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单词 Spread out
1. He spread out his arms and shrugged his shoulders.
2. Let's spread out the futon.
3. The wood spread out in all directions.
4. He spread out the newspaper on the table.
5. There's more room to spread out in first class.
6. The flag was spread out in the wind.
7. The police search party spread out across the fields.
8. The Kurds are spread out across five nations.
9. They spread out to search the whole area.
10. Quantities of food were spread out on the table.
11. The course is spread out over four days.
12. Spread out below was a great crowd.
13. The valley spread out beneath us.
14. The searchers spread out to cover the area faster.
15. A few minutes later the crowd spread out.
16. The city spread out below her looked so calm.
17. I'll try to spread out the work evenly.
18. The search party spread out over the moor./spread out.html
19. Papers had been spread out on the desk.
20. The resources are spread out too thin.
21. The teacher told his pupils to spread out and not to bunch up in the center of the playground.
22. The city was spread out beneath us in all its glory.
23. The wake spread out in a v-shape behind the ship.
24. Sue spread out her notes on the kitchen table and began to write.
25. The repayments on the loan can be spread out over three years.
26. He spread out a large piece of cloth and put the things on it.
27. The lawyer nib his pen, spread out his paper, and prepared to write.
28. Fields of corn spread out as far as the eye could see.
29. From our lofty vantage point, we could see the city spread out below us.
30. From a precipitous height we looked at the town spread out below.
1. Let's spread out the futon.
2. From our lofty vantage point, we could see the city spread out below us.
3. I'll try to spread out the work evenly.
31. The search party spread out to search the surrounding fields.
32. They wanted to spread out the project over 3 years.
33. Spread out all the pieces before you begin the jigsaw.
34. The man leaned forwards and spread out his hands.
35. My own personal tastes are fairly spread out.
36. Katie's toys were spread out all over the floor.
37. It is all spread out like a geological rainbow.
38. Several small cabins were spread out across the property.
39. At last the dang lay spread out below us.
40. A bright future spread out before him.
41. They spread out in front of the red brick buildings, whose ramparts produce a castle-like appearance.
42. It was a proven fact that the rebel bases were spread out towards the Kivoga coffee plantations.
43. It was so much more businesslike to spread out needlework or write letters sitting at a table.
44. Oliver turned out his pockets and spread out his loot on the ground.
45. The fact that the White groups were spread out over such a vast area caused the lack of communications.
46. The face was unrecognisable(), but the golden blonde hair spread out over the pillow certainly was.
47. This means that gluons for some reason produce jets that are more spread out than the ones that originate from quarks.
48. Michael looked up from where he knelt on the floor in front of the old armchair,[] his books spread out on the chair.
49. P would like to see the debt spread out over a longer length of time.
50. Why construct a hero so multiple, so spread out, so fugitive?
51. The newcomers spread out across the floor of the tavern, whilst customers dodged hurriedly out of their way.
52. We don't know whether they're localized or whether they spread out and lubricate the movements of the tectonic plates.
53. A newspaper was spread out on the tiled pool surround, and he was murmuring laconically into a cordless telephone.
54. Benny was equally at a loss, she just shrugged and spread out her hands helplessly.
55. The beautiful island of Gigha spread out before us with a cluster of houses around the little bay of Ardminish.
56. When they spot some promising zebras, or antelopes, they spread out into a line.
57. With the large number of children spread out over the country, it was inevitable that visits were infrequent.
58. The faded newspaper from the sky had been carefully spread out on the floor of one of the old sheds.
59. Aunt Mary and Senator K. are spread out in back.
60. Maybe it's true that life begins at fifty. But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. Phyllis Diller 
61. There is again a plume, but additionally horizontal layers of double diffusive convection spread out around this.
62. As one appalled witness later wrote, the fire spread out of control before the family could escape.
63. For too long the district has used the excuse that it is too spread out to provide good direction, he said.
64. She spread out her towel and lay flat, adjusting her sunglasses against the glare above.
65. Before us the entire universe is spread out like a bolt of black silk unfurled.
66. There, spread out below her in the late afternoon sun, was Florence.
67. I can feel the fingers spread out now, stroking me.
68. The beach is narrow and sandy with enough room to spread out.
69. I spread out the rug on the meadow-grass like a magician.
70. Part one focuses on the hippie culture that spread out from the Haight to transform the world.
71. These men were spread out all along the behavioral continuum.
72. In this way, the children became spread out instead of all clustering together with the coins descending on them like hailstones.
