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单词 Pregnant
1. I had an inkling that she was pregnant.
2. I knew right away that I was pregnant.
3. She's five and a half months pregnant.
4. She miscarried when she was 10 weeks pregnant.
5. She is a pregnant woman.
6. Pregnant women received a double ration of milk.
7. So, I think she's pregnant.
8. She is/got pregnant by another man.
9. Then she dropped her bombshell. " I'm pregnant.
10. Helen aborted when she was three months pregnant.
11. Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency.
12. Guess what? I'm pregnant.
13. He got her pregnant.
14. I think she's pregnant.
15. The pregnant woman in such a community has the support of all the womenfolk in her extended family.
16. When she got pregnant at 16 she decided to have an abortion.
17. A woman is pregnant for ten months before a child is born.
18. Now that you're pregnant you'll have to plan ahead.
19. Every phrase in this poem is pregnant with meaning.
20. He was terrified of getting her pregnant.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. His words were followed by a pregnant pause.
22. Last week I learned that I was pregnant.
23. Lainey was, unbelievably(), pregnant again.
24. I didn't drink at all while I was pregnant.
25. She is pregnant with her first child.
26. Ideally, she would love to become pregnant again.
27. Antenatal clinics provide care for pregnant women.
28. He ran out on her when she became pregnant.
29. Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant.
30. He was old enough to sleep with a girl and make her pregnant.
1. I had an inkling that she was pregnant.
2. I knew right away that I was pregnant.
3. She's five and a half months pregnant.
4. She miscarried when she was 10 weeks pregnant.
5. Pregnant women received a double ration of milk.
6. So, I think she's pregnant.
7. Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency.
8. Guess what? I'm pregnant.
9. He got her pregnant.
10. He was old enough to sleep with a girl and make her pregnant.
11. I think she's pregnant.
12. The pregnant woman in such a community has the support of all the womenfolk in her extended family.
13. When she got pregnant at 16 she decided to have an abortion.
14. A woman is pregnant for ten months before a child is born.
15. Lena got pregnant and married.
31. She discovered that she was pregnant.
32. Lena got pregnant and married.
33. His only reaction was a pregnant silence.
34. She's six months pregnant and he still hasn't twigged.
35. We didn't take any precautions and I got pregnant.
36. She's pregnant and the baby's due in April.
37. His wife was heavily pregnant .
38. Never douche if you are pregnant.
39. My daughter informed me that she was pregnant.
40. Pregnant women should eat protein-rich foods.
41. Tom got his girlfriend pregnant and they're getting married.
42. 'I'm pregnant,' she said. That stopped him short.
43. It's important to eat healthily when you are pregnant.
44. She's about five months pregnant.
45. They looked astonished when I announced I was pregnant.
46. Tina was pregnant with their first daughter.
47. The disease causes pregnant animals to abort.
48. I was absolutely enormous when I was pregnant.
49. Here is some advice for pregnant women.
50. I didn't mean to get her pregnant .
51. Then she dropped the bombshell?she was pregnant.
52. His wife was heavily pregnant at the time.
53. Maria was pregnant with her second child.
54. My mother stopped smoking when she became pregnant.
55. She was pregnant by a former client.
56. Do pregnant women really yearn for sour pickles?
57. There was a long,[Sentencedict] pregnant silence.
58. The virus can cause pregnant animals to abort.
59. My sister is pregnant with twins.
60. He stopped, and there was a pregnant pause.
61. Oh yes, I was forgetting she was pregnant.
62. Her silences were pregnant with criticism.
63. Pregnant women often get varicose veins.
64. Her parents chucked her out when she got pregnant.
65. There was a pregnant pause before she replied.
66. If you're pregnant, you can get free prescriptions.
67. Paula became pregnant soon after they were married.
68. The pregnant woman needed to breathe deeply when her heart was beating with such fierceness.
69. The woman alleges that her employers passed her over for promotion because she was pregnant.
70. She lost her job last week, and now added to that she's pregnant again.
71. I was pregnant with our third child at the time.
72. Classically, pregnant women start to 'nest' shortly before the baby is born.
73. First they announce their engagement and then they tell me Angie's pregnant - it's all a bit sudden really.
74. When a woman is pregnant, the levels of hormones in her body change.
75. Finally she dropped the bombshell . She was pregnant, she said.
76. It seems there's nothing in the rumours that she's pregnant.
77. I thought he was joking when he said Helen was pregnant, but she really is.
78. Despite her wish to defy convention, she had become pregnant and married at 21.
79. The reasons why teenage girls get pregnant are many and various.
80. There was a pregnant pause before she answered my question.
80. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
81. The current advice to pregnant women is to cut out alcohol.
82. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation, and this is particularly true for pregnant women.
