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单词 Turn in
1. I'm going to turn in my nightshift.
2. Turn in your homework, please.
3. Would you like some tea before you turn in?
4. Finally turn in the passing of time is not only just.
5. I usually turn in at about midnight.
6. It's late-I think I'll turn in.
7. I might today hesitate to turn in a burglar.
8. The market showed an upward turn in August.
9. This car will turn in its own length.
10. Her feet turn in as she walks.
11. The students turn in at half past eleven.
12. Turn in your uniform before you leave.
13. Sorry, I'm super tired, I have to turn in.
14. Turn in your dissertation next month.
15. I think I'll turn in early tonight.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. I heard the key turn in the front door and I was out of bed like a shot.
17. Now we wait for them to turn in their essays.
18. Cut the pastry into a square and turn in the corners.
19. James is so mercenary that he'd turn in his own mother for the reward money.
20. The teacher demands that students should turn in their test papers within two hours.
21. I went back to the station-house to turn in my badge and gun.
22. My father would turn in his grave if he knew.
23. Leaves turn in autumn.
24. Events took a dramatic turn in the weeks that followed.
25. The star turn in our show tonight will be a group of Chinese acrobats.
26. Now is the time of year when thoughts turn in the direction of summer holidays.
27. Both companies turn in pre-tax profits of over 5.5 million annually.
28. You can't go out dressed like that. It's enough to make your grandmother turn in her grave!
29. The parish priest is someone to whom people can turn in difficult times.
30. He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.
1. Would you like some tea before you turn in?
2. The market showed an upward turn in August.
31. The rebels were told to turn in their weapons and ammunition.
32. They heard a key turn in the back door lock.
33. She'd turn in her grave if she knew what he was spending his inheritance on.
34. His toes turn in.
35. Her feet turn in.
36. You must turn in your pass when you leave the building.
37. You can't be so bad. It's to make your grandmother turn in her grave.
38. Come on you guys, it's time to turn in.
39. We heard the key turn in the lock.
40. We came to a sharp turn in the road.
41. The more data which can be made public, the less likely there will be a dramatic turn in sentiment.
42. He has been a nimble chameleon, bending with every turn in Whitehall attitudes to education.
43. She watched Mr Evans turn in his chair and look up at his sister and felt her chest tighten.
44. Turning from or on to northerly headings the compass will give an indication of a turn in the opposite direction.
45. And he publicly opposed Proposition 187,(http:///turn in.html) saying he would not turn in illegal immigrants seeking health services.
46. An hour later, it was Mr Bush's turn in the spotlight.
47. And that is how I saw this new turn in my career.
48. When they reached the apartment's front door they heard the key turn in the lock on the far side.
49. That rapidly closed the gap, as Hamilton reached the turn in par in the afternoon and had victory in his sights.
50. He took a wrong turn in his life, he concludes.
51. October brought a benevolent turn in the weather, and the grapes that survived September thrived.
52. Turn in your pink form - sorry, your green form - by tomorrow.
53. These boys receive low grades because they fail to turn in assignments.
54. His neck and shoulders gradually became so stiff that he had to turn in one piece from the waist up.
55. She heard the key turn in the lock and a fear that was just short of primitive assailed her.
56. Rudy could have until Monday to turn in his sonnet.
57. When we come to the small cemetery beyond the school(), we turn in and eat our lunch there.
58. The system may as well do it, and present the operator with each applicant within the vacancy in turn in numerical order.
59. Saturday night must have been pandemonium with everybody needing their turn in the washtub.
60. I'll give you until Monday to turn in your essay. Is that clear?
61. And yet there are those who still would not turn in a relative under any circumstances.
62. Indeed, on a smaller scale, a portfolio of small caps could turn in a very respectable performance.
63. The president has demanded that the rebels turn in their weapons as a precondition to any talks.
64. I watched him as far as the corner of the curator's garden, and saw him turn in alongside the hedge.
65. Despite many bridges, viaducts, embankments, cuttings and tunnels the lines twist and turn in detours around the hills.
66. The little Renault already looked sculpted out of snow, and the key would not turn in the frozen door lock.
67. We turn in the opposite direction to meet the path.
68. I tried to turn in behind him but found that I was going to overshoot and pulled away to starboard.
69. The investigation by Oracle of Microsoft's allies is the latest turn in the continuing rivalry between the two companies.
70. And hospital chiefs are confident the shops will turn in healthy profits that will be used to improve patient care.
71. Adamson reached the turn in five under par but faltered on the back nine to finish on two under par 70.
72. The door slammed behind him, and Charlie heard a key turn in the lock.
73. After the game, Hicks would brew a pot of verbena tea and turn in early.
74. El Cid's future seemed anything but happy, yet events were to take a dramatic turn in the months ahead.
75. How can you expect an 'A' in this class when you turn in an essay as sloppy as this?
75. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
76. Loosen the screw one complete turn in order to release the valve.
77. Left without an assignment for about a month or more, Carter was tempted to turn in his greens.
78. Parents began to turn in increasing numbers to the independent schools.
79. Jacinta is once again feeling rejected and persecuted when an unexpected turn in events brings about a happy denouement.
