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单词 At the cost of
1) He rescued the boy from drowning at the cost of his own life.
2) They were dismayed at the cost of the repairs.
3) Victory in the war was achieved at the cost of great human suffering.
4) She saved him from drowning, but only at the cost of her own life.
5) She saved him from the fire but at the cost of her own life .
6) He saved his daughter at the cost of his life.
7) His parents balked at the cost of the guitar he wanted.
8) They have worked out at the cost of this program.
9) They flung up their hands in horror at the cost of the trip.
10) The poor fox escaped from the trap at the cost of a leg.
11) And that support had been bought at the cost of considerably increasing the budget.
12) Prestel is accessed through ordinary phone lines,(http:///at the cost of.html) always at the cost of a local call.
13) This Remirro did, though at the cost of great popular resentment.
14) In this way, theoretical simplicity is obtained at the cost of denying the very experiential basis of the theory.
15) Again the politicians balked at the cost of buying the land, and the local press echoed their opinion.
16) Sorrow was buried here, at the cost of a shilling and a pint of beer for the gravedigger.
17) Markets only work at the cost of perennial insecurity for producers.
18) Multidisciplinary and interagency collaboration might avoid this, but at the cost of greater surveillance by the state and commercial bodies.
19) Look at the cost of staging and shelving as well as automatic ventilators, insulation and shading materials.
20) All seek to enhance their status at the cost of their rivals.
21) Similarly, a lower inflation rate could be achieved at the cost of an increase in the unemployment percentage.
22) One in Clinton, Okla., recently opened at the cost of $ 1 million.
23) I almost learned to ski at the cost of a torn jacket and a twisted elbow.
24) The driver managed not to hit the child who ran in front of his car, but only at the cost of injuring himself.
25) He evidently thought his life was so valuable that some one would surely save it even at the cost of the supreme sacrifice.
26) By contrast, contractionary policies would reap the benefits of lower inflation, but at the cost of higher unemployment.
27) Men must have their chastity and virginity even if it is make belief and at the cost of women's health.
28) Many of its workers and functions were of marginal utility and at the cost of a better price to cocoa farmers.
29) Apple generally believes that the goal of the algorithm should be to preserve the design of the typeface as much as possible, even at the cost of a little bit of blurriness.
30) At present, one judicial principle accepted by international society is that controlling crime or establishing order can not be at the cost of judicial justice and basic human rights.
31) What we have, then, is perfect order - but at the cost of reverting to prehistory.
32) The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land , and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture .
33) Women's filial piety at the cost of their own interests and even their life is an altruistic act and a kind of self-sacrifice, with its moral significance undeniable.
34) As a polemicist Mr Mamet is impressive—but at the cost of intellectual honesty.
35) If one gets into bemusement and confused, and has no power to get rid of them, he can only think of them slowly at the cost of his time.
36) At the cost of bowling over one young fellow I got through.
37) Oil pricing became a zero-sum game: every rise in prices benefited producers at the cost of consumers, and every reduction in price benefited consumers at the expense of producers.
38) He adopted the tempo rubato ("robbed time"), the lengthening of one or several notes at the cost of others, which makes possible freer rhythmic treatment.
39) But is it not clear that superabundance for some is only possible at the cost of the needs of others?
40) Any claims on higher education autonomy at the cost of these elements should be declared as fata morgana.
41) The idea is to finish a job in a shorter time as measured by an external clock, even if at the cost of more hardware and programming complexity.
41) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
42) The principle of Chinese entry to WTO is mainly at the cost of decreasing tariff and at the premiss of enjoying improving Chinese treatment.
43) Pester greatly increases the attack speed of the bird at the cost of dealing less damage.
44) You put numerous harm aboard small fellow, tomorrow, I ambition appeal as ugg boots time from you at the cost of decuple.
45) Like russia helped indian in 1965 in the war against china, these countries would extend help, may be at the cost of money, but who is help without anything in return in modern times.
46) Must a competitively priced new gadget come at the cost of young lives?
47) Supreme purity, clarity, and certainty at the cost of completeness.
48) The lessons learned at the cost of blood helped to sober us.
49) The homes were pushed outwards even at the cost of the discomfort of commuting.
50) Default might also only be averted at the cost of a shutdown of non-essential government services that could tip the U.S. economy into recession.
51) The army suppressed the insurrection at the cost of heavy casualties.
52) But TAC balked at the cost of technology rights and the uncertain prospects of MD's untested design.
53) This tree implementation (package com.icl.saxon.tinytree) takes up far less memory and is quicker to build, at the cost of slightly slower tree navigation.
54) But how many pianists alive are so willing to risk so much, to think aloud, to feel their way so openly and generously - even at the cost of wrong turnings?
55) Rapprochement with the neighbours, however, need not come at the cost of worsening ties with America.
56) But such doggedness comes at the cost of further, perhaps fatal, rebellions.
57) However, though serial correlation method can reveal the consistency degree of many raters, it is at the cost of the relevance degree information of individual rater.
58) Some fans of the "beautiful game" are balking at the cost of long-haul flights and peak-price accommodations.
59) While getting rid of a lady-of-the-night might avoid a storm (even at the cost of killing her) a great storm was seen by the upper crust as nature's unease at the death of a leading citizen.
60) The fire was put out at the cost of a fireman's life.
61) The doped samples had good cycling stability, but it was at the cost of initial capacity.
62) The government includes at the cost of experience: 1, adjust procuratorial overhead expenses.
63) The paper expatiates on the reason of HPS road lighting fixture with a "high" luminaire efficiency, and indicates this "high" luminaire efficiency is obtained at the cost of lamp life.
64) This should not be at the cost of Britain hosting big international banks. There is no room for parochialism or protectionism in our model of the future.
65) The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land , led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture .
66) Why not use bond betas to arrive at the cost of debt?




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