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单词 In exchange for
1 I've offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week's accommodation.
2 He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake.
3 Your innocuous miss who refused to give up in exchange for who collapsed to.
4 Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera?
5 They were given food and shelter in exchange for work.
6 The trade unions bargained away their rights in exchange for a small pay rise.
7 Woollen cloth and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus.
8 The trade unions bargained away their rights in exchange for a small pay raise.
9 In exchange for the hostages, the terrorists demanded safe-conduct out of the country.
10 Tom gave Helen an apple in exchange for a piece of cake.
11 One of the accused got off lightly in exchange for pleading guilty to withholding information from Congress.
12 This firm will supply engines in exchange for artificial rubber.
13 The dwarfs said she could stay in exchange for housework.
14 President Reagan agreed to accept tax increases immediately in exchange for spending cuts to be named later.
15 Hydrogen ions then migrate into cells in exchange for potassium ions, which enter the extracellular fluid.
16 They want more disclosure from the industry in exchange for tougher bankruptcy laws.
17 Buyers acquire a 50 percent stake in exchange for investing a certain amount of money in the company.
18 Extreme right-wing groups offered support in exchange for the release of imprisoned right-winger, General Salan.
19 By using the club cards at supermarkets, in exchange for product discounts, you trade information on your buying habits.
20 Owners are granted this power in exchange for investing capital or assuming responsibility.
21 It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favors.
22 It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favours.
23 Merchants followed hot on their heels selling fabrics and other manufactured goods in exchange for copra oil.
24 A grandmother in Ohio receives a letter promising various gifts in exchange for filling out a questionnaire.
25 Its investors pay households to use these resources as capital, which the investors offer to firms in exchange for payment.
26 He is accused of spying for more than 15 years in exchange for $ 1.4 million in cash and diamonds.
27 He worked his way through college,[] performing menial tasks in exchange for reduced tuition.
28 Actresses are also creeping on to the catwalk, offering their services in exchange for a couple of outfits.
29 The organiser of the chosen rally should issue a ticket to their event free of charge, in exchange for the voucher.
30 They were willing to accept low base salaries in the early years of their contracts in exchange for large signing bonuses.
1 I've offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week's accommodation.
2 He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake.
3 Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera?
4 Woollen cloth and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus.
31 He'd pictured her as a woman willing to trade physical favours in exchange for her goals.
32 What a sweet deal that is-the stars get to look caring in exchange for prime time product placement.
33 Cuevas also intimated that a monetary settlement might be obtained from Texas in exchange for acknowledging her freedom.
34 In exchange for corporate assistance, franchisees typically pay a percentage of their revenue to a franchiser.
35 They will grant you asylum, Mikhail - in exchange for your aircraft and your knowledge of it.
36 Nonprofit hospitals enjoy tax-exempt status in exchange for meeting such community needs.
37 It was but a poor trophy for the day - a flag in exchange for a Regent, and Balliol still at large.
38 For example, in most work situations in our capitalist world the employer gives money in exchange for the employee's labour.
39 Both railroads want major concessions in the form of track rights and divestiture of certain rail lines in exchange for their approval.
40 All went well until he was approached by two kids saying they'd look after his wheels in exchange for a fiver.
41 He and his partner were charged with taking $300,000 in kickbacks in exchange for their political influence.
42 In exchange for looking after the children, Annie has all her meals paid for and receives a small monthly allowance.
43 Roland had once asked her if he could help in the garden, in exchange for the right to sit there sometimes.
44 It tells us foolish bedtime stories in exchange for our promises to purchase the latest corporate goods and corporate services.
45 The harassment charge was reduced from extortion, a felony, to the misdemeanor of harassment in exchange for the plea.
46 They live in symbiotic relationships with trees and provide water and minerals in exchange for carbohydrates.
47 Simply scour playgrounds for bullied, spectacled children and offer a ride around the park in exchange for pocket money.
48 In exchange for exports of grain they received money with which they purchased manufactured goods and luxury items.
49 Their central bank accepts deposits from residents in exchange for domestic currency.
50 Votes are free and can not be bought in exchange for handouts or offers of subsequent benefits.
51 In exchange for its investment, Stanhope will be granted a 175-year lease on the building.
52 It is well within reason to expect help in this regard in exchange for further financial assistance.
53 For example, Wynns floated the idea of eliminating surface street parking near the museum in exchange for a parking garage.
