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单词 Instead of
1. He used a knife instead of chopsticks.
2. Let's reason the matter out instead of quarreling.
3. Will you go to the party instead of me?
4. Focus on small goals instead of big ones.
5. You probably picked up my keys instead of yours.
6. We took a cross-country route instead of the motorway.
7. Try to laugh at it instead of getting uptight.
8. Shall we have fish instead of meat today?
9. Mr. Lee, instead of the manager, is in charge of this.
10. Instead of catching fish,all he fished out was an old boot.
11. It is advisable that we stay at home instead of going to the movie.
12. Instead of retaliating, he walks away leaving his team-mates to fight it out.
13. They raised prices and cut production, instead of cutting costs.
14. Let' s go for a walk instead of playing video games.
15. Instead of injecting drugs into toes, they mainlined themselves under the tongue.
16. If only she'd been called 'Camilla' or 'Flavia' instead of the prosaic 'Jane'.
17. Instead of complaining about it, I'm just gonna go in every day and give it my all.
18. Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour.
19. Instead of working hard at her lessons, Mary spends her time building a castle in the air.
20. It maddens me that she was chosen instead of me!
21. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute.
22. If we only had some God in the country's laws, instead of beng in such a sweat to get him into the Constitution,[sentencedict .com] it would be better all around. 
23. We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets instead of bombs.
24. The reason why people give up so quickly is because they look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come.
25. Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox.
26. When we bought our house, we did our own conveyancing instead of using a lawyer.
27. He just breezed in as if he'd only been away a day instead of ten years.
28. The government wants more people to use public transport instead of private cars.
29. Because it is in an enterprise zone, taxes on non-food items are 3.5% instead of the usual 7%.
30. This portable device enables deaf people to telephone the hospital by typing a message instead of speaking.
1. He used a knife instead of chopsticks.
2. You probably picked up my keys instead of yours.
3. We took a cross-country route instead of the motorway.
4. Try to laugh at it instead of getting uptight.
5. We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets instead of bombs.
6. Mr. Lee, instead of the manager, is in charge of this.
7. Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox.
8. Instead of retaliating, he walks away leaving his team-mates to fight it out.
9. They raised prices and cut production, instead of cutting costs.
10. When we bought our house, we did our own conveyancing instead of using a lawyer.
11. Let' s go for a walk instead of playing video games.
12. The government wants more people to use public transport instead of private cars.
13. Because it is in an enterprise zone, taxes on non-food items are 3.5% instead of the usual 7%.
14. If only she'd been called 'Camilla' or 'Flavia' instead of the prosaic 'Jane'.
15. Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour.
16. This portable device enables deaf people to telephone the hospital by typing a message instead of speaking.
17. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute.
18. I wish people would just be themselves instead of trying to seem important.
19. Instead of answering my question he began to beat about the bush.
20. Will you go to the routine meeting instead of me?
21. People dump their refuse in the surrounding woods instead of taking it to the tip.
22. Would it put you out if we came tomorrow instead of today?
23. Instead of an outright coup attempt, the rebels want to chip away at her authority.
24. I wish she'd do something to help herself instead of just wallowing in self-pity!
25. I wish Jon would make some constructive proposals instead of just making clever-clever remarks.
26. Pick the chair up instead of dragging it behind you!
27. Instead of tea or coffee, drink water to quench your thirst.
28. Instead of the Government admitting its error, it just tinkered with the problem.
29. Shall we have fish instead of turkey today?
30. He preferred to die instead of stealing.
31. Instead of complaining about what's wrong, be grateful for what's right.
32. I wish people would just be themselves instead of trying to seem important.
33. Instead of answering my question he began to beat about the bush.
34. Instead of being disappointed at where you are, think optimistically about where you are going.
35. Will you go to the routine meeting instead of me?
36. People dump their refuse in the surrounding woods instead of taking it to the tip.
37. Would it put you out if we came tomorrow instead of today?
38. Instead of an outright coup attempt, the rebels want to chip away at her authority.
39. I wish she'd do something to help herself instead of just wallowing in self-pity!
40. I wish Jon would make some constructive proposals instead of just making clever-clever remarks.
41. You would feel totally different when diffierent persons do the same thing for you because we always concern the person instead of the matter itself.
