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单词 Seek out
(1) Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe.
(2) Children seek out regularities and rules in acquiring language.
(3) How can we seek out a really good person for the job?
(4) Our mission is to seek out the enemy and destroy them.
(5) Some papers seek out extra salacious background.
(6) Seek out others who might be suffering too; suggest you band together.
(7) The herd seek out the great, not for their sake but for their influence; and the great welcome them out of vanity or need. Napoleon Bonaparte 
(8) We must seek out the bigots from wherever they are-even those above the law.
(9) Our people need to seek out and identify those stories.
(10) Children today seem less willing to seek out challenges and persevere in the face of adversity.
(11) If there was anything disheartening, it was to seek out a church for prayer and refreshment and find its doors barred.
(12) Employees must forge their own career paths, seek out promotions and prove their worth every single day.
(13) At the end of the summer, he must seek out and defend a territory.
(14) Conversely, some people are introverted, and seek out relationships with very few people and then only on their own terms.
(15) My mother, bless her heart, continues to seek out new accounts for us wherever she travels.
(16) It is an environment where corporations will seek out the best talent anyplace in the world.
(17) In other words(), charismatic followers seek out their own charismatic leaders.
(18) But however affected, the mission has been to seek out, to influence, to change.
(19) Collectors throughout the world seek out examples of the ware and pay highly inflated prices.
(20) So you travel to various planet locations to seek out people you learn may have key information.
(21) The confidence to seek out excellence is perhaps the first rule of recruiting and the one most frequently broken.
(22) While he was at the library, Steve decided to seek out some information on accommodation in the area.
(23) Our personal aspirations or dissatisfactions may lead us to seek out new opportunities.
(24) Sadistic people derive perverse pleasure from the suffering of others and may seek out situations in which they can inflict this.
(25) This has pushed up housing costs and forced retirees with some capital but often on fixed incomes to seek out cheaper places.
(26) You should identify who has faced such challenges and seek out their counsel.
(27) The wife may have a shrewd idea, but may offer comfort without choosing to seek out the source of the pain.
(28) In becoming the best companies it is these attitudes that they seek out and take action to change.
(29) Notice the narrow snout extending beyond the mouth which helps it to seek out small rodents, reptiles and invertebrates.
(30) Having nothing more urgent to do, I decided to seek out Tip Anderson.
(1) Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe.
(31) They are drafted by permanent government officials who are concerned to seek out expert opinion on the issues in question.
(32) Their leaves, stems and branches orientate themselves to the light, while their roots seek out minerals and water.
(33) Everyone in the organization can therefore seek out and seize initiatives to improve their contribution to profit.
(34) Those leaders will be asked to seek out potential minority voters with Republican leanings.
(35) They would have to send troops down from Castlebar to seek out and destroy us.
(36) These staff members have the designated responsibility to seek out and attract individuals who informally play various roles within the innovation process.
(37) The full moons and the eclipses will seek out the best and worst in your love life.
(38) You seek out environments that are enjoyable and interesting.
(39) Infertile couples are also likely to seek out cloning.
(40) He didn't want to seek out Fourth Master Liu.
(41) We need to seek out tough and talented competition.
(42) For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
(43) Corbett resolved to seek out the truth.
(44) Seek out medieval weapons, like the trebuchet, and walk the magnificent castle walls.
(45) From working moms to teenage firls, these women seek out Anna's boutiques.
(46) At press time, King Leopold was reportedly planning to amass a battalion of 1, 200 hardy foot soldiers, including 50 mighty water bugs, to seek out the location of the bedbug stronghold.
(47) They seek out the Salish Indian woman for the wisdom of her 86 years, and to learn the traditions she cherishes"."
(48) We must seek out and expose their frailties without conceding a precious away goal at the Delle Alpi.
(49) Wireless PCMCIA modems have increased mobility by eliminating the laptop user's need to seek out a telephone jack.
(50) Let us seek out some desolate shade , and there weep our sad bosoms empty.
(51) More people in more places seek out news more often than ever.
(52) "They seek out the Salish Indian woman for the wisdom of her 86 years, and to learn the traditions she cherishes" ( Tamara Jones).
(53) Objective:Seek out the best recovery time and work out an efficient recovery index for the patients of gye given permanent artificial cardial pacing.