54 After much discussion, the Cun traded a bag of raw meat in exchange for the travellers.
55 Rahma in exchange for freedom is the social contract that the new religion proposed to the citizens of Mecca.
56 The asset received in exchange for goods delivered or services per-formed is most often cash or an account receivable.
57 The seller has given up goods in exchange for an increase in his bank deposit.
58 Hiltons also gave the lower recreation ground to the parish in exchange for land elsewhere.
59 The opposition Labour Party made clear that it would support concessions on the occupied territories in exchange for peace.
60 Among other things,[/in exchange for.html] investigators will focus on whether kickbacks or political contributions were granted in exchange for the loans.
61 Grocery and discount stores give shoppers with buyers' cards special discounts in exchange for permission to gather information on their purchases.
62 He will sell anything he can lay his hands on in exchange for drugs, which includes any information he may have.
63 Of the accepted bids, 85.8 percent included bonds which were issued at a 35 percent discount in exchange for bank loans.
64 His plan is to establish a nonprofit foundation that would support this kind of community service in exchange for long-term psychotherapy.
65 He agreed to lend the Lysander in exchange for two cases of Scotch whisky.
66 In the case of equity finance, an investor provides a company with cash in exchange for shares in the company.
67 Shareholders in Ketchum, which is employee-owned, will receive shares in Omnicom in exchange for their Ketchum shares.
68 Also those classes or groups that provide services in exchange for revenue are similarly ignored.
69 In exchange for a piece of parchment.
70 North Korea agreed to abandon its nuclear program in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees.
71 According to a previous announced agreement, Prague will pay for three of the planes and receive the fourth in exchange for five L-159 ALCA jets it no longer needs.
72 Many employees actually reduce their annual allowance in exchange for cash.
73 It offers Israel normal relations with all Arab states in exchange for Israeli withdrawal to its borders before the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
74 The court said he approved land sales and helped people win contracts in exchange for cash.
75 Our missiles will be a useful bargaining counter in our negotiations with the Russians, ie may be given up in exchange for concessions.
76 Galf was defeated before a deal could be completed. Offered his services to the Zenobian Revolution in exchange for the Brunhild , but they denied his offer and left him in Antanjyl.
77 A down-and-out writer sells his soul to the devil in exchange for fame and fortune.
78 Yet some nations argue the NPT has failed to deliver on its promised central bargain: disarmament by the nuclear weapons states in exchange for nonproliferation by the non-nuclear weapons states.
79 If you manage the house well, that could be a good deal in exchange for you living there.
80 If the bank replenishes its vault cash, its account at the ReserveBank is drawn down in exchange for notes issued by the Federal Reserve.
81 Potassium is in competition with hydrogen ion for renal tubular excretion in exchange for sodium ion.
82 What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
83 You were his alibi in exchange for free plastic surgery, right ?
84 I have to pay more than everyone more, but not in exchange for a fair deal.
85 Yang's while waging a proxy fight he dropped in exchange for a seat on the Yahoo board, is not on the board search committee, according people familiar with the matter.
86 Muammar al-Qaddafi had them destroyed in exchange for friendship with the West.
87 Five countries, including the US, have been in on-again,[] off-again talks with North Korea to provide Pyongyang with aid in exchange for disarmament.
88 In exchange for this, the owner would get a large share of the crop raised by the tenant farmer. This system, called share-cropping, spread through the South.
89 Please let me have a marketable lot in exchange for them.
90 Could he offer his oil and grime in exchange for her clean, fresh beauty?
91 It allows India to buy nuclear technology from the US in exchange for abiding by International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards.
92 Ryan, the incoming House budget chief, said he will seek spending concessions from the Obama administration in exchange for any increase in the national debt ceiling.
93 Jesus, therefore, wants us to consider the magnitude of the gift of God's Love we have thrown away, in exchange for which we have the trifling specifics of our life of specialness .
94 It buys off toxic defaulting assets in exchange for cash and immediately reclaims the cash by selling the banks' T-bills.
