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单词 Regularly
1. He regularly gives lectures on modern French literature.
2. You should gargle the throat regularly.
3. Which newspaper do you read regularly?
4. Using a mouthwash regularly freshens the breath.
5. I communicate with him regularly by letter.
6. He regularly consorted with known drug-dealers.
7. Wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Villages along the border are regularly raided.
9. The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides.
10. I go jogging fairly regularly.
11. Take the medicine regularly three times a day.
12. The army regularly patrol the border.
13. The gardener mows the grass regularly.
14. We write regularly but seldom meet.
15. Water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist.
16. Chimneys should be swept regularly.
17. In his fourth year he was truanting regularly.
18. The doctor told me to take vitamins regularly.
19. He regularly goes to the races and bets heavily.
20. The prisoners were regularly lashed with electric cable.
21. The plants are regularly inspected for disease.
22. We write to each other regularly.
23. How regularly are the litterbins emptied?
24. Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.
25. We meet regularly(), once a month.
26. The army regularly patrol along the border.
27. They logged up the ship's position regularly.
28. Our records are regularly updated.
29. Cats must be bathed regularly.
30. She appears regularly on the small screen .
1. He regularly gives lectures on modern French literature.
2. Which newspaper do you read regularly?
3. Using a mouthwash regularly freshens the breath.
4. I communicate with him regularly by letter.
5. He regularly consorted with known drug-dealers.
6. Villages along the border are regularly raided.
7. The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. I go jogging fairly regularly.
9. Take the medicine regularly three times a day.
10. Chimneys should be swept regularly.
11. In his fourth year he was truanting regularly.
12. The doctor told me to take vitamins regularly.
13. He regularly goes to the races and bets heavily.
14. The prisoners were regularly lashed with electric cable.
15. The plants are regularly inspected for disease.
16. Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.
17. We meet regularly, once a month.
18. Our records are regularly updated.
19. His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.
20. Are u taking any medication regularly?
21. Polish your shoes regularly to protect the leather.
22. Many wildlife parks are regularly invaded by people poaching game.
23. Exercise creates its own virtuous circle. Once you start a programme and do it regularly, you'll feel so good you'll want to continue.
24. be given to sth / to doing sth to do sth often or regularly: She's much given to outbursts of temper.
25. The President's speeches are regularly reproduced verbatim in the state-run newspapers.
26. They have to dredge the canal regularly to keep it open.
27. The pills might have helped him, if only he'd taken them regularly.
28. Schools regularly bring children to the beach for natural history lessons.
29. Ferry boats ply regularly between all the resorts on the lake.
30. Many Christians regularly confess their guilty actions and thoughts to a priest.
31. His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.
32. Are u taking any medication regularly?
33. Polish your shoes regularly to protect the leather.
34. Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant.
35. Many wildlife parks are regularly invaded by people poaching game.
36. Exercise creates its own virtuous circle. Once you start a programme and do it regularly, you'll feel so good you'll want to continue.
37. People used to listen in regularly before the days of television.
38. be given to sth / to doing sth to do sth often or regularly: She's much given to outbursts of temper.
