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单词 Live on
1. Medicines are not meant to live on
2. I can't live on my low pay.
3. They are demanded to live on campus.
4. He has barely enough money to live on.
5. Vultures live on the flesh of dead animals.
6. It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary.
7. They find it hard to live on their state pension.
8. I live on Station Road(), just past the post office.
9. Large herds of bison used to live on the plains of North America.
10. I had to live on bread and water when I was a student.
11. Will you swear to it that you'll always live on your own?
12. I live on an invalidity pension.
13. Most first-year students live on campus.
14. The space shot was shown live on television.
15. My friend and I live on the same block.
16. My salary isn't enough for us to live on.
17. They live on the main road out of town.
18. We live on a complex planet.
19. I more or less live on pasta.
20. The game will be televised live on ABC tonight.Sentence dictionary
21. They live on a housing estate.
22. They live on the south coast.
23. The composer's works will always live on.
24. They live on the outskirts of Milan.
25. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. 
26. Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising .
27. Without the shade from trees, Earth would get too hot to live on.
28. The majority of students find it quite hard to live on the amount of money they get.
29. She often dallies with the thought of going to live on the Long Island.
30. Even with efficient budgeting, most students are unable to live on £4,000 per year.
1. I can't live on my low pay.
2. They are demanded to live on campus.
3. He has barely enough money to live on.
4. Vultures live on the flesh of dead animals.
5. It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary.
6. The majority of students find it quite hard to live on the amount of money they get.
7. They find it hard to live on their state pension.
8. I live on Station Road, just past the post office.
9. Even with efficient budgeting, most students are unable to live on £4,000 per year.
10. The composer's works will always live on.
11. We live on the westward slope of the hill.
12. Most mammals live on land.
13. The Arab live on the Arabian Peninsula.
31. They live on/in a housing estate.
32. The match will be screened live on television.
33. They live on the east coast.
34. The children live on chips.
35. These traditions will live on for centuries.
36. They seem to live on ready cooked meals.
37. The ceremony will be broadcast live on television.
38. They would rather work than live on welfare.
39. Somehow they contrived to live on her tiny income.
40. We live on a busy/quiet road.
41. They live on the outskirts of Paris.
42. He used to live on the estate.
43. We live on the school bus route.
44. You can't live on 200 calories a day.
45. They live on the opposite side of the town.
46. We live on a very busy road .
47. The fish live on the plankton.
48. We live on the outskirts of Leeds.
49. We live on the coast.
50. They live on the floor below.
51. They live on the large Japanese island of Hokkaido.
52. We live on the third floor.
53. You'll have enough to live on.
54. Some students live on the University campus.
55. They live on bread and potatoes.
56. These birds live on the coastal flats.
57. He appeared live on the Song and Dance Show.
58. Their name will live on for evermore.
59. How can you live on such a low wage?
60. The group will be performing live on tonight's show.
61. We live on the outskirts of the city.
62. We live on the westward slope of the hill.
63. I live on my own in a studio flat.
64. Mary had barely enough money to live on.
65. Most mammals live on land.
66. You can't live on forty pounds a week.
67. Most of Asians live on rice.
68. These people live on the fringes of society.
69. We live on the Northern Line.
70. I live on the second floor.
71. I live on the top storey.
72. The programme will be screened live on BBC1.
73. He shylocks to live on.
74. What do mice live on?
75. How can anyone live on such a miserable wage?
76. The Arab live on the Arabian Peninsula.
77. Alice's memory will live on.
78. The state pension is barely enough to live on.
79. These animals live on a mainly vegetarian diet.
80. She was earning just enough money to live on .
81. Many people find it hard to live on a basic state pension .
82. They live on a great concrete warren of a housing estate.
83. It must be odd to live on the 43rd floor.
84. They live on potatoes.
85. We live on top of a hill and so we get excellent radio reception.
86. They live on a farm somewhere out in the wilds.
87. You won't be rich as an MP,[http:///live on.html] but you'll have enough to live on.
88. I don't know how they manage to live on £55 a week.
89. I know my life has been cut short by this terrible virus but Daniel will live on after me.
90. $20 means a lot when you live on $100 a week.
91. They live on a staple diet of rice and vegetables.
92. Many strange plants and fish live on the sea bed.
93. The minority in the primitive forest used to live on a diet of wild animals.
94. These particular birds live on only one island in the Pacific.
95. My brother and I live on opposite sides of London.
96. They are still having to live on very low incomes.
97. Averaging it out between us there's less than £10 a month each to live on.
98. I've only got £50 a week to live on at the moment.
99. The concert will be broadcast live on television and radio.
100. They have no money and are forced to live on charity.
101. I never cook anything grand?we live on chips and baked beans.
102. She lost her job and had to live on her savings.
103. The game will be aired live on CBS at 7.00 tonight.
104. The family was forced to live on credit from local merchants.
105. Housing, enough money to live on and education are basic needs.
106. Alone and penniless, I was forced to live on my wits .
107. Larsons pay me well enough, but there's not much over for luxuries when there's two of you to live on it.
108. I have always wanted to live on an island in the middle of a lake.
109. The report failed to mention that most of the landowners do not live on their properties.
110. He had to live on bread and water for two weeks.
111. Now that I live on my own, I don't entertain much.
112. I live on a bus route so I can easily get to work.
113. She had a fantasy about going to live on a South Pacific island.
114. We live on in memory and love.
115. The name will live on as a department head.
116. The service, CallNet0800, goes live on 1 November.
117. Do you live on a reservation?
118. How much do you need to live on?
119. Now they live on in cyber-perpetuity.
120. Frogs live on land and in water.
121. So you want to live on the coast?
122. The law-abiding seem to live on a different planet.
123. I live on in my own agony.
124. Legally, a dispensation could be made that would enable you to live on in the Porter house.
125. When I kick the bucket you'll be able to live on my life insurance.
126. But the bacteria does not live on the roots, and is not effective in preventing damage.
127. They live on a small island off the coast of Scotland.
128. Here, insulated by repression from direct awareness, mental representations can live on unsuspected and unknown.
129. Her parents wanted her to go to university, but she rebelled and went to live on a commune.
130. It eats into savings and hurts those who live on fixed incomes.
131. He keeps fat in the limpid integument Reflections live on.
132. Golf enthusiasts will be able to see the tournament live on TV.
133. The once boyish, bubbly children's presenter admitted his addiction live on television in front of 2.5 million viewers.
