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单词 Line up
1. Please line up one after another.
2. Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal.
3. Line up against the window so that you can be seen.
4. I'd like you to line up in twos, please.
5. Line up the glasses and I'll fill them.
6. Make sure you line up the sights before you fire the gun.
7. When the images line up exactly, the projectors should be fixed in place.
8. Gas cookers are adjustable in height to line up with your kitchen work top.
9. I would line up my toys on this windowsill and play.
10. He is included in a full strength line up.
11. Contestants line up for the quiz.
12. Men line up in the yard, smoking and passing around flasks and bottles while they wait their turn inside.
13. Later, hundreds of others would line up behind us. Rumors of all kinds circulated.
14. Flares feature highly in the line up, as do dizzy platform shoes that defy gravity.
15. Align to line up typeset or other graphic material as specified, using a base or vertical line as the reference point.
16. Simply line up the shelf in position, using a spirit level, before permanent fixing for a really professional result.
17. The whole squad would line up and hit the new cap's backside with a wooden stick until it became quite painful.
18. So, did you line up for London with a positive mental outlook and were you full of confidence?
19. I would stand back and try to line up at a better angle, but still the thought was there.
20. Now the main line up the Meuse was severed by the enemy astride it at St. Mihiel.
21. Their final daily routine was to line up the sterilized instruments.
22. I need some sort of a prop to keep the washing line up.
23. It is a great accomplishment in singing to take the melodic line up to a position of energy and hold it there.
24. Loan star Imre Varadi comes in on the starting line up for the first time in favour of the suspended Nick Cusack.
25. Guitarist Sam Brew had now been drafted into the line up.
26. Bertrand makes no apologies for using hefty incentives, such as the recruitment rebates, to line up new distributors.
27. The worlds they encompass read end to end don't add up or line up along a single straight trajectory.
28. The sun shone brightly as we cruised over the jungle north of camp and turned south to line up on row three.
29. Jody curses under her breath and makes some quick calls to Portland to line up another sponsor.
30. I glanced at the blasting muzzles on my left and realized that we were beginning to line up on the barrels.
1. Please line up one after another.
31. Other Acutes line up now, taking turns at the pad.
32. See our supplement, free with this issue, for a full description of the superb Severe line up it.
33. Line up a row of pretty jam jars on the kitchen windowsill and fill them with daffodils, for example.
34. The future is not a blank wall to line up against, but a way to be walked.
35. Matching patterns With patterned fabric, the design must line up across the whole width of the curtain.
36. And he will be pleasantly surprised to see that only three horses line up against his rising star.
37. The guard ordered us to line up by the wall.
38. After landing, Cathay 701 line up and hold.
39. " Line up over there, " he said.
40. All the canoes line up at the starting line.
41. Please Line Up On White Line.
42. You need to know exactly where the user is looking if you want to render graphics that line up with the world, especially when their eyes saccade (jump around), which our eyes do at a very high rate.
43. Chengdu Tower, this is CCA 2715 holding point rwy 02, request line up.
44. Most of the others will line up with the Tattaglias The Sanitation Department will be sweeping up a lot of dead bodies this winter.
45. All the pieces line up in different ways than they have heretofore.
46. The stags line up against the wall, chat cursorily with one another.
47. The ship's company line up on the quayside for the commissioning ceremony.
48. Chengdu Tower, this is 3HA001, holding point rwy 02, request line up.
49. But when he pulls his line up, Jack discovers only the head of a barramundi left on his hook –the rest has been devoured by a huge crocodile that Jack believes must be at least five metres long.
50. In the final implementation, the icon will line up with the text in a cell, and the icon will follow the cell's vertical alignment.
51. People would line up for hours to snag a seat for a Jobs keynote address.
52. The alumnae were to line up at the Johnson gate, at the edge of this chaos, find their own class, and then the classes would march in separately, announced by the Harvard Marshal.
53. Come on, you men line up in threes - and jump to it!
54. The local sandwich shop has three cash registers. In how many possible ways can four customers line up at the registers?
54. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
55. Then write a desire and intention list. Cross-reference these lists and see if your to-do actions line up with your desires and intention, the things that are important to you.
56. November 1944: Two Coast Guard-manned landing ships open their jaws as US soldiers line up to build sandbag piers out to the ramps, on Leyte island, Philippines.
57. Line up a quadrillion pound coins, and they will take you outside our solar system.
58. An American imam of the mosque, said the report findings "authentic" because he managed in recent years the number of religious school students line up.
59. I line up, I civilization, I comity, I am happy!
60. Tap it lightly on your desk and the carbon granules will line up and it will work much better.
61. Adjust the screws holding the finder until the crosshairs line up on the target.
62. NLL series is suitable for aerial line up to 10KV, fixing aluminium wire or steel core aluminium wore on the srrain pole.