83. She doesn't want word getting around the office that she's pregnant.
84. Now six months pregnant, Gina's belly had begun to swell.
85. Look after yourself properly while you are pregnant. These are some of the things you can do for yourself.
86. She tried to conceal the fact that she was pregnant.
87. Joel skipped out on his wife when she was 8 months pregnant.
88. He became very emotional when I told him I was pregnant.
89. My wife is pregnant.
90. Pregnant women over the age of 35 will be offered amniocentesis.
91. There followed a pregnant pause in which both knew what the other was thinking but neither knew what to say.
92. I've got a family crisis on my hands - my 16-year-old sister is pregnant.
93. Women often have full faces/become full in the face when they're pregnant.
94. After all the problems I'd had getting pregnant, Oliver's birth was a dream come true.
95. Faintness and morning sickness can be signs that you are pregnant.
96. This was a sickening attack on a pregnant and defenceless woman.
97. Your baby depends on you to look after yourself properly while you are pregnant.
98. When a woman becomes pregnant her breasts tend to grow larger.
99. Today, we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together.
100. Go for your check-ups in the normal way until you are six months pregnant.
101. He gave up his seat on the bus to a pregnant woman.
102. She got pregnant and was turned out of the house by her parents.
103. A woman is pregnant for nine months before a child is born.
104. 'She's pregnant,' Jack blurted.
105. Sandy stole my thunder when she announced that she was pregnant two days before I'd planned to tell people about my pregnancy.
106. I thought I was too old to get pregnant .
107. She's six months pregnant.
108. My parents freaked when I told them I was pregnant.
109. She was three months pregnant at the time of Stephen's death.
110. Iron and folic acid supplements are frequently given to pregnant women.
111. Finally she dropped the bombshell. She was pregnant and I was the father.
112. 'I'm pregnant[Sentence dictionary],' she shrieked.
113. Mom flipped her lid when she found out I was pregnant.
114. The association is advising pregnant women, the very young and the elderly to avoid such foods.
115. All pregnant women are to be screened for the infection.
116. The disease rubella can cause pregnant women to have malformed babies.
117. He had got a girl pregnant and felt obligated to her and the child.
118. I ballooned when I became pregnant with my second baby.
119. Pregnant women are exempt from dental charges under the current health system.
120. The little boy stared at the pregnant woman's rounded belly.
121. We were struck dumb when she announced she was pregnant.
122. Pregnant women should avoid certain foods such as raw eggs.
123. He gave up his seat to a pregnant woman .
124. I became pregnant easily. At least I've had no problems on that score.
125. No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant. Warren Buffett 
126. Besides increased miscarriage risk, the UC-Davis study also found a reduced ability to get pregnant linked to glycol ethers.
127. She can reassure the pregnant woman that she will have the ability and confidence to be an advocate on her own behalf.
128. No government has ever made abortion a capital crime or executed either a pregnant woman or an abortionist for murder.
129. They do not seek the experience of abortion, they would far rather not have become pregnant in the first place.
130. This silence is pregnant with strangled screams.
131. The satiric play is pregnant with meaning.
132. I'm pregnant! You want to see the damn sonogram?
133. Has David made you pregnant? Not sure? Then you need the David pregnancy test.
134. Knowing when to take a pregnancy test will help you know whether or not you're pregnant.
135. Kim sees the pregnancy test in her mother's bathroom, and Teri confirms that she is pregnant.
136. The environment be pregnant with here is worn substantial silvan natural resources.
137. The penis is poured out of mucous be spermatozoon, is this kind of mucous meeting pregnant?
138. Didn't seminal fluid shoot the vagina to you can be brought about be pregnant?
139. A . Screening . Pregnant women are routinely screened for signs and symptoms of preeclampsia at each.
140. An infected pregnant woman may transmit the virus to a foetus,[http:///pregnant.html] leading to miscarriage and stillbirth.
141. The results of her pregnancy test were negative, ie showed that she was not pregnant.
142. Can the how long after prophylactic of out of service be pregnant?
143. Rabies prophylaxis for pregnant women . [ see comment ] .
144. Connie, husband of the pregnant Rose of Sharon, suddenly disappeared from the group.
145. Most develop means of modern capitalist production already be pregnant with is worn socialist economy element.
146. In addition, stool softener, more expansive agent widely used in pregnant women.
147. Which would really suck – pregnant for eternity ? I'm shuddering at the thought.
148. Objective : To determine the relationship between acne and the sex hormone levels in pregnant women.
149. Methods Free umbilical cords were punctured under color - ultrasound in 42 pregnant women for prenatal diagnosis.
150. After be pregnant, eat urgent prophylactic, classics of meeting forthcoming month?
151. Does menstruation have sex the 3 rd day was spermatozoon shot can you be pregnant?
152. Once again, James Quill had defied expectations . As it turned out, Laura was pregnant.
153. I have no sex drive since I've become pregnant, and my partner is frustrated.




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