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单词 Back up
1. Make sure you back up your files.
2. The bus had to back up and turn round.
3. We trudged back up the hill.
4. The bus had to back up and turn around.
5. She looked back up the grassy slope.
6. The traffic is starting to back up on the M25.
7. Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.
8. Back up a bit so that everyone can see.
9. The boat is pulling away,back up there!
10. He booted the ball 40 yards back up field.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. The writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples.
12. You'll have to back up and turn around.
13. Make sure you back up every day.
14. You can back up another two metres or so.
15. You'll have to back up north.
16. Oil prices are coming back up .
17. That sort of attitude really gets my back up!
18. His offhand manner put my back up.
19. Some food labelling practices really get my back up.
20. These devices can back up the whole system.
21. We back up all the files every night.
22. You can back up another two feet or so.
23. Will you back up my story to the police?
24. There's no evidence to back up his accusations.
25. You can back up another two yards.
26. It's a good idea to back up your files onto floppy disk.
27. We back up our computer files at work on a daily basis.
28. She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument.
29. Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up.
30. No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. The sun comes right back up the next day.
1. Make sure you back up your files.
2. We trudged back up the hill.
3. She looked back up the grassy slope.
4. The traffic is starting to back up on the M25.
5. Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.
6. Make sure you back up the disk before you turn the computer off.
31. If you can't go up the hill forwards, you'll have to back up.
32. Just ignore him - he's only trying to put your back up.
33. The team cited evidence from a recent earthquake to back up their idea.
34. Tom got his back up when I said he was wrong.
35. Two lanes were closed by the accident, causing cars to back up for miles.
36. He hopped back up the stairs and took his pistol.
37. He's now back up on the slopes again, skiing competitively in events for the disabled.
38. He crept back up the stairs, trying to avoid the ones that creaked.
39. Make sure you back up the disk before you turn the computer off.
40. If I tell the police I was with you that day,[http://] will you back up my 'story/back me 'up?
41. The traffic was starting to back up in both directions.
42. No evidence was offered to back up the claim.
43. The car stopped and then began to back up.
44. I reached over and pulled her pants back up.
45. You got to get back up.
46. I run back up the hill to the cabin.
47. None of these writers produced research evidence to back up their claims, basing them exclusively on clinical practice and theoretical projections.
48. A complete breakdown of budget talks could push rates back up, at least temporarily, analysts concede.
49. Then it climbs back up to the top of the stigma rising from the ovary and rams the pollen ball into the top.
50. Certainly there were no big business deals or investment agreements to back up the good intentions expressed.
51. I went back up to the office and checked the contents,() taking the items out one by one.
52. I return the papers to their envelope and start back up toward the cabin.
53. There is no scientific research to back up the company's claims.
54. It then climbs the inevitably steep hill back up to Alum chine on the return leg to Bournemouth.
55. I tapped his shoulder and pointed back up toward the hotel, then started walking in that direction.
56. When the required function has been selected the menu rolls back up into the menu bar leaving the screen clear.
57. The bairn started bringing his milk back up all the time when he was just a few days old.
58. Not when they wrung out sheets so tight the rinse water ran back up their arms.
59. Willie fought back the urge to leave, to scramble back up the embankment and join his mates as if nothing had happened.
60. Then a submersible pump, concealed in a sump, conveys it back up to a blockwork filter filled with Canterbury spar.
61. He glanced back up at the house, where warm orange light spilled out from the dining room into the grey afternoon.
62. She took a mouthful of wine, but it came straight back up.
63. At a quarter to eleven she galloped back up to the attic room.
64. The same computer and communications stocks that lead the market down all day, lead it back up in the 90 minutes.
65. If you get his/her back up, even if you're right, you're dead!
66. The friar walked back up to the Poultry and knocked on the coroner's door.
67. It may not be necessary to back up your words with actions - he or she may leave you alone after that.
68. Bring your knees back up to the centre and let them roll across your body over to your left side.
69. He hadn't made the arrest himself, but had been called in as back up.
70. I wonder whether later she might slip back up the stairs and come to me.
71. And he may have reduced resistance to engrams as he comes back up the track and may thus trip a holder.
72. For a while, when hard drives were relatively small,[] you could back up your data on floppy disks.
73. Get that ploughman to help you if he comes back up here.
74. I jerked back up under the covers before he saw me looking.
75. When we were convinced Robert had definitely gone the three of us trudged back up the field.
76. He had been around the scene for long enough to know how to manipulate meetings without getting everyone's back up.
77. For instance, he interfered with the hauling of sludge, causing sludge to back up at the plant, they said.
78. And there are 150 members of the Royal Commonwealth Pool's own judo club to back up that claim.
79. Your case may be strengthened by preparing written material to back up what you say.
80. As I was walking back up the hill, I found a four-leaf clover.
81. But Maria was already back up to the piano stool.
82. Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again. Nelson Mandela 
83. Leslie was hurt after racing to back up male colleagues trying to catch the suspect in Wavertree, Liverpool.
84. I broke from them, and ran back up the slope to my mother's house.
85. When Matt Williams followed with a clean single back up the middle, Justice came around to score.
86. But the same urchins along the walk from the strip back up the rise toward the quarters, the same characterless sleep.
