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单词 Something like
1. Know something like the palm of one's hand. 
2. Why did you do something like that?
3. Why are you doing something like this?
4. Yeah, it's something like that.
5. The only time that we attempted to do something like that was in the city of Philadelphia.
6. I had a hunch that something like this would happen.
7. Something like sixty percent of all married men will have an affair at some point in their marriage.
8. Clive made a noise, something like a grunt.
9. They can't be normal to do something like that.
10. It shocks you when something like that happens.
11. He's scored something like 60 goals this season.
12. Something like that really shatters your confidence.
13. What kind of sicko would write something like that?
14. The tune goes something like this.
15. It tastes something like melon.
16. He earns something like 35000.
17. They can get something like £3,000 a year.
18. There were something like 500 people in the audience.
19. Something like 50,000 homes are without power.
20. They pay six pounds an hour. Something like that.
21. He paid something like ninety pounds for a T-shirt.
22. Who but Rosa could think of something like that?
23. Their argument ran something like this ...
24. I was something like $16,000 in the hole already.
25. A thesaurus is something like a dictionary.
26. The ceremony was something like a christening.
27. It's hard to believe that anyone would say something like that.
28. If he says something like that to me again, for two pins I'll hit him!
29. He's the last person I'd expect to be mixed up in something like this.
30. Rachel, you must have misunderstood her! Ellie would never say something like that.
1. Why did you do something like that?
2. Why are you doing something like this?
3. Yeah, it's something like that.
4. He's the last person I'd expect to be mixed up in something like this.
5. The only time that we attempted to do something like that was in the city of Philadelphia.
6. Rachel, you must have misunderstood her! Ellie would never say something like that.
7. I had a hunch that something like this would happen.
8. Something like sixty percent of all married men will have an affair at some point in their marriage.
9. If he says something like that to me again, for two pins I'll hit him!
31. The air fare was about a hundred and ninety-nine pounds or something like that.
32. It was so unlike him to say something like that, with such intensity, that I was astonished.
33. I wouldn't wish something like that on my worst enemy.
34. The machinery alone will cost something like thirty thousand pounds.
35. It would be untrue to say that something like this could never happen again.
36. "Doesn't it go something like this?" said Joan, and played the first couple of bars on her guitar.
37. That's something like it.
38. Smith is already something like $10,000 in debt.
39. Something like panic overtook me.
40. And it goes something like this.
41. He had seemed something like her gaoler.
42. It is something like ripping off a plaster.
43. The daily routine went something like this.
44. You grow up idealizing something like law.
45. Something like their national honour was at stake.
46. Something like a fin protruded from the water.
47. Geniculate, at first glimpse, is something like that.
48. The face relaxed into something like peacefulness.
49. It was heaped with a grain something like rice.
50. It must have been something like that.
51. But that something like this happened is very probable.
52. Bobby was eighteen, nineteen, something like that.
53. The project will take us something like three weeks.
54. On something like paper, drawn in something like ink.
55. Something like Baker is much more sensible.
56. Ottovina, octave, eight: translation was something like love.
57. Flatbed scanners look and work something like office copiers.
58. He must set about getting something like that himself.
59. Do we mean something like one sand grain every square metre of sea-floor per minute, per day, per year?
60. Even for the reader who can generalize, it is difficult to be objective about something like a cat.
61. They may fight like a lion or go at something like a bull at a gate.
62. Buying a wedding gown is something like looking for the right mate.
63. But if the artery stays plugged up for something like 15 minutes or more, permanent damage occurs.
64. Do not ask for specific instances, particularly for something like birth; just take whatever is presented.
65. At night, the glare of the power station lights transform the complex into something like a beached transatlantic liner.
66. The problem is that skipping the self-examination is something like finding yourself in a maze with a blindfold on.
67. Suddenly, I felt something hard, something like a stick, pressing into my pelvis.
68. This comes too close to something like a pedagogic version of original sin.
69. There were something like 41 officials but only 21 players from the home unions at Parc des Princes.
70. I can see that something like this might be useful from time to time, with the emphasis on might.
71. An organism assimilates another organism when it makes the latter into something like itself, as food into the body.
72. Their fantasy helps when the kids start thinking the wrestlers are heroes and the wrestlers become something like real heroes.
73. My ten foot span model can produce something like 150 kilos of lift.
74. The care provided in such a unit might look something like the list that follows.
75. The daily schedule can be something like this: 9 a.m.
76. I know their intention is not to hurt the Coliseum, but something like this is disruptive and hurtful to that end.
77. Hadn't she seen something like this once before? she thought vaguely.
78. Teeth are especially worthy of admiration, being capable, with proper maintenance, of cracking nuts for something like forty years.