95 The banks that participate will be compensated for the securities' full, or par, value in exchange for allowing AIG to unwind the credit-default swaps it wrote.
96 If one sodium ion is ejected from the cell in exchange for one external potassium ion, the pump is electroneutral.
97 The bank will pay the consignment in exchange for the documents or will accept a bill of exchange and, possibly, negotiate it.
98 And they want to offer this memory device in exchange for our help?
99 A gold arbitrageur purchases 10 pounds for 95 francs, presents the 10 pounds to the Bank of England gold window in exchange for an ounce of gold.
100 The director of China's food and drug agency was executed three years ago for approving deadly fake medicine in exchange for cash.
101 The owners and operators of a business have as one of their main objectives the receipt or generation of a financial return in exchange for work and acceptance of risk.
102 The first would be some sort of passive capital infusion in exchange for a piece of the company.
103 On the other hand, when we construct autonomous robots, I bet we give up some of their potential adaptability in exchange for preventing them from going off on their own beyond our full control.
104 There were few provisions available in exchange for food stamps: ersatz coffee, macaroni, small cubes of margarine.
105 The first performance was of Charles Gounod's Faust, the fascinating tale of a German sorcerer who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge, power, youth, and love.
106 He pled guilty to obstruction of justice in exchange for testimony against two other defendants.
107 DAS was tasked with obtaining a major label record deal for her in a year's time in exchange for 20 percent of her music income, with her having the option of ending the relationship if they failed.
108 Some sites have even given up Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) in exchange for sites powered entirely by JavaScript? code.
109 In exchange for this right, the franchisee pays an initial fee and often monthly royalties as well to the franchiser.
110 In a recent interview with Newsweek, Mr Rajaratnam said that FBI agents offered him a plea bargain—just five years' jail-time in exchange for wearing a wire and taping his conversations with Mr Gupta.
111 Personally, I 'm sure the Yugoslavian government will hand him over to the Hague in exchange for financial aid.
112 Germany's second-biggest bank said it will issue new stock equaling as much as 10 percent minus one share of its subscribed capital in exchange for hybrid equity from Credit Suisse Group AG.
113 It buys some financial securities, e. g. , government bonds, in exchange for cash.
114 Mary Beth Whitehead signed a contract with a New Jersey couple in the mid-eighties, agreeing to be their surrogate mother, in exchange for a large fee.
115 Sipahis are feudal cavalry, land holders given nominal power over their fiefs , called timars, in exchange for military service.
116 Chris Brogan, for example, was given a $500 gift card to KMart in exchange for writing about the store.
116 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
117 Mullins said labeling police waiving traffic tickets as corrupt is "ludicrous" because they don't do it in exchange for favors.
118 Participants will receive $20,000 in capital in exchange for equity and begin a 12-week boot camp designed to fine-tune their business models and ready them for investors.
119 I will give you a candy Bar in exchange for your soda pop.
120 Some criminals would select the extreme penalty of castration in exchange for a penalty reduction.
121 Participants must fill out a "Yanlord Community Contest Registration Form" and turn it in at the clubhouse reception desk in exchange for a participation certificate.
122 University, insisted upon seeing the person you are mother, in exchange for your virtual volume, afraid of her to lose face.
123 Money Market Account A savings account that offers the competitive rate of interest (real rate) in exchange for larger than normal deposits.
124 Atlas did not say how much the leaching plant will cost but said China's Jiangxi would fund the construction in exchange for a long-term laterite ore supply agreement.
125 Almost 90 of those taken into custody were police officers accused of providing security for drug deals on the island in exchange for cash.
126 Convertibles have a lower coupon rate that non-convertible debt, but they offer investors a chance for capital gains in exchange for the lower coupon rate.
127 Ishtar was abused there but released in exchange for another god.
128 Early on, the award acquired a louche reputation when it was rumored to be offered in exchange for advertising pages paid for by the manufacturer and other emoluments.
129 So they enter into a plea bargain with the prosecutor — they agree to plead guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for a reduced sentence.
130 One widely suggested solution is for local firms to be granted 'compulsory' licenses, which would enable them to copy the patent 'recipe' in exchange for the payment of royalties to the patent holder.