80. The taxicab moved off slowly, making a wide turn in front of Trinity College.
81. After a sharp turn in the path, they are suddenly approaching a faint square of light.
82. The damaged left eye seemed to turn in another direction, to be preoccupied separately with different matters.
83. But they did manage to turn in a strong performance, at least by historical standards.
84. Hence the importance of audits by competent and independent auditors - to which we turn in the next chapter.
85. Quiet type, but with a neat turn in grievous bodily harm.
86. I'm going to have to turn in. I'm not used to these late nights.
87. Therefore they are never perfectly at ease and may toss and turn in bed.
88. Turn in the raw edges of both seam allowances towards each other and match the folded edges.
89. He watched the turn in the road by the chestnut trees.
90. Above all, the Fourth International calls attention to the turn in the pattern of the world revolution.
91. Work-inhibited students display poor penmanship and generally turn in sloppy-looking and disorganized paperwork. 18.
92. Kelly took a turn in law school, then left academics and Pittsburgh behind.
93. Co. in San Francisco said oil companies had been expected to turn in a highly profitable quarter.
94. No wonder they reckon the beer's on the turn in here.
95. His arrival in Edinburgh in 1987 indicated a turn in the tide.
96. The possibility must have made Eleanor's ancestors turn in their graves.
97. Carbon, however, does not perform a solo turn in the creation of living things.
98. We all had to stand up in turn in front of the class and give a short talk, followed by a question-and-answer session.
99. One week I failed to turn in an essay on the trade deficit.
100. Next it was Nixon's turn in the Tranmere goal to pull off a spectacular save from Mitchell.
101. Let's go for a turn in the boat.
102. They may, however, be more effective than the recently announced "cash for clunkers" program in which consumers receive a rebate for a new, more fuel-efficient, vehicle if they turn in a gas guzzler.
103. Science took a new and different turn in the Renaissance.
104. I get to turn in my grades, clean off my desk, and make a fresh start in a new semester, unshackled from the mistakes and problems from the past one.
105. 2007:Following her star-making turn in Transformers, Fox tried out a retro bouffant for the GQ Men of the Year awards.
105. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
106. The departure time forgot words personhood calculate than day more than 40 days, yemen, airlines plane will let my journey to a big bend, this one will turn to turn in Africa.
107. Registration deadline is on February 22 , 2009. Please turn in the form to the class teacher.
108. Clean out your locker, turn in your playbook and go see the coach.
109. Our marriage was a personal happenstance, but its possibility was dictated by historical conditions: it happened after a turn in Sino-American relations.
110. Hyypia then headed wide of an open goal from Gerrard's free-kick before Lucas somehow failed to turn in from a yard following a goalmouth scramble.
111. Learn about how women turn in Merengue dancing in this free dance lesson video.
112. That little soldier of fortune took her good turn in an easy way.
113. You know, while you turn in the old gas guzzler, you get a rebate on a new vehicle.
114. A child who becomes part of our soci-ety might have to wait a century before his turn in the cycle arrives, when he can become a changeling and reenter the human world.
115. Gravely the men turn in at a house -- the wrong house.
116. Averting a protectionist turn in US policy should be the administration's top priority in trade.
117. Together with the sweet-scented osmanthus turn in the store for a long time, no appropriate.
118. NREM sleep is when you tend to toss and turn in bed. Your brain quiets down, which means that you aren't dreaming.
119. Keep him on hands : might take a turn in there on the nod.
120. Police in a predawn sweep cleared out a tent city the protesters had erected in the downtown park, marking a dramatic turn in what has become a vexing saga for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
121. A dragging arabesque turn in modern dance drags the toe of one foot while spinning on the other.
122. He could only attempt to deflect the complicance officers and hope for a mar-ket turn in his favor.
123. Tabletop chemistry takes a photogenic turn in this winning microphotograph by John Hart of the University of Colorado, who specializes in fluid dynamics.
124. It's well after midnight, but the TV screen shows long lines of voters standing in the rain waiting for their turn in the voting booth.
125. Because many of its rooms directly overlook the Kaaba, the cubical building that houses the Black Stone, and towards which 1.5 billion Muslims turn in prayer, the complex can charge sizzling prices.
126. Find Alysra at the Ruins of Lar'donir. Turn in Emerald Allies. Accept The Captured Scout.
127. The role would mark the first period piece for Page, who has signed on to a number of contemporary pics since her Oscar-nominated turn in "Juno, " including the roller-derby comedy "Whip It! "
128. It is customary to turn in one's resignation two weeks before one's last day.
128. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
129. Trotsky lived in turn in Turkey, France, Norway and finally Mexico.
130. Over the lack, humans will turn in fear and brutalize one another.
131. The four screw bolts should be tightened up in turn in a symmetrically diagonal position.
132. James Hansen, wrote in a recent letter: "We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back in time but it is going to require a quick turn in direction."
133. Before becoming prime minister in late 2008, his last turn in the spotlight came as budget minister in the 1990s, when he had the task of ushering the Belgian franc out and the euro in.
134. Some critics rebelled — and Variety caused ripples in Hollywood by comparing the film to Arnold Schwarzenegger's failed turn in the action movie sendup "Last Action Hero, " released by Sony in 1993.
135. His behavior would make his parents turn in their graves.
136. Use a semi - colon to mark the chief turn in the sentence.
137. The Nabbanai Imperium had begun to turn in on itself.
138. The evolutionary tendance reflected by the above sedimentary record probably signifies an important tectonic turn in the history of the residual Paleotethys ocean.
139. Retailers have given up waiting for a turn in the housing market.
140. The first turn in the tide came when France discovered how to make plate glass.
141. It is shown that the metal thickness effect on the Q-factor depends on the diameter of the innermost turn in a planar spiral inductor.
142. The western philosophy had got a linguistics turn in the 20th century through the endeavor of Bertrand Russell, Friedrich Frege and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
143. You must turn in your assignments at the end of each class period.
144. Gastritis, duodenal ulcer and duodenitis were in the turn in younger-aged group.
145. Use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys to turn. The longer you hold down the key, the farther Tux will turn in that direction.




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