134. People in the coastal region live on a staple diet of rice and fish.
135. One person can live on a desert island without leader-ship.
136. However, he feels he is required to remain there because he can not live on his own without a car.
137. Their goslings never learned how to migrate, and their descendants live on.
138. In this country, the government can not restrict where people can live on the basis of race or ethnicity.
139. No one can live on a diet of culture that is completely alien.
140. And she used her limited telephone privileges to air her opinions live on a local radio talk show.
141. Customers willing to live on the edge purchased approximately seventy-two thousand units.
142. The old Gary Beaner continues to live on as a receptacle for Pale Eagle,[http:///live on.html] but in a more subdued fashion.
143. The people who were evacuated live on islands in the Zambezi.
144. If we live on continents, we tend to see the world as land inconveniently dissected by expanses of water.
145. And you can live on the premises - with luck, in a bit of style.
146. We contacted a realtor, Anne Sanford, and told her we wanted to live on a lake.
147. Fabulously ancient, they live on in each of us; and they will still live on after we have passed away.
148. Retirement benefits are not enough to live on, so nearly 2 million pensioners have to claim income support.
149. These tough animals, who live on the moors year round, were once used extensively in the coal mines.
150. Thousands live on the streets in gangs, surviving by begging and stealing.
151. I live on Nob Hill in San Francisco, one of the most desirable urban addresses in the world.
152. Astronauts have learned that we live on a delicate planet whose complex workings are poorly understood.
153. Human beings can't live on grey areas for ever - unless it enters their soul.
154. Fortunately, the timeless musical genius knew when to call it quits, though his stunning creations live on.
155. The state pension is wholly inadequate -- no one can live on £50 a week.
156. C., where he and his family now live on a farm.
157. Many mentally ill people have been forced to live on the margins of society.
158. He's now dead, but Wright and Round has ensured his music will live on by publishing the piece.
159. The weak die out and the strong will survive, and will live on forever. Anne Frank 
160. If you wanted to live on a knife-edge and a shoestring all at the same time, this is what you bought.
161. Many coral species form branching colonies in which hundreds of individual polyps live on top of their own houses.
162. Speech does, of course, live on in memory but, as we all know, memory can be very unreliable.
163. Grandmother was getting too frail to live on her own, so we had to put her in an old people's home.
164. $35,000 a year sounds like a lot of money, but it's scarcely enough to live on in New York.
165. The session started early and finished late, and was broadcast live on all cable news channels.
166. His designs live on today, looking as serenely inevitable as they did decades ago, the art of a great artist.
167. We cannot ignore the misery of the people in this country who are forced to live on the streets.
168. For aging family members who live on their own, family bonds do seem to hold up.
169. Most species of marine organism live on the continental shelf.
170. Indeed,[] Schiffer's natural beauty is as uncomplicated as the mineral water that she appears to live on.
171. Most of its 26m people have enough to live on.
172. He took his young bride to live on the ranch in Wyoming.
173. Schwarz and Volgy question what it really means to live on the economy budget.
174. The opposition can no longer live on a diet of anti-Thatcherism.
175. In the east of the country they live on fortified ranches protected by private sub-machine-gun toting armies.
176. At first sight the five all appear to live on the same species of grass, herbs, and small bushes.
177. I claim a right to live on my land, and accord you the privilege to live on yours.
178. But she couldn't live on satsumas and the last of the bacon rashers until after Christmas.
179. It is exceedingly inconvenient to live on a hill top, especially before modern methods of water supply were devised.
180. They meet at salt licks and live on leaves and fruit.
181. And thus the heart will break, yet brokenly live on. Lord Byron 
182. Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the 'someday I'll' philosophy. Denis Waitley 
183. She decided she could live on her reserves for a few hours, and went back to the hospital.
184. Now she's unemployed and her husband has tuberculosis and they live on supplementary benefit with their two children.
185. His normal expectation was to live on the edge of starvation.
186. Traditional circumpolar cultures live on little except animal fare, whilst some of the planet's largest populations are vegetarian.
187. Some species manage to live on land in humid tropical forests, undulating on mucus that they secrete from their undersides.
188. If you find it hard to live on your present salary, the best remedy would be to change jobs.
189. We went live on air by telephone for about ten minutes, at about 8.25 am.
190. She and her family live on the edge of poverty.
191. I think Jim's too immature to live on his own.
192. The young of the emperor butterfly fish that live on coral reefs seem to use this system too.
193. Diplomats can live on a brilliant surface of respectability and still risk sliding into the mire of distrust hidden below.
194. They live on Rylands farm at Leintwardine in north Herefordshire.
195. Kadiatu and her family live on a meagre rice diet and so suffer from protein and calorie malnutrition.
196. They live on state benefits in London,[] and were granted permission to stay until 2002.
197. You and your ex-wife live on opposite sides of the country.
198. The beetles are long dead now, but their larvae live on.
199. Like supplementary pension it tops up your income to the amount the government says you need to live on.
200. You are not bothered whether the house is detached or semi-detached, but you do not want to live on an estate.
201. They are nocturnal and live on leaves, insects, small mammals and birds.




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