79. In both cases the result of improvement is a dehumanized landscape and something like a moral vacuum.
80. I had expected something like the Central Y, with high ceilings, impressive stone pillars, and marbled stairs.
81. Or maybe at a gym: a personal fitness-adviser, a trainer, something like that.
82. Most of them just go with the flow, ending up as something like a gas fitter or a policeman.
83. Something like 40,000 people are killed in auto accidents every year.
84. The muskrat is a swamp-dwelling rodent something like a large water vole.
85. Very few schools get away with teaching the Lord's prayer in anything other than something like the traditional way.
86. What use would it have been if I had gone into the lounge without something like that?
87. The goal of these assistants is to become something like the office computer guru.
88. That would mean they've taken something like ten miles at that point.
89. In the USA something like 4000 such accidents occur each year.
90. The pressure exerted on that front foot when it is brought down in the bowling action is something like 10 times the bodyweight.
91. We knew there was a chance of a multiple birth but nothing can prepare you for something like that.
92. Pregnancy, however, is a relatively brief and dramatic bodily change, succeeded by reversion to something like the former state.
93. There was another example of something like this at one point a little earlier in the year.
94. Don't you think it's crazy that something like that has become art, something we used to visit?
95. None of us is completely blameless - we all knew something like this could happen.
96. Nothing looked familiar, and yet he'd gone around the block again and again in anticipation of something like this.
97. Well, something like the churning of the Nile River, which keeps on recreating the fertile farmlands at her delta.
98. Would anyone with a reasonable grasp on sanity even attempt something like this?
99. Most unpleasant having something like that hanging over your head.
100. But to suppose that this picture bears the faintest resemblance to what the Labour leadership wants betrays something like paranoia cubed.
101. It is obviously very frustrating when something like this happens.
102. Why would l pull your leg about something like that.
103. It would be nice to have been able to offload your worries on to some one or something like that.
104. Or maybe my true self is yearning to be something like Mary Matalin.
105. We can tell Mr Goodwin to patrol the grounds in case he is dumped, tied up, or something like that.
106. Or maybe something like the morning star that still hung in the dawning sky.
107. How would you expect me to go through all that, to create something like that?
108. And it stands a better chance than most of lasting for something like a full five-year term.
109. Rightly: arson attacks on mosques in Surrey and West Yorkshire suggest something like that may already have begun.
110. Watching a 16-year-old going through something like that is more likely to have a positive effect.
111. When something like that has happened you imagine it's going to repeat itself That's all it is.
112. Something like marble gleamed close by the shore, seeming to leap yet not to fall again-a carved statue of a hound!
113. He felt a relieved smile spreading over his face and something like freedom in his heart.
114. The aim is to create something like this ... and that means the judges methodically comparing furrows.
115. Maybe something like they tend to bring out the best in us.
116. When something like this comes out of left field at you....
117. With something like amazed laughter and, of course, love, Timothy Sunday evening Timothy!
118. He will zoom up to her, stop with a screech of brakes, and ask her something like when lighting-up time is.
119. I had been something like eighteen years in the ordained ministry before I preached my first sermon on Mary.
120. It's frightening to think that something like this can happen in America today.
121. There was nothing more boring than flogging around, looking for something like a bike without lights.
122. The debate in Birmingham has reached something like fever pitch, now that the city council is faced with two rival development schemes.
123. Apart from the 90mins one Sunil mentioned didnt one of the tabloids have an ad on Monday to start something like that up?
124. They got an unreal turnover, something like seventy-five million a year.
125. There was always better than an even chance of something like this happening.
126. I had never seen her before, although she looked something like my eighth-grade civics teacher.
127. This superb almost-flourless chocolate cake is something like a brownie for grownups.
128. Something like 80 percent of proposed courses were turned down when first submitted in the late 1960s.
129. In this respect he is something like a general on a battlefield - except that the battle never comes to an end.
130. How a self-made man should always say he was born in something like a log cabin, preferably with no running water.
131. I wouldn't put up with mice on something like this if I was them.
132. One is myself, white-knuckled and terrified, as Jackie heads past the Casino towards the open sea at something like 150 m.p.h.
133. Only then did I acknowledge that she had said something like this in several of our phone conversations.
134. Instead, you can use something like that as a learning experience.
135. Thus Experience has an undulating, open-ended form, something like a notebook whose pagination has been erased.
136. A deconstruction of the Twinkie might go something like this: First, there is a certain unabashed nakedness about them.
137. I love those ones where there's a piece of cloth just with a safety pin or something like that.
138. It was terrifying to think that some one could feel such hatred towards you that they could do something like this.
139. Where you have a, what is a dactyl, like duh duh duh or something like that?
140. Something, though ... something tall, something like an animal ... quite motionless ... She approached it cautiously.
141. I was certain something like it would come, something like an apocalypse.
142. You really have to be ready for something like that.
143. When I visited the Halutzim Association, they regarded me with something like astonishment.
144. Macrophages are something like a cross between a Pac Man and a vacuum cleaner.
145. The medium of world commerce was often the sterling bill of exchange, which provided something like an international currency.
146. Paradise it was not; but at least it resembled something like its antechamber.
147. I always had something like this in my mind, that something like that was going to happen.
148. And of course, there isn't a punchline but the ending goes something like this.
149. Shelly might have said something like Wheeee!
150. It could be something like this a squash racquet.
151. If not, something like a banking crisis could ensue.
152. My taste buds look something like microscopic rose buds.
153. He is something like an orator.
154. I know you won't really lose sleep over something like this.
155. Something like tennis's Hawk - Eye system could work for monitoring the goal line at least.
156. To make an enlargement, the negative is placed in a device something like a slide projector. This is called an enlarger.