73. As it was, however, units were spread out across the entire area of operations.
74. Plus the city spread out below us, beyond the wall of windows.
75. As you see, the light was spread out uniformly over a wide angle.
76. The eerie grid of a city was spread out before him, lit by the chemical yellow of the street lamps.
77. And he began to spread out comfortably through the center, adopting it as a secure second home.
78. The sleeve had been carefully spread out and the cuff bore a trace of what could have been blood.
78. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
79. The best view of the vale is from the hills surrounding it; it looks like a map spread out.
80. Inevitably, though, with 14 fewer rooms to spread out in, the Pages had to part with several cherished possessions.
81. Two days later Tweed read the Daily Mail spread out across his desk.
82. But it is thin, spread out, invisible even to itself.
83. Eloise would be burnt and scattered to the winds, the evil dispersed, spread out, diluted.
84. They say that the concentrated magnetic fields in sunspots spread out all over the sun somewhat after the maximum of solar activity.
85. As they approach a grazing herd of, say, wildebeest, they spread out in line abreast and begin the stalk.
86. In an office on the pier Coffin and Lane had maps spread out in front of them.
87. Clothes, sleeping bags, spare canvas, all were hung up or spread out to catch a few rays of sunshine.
88. A hard copy map of their course was spread out over the console before him.
89. A red glow spread out across the floor almost like blood, and washed against the back wall.
90. Members of the tribe are spread out over hundreds of square miles.
91. Later, in the business room, with the site maps spread out before them, John explained his new ideas.
92. As they rose upwards into the damp air the site spread out before them on either side.
93. The column of burning exhaust gas strikes the ground and seems to spread out in all directions.
94. It had seeped through his clothes and spread out in a half-circle, staining the grass and soaking into the sandy soil.
95. There are still strong emotional attachments to these outposts, which are spread out over the valley.
96. Dazzling jewelry was sometimes spread out on her dressing table.
97. From a high dune vantage point one can only look in awe at the purple dappled carpet spread out below.
98. Next came the millet crop, which was spread out to dry before being stored in vats and barrels.
99. Spread out to a single layer. Place in oven and bake 12 minutes.
100. Diane had her newspaper spread out all over the floor.
101. Almost the entire deck of cards - sixty-six of them - were spread out on the floor before the fire.
102. Like a wolf pack scenting easy prey, they dismounted and spread out.
103. The city spread out below her looked so calm, almost as calm as she had felt such a little time before.
104. Deductions for capital investments in new equipment and facilities would be immediate, instead of spread out over time.
105. Her clothes spread out on the double bed.
106. The furniture was spaciously spread out.
107. Spread out more. Don't bunch up on the centre.
108. He spread out several facsimile weather charts.
108. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
109. In fact, bilaterally to spread out already.
110. Carburetors also spread out the mixture availability.
111. A streamlet spread out every here and there.
112. To this, economist people spread out a harangue.
113. That split second, we all seemed to hear an extreme wretched interjection, from the coffin in spread out, I frighten of hand a soft, the gun almost sells.
114. Later the war spread out. German was blockaded all round, the supply all goods was tight.
115. Spread out over the whole length of a life, it restores its majesty to that life.
116. Some researchers proposed that the lack of variation in our maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA suggested these bottlenecks took place as our ancestors spread out of Africa relatively recently.
117. If you often need space to spread out paperwork, get a keyboard drawer or L-shaped desk that gives you that room.
118. Light sent into the oil layer was confined there, bouncing between the metal and air boundaries. The beam spread out ever more quickly, generating a trumpet-shaped glow (see image).
119. And so it's just starting to spread out beyond that core group.
120. The beam does not spread out appreciably, even at large distance from the source.
121. These 5 game hopeful the mode according to associated operation and spread out collaboration grandly.
122. They may try to spread out the enjoyment of the windfall over many years.
123. The university also offers a monthly payment plan to spread out the cost of tuition.
124. The red spread out from the centre of the sky, seemed to tinge the smoke haze over the kopjes, and to light the trees with a hot sulphurous yellow, The world was a miracle of colour.
125. Let's see. The beach towel is spread out under the tree,() the sandwiches and drinks are here...Whoa! What are you going to drink?
126. Head wild goose, driving ground spread out the wing that it flies.
127. There is plenty to see inside – including gilt palanquins and bejewelled daggers – but it is the view of the city spread out below that is sublime.
128. She took the lace tablecloth off and spread out all her illustrations and opened the bottle of Indian ink.
129. The red spread out from the centre of the sky, seemed to tinge the smoke haze over the kopjes, and to light the trees with a hot sulphurous yellow.
130. While Google China's heatmap has the typical upper left orientation hot spot, it doesn't have the vertical scan down that creates the "leg" of the F. And horizontal scanning is much more spread out.