87. I went down to the phone to talk with Erica and Stuart, then came back up and pruned two apple trees.
88. Elie, who can back up both Horry and Drexler, represents the eighth wonder of the world champs.
89. Yukio gave a choking scream as the pressure within his suit forced his helmet back up over the latches.
90. She was out of control, she said, knocking back up to ten cups of coffee a day.
91. Unfortunately, as the tranquillizer wears off so the plunger gradually slides back up and the former level of stress returns.
92. You use a question to power them back up because it opens up a topic.
93. Primo walked back up the street and began unloading the van.
94. Now I need you to back up my story and put me in the clear.
95. It would be wise to start rallying around for some back up!
96. It really gets my back up when salesmen call round to the house.
97. The head keeper shrugged and led them back up a passageway to a cleaner empty cell.
98. When I climb back up to the pueblo there's a meeting in progress.
99. I stumbled back and sat down heavily on the plinth, then staggered upright and pulled my cords back up.
100. He started to back up the car when some one leaned against his door and tapped against the window.
101. You need to back up your theory with one or two hard facts.
102. And went back up and walked the tightrope to the west bank 31.
103. Your stomach heaves uncontrollably, and vomit spews out of your mouth into the sink,[] splashing back up into your face.
104. Jesse Sapolu, who normally would back up Brown, is also out with a sprained left ankle....
105. In the end I crept back up to my room.
106. Feeling frightened, he scurried back up the stairs and sank bewildered into his armchair.
107. His white blood count dropped after the treatment, as expected, but is now back up to pre-transplant levels.
108. Her eyelids swept down over her eyes and swept back up again.
109. Marina watched him set the rifle against the stairway and climb back up.
110. Afterwards we climbed back up the path towards the summit.
111. That left lots of time to kill, so Zen rode a bus back up to the centre and wandered along the Corso.
112. And since serotonin levels drop just before your period, your body will look for ways to pump it back up.
113. For there are fewer people working in agriculture and this is pushing the incidence rate back up.
114. There seemed to be no undisputed facts that would either back up the story or knock it down.
115. Climbing back up the one in 4 gradient requires extraordinary reserves of stamina as well.
116. Reichert arrived at the scene to back up Kirby and Anderson.
117. The idea was to capture the shelf space, lower prices, gain customers and then slowly ratchet prices back up.
118. We then invent criteria to back up the choice, delegating our responsibility to professional specialists.
119. Back up your data. Make backup copies of your data, and lock them away.
120. She shaded them with her hand, turned, glanced back up.
121. Mobile teams were created to back up the village outreach system, providing sterilization and IUDs.
122. All that is material to this case is what substantial evidence Frank has to back up his claim about Militant infiltration.
123. Then I lug the carboy back up the hill and set it down next to the cast-iron sink.
124. Don't forget to back up all the new files you create.
125. He pulled his trousers back up and buttoned his fly.
126. Jack walked back up to the landing and put his arm around his daughter.
127. I grabbed a bullhorn and yelled, in my most commanding flight attendant voice, for them to back up.
128. She'd even got Bert's back up proper, over his betting and poor old Floss.
129. Here, cars are reversing back up a slip road because the way ahead is blocked.
130. Never use the jammed rope as your sole support when climbing back up.
131. Mitchell swallowed some accidentally as he rinsed his mouth but forced it back up before the microbes could celebrate a new host.