63. Line up the shield and buckler, And draw near for the battle!
64. Wheeling about to line up on a northeasterly trajectory, Atlantis accelerated through a partly cloudy sky, on course for a docking with the space station around noon Wednesday.
65. Hundreds of tourists and New Yorkers line up at the booth daily to buy same - day tickets to Broadway and off-Broadway shows.
66. The one time to force either scientific or fixed decimal is when printing a table in which the decimal points should line up.
67. Please line up at the starting line for the three - legged race.
68. Toyota Financial Services in talks with Japan's - run export bank line up financing, It'said Tuesday.
69. Use indents, tabs or tables to line up text. If you use the spacebar , it may not line up exactly.
70. Align Center to line up the center of each object vertically in the center of the margin guides.
71. Chengdu Tower, this is XY 001 holding point rwy 02, request line up.
72. Line up the decimal point. Compare the digits beginning with the greatest place value.
73. Adjust the Z and X keys until these number line up as closely as possible.
74. As people line up at your counter, you'll slap together burgers, bacon melts and more as quickly as you can.
75. Question : What is your favourite PSV line up of all time?
76. When they formed a line up -- there was an odd man out.
77. The five identical THEMIS spacecraft, each about the size of a washing machine, line up once every four days to create a series of observation posts between Earth and the moon.
78. A words wake up with a start dreamboat , attend meeting a personnel to go to WC to line up in succession, everyone part walk part comment:"This Alien, exactly a little bit rare what?"
79. Compressed gas cooler can go to separator via a manual line up for start up purpose.
80. We then substitute all of the line up to the newline with the last six characters before the newline plus a tab character.
81. By two hands a cave, and a bridge, cheeper line up from the hole drill.
82. "The way that these things line up, you get this honeycomb-shaped pattern that's like a screen from a screen door," he says.
83. If investors line up for RenRen's shares, high valuations and all, it could pave the way for an obscenely lucrative Facebook offering.
84. The uniformly whitewashed cottages of Pennan, Scotland[sentence dictionary], line up around a quiet cove in Moray Firth as boats rest within a small manmade harbor.
85. A group of Union Army members line up and prepare to fire their muskets.
86. Please pay attention to the written form. Line up the equal sign s.
87. Tomorrow many Canadians will line up at Chinese and consulates to sign the book of condolence.
88. He is the geneses person and technique representative directors who the Chinese characters laser shines on to line up the system.
89. Sun-baked mermaids at Honolulu's celebrated beach line up their surfboards just before a swift dash on the crest of a curling wave.
90. I head for the kitchen and line up the pills he's supposed to be taking: the alpha-blocker for prostate, the blood-pressure meds, the simvastatin for high cholesterol, the vitamins, the baby aspirin.
91. The disciplined mem are inclined to line up for genuine menu.
92. First he tried to line up congressional support for a two - year freeze on government regulations.
93. Then, on the day itself, she'll often mate with however many squirrels line up at their drey, be it one or 14.
94. In the lobby of the PetSmart PetHotel, which just opened in the Washington suburb of Bethesda, the pets' human "parents" line up to plunk down 23 dollars plus tax for each night their pooch stays.
95. Luxury yachts line up to watch the Monaco Grand Prix.
96. The reporter leaves for "w. park" big market place iec's and loads down the large truck of the red Jiao, and cucumber...etc. fresh mesitylene to line up to interven, condition very is grandeur.
97. Muscovites did not line up to catch a glimpse of the man.
98. Arsenal's new signing is expected to line up for his country in their World Cup qualifying double-header against Azerbaijan and Liechtenstein at the end of the month.
99. There are stores everywhere in Guangzhou, and which even line up in the street.
100. This alters the carrier line up sequence and allows a lot more aircraft to start on carrier decks.
101. However, based on the line up of experts leading conversations, there are sure to be well-grounded insights into where social business is now and where it will be in the future.
101. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
102. Although there is a prominent curving couloir skirting the buttress on the left, the Russians chose to tackle a direct and far more difficult line up the center.
103. The three-wide stone platform is a useful killing field, although you'll have to run around a bit to get the mummies carrying treasure to line up properly.
104. At 10 o'clock people began to line up for the tickets.
105. The controls line up so that they can be read like an English sentence.
106. On Sunday, January 4th, at 1:00pm eastern, the Miami Dolphins and Baltimore Ravens will line up against each other one last time in Miami in a Wild-Card Weekend matchup.
107. But after he learnt the amiableness from Laotse, not only his family member no longer line up to see him off, but also they scrambled with him for space on the mat to have a rest.




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