42. Pick the chair up instead of dragging it behind you!
43. Instead of tea or coffee, drink water to quench your thirst.
44. Instead of the Government admitting its error, it just tinkered with the problem.
45. I wish he'd knock instead of just barging in.
46. Wherever possible I use honey instead of sugar.
47. He should have shot instead of passing.
48. Instead of Graham, it was Peter who moved in.
49. She chose happiness instead of wealth.
50. Instead of wasting time, she employed herself in reading.
51. Use a low-fat spread instead of butter.
52. He philosophizes instead of actually doing something.
52. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
53. Take a shower instead of a bath.
54. Shall we have fish instead of turkey today?
55. Let's play cards instead of watching television.
56. Instead of a handkerchief he had an old rag.
57. Use polyunsaturated spread instead of butter.
58. He preferred to die instead of stealing.
59. We just had soup instead of a full meal.
60. Try to eat proper meals instead of fast-food takeaways.
31. The enemy may have recourse to steel instead of poison.
32. Plastics are used in many modern articles instead of metal, wood, etc.
33. Instead of writing her shorthand by hand, she could use a machine.
34. He grumbles at his lot instead of resolutely facing his difficulties.
35. We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson.
36. Start living life here and now instead of waiting for that mythical day when you'll be slim.
37. It is advisable that we ( should ) stay at home instead of going to the movie.
38. He got off with only a fine instead of possible imprisonment.
39. We advocate solving international dispute by negotiation, instead of appealing to arms.
61. I will go instead of you.
62. Instead of electricity, there were kerosene lanterns.
63. You can go instead of me, if you want.
64. Could I have tuna instead of ham?
65. We sometimes eat rice instead of potatoes.
66. The fire smoked instead of burning properly.
67. He just gallivants about instead of working.
68. Instead of being annoyed, he seemed quite pleased.
69. He often chopped the ball instead of driving it.
70. Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather.
71. He builds furniture using wooden pegs instead of nails.
72. Costs were minimized by using plastic instead of leather.
73. He walks slowly instead of quickly.
74. He philosophises instead of actually doing something.
75. His success plays his luck instead of his skill.
76. He put a plus instead of a minus.
77. I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.
78. Give me this instead of that.
79. Instead of opening the gate, we climbed over it.
80. Instead of tragedy, we got melodrama.
81. He played the fool at school instead of working.
82. Air-fresheners mask bad smells instead of removing them.
82. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
83. Why couldn't he say something original instead of spouting the same old platitudes?
84. Instead of moping around the house all day, you should be out there looking for a job.
85. I've been jumping about the file instead of working straight through it.
86. It's a shame. I should be at work instead of lying here in bed.
87. We decided to keep our old car instead of selling it.
88. Instead of going to the police they let things lie for a couple of months.
89. When you go to a Chinese restaurant you have to use chopsticks instead of a knife and fork.
90. Please program the computer to do the job instead of manual operation.
91. Some voters wrote in names instead of checking off the candidates listed.
92. I can hardly wait for my birthday. It cannot be used instead of hard:I've been working hardly today.
93. I ought to give up smoking. In questions, should is usually used instead of ought to:Should we call the doctor?
94. Let's deal properly with the question,instead of just pecking at it.
95. She always thought that having a family instead of a career was a cop-out.
96. You can make a reduced fat version of the cheesecake by using cottage cheese instead of cream cheese.
97. Instead of discussing their problems, they bottle up all their anger and resentment.
98. Instead of using the money to pay his rent, he went to a betting shop and lost the lot in half an hour.
99. Instead of doing something about the problem, the council is hiding behind a smokescreen of bureaucracy.
100. The Reverend William Spooner used to produce spoonerisms such as 'a scoop of boy trouts', instead of what he had meant to say - 'a troop of boy scouts'.