39. The President's speeches are regularly reproduced verbatim in the state-run newspapers.
40. They have to dredge the canal regularly to keep it open.
41. My son is always unwilling to practise upon the piano as regularly as he should have done.
42. The pills might have helped him, if only he'd taken them regularly.
43. Schools regularly bring children to the beach for natural history lessons.
44. If you fail to oil the engine regularly, it would seize up without warning.
45. The plants were spaced regularly, about 50 cm apart.
46. Exercising regularly will pay dividends in the end.
47. The committee meets regularly to discuss these issues.
48. She regularly contributes to the college magazine.
49. Peripatetic music teachers visit the school regularly.
50. All the equipment should be cleaned down regularly.
51. She regularly pilfered stamps and stationery from work.
52. The snake sheds its skin regularly.
53. The media regularly violates people's privacy .
54. Check regularly for new mail.
55. She regularly appears on television.
56. Many people regularly give money to charity.
57. Her nose is regularly shaped.
58. You should get all gas appliances regularly serviced.
59. The bark of plane trees peels off regularly.
60. All women over 50 will be regularly screened.
31. This hotel gives preferential treatment to people who stay in it regularly.
61. He contributes regularly to the magazine 'New Scientist'.
62. These premises are regularly checked by security guards.
63. Remove plaque by brushing your teeth regularly.
64. They regularly attended at church.
65. It's important to vacuum regularly.
66. He exhibits regularly in several local art galleries.
67. She goes to/attends chapel regularly.
68. I work out regularly to keep fit.
69. To avoid dampness( ), air the room regularly.
70. We go to the opera regularly.
71. The plants are regularly spaced.
72. It's important to exercise regularly.
73. Accidents regularly occur on this bend.
74. She regularly appears on TV.
75. University teachers must publish regularly to gain promotion.
76. Both girls write to each other regularly now.
77. The purity of the water is tested regularly.
78. For the next three years they corresponded regularly.
79. The students train regularly to keep fit.
80. Leaflets were regularly displayed for consultation by students.
81. The opposition leader has regularly discomfited him in parliament.
82. He also writes regularly for "International Management" magazine.
83. The houses down by the river flood quite regularly.
84. Water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist.
85. Rebel artillery units have regularly bombarded the airport.
86. He plays regularly in the first eleven .
87. She kept her promise to visit her aunt regularly.
88. Support your local theatre: buy tickets regularly!
89. I promised that I would write regularly.
90. The restaurant is visited regularly by public health officers.
91. The soldiers needed to be regularly resupplied with ammunition.
92. I go there quite regularly.
93. The building is regularly inspected by the fire-safety officer.
94. I like to bathe regularly.
95. Did you use to go to church regularly?
96. I regularly called in at his office for news.
97. Which magazines do you get regularly?
98. Remember to clear the drain of debris regularly.
99. Visitors are regularly searched as they enter the building.
100. He regularly competes in road races.
101. They both gave regularly to charity.
102. Check the tyre pressure regularly.
103. You need to update your anti-virus software regularly.
104. The competitors set off at regularly spaced intervals.
105. Has this mower been regularly serviced?
106. Snakes slough their skin regularly.
107. The water is regularly tested for purity.
108. Women's magazines regularly feature diets and exercise regimes.
109. Check the engine oil level regularly.
110. Make sure your boiler is serviced regularly.
111. She's regularly looked to for advice.
112. The post arrives regularly at eight every morning.
113. She telegraphs money to her parents regularly.
114. Strong winds regularly sweep the islands.
115. I see them pretty regularly.
116. How regularly are the dustbins emptied?
117. She is a member but does not attend regularly.
118. The house is regularly spraying with DDT.
119. Horses need to be exercised regularly.
120. Local buses run regularly to and from the town.
121. Fox, badger, weasel and stoat are regularly seen here.
122. They met regularly during the campaign.
123. All cars require servicing regularly.
124. High-speed trains regularly ply between Paris and Lyons.
125. Check seals on fridges and freezers regularly.
126. Backwash the swimming pool's filters regularly.
127. He regularly watched our games from the stands.
128. The Brethren meet regularly for prayer.
129. Many immigrants regularly remit money to their families.
130. The airline regularly offers last-minute bookings at bargain prices.
131. She regularly babysits for us.
132. She corresponded regularly with her former music teacher.
133. You should test your brakes regularly.
134. The hotel regularly breakfasts 300 people.
135. He subscribes regularly to Amnesty International.
136. Many workers are regularly exposed to dangerous chemicals.
137. Agents regularly rounded up suspected subversives.
138. We meet regularly to discuss business.
139. They regularly collide over policy decisions.
140. Check and adjust the brakes regularly.
141. Foreign radio broadcasts were regularly jammed.
142. Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather.
143. A number of pupils have been truanting regularly.
144. I regularly have a drink to wind down.
145. A man comes round regularly collecting scrap.
146. The patient's blood chemistry was monitored regularly.
147. The machines have to be checked regularly for wear.
148. The education officers ought to visit the schools regularly.
149. Saving regularly soon grows on you.
150. The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticide.
151. Defrost the fridge regularly so that it works at maximum efficiency.
152. The engine regularly combusted.
153. Men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer.
154. He was regularly pilloried by the press for his radical ideas.
155. The Cabinet meets regularly.
156. As we have been practising regularly, we are sure of winning the game this time.
157. The word "dedication" was bandied about regularly on the newspaper.
158. There are a handful of charities which I support regularly.
159. They regularly hold elections without a whiff of corruption or violence.
160. In his capacity as secretary of the residents association, he regularly attends meetings of the community policing committee.