157. Herbert: They said, " how could a geek like Herbert write something like that? "
158. If you need a full-blown persistence layer and/or managed object support, you will likely need to use something like openJPA.
159. It does its job with subtlety, however, spurning the hammer intensity of something like cranberry juice.
160. Something like those mazzoth : it's that sort of bread : unleavened shewbread.
161. Somebody has to do something like this reporter John Vidal giving the world the TRUTH.
162. You also have these people that come to be called the Hasidim, it's on your hand out, that's from a Hebrew word meaning the holy ones or pious ones or something like that.
163. You'd need to do something like ask in Navajo or some secret code.
164. At best, the client might do something like write a new time stamp that indicates the last time the identified customer visited.
165. Comus attempts to seduce the Lady, you'll remember, with something like an economic theory of natural beauty.
166. They are something like the eye of typhoon, looking calm. However, you don't get rise out of them. If you come close and try to offend them, they will teach you a painful lesson like typhoon.
167. Something like this indiscriminate selling has been affecting hedge funds over the past couple of weeks.
168. Mathematics seems to endow one with something like a new sense.
169. The entire world must take notice of something like this.
170. In the Stonehenge, each two standing stone pillars are connected by a laying one, something like a shanty, and even a revolution from natural cave.
171. Now for the bump map, take the original petal,() desaturate it and take the levels down to something like this.
172. " Oxford , New Mexico,'snorted Tom contemptuously, " or something like that. "
173. Up ahead appeared something like a sluice gate, straddling the tracks.
174. That means something like revenge by the wearer of horns.
175. Raoul Duke:We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like.
176. He saw something like an attempt to trample upon the rights and independence of Scotland.
177. The architect would often just write something like "beautiful fretwork" on the drawing.
178. In other words, each of the high level tasks is mapped to something like a subprocess.
179. "To ask someone to take something like that off, it's disrespectful to them, " Kudo said.
180. Individuals of heterodox belief but whose own views may stimulate others to question and think for themselves, all to the good, Milton, John Locke, people like Voltaire argued something like this.
181. For people of a certain age, such anecdotes might evince something like nostalgia.
182. Gas lasers look something like a combination of a neon tube and a fluorescent lamp.
183. These options range from something like %7.4f for specifying the precision and width of a floating point number to %tT for formatting a time to %3$s for formatting the third argument.
184. By the way, can I use my electric shaver, computer or something like that?
185. All I'm after is just a mediocre brain, something like the President of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.
186. As if by magic, you get the ordered output of the full execution path triggered by thread 24, which should look something like Listing 8.
187. Writing code that just looks-- I'm not even sure what this is supposed to look like, a little flower or pinwheel or something like that.
188. At first the all -day-and-night tone sounded something like an air - raid siren.
189. Once we figure out something like a portable fusion reactor, you'll see what we can do!
190. Or maybe hiring the girls we need to work in the casinos. something like that.
191. Perfect Gift: something like a soothing eye mask or a trip to a spa.
192. And we're not sure how the retail distribution will work for something like this.
193. I think it was an American detective story or something like that.
194. Galatia refers to an area that included different towns, and so this is something like a circular letter that would have gone around to different parts.
195. Collisions which occurred in the universe when ( it was ) something like a trillionth of second old.
196. For example, if the metaprogramming system auto-generates a method within a class, but later that method must be tweaked, how do you implement something like that?
197. In the case of something like crop insurance, moreover, it could put money in the hands of farmers immediately after the rains fail – and before the hunger sets in.
198. ANd it has AN inflorescence that looks something like a corn tassel.
199. The club room is something like an old fashioned hotel tea parlour.
200. He enunciated, quietly, but in something like his usual modulated and faintly histrionic tone.
201. Dressings will be something like olive oil, chutney, seeds or nuts.
201. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
202. JOHN : Yes , you're right. What do you think of something like baby shampoo or talcum powder?
203. He is something like an emissary of light, something like a lower sort of apostle.
204. My work is something like the Penelope's web, never done, but ever in hand.
205. Don't stop until you get to twenty, even if you end up with something like "I'm thankful for the shape of my right pinkie toe" or "I'm thankful for spicy hummus and pita chips."
206. Dale Carnegie I get a lot of e-mails asking if particular niches are good. Usually it goes something like: “Should I launch a Web site/blog/product in a competitive niche?
207. Maria: Let me think ! Pills for carsick , traditional medicine coldpain killers and something like that.
208. What we are talking about is something like what happened to public defender Theresa Olson when she took it upon herself to give her client a ride in a jail conference room.
209. In a pinch, you can use something like Scotch tape.
210. And then something like a tablet, a tablet is just round and flat.
211. I've lived stupendously well in New York for a year, and now it's as if I didn't know you, and didn't know what to tell you, but it goes something like this.
212. PAUL HARVEY : A better comparison might be to something like the Mozambique floods.




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