101. One of the peculiarities of his behaviour is that he shouts instead of talking.
102. It's good to breathe fresh country air instead of city smoke.
103. You should try to work at an even rate instead of taking it easy one day and working flat out the next.
104. It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you.
105. The enemy may have recourse to steel instead of poison.
106. Would you prefer to live in the country instead of a town?
107. Instead of snacking on crisps and chocolate, nibble on celery or carrot.
108. The plan boomeranged when they were trapped instead of their victim.
109. Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability.
110. Instead of stopping to speak, she passed by with only a distant nod.
111. You have to learn to laugh instead of getting uptight about things.
112. an instead of a before it. This now sounds old-fashioned.
113. Guy keeps tiptoeing round the problem[/instead of.html], instead of confronting it.
114. The shopkeeper gave us short weight : we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos.
115. Instead of fixing my computer, he's botched it up completely.
116. Instead of taking me to the departure lounge they took me right to my seat on the plane.
117. Have you been loafing away the whole afternoon instead of getting on with your work?
118. She missed the train because she read 18.30 as 8.30 p.m. instead of 6.30 p.m.
119. Instead of confronting the enemy directly, Napoleon simply outflanked them.
120. You waste a lot of water by having a bath instead of a shower.
121. Plastics are used in many modern articles instead of metal, wood, etc.
122. He spent more time perfecting his dance moves instead of gym work.
123. Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting everything they are told without questioning it.
124. He could always do something useful instead of wasting my time with footling queries.
125. I don't understand why a ballet company can't perform fresh new material instead of just bringing out the same old warhorses year after year.
126. Instead of deciding the real issue the commentator would chop logic.
127. Instead of writing her shorthand by hand, she could use a machine.
128. She elected to take early retirement instead of moving to the new location.
129. Instead of going on strike,() the workers decided to work to rule.
130. You should reason with him instead of just telling him to obey.
131. He decided that he would drive back to town instead of putting up for the night at the hotel.
132. A slip of the tongue made me say Robert instead of Richard.
133. The promotion of Russell instead of Sarah really made the sparks fly.
134. Taking exercise every day makes him look younger instead of older.
135. Instead of going to work thinking that it will be totally boring, try to be positive.
136. Try to develop a more critical attitude, instead of accepting everything at face value.
137. She seemed to be wallowing in her grief, instead of trying to recover from the disaster.
138. I've put salt instead of sugar in your coffee, April fool!
139. Now I can walk to work instead of going by car.
140. Small pickling onions can be used instead of sliced ones.
141. She just breezed in as if she'd only been away a day instead of a year.
142. You can make shortbread with margarine instead of butter,[http:///instead of.html] but it isn't the same.
143. The workload can be evened out, instead of the shop having busy times and slack periods.
144. Come out for a walk instead of moping around in the house.
145. They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.
146. Instead of ending up in jail or in the gutter he was remarkably successful.
147. Instead of playing it in the traditional style, she jazzed it up.
148. Elderly people should receive a heating allowance every winter, instead of having to go cap in hand to the government.
149. Instead of sending employees away on courses, the company relies on in-service training.
150. He grumbles at his lot instead of resolutely facing his difficulties.
151. A solicitor can give you disinterested advice. However, in speech it is sometimes used instead of uninterested, although this is thought to be incorrect.
152. She should have developed her own style instead of copying him.
153. I don't want to upset him again like before. It is also used instead of as if:It looks like we're going to be late. These uses of like are common but are not considered correct in formal written English.
154. You should go through the official channels to get help instead of through private relationship.
155. They learned to try new methods, and to trust their own ideas instead of follwing older ways.
156. If you want to use cheese instead of chicken, that's fine .
157. They wore ordinary ties instead of the more formal high collar and cravat.
158. Instead of a prison sentence they were let off with a fine.
159. Let's deal properly with the question, instead of just picking at it.
160. He has been playing all afternoon instead of getting on with his work.
161. We'll have tea in the garden instead of in the house.
162. But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocks instead of making new products.
163. Instead of her normal southward course towards Alexandria and home, she headed west.
164. Instead of just bemoaning your fate, why not do something to change it?
165. The recipe works just as well if you use margarine instead of butter.
166. We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson.
167. The main political parties are merely shadow-boxing, instead of tackling the real economic problems facing this country.