161. Although regularly pilloried by the press as an obnoxious loudmouth, he is, nonetheless, an effective politician.
162. The cabinet meets regularly.
163. Throughout the period November to February flocks of 500 or more are regularly present.
164. You can soon get out of practice unless you play the piano regularly.
165. In the post-war years her writing regularly appeared in The New Journal.
166. Ferry boats ply regularly between all the resorts on the lake.
167. It is never a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly for this kind of wakefulness.
168. Clean the seal on/around the fridge door regularly so that it remains airtight.
169. I like to play tennis regularly, just to keep my hand in.
170. The computer beeps regularly.
171. We meet regularly to discuss the progress of the project.
172. Remember to breathe regularly.
173. Under the new regime, all sheep and cattle will be regularly tested for disease.
174. The water in the fish tank should be changed regularly.
175. Try to get into the habit of saving your work regularly.
176. He regularly charges passengers more than the normal fare and pockets the difference.
177. The regional exam boards all get together regularly to ensure equal standards.
178. The old machine won't function properly if you don't oil it regularly.
179. He regularly attended auctions.
180. She regularly throws tantrums.
181. Mothers regularly go short of food to ensure their children have enough.
182. Children feel abandoned or rejected if they don't see their parents regularly.
183. Any worker who is regularly late will soon be brought to book.
184. Many people have become cynical about the stage-managed debates between politicians which regularly appear on television.
185. Check the oil at regular intervals, and have the car serviced regularly.
186. The working life of most vehicles can be increased if they are serviced regularly.
187. The pills might have cured him, if only he'd taken them regularly.
187. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
188. She regularly goes parachuting.
189. The company agreed to inspect the river regularly, as a sop to the environmental lobby.
190. The moving parts of this machine should be oiled regularly.
191. I became rather flabby after I stopped doing exercises regularly.
192. Many Christians regularly confess their guilty actions and thoughts to a priest.
193. In summer, water the plants regularly and never let the soil dry out.
194. As it grows, a snake will regularly shed its skin .
195. Those children regularly pony up for a second helping of my cheesecake.
196. It's difficult to find a window cleaner who will call regularly — they all seem to be here today and gone tomorrow.
197. Water should be regularly chlorinated in public swimming baths to keep it pure.
198. I try to play regularly to keep my eye in.
199. All the parks are regularly checked and graded by tourist board inspectors.
200. Water the plant regularly and don't let the soil dry out.
201. They met regularly to share experiences and develop their collective expertise.
202. As I grow older, I like to reread the classics regularly.
203. The schools are regularly visited by officials from the Ministry of Education.
204. I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise regularly.
205. Rifles should be regularly cleaned by pulling a piece of flannelette through.
206. It is never a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly.
207. Investing small amounts regularly is a good way of smoothing out the peaks and troughs of the stock market.
208. He regularly rubbed shoulders with the likes of Elizabeth Taylor and Kylie Minogue.
209. They may even have raced each other — but not regularly.
210. He regularly drove from his home to his place of employment.
211. Victorian schoolteachers regularly meted out physical punishment to their pupils.
212. If you don't play regularly you soon get out of practice.
213. Keep plants healthy by regularly removing any dust and grime from their leaves.
214. She speaks fondly of Richard Moreland, hubby No.1, whom she still sees regularly.
215. Once the charcoal is glowing, place the food on the grill, turning it regularly.
216. They played regularly at legendary hot spots such as the UFO Club.
217. Because of the immunity of the immature insects, it'simportant to spray regularly.http://
218. Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.
219. Their landlord regularly milks them for extra money by claiming for damage to his property.
220. He regularly puts back six pints a night - I don't know how he does it.
221. The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from.
222. By investing small amounts regularly, you can smooth out the effects of sudden rises and falls in the stock market.
223. Voters regularly rank education as being more important than defence.
224. The cast is changed regularly to stop the actors from getting stale.
225. Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable.
226. Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil dry out.
227. Local buses run regularly to and from the nearest town.
228. This hotel gives preferential treatment to people who stay in it regularly.
229. A small group of students meets regularly to learn Japanese.
230. At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences .
231. These are regularly supplemented by new gifts and bequests.
232. Motorists regularly flout the law .
233. We do that regularly for aviation safety matters.
234. Ensure that all your gas appliances are regularly serviced.
235. Producing and writing assignments came regularly now.
236. Only about 7 % of locals regularly attend church.
237. He made applications and was regularly turned down.
238. The Six eventually reached a compromise in November 1959,[] agreeing that the foreign ministers should meet regularly on a biennial basis.
239. She did considerable freelance work while establishing her trio, eventually playing regularly with drummer Steve Davis and several excellent bassists.
240. To get the most out of lectures, it pays to attend regularly.
241. Neither time nor space assist the head in reaching colleagues easily or regularly.
242. The poisonous gas is called carbon monoxide and gas appliances can produce it if they're not regularly serviced.
243. The dinner they gave him ranks among the epic brawls which regularly give the brotherhood of socialist solidarity a bad name.