131. Make sure that they are spread out and at all times covered by Tripods or PAC's as they ( Devastators ) are not suited to take direct fire and thus must be protected.
132. Although the bivalve lineages Dr Jablonski studied spread out from the equator in waves, they did not become extinct in the wake of these waves.
133. They take time to read, and they spread out the actual code on the screen, so you can have less of it on your monitor to inspect at one time.
134. This indicates the business in home will spread out a ZOOM in the round.
135. Spread out plane of the ecliptic are Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn.
136. A flourishing and prosperous panorama spread out before our eyes.
137. Now they were spread out in front of me: original memorandums, handwritten notes in journals, and drafts of various official documents, all written in Russian.
138. Theoretical calculate and real data processing show the method can depress noise in both time and frequency domains, spread out the effective frequency band,[Sentencedict] and improve the resolution factor.
139. We citizens would, I'm sure, have been forced to purchase insurance from the very same insurance companies that spread out a largess of nearly $170m lobbying dollars to Congress in 2009.
140. Now, trojan people will spread out here again new round athletics, it is with an eccentric person in not big field one wrestle life and death.
141. Arrived however in the evening, want to spread out cushion only, became off-the-peg double bed.
142. Cruising into Ajman city from Sharjah brings you into the Corniche, with a fine sandy beach on one side and the city spread out on the other.
143. Only a short moment, that snake-like in shape white spirit imitates a Buddha to bear great pressure, supports not to live a body form and collapses to spread out.
144. Data locality model should optimize for keeping "related data" spread out as much as possible, to spread reads and writes across the maximum number of servers and spindles.
145. The Sun's perfect reflection gets spread out across wider strip of the ocean, which looks washed-out compared to adjacent ocean areas.
146. ABELIA : Don't spread out your forces ! Concentrate your attacks on one target at a time!
147. The octahedral formations drifted apart and the drones spread out in the upper atmosphere.
148. He turned out his pocket, all soaked with ooze, and spread out on the banquette of the vault one louis d'or, two five-franc pieces, and five or six large sous.
149. Spread out the welcome mat , children, because Uncle Bill is visiting us tonight.
150. When the clothes are spread out , they dry more rapidly than when they bunched together.
151. Spread out some lamb curry and sauce in the bottom of a Pyrex dish.
152. With the defeat of Sparta, PRAP's sherd patterns also show, the population spread out through the countryside.
153. One is a linear scale that goes from 0% to 100%. The other is a square root scale with the graduations closer at the bottom and spread out at the top of the chart.
154. Somalian man collects his belongings, which were spread out during a sandstorm at a refugee camp on the Tunisia-Libya border.
155. A large fishing net is spread out to dry in Kiryamboga, a village on Lake Albert.
156. Far below, Jack could see the winking lights of the Borough of Queens spread out before him, a muted golden glow against a purple-black evening sky.
157. This disquisition spread out mainly around the related content of multi brands strategy comparatively overall elaborate.
158. Normally the system administrator attempts to spread out the workload on a system by scheduling job processing through cron.
159. Another spread out over his coat the cross-belt and cartridge-box of a National Guardsman, the cover of the cartridge-box being ornamented with this inscription in red worsted: Public Order.
160. Eventually he spotted the airstrip spread out on a level terrain.
161. Please stir - fry the vegetables spread out on the chopping board.
162. Whatever happens to me, when it's spread out over six billion plus people, it ends up divided by six billion and it becomes unobservable.
163. Academic group spread out a harangue to this, summarize main point of view now after.
164. The remaining negative charge can be spread out, or delocalize over three atoms.
165. The moist solid is spread out on a large watch glass and dried in the air overnight.
166. A witness said protesters had decided to spread out into smaller groups in the Iranian capital because of the massive police presence in the square.
167. Applications today are not only doing more work but also have more users, often spread out across the globe, and requiring 24/7 availability.
168. If this race manages to redesign itself, to reduce or eliminate the risk of self-destruction, it will probably spread out, and colonise other planets and stars.
169. In a Mercator projection, the north and south poles are spread out, resulting in a map with equally spaced longitudes and latitudes, and a constant compass bearing.
170. LED chip is fixed on aluminium layer of aluminium base PCB. The heat from chip can be spread out through aluminium layer rapidly.
171. The supermarkets along the street still has bright light. the white and cool light spread out from the window and float into the black pitch street.
172. The marketing department is spread out in different buildings at the company's Mountain View, Calif. , campus, and employees needed to adjust to the intradepartmental treks .
173. John's cancerous cells spread out as far craniad as the base of his esophagus.
174. Forsooth , each one of them wants to be given scrolls (of revelation) spread out!
175. The zip in general is not be done up; the bag is spread out like a quilt over me.




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