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单词 By virtue of
(1) She got the job by virtue of her greater experience.
(2) She succeeded by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent.
(3) He had won the game by virtue of his strength of will.
(4) He was exempt from charges by virtue of his youth/of being so young/of the fact that he was so young.
(5) The article stuck in my mind by virtue of one detail.
(6) She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage.
(7) I am Claire's aunt by virtue of marriage.
(8) By virtue of our respective positions in the organization, you can tell me to meet certain performance objectives.
(9) By virtue of being interdisciplinary, psychobiology has some special problems not encountered in mainstream psychology.
(10) By virtue of their ubiquity, popular prints were instrumental in helping to shape the perceptions of the vast majority.
(11) Objects, however, by virtue of their concrete nature, can never possess that entirely arbitrary and abstract capability.
(12) Madeira was transformed into an offshore centre by virtue of legislation enacted in 1986.
(13) He must be on the premises lawfully, either by virtue of a warrant, under statutory authority or by consent.
(14) Certain other terms are implied into leases by virtue of statute and these are dealt with in their respective contexts.
(15) By virtue of this, there does not appear to have been in Ireland any large-scale persecution of heretics.
(16) In private practice, and by virtue of his influential writings, Maudsley soon became the leading alienist of his generation.
(17) Members of the House of Lords sat by virtue of birth, holding hereditary peerages.
(18) Citizens have an obligation to obey law by virtue of the fact that it is made in accordance with established procedures.
(19) By virtue of his unique personal prestige, he himself was relatively insulated from the pressure of public opinion.
(20) By virtue of his showing in 1992, Perot qualified for $ 29 million in Federal Election Commission campaign funds this year.
(21) It was by virtue of this act that Edward I demanded its surrender to him in 1284.
(22) But is it true that we learn just by virtue of being busy and having lots of experiences?
(23) For example the administration of overseas territories has been accomplished by means of orders in council issued by virtue of the royal prerogative.
(24) And never once did I find myself the center of collective stares, simply by virtue of being a gaijin.
(25) Such groups are constructed as the bearers of privileged knowledge or agency, by virtue of their social location.
(26) Typically, the anthropologist finds that individuals hold titular offices by virtue of their position in the kinship system.
(27) But once again it is to deny that they can do this by virtue of their intrinsic properties as individuals.
(28) And for those determined enough to stand out from the crowd by virtue of understatement, that may well be enough.
(29) Certainly, the exhibitor could be required to remove the offending poster by virtue of section 5.
(30) They are one and all friendly, kind and tolerant - largely I surmise by virtue of my wife and her approachability.
(31) In the past secret agreements allowed for breathing space, which by virtue of that very secrecy was only temporary.
(32) It has, as well, made a bouncier beginning than many, by virtue of its lively cross-section of personalities.
(33) Replicators survive, not only by virtue of their own intrinsic properties, but by virtue of their consequences on the world.
(34) Catholicism, however gripped the masses by virtue of its incense, its ritual, all quite arbitrary, compulsion without purpose.
(35) But it also reflects the fact that older workers are, by virtue of their life situation, more reliable.
(36) Prominent individuals were often prominent by virtue of the groups of which they were leaders.
(37) Hence partners must inform the other partners of all personal profits which have accrued to them by virtue of their being partners.
(38) Various early works are accorded particular standing by virtue of the absence of statutes or other written sources covering a particular area.
(39) By virtue of their sheer numbers on stage, Lerman said, their simple gestures will become powerful.
(40) Others are delegates by virtue of positions in Congress and in the Democratic Party.
(41) The superb school is superb only by virtue of its success in developing its ultimate customer: the pupil.
(42) Thus some one taking only a pledge can not acquire good title by virtue of this provision.
(43) Both are figures caught betwixt and between, either compromised or radicalized by virtue of being women within a culture.
(44) By virtue of its high profile, Magellan created a public relations nightmare for Fidelity.
(45) It would, by virtue of the fact that it was scientifically detectable, be concrete.
(46) By virtue of the concept of parliamentary sovereignty, the act would be definitive.
(47) They include people who, by virtue of their position and influence must be persuaded, cajoled,(http:///by virtue of.html) threatened or bought off.