(54) Tourists seek out the striking 100-foot, 176-ton tear drop memorial rising from the edge of a peninsula in Bayonne, N.J., designed by Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli.
(55) The raiders continued on their mission — to seek out and destroy American air and sea forces.
(56) The wise men will seek out the wisdom of all the ancients, and will be occupied in the prophets.
(56) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(57) He would seek out some bright mechanic in the camp.
(58) Your involvement with a group of people might slightly cool down this week. This is not to say that you should disassociate yourself from them, but rather that you seek out old and familiar friends.
(59) In some communities where the peer group method is socially acceptable, prospective borrowers may seek out the least risky peers to form groups.
(60) We are trying to seek out the trouble spot of the instrument.
(61) Funny, after all that running about, this time in New York I did not venture on the Pelham Bay Express, when going into Spanish Harlem, nor seek out a bridge to Coney Island.
(62) You must seek out the advanced experience of the masses, sum it up and popularize it.
(63) This technique adopt the idea of signal catenation and blur control. Alarm in advance and seek out the coming fault.
(64) A boy graduates from school, a daughter gets married. We go through the motions of the ceremony, but we don't seek out our children and find a quiet moment to tell them what they have meant to us.
(65) Men seek out intelligent women as marriage partners in the hope of having children who will be more educable and successful.
(66) What would distinguish this type of love from an eroto-maniacal love, if we did not seek out what the obsessional engages of himself in love?
(67) Women, under stress and in other times, like to seek out contact and make human connections.
(68) If you have tried various treatments with your primary care physician and are still not making much improvement, then you should ask for a referral or seek out a sleep specialist.
(69) He brought his six Dreadnaught ships, including his flagship the Peregrine, to seek out the remainder of the Katana fleet before the Empire claimed them.
(70) Hamilton does not seek out attention, but prefers the quiet life.
(71) The listings are supported by a new policy by Deutsche Boerse to seek out Chinese companies.
(72) Thus, to seek out the deficiency in legislation and to perfect Company Act are effective ways to promote protecting the rights of small and medium shareholders.
(73) To complete the mission , you'll lick puzzles , rescue survivors, and seek out the aerodrome.
(74) I read Perls, and then I tried to seek out Gestalt trainers.
(75) They seek out the Salish Indian woman for the wisdom of her 8' years, and to learn the traditions she cherishes.
(76) Vespa collectors continue to seek out, repair , and sell these vintage scooters.
(77) The Mutalisk can spew forth Glaive Wurms which seek out nearby targets and punish them.
(78) Robotic unmanned predator drones, for example, which can seek out and kill human targets, have already moved out of the movie theatres and into the theatre of war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
(79) On rare occasions, eldritch giants will seek out civilized lands in order to buy large quantities of raw materials such as paper, ink, and the rare materials used to create magic items.
(80) Seek out the archery retailer that has recurve bow knowledge.
(81) Positive emotionality influences how others respond to a person, perhaps making that individual more open and likely to seek out situations conducive to a lasting, happy marriage.
(82) The article focuses on history and culture of Chinese braise-oven duck, in perspective of its value and tension, thereby theoretically seek out the market prospects of Bianyifang's brand promotion.
(83) Finally, Krugman ignores an important factor I emphasize -- the incentives of bankers and their willingness to seek out and take the wild risks that brought the system down.
(84) Antarctica is home to many seal species such as this fur seal. Its large eyes are designed to seek out prey in dim waters and are a slightly different shape to a land mammal's.
(85) Once the gas-filled microbubbles seek out the cancers and attach to their vessel walls, they send out strong signals that are picked up by standard clinical ultrasound scanners.
(86) This morning some of our own fighters swept some seventy-five miles inland from the beaches to seek out German fighters - but they did not find them.
(87) The director said that he would seek out method for raising production.
(88) If you are looking to increase your exposure so you can land a new high-profile job,[] then seek out the places where people in power hang.
(89) Acolyte: Seek out the local graveyards. Those buried there will serve you well.
(90) Time then, perhaps, to pack away your personalised mouse mat and lucky mascot and seek out more nurturing climes.
(91) Effective persuaders take time to seek out similarities they share with others.




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