131 Refugees also complain that soldiers steal food and personal property from them and demand bribes in exchange for food or shelter.
132 But I slipped from her bed carrying away no memory of the caresses and loving words which she had felt obliged to lavish on me in exchange for the six thousand francs which I left for her.
133 Comstock/Thinkstock(DONGGUAN, China) -- A young Chinese couple has sold all three of their children in exchange for money to play online games at Internet cafes, reports a southern Chinese newspaper.
134 Fung sells the love token given by her first lover YuTsz (Ma Tak Chung) in exchange for money, with which she sets up the Phoenix Restaurant.
135 Grants Larsa to Elamites in exchange for serving as his Foreign Legion.
136 In addition, they paid $5 billion in dividends and for the redemption of stock warrants, which the Treasury demanded in exchange for its investments.
137 By reciprocal relationship, I mean that you should offer a service in exchange for referrals.
138 Dick Cheney has also put out feelers offering testimony in exchange for immunity.
139 O'Brien yesterday pleaded guilty to demanding a $200, 000 up-front payment and a $250, 000 annual allowance from Malone in exchange for her silence.
140 Debt-nature swap----The purchase and cancellation of developing country debt in exchange for environmentally related action on the part of the debtor nation.
141 In China foreign travel is part of a slightly different compact between the state and the new middle classes: unprecedented freedom and fun in exchange for the maintenance of one-party rule at home.
142 Confrere Knights are knights who have joined the Templars for a short term and were permitted to marry in exchange for bequeathing half their estate upon their death.
143 It can usu. be bought cheaply , esp. in exchange for hard currency.
144 Can we do a barter trade? We'll give you paper in exchange for your timber.
145 Sales occur when goods or services are "given over" to a customer in exchange for money or another valuable consideration.
146 Under the guise of currency control, they are able to help out powerful allies on Wall Street,[] in exchange for lucrative jobs or who-knows-what favors later on.
147 China has tailored its approach to OFDI based on the relative economic and political strength of the recipient country, in exchange for specific benefits.
148 As many of you already know, my grandfather left Taishan in the 1890s for the United States to work as a houseboy in Olympia, Washington, in exchange for English language lessons.
149 However, they fail to recognize that today's patients may actually be willing to accept the risk of potential breach of privacy in exchange for expedience of communication.
150 It allows India access to atomic fuel and U.S. civilian nuclear technology in exchange for India opening its facilities to inspection by the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency.
151 During the fighting, Terak grabbed Cindel, and planned to bargain for the power crystal in exchange for her life.
152 Ray Spier, editor of Vaccine, declined to comment on Abalaka continuing to provide an untested vaccine in exchange for cash or if he now regrets publishing the paper.
153 Forfaiting means the discounting of international trade receivables such as Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange on a "Without Recourse " basis, in exchange for cash.
154 It does this by buying dollars from exporters in exchange for yuan, and using those dollars to buy Treasurys—the only market in the world deep and liquid enough to support buying on such a scale.
155 It is , therefore , much in demand . Its price is high, esp. in exchange for soft currency.
156 They drove comfortably to Hagaru-ri with Smith in a rare burst of jocularity promising Harris a station wagon of his own in exchange for continued close air support.
157 Ministry of Finance said, for those required to support the company, the Government may require of its convertible preferred stock in exchange for funding support.
158 It said Mr. Chen used his position to dole out contracts, land transfers and interests in company operations in exchange for money.
159 If they liked an entrepreneur's idea, they would invest millions of dollars in advance funding in exchange for part ownership in the company.
160 A memorandum of understanding signed by both governments on Nov. 14 adds Australian Defence Force access to WGS services worldwide in exchange for funding the constellation's sixth satellite.
161 In exchange for the return of the Caravel and a promise never to harm the people of Umboo again, he would hand over the rooze cure to Koong as well as the location of the Roonstone cache.
162 When oceans get atypically warm, corals can eject the algae that symbiotically live in their skeletons, providing food in exchange for shelter.
163 Those opposed see this side of friends with benefits as prostitution because you are accepting monetary benefits or items of value in exchange for sex.




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