168. We are learning how to confront death instead of avoiding its reality.
169. Jim should get a job instead of lolling around the house all day.
170. That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields.
171. Instead of ringing for the maid, she made the tea herself.
172. I spent my working life poncing around on a beach instead of doing a proper job.
172. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
173. Instead of helping her, his explanation only mixed her up.
174. Wales will be divided into 21 unitary authorities instead of eight counties and 37 districts.
175. Start living life here and now instead of waiting for that mythical day when you'll be slim.
176. Tell someone how you're feeling, instead of bottling it all up.
177. I used the Chinese sign for "father" instead of "uncle".
178. It is advisable that we ( should ) stay at home instead of going to the movie.
179. If you'd got on with your work instead of wasting time chatting, you'd be finished by now.
180. Why the new emphasis on sticks instead of diplomatic carrots?
181. Neutron bombs release lethal radiation instead of exploding with a lot of heat and wind.
182. Instead of powdering out of town right away, I bought some new clothes.
183. She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seize up.
184. The islanders use a system of barter instead of money.
185. Instead of working at her lessons, she spends her time building castles in the air.
186. We did the logo in lower-case letters instead of capitals.
187. They told him to stay home with his wife instead of going out and carousing with friends.
188. He got off with only a fine instead of possible imprisonment.
189. Instead of training the shoots up the fence, lay them flat in both directions alongside it.
190. Do you start the day with a yawn instead of a smile?
191. Everyone knows what's best for him or herself. He/she or he can also be used in writing:If in doubt, ask your doctor. He/she can give you more information. These uses can seem awkward when they are used a lot. It is better to try to change the sentence, using a plural noun. Instead of saying:A baby cries when he or she is tired you can say Babies cry when they are tired.
192. We advocate solving international dispute by negotiation, instead of appealing to arms.
193. When you're older, you'll be sorry that you footled away your youth instead of preparing for a profession.
194. One of his eccentricities is sleeping under the bed instead of on it.
195. Instead of talking the matter over with him, she allowed her resentment to fester in her mind.
196. Instead of butter, I always go for margarine or a low-fat spread.
197. The authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick.
198. It's illogical to pay for homeless families to stay in hostels instead of building new houses.
199. It felt like I'd had two babies instead of one.
200. Instead of rushing at life, I wanted something more meaningful.
201. Instead of getting all riled up about this , we should try to figure out what to do.
202. She was let off with a fine instead of being sent to prison.
203. Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers.
204. She concentrated on the good parts of her trip instead of harping on about the bad.
205. We shall have tea in the garden instead of in the house.
206. If you wanted me to go why didn't you say so in plain English instead of making vague hints?
207. Darby was looking for a way to improve iron when he hit upon the idea of smelting it with coke instead of charcoal.
208. Buy your own cigarettes instead of bumming them from me!
209. Why don't you do some work instead of just frigging around all day?
210. Instead of making progress,[/instead of.html] my work actually seems to be going backwards.
211. I should have listened to my father's wise counsel, and saved some money instead of spending it all.
212. They should farm the land instead of letting it lie waste.
213. Instead of training the men were put on fatigues / fatigue duty.
214. Instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running.
215. Nowadays we can use plastic instead of cash in many places buying things.
216. He is going to chum with a foreign classmate next year instead of having a room to himself.
217. Instead of sending them to prison, we have set them to work helping the lemon growers.
218. Modernist architecture tries to conquer nature instead of working with it.
219. She's chosen career advancement instead of having children - does that make her a liberated woman?
220. Directors who take dividends instead of salary may think they are onto a good thing but could have problems on retirement.
221. Come and walk on the dry road(), instead of going through the wet.
222. She frittered away her time in going to the cinema instead of studying.
223. Instead of cutting expenditure, the government's relying on smoke and mirrors to make it seem as though it's doing something.