244. Over 8,000 people regularly enjoy the benefits of Medau classes - but - only 25% of them belong to the Medau Society.
245. Mitterrand had ambiguous relations with money, the power of which he regularly lambasted.
246. Changes in glomerular filtration rate and filtered load of sodium are regularly and continuously paralleled by comparable alterations in tubular fluid reabsorption.
247. For the public they are a welcome addition to the number of foot police regularly patrolling the town.
248. They formed the bedrock of the college's Black Student Society, which regularly invited guest speakers and performers.
249. Only two other downtown buildings have water quality board approval to regularly pump ground water.
250. To alleviate the symptoms, about one in five diabetics in rich countries injects himself regularly with insulin.
251. Filters must be cleaned, cooling systems drained, and the whole assembly checked regularly and carefully for gas leaks.
252. It came out regularly, and an illusion grew that the process was almost automatic.
253. Ash and biodegradable waste must be added regularly to achieve the right carbon nitrogen ratio.
254. In the Itchen and Avon valleys in Hampshire the farms are apparently regularly spaced along the valley bottoms.
255. Complete blood count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were regularly measured at clinic visits.
256. Police and demonstrators regularly engage in running battles near Mr Suharto's home in central Jakarta.
257. The recruits drilled regularly.
258. The machine is cleaned regularly to stop dirt adhering to the working parts.
259. I have regularly competed in orienteering style mountain bike races[], in which you decide your own route.
260. Use a good anti-virus software program and update it regularly.
261. A rose hedge can become a useful, impenetrable barrier if clipped regularly.
262. None of the astronomers or admirals on the board had any knowledge about the Watch or what made it run so regularly.
263. The confirmed bachelor regularly fills his empty moments with married women.
264. As a boy, Dall regularly ventured far on foot and bicycle, and that adventuresome spirit has remained with him.
265. Style pages cover Spitalfields stories regularly, to the extent that now only people with money can afford to live there.
266. According to Hors, the new law will aggravate this situation, as these institutions will regularly force general practitioners to disclose information.
267. Among organizations that regularly fail to achieve their ends, this is precisely what happens.
268. Thirty years later, I am in academia myself and realize now that people are moved out of Department Chair positions regularly.
269. Operators decided to clean down equipment regularly, not just superficially, but by taking it to pieces.
270. Make a note of any recruitment agencies that seem to be advertising regularly in job or geographical areas that interest you.
271. These committees regularly appoint their own members to the Court.
272. She blared Alejandra Guzman records, went to Roseland regularly owned every Madonna video, including that last nasty one.
273. She took trouble with her hair, and bathed her face regularly in cold water before rubbing it well with the towel.
274. Julie found it difficult to feel comfortable despite being given analgesia regularly.
275. And if you do eat out regularly, you definitely should take an active interest in eating better restaurant food.
276. Most meetings, for example, would benefit by regularly having a 15 minute review as the last item on the agenda.
277. Teachers suspect that the child is being battered regularly by his parents.
278. The party fared badly at the election in April last year,[] and Craxi's name has appeared regularly in the inquiries.
279. It will also grow in slightly alkaline water provided the water in changed very regularly.
280. She kept bees in Jane's orchard and would appear regularly swathed in black net with her eleven-year-old son in tow.
281. It has a great dance floor and discos and live bands are staged here regularly.
282. The Bradley business now had the benefit of more than one representative calling regularly and Carrie played them off one against the other.
283. Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. Mark Twain 
284. He saw no fire suppression, but scant brush and ample spacing of pines where wildfires regularly moved through the forests.
285. Each must be regularly accommodated if an organization is to flourish and grow.
286. These few basic rules can make your group maximally helpful:-Meet regularly at a mutually acceptable time and place.
287. Mr. Inocencio regularly returns to his alma mater to encourage students to pursue their dreams.
288. In fact they are regularly seen around all the best joints.
289. You should gargle regularly.
290. Her cruises regularly book up months in advance and almost always sell out.
291. He will need to sell his candidacy and meet the Democratic air attack with regularly televised speeches from the Senate floor.
292. Another anonymous donor regularly left a sugar bag full of food on the Burrows' front verandah.
293. Young people who abuse drugs regularly often end up as very immature adults because they never learn to cope with their problems.
294. Automatic weighing machines are very accurate and sample packs are taken regularly and weighed as a check.
295. Reconciliation of the actual costs and the budget should be done regularly throughout the relevant budget period.
296. Practices regularly lasted for more than six hours and were all-out wars.
297. I regularly see them sent out alone on shopping errands.




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