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单词 Stand out
1. Stand out, if you want to compete with me!
2. The garrison will stand out for some time.
3. They'll stand out against such humiliating conditions.
4. His height makes him stand out in the crowd.
5. We must stand out against bigotry.
6. We stand out the breakup in any form.
7. Don't stand out there: you'll get soaked through.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. He ordered the soldier to stand out.
9. We all like to think we stand out from the crowd .
10. It's strange that the host herself will stand out in the party tonight.
11. Don't stand out there in the cold, come in here and get warm.
12. You have to do things exceptionally well to stand out from the crowd .
13. I am sure illnesses stand out in all childhood memories.
14. Orange flags stand out brightly, set against the blue sky.
15. Four points stand out as being more important than the rest.
16. We managed to stand out against all attempts to close the company down.
17. Don't stand out there in the rain. You'll catch your death.
18. Red flags stand out brightly, set against the blue sky.
19. The union decided to stand out for its original claim.
20. We stand out like sore thumbs.
21. This is something that makes her stand out.
22. Three factors stand out in explaining this harmonious relationship.
23. None the less, some universal features stand out.
24. The names of four choreographers immediately stand out.
25. Two stand out in my mind.
26. Stand out from the crowd, be yourself. Stephen Richards 
27. Some gigs stand out as being particularly absurd.
28. Four features stand out above all else.
29. They took no notice of him, he did not stand out, he was in no way remarkable.
30. If you wear a suit to the party, you'll stand out like a sore thumb.
1. The garrison will stand out for some time.
2. Orange flags stand out brightly, set against the blue sky.
3. Red flags stand out brightly, set against the blue sky.
31. Among the factors that stand out in the Orphic construal of a cosmos is the nature of time.
32. Bush's unilateralism has several strands, though three currently stand out.
33. Two Village respondents stand out from the rest in their disagreement with the arguments I have summarised.
34. But the fact that so few rooms stand out in my memory is not so surprising.
35. The sky is lead gray, and so the oranges and yellows of the maples stand out vibrant in contrast.
36. As ever, the knack is to make yourself stand out from the corporate crowd.
37. Why fit in when you were born to stand out? Dr. Seuss 
37. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
38. The flag's five orange stripes stand out against a silver background.
39. Of my seven healers, three, two at the Centre and one at home stand out as memorable.
40. But on the other hand she couldn't stand out in the corridor indefinitely.
41. True, we were the two boys who did stand out from the other three by temper and temperament.
42. There is a choice of two covers, a white and a gold, to make the displays stand out.
43. Symptoms will start to show shortly - affected plants stand out as more upright types, with erect and narrow leaf stalks.
44. Because they are so good, so smart, they stand out like beacons in a sea of mediocrity.
45. The pale blue flowers stand out like jewels against dark, bare soil.
46. For these reasons feminist values stand out like a sore thumb.
47. Shiny plastic and vivid purple padding on the waist and shoulder straps make the sack stand out and guarantee a closer look.
48. How different things look in hindsight, and how my own flaws stand out in relief.
49. And for those determined enough to stand out from the crowd by virtue of understatement, that may well be enough.
50. When it comes to a basic current account, there is little a bank can do to stand out from the crowd.
51. You might want to indent a whole paragraph, like this one, to make a specific point stand out.
52. Determining motivation in any human endeavor is a murky matter, but two motives stand out: making money and making law.
53. The real problem is to make your particular message stand out from the crowd.
54. This allows a premier cru to stand out and get appropriate recognition even if it should be considered a grand cru.
55. He tried to go incognito but his bizarre disguise made him stand out even more.
56. The harder rocks stand out as ledges, the softer ones form steep slopes.
57. Dressed in town clothes and wraparound shades, they stand out from the throng of tribal dress and ochre bodies.
58. As a very rough indicator, instalments totalling over one-tenth of income might stand out as a heavy current credit commitment.
59. Simeon was so desperate to stand out that he would show up in all sorts of strange costumes.
60. This contrast in rhyming helps to emphasise important points in each stanza as this difference makes these lines stand out.
61. The fact may stand out in higher relief if the residuals are plotted against the fitted values.
62. People stand out likewise, in so far as their work marks an epoch or sums up an historical episode.
63. The lines of the images stand out from the high quality Montval paper and are accompanied by a braille text.
64. Shit, I could use one, having to stand out here until they get good and ready.
65. Certain ideas, though, do stand out as being of particular use.
66. Even on the most expansive views of what interests should receive compensation, serious omissions stand out.
67. No. How different things look in hindsight(), and how my own flaws stand out in relief.
68. Manufacturers queue up to claim their machines are upgradeable; but some stand out as truly modular.
69. Use wall lighting to make your favourite prints stand out.
70. Around the margins of the hill, the termites construct tall, thin-walled chimneys which stand out from the sides like ribs.
71. Where evidence is thin, individual men seem to stand out heroically, taking decisions which drastically and simply shape historical events.
72. A yellow background will make the black lettering stand out.
73. Oddly, the passages that stand out most are those in which the workman sticks to his lathe.
74. What is it about them that makes them stand out from the rest?
75. If any one common factor did stand out it was her tendency to play parts older than herself.
76. It made me stand out, and I liked the feeling: I fed off it.
77. The second lute song, Essex's own poem, does not stand out unduly.
78. And, of course, they seek those features which make an estate stand out from the rest.
79. Don't stand out there; you'll be soaked through.
80. How do you stand out in earth tremor in?
81. The art direction, cinematography, and lighting stand out especially.
82. Reid: A needle would stand out in a haystack.
83. Every job candidate wants to stand out from the crowd, especially in today's competitive employment market.
84. If the market is already crowded but you still want to introduce your product, you have to see what will make your product stand out and do some informal research first.
