandise and the real final consumption index for both household and the government sectors.
206. A method used to correct erroneous data produced during data transmission, transfer, or storage.
207. Substantial concessional financing is required to cover the additional costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Technology transfer and institutional strengthening is also needed.
208. High-level synthesis is also called behavioral synthesis, the main task of which is to translate the behavioral description of a digital system into the design of RTL (Register Transfer Level).
209. An effect of the transfer noise in the CCD on the output signal-to-noise ratio of the cor-relator is analyzed theoretically.
210. Local condensation heat transfer of R 22 in a micro fin tube and are measured and compared.
211. New model and approach for calculating total transfer capability (TTC) with transient stability constraints is proposed.
212. Therefore, in the computation of the time response of a seismograph it is better to use the transfer function, from which the time response may be obtained by the inverse Laplace transformation.
213. Contention for procuration, as a way of control power transfer on the market for corporate control, possesses unique connotations and distinctive characteristics.
214. According to the Liverpool Echo the player, who was due back training at Melwood today, has now delivered a written transfer request to the club.
215. In some instances, some credit card companies will require an initial balance transfer along with the application for the card.
216. Cadiz, currently in Spain's second division, are also said to be happy with the transfer after they were handsomely rewarded in terms of compensation.
217. PARTY BANK FEES often pop up in wire transfer payments.
218. Inhibition of cholesteryl ester transfer protein has been proposed as a strategy to raise HDL cholesterol levels.




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