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单词 So to speak
1. He is, so to speak, a bit too cruel to his wife.
2. We have to pull down the barriers, so to speak, of poverty.
3. The new procedures have been officially christened, so to speak.
4. Such divisions are not, so to speak, purely academic.
5. Code of commerce, so to speak.
6. To get back to business, so to speak.
7. Denver had come around, so to speak.
8. The babies, so to speak, are helplessly powerful.
9. I unlocked the secret, so to speak.
10. Being in charge of a lethal weapon, so to speak.
11. But camped out in their front yard, so to speak, we suddenly felt very exposed.
12. The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.
13. It is however, of immense importance, so to speak, from another angle.
14. What the dickens, so to speak, was he to do?
15. Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism. Sigmund Freud 
16. He could get caught up in the story, so to speak, and little by little begin to forget himself.
17. Your base of operations, so to speak, has been abstracted from the underlying computer.
18. Leese had never let the Huey relax, so to speak.
19. They are, so to speak, medications or courses of treatment.
20. The cutters often worked in a vacuum, so to speak, relying on spot checks and routine searches during their patrols.
21. They were all very similar. All cut from the same cloth, so to speak.
22. I ought not to tell you but I will, since you're in the family[sentencedict .com], so to speak.
23. Age had not yet wearied them; they were well capable of standing up for themselves, so to speak.
24. Relationships grow stressful when managers and subordinates bump elbows, so to speak within the same frame of reference.
25. Anyway, they've seized on this legal brouhaha as an example of Albion's perfidy, so to speak.
26. Patients with cancer, I believe, die from a negative state of stress so to speak.
27. If this happens then the parents have the right of way, so to speak.
28. It was the end of the day - choccy time so to speak - and there were four people in the room.
29. Other than that, the world was my artistic oyster, so to speak.
30. I reckoned him to be about forty-ish, a family man - a man of the world, so to speak.
1. He is, so to speak, a bit too cruel to his wife.
31. They don't take flight immediately as they could be heading straight into the lion's mouth, so to speak.
32. These constitute, so to speak, the raw materials for effective education perse.
33. Impatience is justified if theory moves off into the stratosphere, so to speak.
34. None of this has knocked the wind out of me, so to speak.
35. All we have to do is get in and establish a bridgehead, so to speak.
36. Unlike most volcanic rocks, obsidian does not contain phenocrysts; it is, so to speak, all glassy groundmass.
37. The two processes are, so to speak, symbiotically related; they are the mutually reinforcing determinants of development.
38. I learnt my quantum mechanics, so to speak, straight from the horse's mouth.
39. He is, so to speak, an upstart.
40. He is, so to speak, a hardworking student.
41. Mary is, so to speak, a hardworking student.
42. This could jeopardize our business relationship, so to speak.
43. I was, so to speak, being hauled in tow.
44. They would go to these flagellation brothels to experience what it was to be the one on the bottom, so to speak.
45. The property you are about to buy should be in a place that's just a stone's throw away , so to speak, for the sake of convenience.
46. For some reason, the public responded negatively to this, forcing Shockley to, uh, pull out, so to speak.
47. The dog is , so to speak, a member of the family.
48. The coracle, left to herself, turning from side to side, threaded, so to speak, her way through these lower parts, and avoided the steep slopes and higher, toppling summits of the wave.
49. We didn't "dumb things down" so to speak. If they need clarification we were happy to offer it but otherwise we just talked to them without any special exceptions for their age.
50. So your forte , so to speak, is defense, not scoring points.
51. Now besides this principle of change there must also be in the monad a variety which changes. This variety constitutes, so to speak, the specific nature and the variety of the simple substances.
52. As Alice said, vampires frenzy like sharks when there's blood "in the water,[] " so to speak. (That's why Edward was ditching Biology on the day they were blood typing.
53. The paper gives only a sketch of complex and lengthy computations , so to speak, offstage.
54. He is, so to speak, merged in the more shining qualities of his wife.
55. Marion had just been to see me, and had a prior claim so to speak.
56. He is , so to speak , a walking dictionary.
57. We take the consuming trend seriously at any moment and focus on the manufacturing of creative and special product, So to speak, Beau Ideal is a bright star in Chinese seasoning industry.
58. This is a simple test to get me going, to "prime the pump," so to speak.
59. Lizards and mice can lose their eyesight in a blink ( so to speak ) inhabiting lightless caves.
60. The five countries have now all passed, so to speak, their entry test.
61. The Sun sets, so to speak, in the middle of the sky.
62. His idea comes straight from the garbage dump, so to speak.
63. They slam the door in your face, so to speak.
64. The historian is like the connoisseur who recognizes the artist not by that which is characteristic of him (and consequently imitable) but by that which, so to speak, spontaneously 'escaped' him.
64. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
65. April Fool's Day thus developed into an international fun festa, so to speak, with different nationalities specializing in their own brand of humor at the expense of their friends and families.
66. But it is, so to speak, a self canceling item.
67. But for young people it presents an opportunity to follow the sun, so to speak.
68. As the leader said, revisionism and the bourgeois way of life are cousins , so to speak.
69. That was , so to speak , another gift from Warley.
70. Barry Trimmer flicks a small switch and the wires contract, causing the silicone to bunch up; the skin crawls, so to speak.
71. Artistic conception , so to speak is his maximal calligraphy characteristic.
72. It would, so to speak, be beating over the old ground.
73. Ada predicted that a computing machine could compose music, draw graphics and find application, so to speak, in business and science.
74. Somalia, the land of the perpetual war of all against all, is our beau ideal, so to speak, of the failed state, and for the fourth year running it is No. 1 on the Failed States Index.
75. Its soul, so to speak, is inseparable from its body.
76. So to speak, polysaccharides extracted from hyphostroma can effectively enhance the ability of anti-oxydation in the organism.
77. More is to be on the tiring-room of Internet, so to speak they have an advantage more.
78. The instinct to follow the herd can be rationalised as rational, so to speak, since everybody benefits in the short term by forcing the price up.
79. They are brain dead, so to speak and don't know, understand or hear.
80. This guy is already ahead of the game, so to speak.




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