85. These two parallelepiped boxes stand out for the simplicity of their form which is so pure creating a luxurious residence.
86. There are some sententious bits in the first three Earthsea books, but I don't think they stand out quite this baldly.
87. They are the most famous attire to make you stand out from any crowd during events like prom nights, semi-formal events and other functions.
88. "Blueberries consistently stand out for their high antioxidant content, " says Charles Stuart Platkin, host of the show "I Can Save Your Life" on the cable network We.
89. The blue veins stand out ( on one's temples ) .
90. Active guidance had china's economy stand out of the volution, which showed the governing level and management capacity of collective leadership.
91. " Similarly, keyboardist Bradley Joseph recounts, "When I reflect back over the years, one of the high points that stand out include performing at the Acropolis with Yanni.
92. Unless using wider bandwidth, more efficient system and bigger storage medium the problem will stand out.
93. The structural differences between public categories in Wikipedia and academic ones in the Universal Decimal Classification, a formal library system, stand out sharply in this map.
94. In this book, we italicize comments to make them stand out from the normal program text.
95. Artificial illumination on a Kuiper Belt Object would stand out because it would vary less than reflected sunlight does when the world moved toward or away from the sun.
96. But some things will always stand out above the rest, and many of the factors that really make a difference will never be taught at an ordinary business school.
97. This direct connection to all our problems and promises is what makes chemistry stand out and elevates it from its reductionist roots in physics.
97. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
98. In most cases, semi-transparent backgrounds stand out in the overall background of a page and are intended to highlight an important design element, such as a headline or announcement.
99. However, only by appropriate pluralization based on core competence can firms achieve real success, stand out in market competition, and gain lasting competitive advantage.
100. Helen Bostock, a horticulture advisor at the UK's Royal Horticultural Society, says that while a true-blue rose sounds fabulous, it could stand out like a "sore thumb".
101. Items meant to stand out are best rendered in saturated colors.
102. In the QRS detecting design, a digital filter is used to stand out R-wave character by processing the post processed signal and to increase the accuracy of the detecting results.
103. Red Boy theme park pavilions life, better color interpretation of the brand culture of life theme park in the exhibition pavilion design is the Red Boy is a major key points stand out.
104. Cities such as Jackson, Shreveport, Dallas and Forth Worth stand out along Interstate 20 and, at left, so do Little Rock and Oklahoma City.
105. Complementary color schemes are tricky to use in large doses, but work well when you want something to stand out.
106. Then a leading singer would stand out and recite alone, and the chorus would respond.
107. After all, it probably doesn't often promote survival to stand out from others in a small, tight-knit group on which you depend to meet all your fundamental needs.
108. They may not be afraid to stand out a little, but strutting attention-seekers they're not.
109. For example, axes, tick marks, and gridlines have been subdued to allow the data in the plot area to stand out more.
110. Grammatical errors are always obvious to me, spelling mistakes stand out.
111. To stand out and be refreshingly different at whatever cost - that'sthe message we're getting from today's logos.
112. A few main differences stand out between prose-oriented XML and data-oriented XML.
113. China thinks her plans for asia and Australasia are hidden but they stand out like red flag...a very red flag.
114. High - rise buildings ornamented with colored lanterns and bright banners stand out along the river banks.
115. Smart people stand out," Pelham says, then adds that they don't get it right every time.
116. If you want suiting that makes you to stand out and look like a gentleman, you'll find a double-breasted suit to be the best choice.
117. Here, dune evening primrose flowers stand out in a sea of purple desert sand verbena .
118. Character is what makes one man stand out more prominently than another.
119. With too many sites competing for attention, those with the best three-dimensional graphics should stand out.
120. In Trumbull's historical pictures, the chief figures stand out in bold relief.
121. Drafting will help you stand out in the job market.
122. Composite construction allows designs that are sleek and stand out in a crowd.
123. The medic asked those who had not had their physical examination to stand out.
124. Basecamp's project switcher window has a large soft drop shadow that helps the menu area stand out.
125. The veins stand out on the back of her hands.
126. The aegis of behalf of inferior dormant partner is stand out along with the development of community economy and the innovate of company system.
127. Li's field of vision, learning capability and foresightedness stand out obviously.
128. As you scan the horizon, the surrounding peaks stand out in sharp relief, clear as a picture postcard.
129. The light can be reduced by means of the iris diaphragm until the rulings stand out clearly against the background.
130. Many parents have moved away from giving their children family or unisex names and want their youngsters to have names that stand out from the crowd.
131. Redesign for appearance sake, I want my site to stand out,(http:///stand out.html) look clean and easy to use.
132. What better way to stand out from the crowd than with the Nokia 8800 Sirocco Edition phone.
133. Many people were involved in this conspiracy, but three stand out.
134. In this book, we italicize stand out from the normal program text.
135. With a true case of dropsy your goldfish 's scales will stand out like a "pinecone".
136. The snowy Alps stand out in bold relief against the blue sky.
137. Change color intensity and/or hue, use bigger font, bold text, thicker lines, different orientation, added marks etc. to make important information stand out from other data.
138. The enhanced gradient operator was designed to stand out the edge of image and retain the low frequency information.
139. Next time you are at that networking meeting, business lunch or chamber event, why not stand out from the crowd when you introduce yourself?
140. Such consistent performance will make you stand out among your peers.
141. The richly fig out young woman stand out at the party.
142. Mt. Everest and nearby Mt. Makalu stand out in this oblique photograph of the Tibetan Plateau taken from the International Space Station in 2004.




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