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单词 Live with
1. Better die with honour than live with shame. 
2. If you live with a lame person, you will learn to limp. 
3. Do you live with your parents?
4. How do you live with yourself?
5. Love is not finding someone to live with. It's finding someone you can't live without.
6. He has to live with the dreadful knowledge that he caused their deaths.
7. He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth.
8. She had learnt to live with his sudden changes of mood and erratic behaviour.
9. She has gone to live with her husband's kin.
10. He went to live with another woman.
11. Would he be able to live with himself later?
12. They learned to live with each other's imperfections.
13. Did Tom live with Mary before they were married?
14. Seemingly, she's gone off to live with another man.
15. Could you live with that on your conscience?
16. Emily's mercurial temperament made her difficult to live with.
17. I'd love her to come and live with us.
18. Do you live with your mum or your dad?
19. I still live with my mum.
20. You have to learn to live with stress.
21. Kat Bjelland has been playing live with her new band.
22. What became of that student who used to live with you?
23. Millions of people live with the harsh realities of unemployment.
24. My grandmother came to live with us when I was ten.
25. He moved to Belgium in 1990 to live with his son(http:///live with.html), who had been resident in Brussels since 1967.
26. Joe's mother consents to let him live with his girlfriend, but his father doesn't.
27. We all make our choices in life. The hard thing to do is live with them.
28. It is no longer desirable for adult children to live with their parents.
29. Most of us don't like the new regulations, but we have to live with them.
30. Whether you like it or not, you will have to live with the new tax law.
1. Do you live with your parents?
2. How do you live with yourself?
3. He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth.
4. She had learnt to live with his sudden changes of mood and erratic behaviour.
31. We have to live with the fact that this experiment is a complete failure.
32. 'He's not an easy person to live with.' 'More fool her for marrying him!'
33. After due consideration it was decided to send him away to live with foster parents.
34. You'll have to learn to live with it, I'm afraid.
35. At the age of eight, she was wrenched from her foster parents and sent to live with another family.
36. Much as I like you, I couldn't live with you.
37. I just had to learn to live with the pain.
38. Much as I like Bob, I wouldn't want to live with him.
39. It's hard not having him around but I've learned to live with it.
40. With the course of time, I've learned to live with my disability.
41. Three years ago I ran away to Mexico to live with a circus.
42. He had a rather volatile temper and can't have been easy to live with.
43. I don't know how she can live with him; he's such a male chauvinist pig!
44. Debbie is the black sheep of the family , having left home at seventeen to live with her boyfriend.
45. The trouble started/began when my father came to live with us.
46. I can't change the situation so I'm going to have to learn to live with it.
47. For the moment, however, the government is happy to live with it.
48. Teenage mothers often have no option but to live with their parents.
49. I can't just throw everything up and come and live with you.
50. He was getting very hard to live with, and that's the understatement of the year.
51. He's in the throes of a mid-life crisis which makes him rather difficult to live with.
52. I felt that going to live with my parents would be a step backwards.
53. We were burned out and had to live with relatives.
54. They recorded this album live with me.
55. They fudge and live with contradictions.
56. You ain't fit to live with decent people.
57. No female could live with that on her conscience.
58. We live with its consequences today.
59. The loss of personality along with the total loss of short-term memory is very exhausting to live with.
60. When I say corporate plan, I don't necessarily mean you have to live with it rigidly.
61. In most societies women travel to live with their husbands, whereas men tend to remain close to their relatives.
62. I can no longer sleep at night, or live with myself, or whatever.
63. There may be surprises, but they are woven into the fabric, the kind of surprises you live with.
64. Patients were told they would just have to live with the birthmarks.
65. So we went to live with my aunt in Tembisa, a township in the East Rand.
66. We used to live with my aunt but then it got too crowded there so we moved out.
67. I left to live with a boyfriend, who turned out to be a bad lot.
68. My dad wanted me to go and live with him.
69. Soon, people in the divisions learn to live with their binds by generating further explanations.
70. She wanted to live with the foster parents she lived with at the age of two.
71. The group is for people who are learning to live with disability.
72. Some people live with the constant fear that their cancer will come back, even after they have finished their treatment.
73. We will have to learn to live with work situations that are not framed by job descriptions and clear reporting relationships.
74. Sophie and the child will be taken care of, and because of that I can live with a clear conscience.
75. He was a man of undoubted genius, but bad-tempered, egocentric, and impossible to live with.
76. Having to live with big risks that can not be eliminated makes living with the little risks of life seem natural.
77. For a long while after that first day, I could not live with the dead woman and her possessions.
78. Pregnant teenage girls will have to live with their parents or forfeit their benefits.
79. Perhaps, she had finally decided, I shall simply have to learn to live with it.
80. None of the children wanted to go and live with their birth parents, but simply to keep contact.
81. I would stay here for a year, study the language, live with people, write my book.
81. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
82. The upshot of it was: his due pension, and his departure to live with a faraway niece.
83. Burgess hopes the flux of the desert can teach us how to live with a variable environment without simplifying it.
84. The father, who had established a stable relationship with another woman, wanted the children to live with him.
85. Grandpa can't take care of himself any more so he's coming to live with us.
86. Could you live with yourself if you borrowed from family and friends, and then went bust?
87. It is usually possible, too, to live with awkward facts as anomalies awaiting further explanation.
88. And the trauma had caused personality changes which made him irritable and difficult to live with.
89. Thank goodness she had not succumbed to the idea of having Alice live with her.
90. Life is not a race, but we still continue the chase and try to be an ace. It's time to get out of this maze and truly live with grace. RVM 
91. He comes back, swears he loves me and the children, but claims he can not live with us any more.
92. You know, some people say life is short and that you could get hit by a bus at any moment and that you have to live each day like it's your last. Bullsh*t. Life is long. You're probably not gonna get hit by a bus. And you're gonna have to live with the choices you make for the next fifty years. Chris Rock 
93. We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same. Anne Frank 
94. He seemed to have received special training somewhere that allowed him to live with such possibilities without a trace of fear.