224. We'd better present the facts and reason things out instead of quarreling.
225. If you live in a smokeless zone you have to use smokeless fuels instead of coal.
226. The final examination will be brought forward to June instead of July.
227. I think I should have given check at move 23 instead of trying to find a safer square for the rook.
228. I was most chagrined when I heard that he had got the job instead of me.
229. Someday, men will visit ideas instead of places. Toba Beta 
230. Instead of repeatable results, outcomes are merely probabilistic.
231. Instead of sighs and accidents there was pointed and deliberate abuse.
232. It always helps to think about other people instead of ourselves. Ellen Degeneres 
232. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
233. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day.
234. If we acted pleased to see each other instead of annoyed that the relief did not arrive sooner.
235. Would that as many animal lovers were as quick to speak and defend dumb animals instead of staying silent as so many do.
236. Instead of enjoying the present moment, why dream of things beyond your reach and become miserable? RVM 
237. Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. You have no security unless you can live bravely, excitingly, imaginatively; unless you can choose a challenge instead of competence. Eleanor Roosevelt 
238. Listen to what you know instead of what you fear. Richard Bach 
239. I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives. Jane Austen 
240. A councillor may give written notice to his council that he wishes to receive a financial loss allowance instead of an attendance allowance.
241. Everybody said that Floyd Johnson probably dropped anchor somewhere to wait to the next day instead of coming in in the fog.
242. I mention this to Yacouba and suggest his committee should consider planting acacia and fruit trees instead of eucalyptus.
243. Why is he trying to stop this Bill instead of amending it in Committee?
244. As a control, sections were incubated with phosphate buffered saline instead of the primary monoclonal antibodies in the first step.
245. I wish she would show me how to get through homework and adolescence instead of just Christmas dinner for 40.
246. If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace. John Lennon 
247. California wine makers are trying to do new things with sauvignon blanc instead of just aping French styles.
248. We permit limitations to limit us, instead of limiting our limitations. RVM 
249. University graduates became accountants, solicitors, or stock-brokers instead of entering industry.
250. I had seen Bella, when she was about to fry meat, cutting it with a scissors instead of a knife.
251. Corinth products find homes in a wide variety of government space and aircraft systems instead of on commercial airliners.
252. Problems with international marketing research Instead of analysing just one national market, international marketing researchers must analyse a number of national markets.
253. Unlike most modern packs, the Big Top has an adjustable hip belt instead of an adjustable shoulder harness.
254. Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks. Doug Larson 
255. Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful. Margaret Mead 
256. Instead of shelving the permits, as residential builders do, Rohr forged ahead with construction.
257. If only that was what I felt when I looked in the mirror, instead of anxiety over these little springs of steel.
258. It should have been anthemic instead of light and poppy.
259. Over-permissive parents attempt always to use reason instead of overt authority to accomplish their goals.
260. The second alternative system would attack enemy missiles right after launch, instead of in space.
261. The adoption of iron instead of wood for floor beams helped to achieve this aim.
262. All too often, lighting is an afterthought superimposed on the final decoration instead of being planned from the start.
262. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
263. Instead of drifting along the ceiling of the corridor, the smoke moves along as a solid plug.
264. We must meditate on what God has done in our life instead of what we are still waiting on Him to do. Joyce Meyer 
265. But instead of adapting the whole recipe at once, we fiddled with one ingredient at a time.
266. Instead of realizing that neo-realism was a beginning, they assumed it was an end, a golden age.
267. Every sunrise is priceless and you can experience the richness that life holds only when you live life to the full instead of just being an onlooker. Stephen Richards 
268. Radical restructuring could work only if Sam had people on his side, pulling together instead of pulling the company apart.
269. A person who is scared of ballooning will nearly always fly the aircraft on to the ground instead of making well held-off landings.
270. Instead of paying children for jobs, give an allowance that is not tied to performance.
271. Evangelism and social action are polarized instead of being integrated as a united mission agenda for the Church.
272. That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste. John Green 
273. For patients with spurting peptic ulcers, we suggest pure alcohol injection after an epinephrine injection instead of epinephrine injection alone.
274. Instead of careful legalisms, there was an easy flow of answers, even if some were too pat.
275. If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep. Dale Carnegie 
276. Instead of addressing your letter to the personnel manager send it straight to the to-to the managing director.
277. Instead of a real agenda, Dodd offers generalities about opportunity, job security and growth.




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