(48) Females may be variably affected by virtue of random inactivation of the X chromosome.
(49) They are credentialed by virtue of their track record.
(50) Set a letter by virtue of business reputation.
(51) It exists only by virtue of a sort of contract signed by the members a community.
(52) Egypt also extends into Asia by virtue of holding the Sinai Peninsula.
(53) Finally, the selective index system was made with DELPHI by virtue of its RAD environment.
(54) By virtue of sense of responsibility the employees worked overtime.
(55) Also an approach formula for frequency calculation is obtained by taking the quasi-vibrational mode as a generalized coordinate and by virtue of the Hamilton's principle.
(56) So promotion had come to him tardily, and by virtue of the slowly-working laws of seniority.
(57) It is presented that the method of making NOAA/AVHRR Local data base in Shannxi by virtue of the standard local data base of SMC polarobiting satellite receiving system.
(58) But money only becomes a medium of payment by virtue of being a medium of exchange.
(59) Except the above-mentioned contents for assessment, the said department shall do good job on tax assessment by virtue of other assessment approaches.
(60) Some aspects of nurse cultures by virtue of the protoplast culture of foxtail millet were studied.
(61) A military officer, usually a skilled technician or a helicopter pilot, intermediate in rank between a noncommissioned officer and a commissioned officer, having authority by virtue of a warrant.
(62) To enter a man's house by virtue of a nameless warrant in order to procure evidence, is worse than the Spanish Inquisition; [it is] a law under which no Englishman would wish to live for an hour.
(63) Such designation shall be effected by virtue of a written notification between the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.
(64) By virtue of the feature, the inference mechanism of the pneumatic drying expert control system based on the forward reasoning is put forward and the reasoning tactic is realized.
(65) The algorithm uses bisection method to allocate bandwidth to the frames in the current window by virtue of R-D model of FGS.
(66) A new technique is described in th is paper for measuring the track gauge by virtue of laser and Charge-Couple Device (CCD).
(67) By virtue of its institutional position, the Office of the Solicitor General has a special obligation to respect the Supreme Court's precedents and conduct its advocacy with complete candor.
(68) By virtue of making statements relating "the truth about one-self, " the female Internet dater claims or asserts the self-image she means to perform.
(69) The plastic complementary potential function was proved to exist in the plastic region of strain space by virtue of the new plastic postulation.
(70) One was satisfied with one's situation, glad to be in one's given place and time by virtue of how one's life has gone. The emphasis is, put differently(), upon fate - an almost external force.
(71) Mr Olaechea has British residency by virtue of his marriage.
(72) It is demonstrated that the iterative scheme can have higher-order convergence and smaller asymptotic error constant by virtue of choosing the optimal factor appropriately.
(73) Nietzsche surely wants to improve the ways that he judges yes and no within life by virtue of that monist insight.
(74) The transfer of energy from one circuit to another by virtue of the mutual capacitance between the circuits.
(75) However, most conventional decision models cannot be considered for clarifying the interrelations among the sub-criteria of a criterion by virtue of additivity and independence assumptions.
(76) By virtue of the matching of material, color, texture and particular, the space flows with the flavor of nature and rusticity.
(77) AND I MAKE this Statutory Declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, by virtue of the Oaths and Declarations Ordinance.
(77) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(78) The protons, bring positively charged, repel one another by virtue of their electrostatic interactions.
(79) Yerba Mate is a natural stimulant like coffee. However unlike coffee it helps sleep by virtue of its relaxing properties and generally helps achieve an overall sense of well being.
(80) No, power seduces by virtue of the reversibility that haunts it, and on which a minor cycle is instituted.
(81) The Accused, by virtue of having used it in their catalog, have imposed a particular awkward and odious pattern format on the software community, which has proven to be something of a Procrustean Bed.
(82) In still do not understand love age, by virtue of a tenuous friendship, carry the world before one close to him, however, know, understand, and even see him for his courage, all lost.
(83) The paper brings forward a method to analyze problem of voltage stability by virtue of on-load tap changer model.
(84) Here's a period piece with irresistible immediacy, a brilliant pairing of a monarch who's heroic by virtue of his personal struggle, and an uncommon commoner who helps him find his authentic voice.