95. To live with faith, eliminate fear. Only one can exist in our life at any point of time. RVM 
96. Yet some people seem to learn to live with imperfection and others find it an impenetrable barrier.
97. A week later Takat Singh informed me that the women had changed their minds about letting me live with them.
98. Most live with only minimal sanitary, health and educational facilities.
99. Women of the same age and circumstance as you are less likely to live with their parents.
100. Live with integrity, respect the rights of other people, and follow your own bliss. Nathaniel Branden 
101. Yet the people targeted by them still live with economic stagnation, political repression, malnutrition and ecological crisis.
102. They live with a constant dread of the telephone ringing because they fear it will bring bad news.
103. Within a few months, they made the triumphant proclamation that they had reached a compromise all sides could live with.
104. We have to live with uncertainty and we have to a far more adaptable than previous generations.
105. Can you live with this lifestyle for the foreseeable future? 9.
106. Three months later she left her parents and went to live with her boyfriend Peter.
107. Being mindful of the dreadful things that can happen to them and having to live with that.
108. Years passed and, with them, any desire to live with nomads.
109. He then went to live with his paternal grandparents, who died of natural causes soon after his placement with them.
110. Health and infant mortality 7 Children under five How many live with both parents or in a one parent family?
111. In 1989 T. moved to live with her paternal grandmother and a year later she went to live with her boyfriend.
112. I don't think I could live with someone like that.
113. The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be. Socrates 
114. That the respondent has behaved in such a way that the petitioner can not reasonably be expected to live with the respondent.
115. While my therapy method was being developed(http://), 1 had to live with the fact that nearly all my patients died.
116. Reprehensible as the crime was, the girls were put on a train to Minneapolis to live with an aunt.
117. We don't want to live with peevish person.
118. I'd be able to finally live with you, Sirius.
119. They live with blankness, they sell themselves blankness.
120. I live with my Granddad in Central London.
121. We find newspaper ballyhoo difficult to live with.
122. And live with me, sweet bumble bee?
123. Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless.
124. I just hope the people who committed this monstrous evil will be able to live with themselves.
125. Geriatrics is for freaks who live with their mothers and never have sex.
126. Thus, training a pedophile to live with his fantasies without acting them out protects both him and the children he meets.
127. If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
128. I'd like to give thanks for Grandpa coming to live with us.
129. She has a father in name only; he didn't live with her.
130. In 1888, Van Gogh persuaded him to come to Arles in the south of France to live with him in the Yellow House he had set up as a "studio of the south".
131. Most of the time, you can live with your answer, so start filling that wastebasket!
132. The best part about this method is that it doesn't seem draconian and all-or-nothing, so those you live with are more likely to accept it.
133. Seok - yi , your silly mamma wants you to live with me.
134. It's in no-man's-land, you look like you live with your mother.
135. It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us.
136. If children live with hostility , they learn to fight.
137. More and more unmarried people prefer to live with their families.
138. A wife confess to her husband that she has committed adultery. He forgives her, continues to live with her, and has sexual relation with her.
139. Since he came to live with me, we have been subject to a campaign of spite and revenge which makes Lady Sarah appear angelic by comparison.
140. Then again, some people long ago learned to live with the burdensome cloaked observer.
141. Man cannot live with his own will, but with the adaption to environments.
141. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
142. Her parents had decided that after the Hindu festival of Akha Teej, in April, she would return to live with her husband and his family.
143. We still live with the convulsions and the myths of 1970 in Indochina.
144. A Star Maiden came down from the night sky and wanted to live with the Dakota.
145. My elderly grandmother came to live with us.She was seventy-three years old at the time.
146. The boomerang child returned home to live with his parents after graduating from the university.
147. You'd rather live with that silly little fool who can't open her mouth except to say "yes", "no", and raise a houseful of mealy-mouthed brats just like her!
148. Years later, when Mother died, I tried to get him to come and live with my family, but he insisted on staying in the small house with the garden plot and a few farm animals close by.
149. However, as he reached maturity, Bandit became more difficult to live with.
150. The playboy wouldn't ever like to live with her, but he's nothing loath to take her out to the theatre or a restaurant.
151. Such as blackmail, robbery, hijacking, kidnapping, they live with us everywhere.
152. None of you get to live with me in my great big hand - shaped mansion!
153. In network age, the Internet, going into the midst of common families in urban community of our country, becomes an important tool for residents to work, study and live with.
154. Please let it be a prank." Youngsters on the track are a regular event, though no less frightening for that, and for train drivers it's something we learn to live with.
155. Blair said he had learned to live with taunts of being Bush's " poodle " or " lapdog. "
156. Night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city.
157. The mother of Snow-White and Rose-Red went to live with them.
158. For the next two years, he plans to live with his wife, who is also a teacher, in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.
159. After a year, she comes to live with him in Berne.
160. Yarrow assists humans in learning to live with one another in communion and community.
161. Sam: Hm. You can't altercate adjoin that. How could we live with ourselves if we let that appear? And just becautilize we capital more money.
162. Can we live with a dead person being cloned and brought back to life?
163. My grandparents live with us, so we are an extended family.




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