(85) By virtue of the ability to naturally degrade in tissue, polycaprolactone hold immense promise as new meterial for application in tissue engineering.
(86) By virtue of the Vector Lyapunov functions, the general concept of differential inequality and some other means, the author explores a series of the stability of nonlinear composite systems.
(87) By virtue of its superior quality and moderate price, this item has met with a warm reception in American Continent. We deem it to your advantage to buy this item for a trial sale in your market.
(88) The optimization algorithm for the relaxed subproblem is constructed by virtue of the optimality function and the convergence is proved.
(89) By virtue of this minimax problem as well as the directionally differentiable property of the functions in every subproblem, the first-order optimality conditions are obtained.
(90) Pseudorandom coding method is widely used in communication systems by virtue of its excellent immunity to periodic interferences and its strong ability of keeping secrets.
(91) Only transformer coupling can contribute to the voltage gain of an amplifier by virtue of a stepup turns ratio.
(92) Some of the apoptotic proteins, distributing in both cytoplasm and nucleus, shuttle between the two compartments by virtue of nucleocytoplasmic transport.
(93) Believers are brought into vital union by virtue of their federal union with Christ.
(94) People's experiential reflex towards the nature of space forms a subconscious direction or conditioned reflex by virtue of their own experience.
(95) Financial assets property is by virtue of the intergra-tion of physical assets and monetary assets.
(96) The colloids are formed in solution by virtue of a balance between electrostatic repulsion and London–van der Waals attraction among each particle (18, 19).
(97) The filigree, presumably by virtue of these fields, completely alters the structure of the granulation.
(98) A known exception to the "no relatives" rule in the U. S. is wild cotton growing in Hawaii and southern Florida, which, by virtue of its unusual similarity to GM cotton, can accept the GM pollen.
(99) Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you don't become "beautiful" just by virtue of the aging process.
(100) For example, it would be questionable to use Zachman in a development environment by virtue of its inherent unsuitability.
(101) By virtue of modern metallograph analyse technology, the size of grain, hardness and residual stress of bevel gear by closed-die cold forging is studied.
(102) On the basis of the development of Gudong Oilfield, the move law of sand grain in flowing fluid is studied by virtue of settling experiment of sand grain in fluid(water and oil).
(103) By virtue of the hierarchy, however, that individual is also an instance of the genus Iridomyrmex, the class Insecta, and the phylum Arthropoda.
(104) By virtue of an aid station based on the abutment central pile, "comprehensive formulas for the layout of curves "is used to calculate the crossing angles of every pier or abutment.
(105) By virtue of primogeniture, in some cultures the first-born child has many privileges denied his brothers and sisters.
(106) Then, by virtue of frequency domain multiplier method, we prove that the closed loop system with both a locally distributed feedback control and a boundary one is of exponential decay.
(107) This paper presents an experimental technique of diaphragm bursting by virtue of the rarefaction wave in double driver shock tube.
(108) Tehran, by virtue of its historical relationships with the Shi'ite parties and the Kurdish leadership, may wield greater influence than Washington in Baghdad, but it does not pull the strings.
(109) The potential energy is energy the system possesses by virtue of its configuration.
(110) The improvement in thermal efficiency for a simple Rankine cycle is by virtue of the bled-steam releasing all of its heat to the feed-water, and little or none to the condenser.
(111) Whereas the latter is a natural space built up by virtue of objective reglations out of itself, the former is an Abstract space constructed by relying upon subjective self-regulations.
(112) Terry Pratchett's Discworld might not have the gravitas of other fantasy works, but it makes our list by virtue of being pure fun.
(113) The second level carries on the analysis the substitution effect of the hydropower development, by virtue of the pulse response function using the VAR model based on the first level foundation.
(113) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(114) To order by virtue of superior authority ; decree or enact.
(115) Everyone already knows it's my opinion by virtue of the fact that I said it, no need to restate the obvious you dopey twat.
(116) Holy Scripture must be acknowledged as the Word of God by virtue of its divine origin.
(117) Furthermore, it is permissible to file a utility model in a country by virtue of a right of priority based on the filing of a patent application, and vice versa.




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