132. The snow goose flew down low over the field and then soared back up gracefully.
133. Can you back up a few steps so that I can open the door?
134. The field then reverses and builds its strength back up in the opposite direction.
135. When you write a history essay,[] you should back up all your points with facts.
136. Remember all the goals scored from set pieces and corners the first season we came back up?
137. It will be hard for him to back up those claims now that they have been contemptuously dismissed by Dintilhac.
138. He pushed himself back up on to his feet again and started to stumble across the sand to the village.
139. He waited until she had closed the door then went back up, making as little noise as possible.
140. She turns and begins to wobble back up the aisle.
141. A chill suddenly struck her, as they left the Aston Martin and took the lift back up to Guy's penthouse apartment.
142. As the tide rose, water was forced back up the Westbury Brook and held back by the sluice gates.
143. Then I slipped over and did a leisurely backstroke back up the pool.
144. The Dragoons closest to the Prussians immediately turned and galloped back up the slope towards their comrades.
145. I trudged back up to the cabin and reluctantly went to bed.
146. At Eagle Butte I stopped and got a clamp, got the pipe back up there some way.
147. The miners scrambled back up the hill of the slanting deck and the ship steadied.
148. I went back up to my room and lay down on the bed.
149. Residue fell to the bottom of the sea, and lava later pushed the particles back up.
150. The research will involve theoretical development and both econometric work and back up case study analysis.
151. She stood back up; the quotes fluttered with her motion, a flock of starlings.
152. She pulled herself back up the spiral staircase and made for the bathroom.
153. A long chairlift took us back up to the Col de la Madeleine, with its spectacular view up to Meribel.
154. Eric Gray charged back up the court before stopping short of the center line.
155. She pulled through the clutching shrubbery and skimmed back up the steps, realizing she was leaving footprints of damp earth.
156. He stepped outside, closed the doors, switched off the flashlight and walked back up the slope to the cottage.
157. He put the fake petunias back up on the wall, then went intO his room to get his wallet and keys.
158. At last, badly bruised and scratched, they were forced to haul themselves back up to their island prison.
159. My cries make Connie back up, until he is shouted back by Mr Barraza.
160. She pushed the headrest back up; she pulled the tassel.sentencedict .com
161. I leaned over and kissed the perfect skin covering such bone, such muscle, and pulled the cover back up.
162. I walk back up the steps and stand in the open doorway with the gun smoking by my side.
163. The second wild cat ran back up into the mountains.
164. Now drop left to avoid the guard, while climbing back up left and collecting a crate.
165. And, even relations such as these may not be enough to back up counterfactual claims like the one Poulantzas offers.
166. Behind and back up the fairway Andy was waiting for Des to play first from behind the cross bunkers.
167. You could see a mile or more back up into the canyon.
168. Are the changes enough to transform more non-believers into Corvette buyers and pump sales back up, as Chevrolet hopes?
169. Hit the bottom and get back up; or hit the bottle and stay down. Anthony Liccione 
170. His condescending attitude really gets my back up.
171. Driving the price to buy back up?
172. To scroll back up, click on the up arrow.
173. I turned and started running nonchalantly back up court.
174. Back up file sequence error.
175. The tepid vodka bunced back up into her throat.
176. Depending on the situation, you may need to periodically back up INI files located as pointed in (default is /home/ibmcmadm/cmgmt/connectors).
177. Big institutions seeking to repay their government capital could add another $48.4 billion to that total in the near term, pushing resources back up to around $154.5 billion.
178. They also provide much more flexible back up than coal for renewable energy supplies which wax and wane with the sun and wind – a safer bet for the future?
179. In Philippians you get the famous hymn where Christ descends into the body and he suffers as a slave and is raised back up.
180. You need to back up your mail, messages, and records at an off-site facility.
181. Back Up Operation manager job if related concerned party is not available.
182. The Sequencing or Line Replenishment Operator shall provide a dedicated machine for back up and contingency.
183. Incremental backup allows you to back up only index and data pages that have changed since a previous backup.
184. Meeting system, on-line game back up server based on group communication.
185. So hopefully next time we do a formal charge question, we'll get everyone back up to speed.
186. But in the short term, we've got the carbon dioxide removal system back up and running and operating at close to its normal capacity, " Smith said."
187. Clogged pipes caused drain water to back up into the room.
188. It has, for example, just won an order to provide a 2.2 megawatt-hour battery the size of a shipping container for use in tests to back up a Chinese coal-fired power station.
189. To deal with this preference, Keynes whimsically suggested burying bottles full of cash in disused mines and letting the private sector dig them back up.
190. The Canadian dollar, having dipped sharply [Sentencedict], is back up to rough parity with the greenback.
191. As he travelled back up through the underground, toward the light of day, he remembered and happened to pass the smithy of a couple of dwarf brothers named Brok and Eitri.
192. Create a script to back up the DPF database -- vi
193. The Cherokee legend, commonly known as "The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting, " is about a rabbit who is a braggart and a trickster able to persuade other animals that he can back up his boasts.
194. And intriguingly, it is the BPM vendors themselves who are pushing spreadsheets back up to the coalface of finance.
195. As Thomas Reed stalked the lost chalice in Biomorph Land, he often needed to back up.
196. It takes hours for the boards to readjust, to squeak back up the nails, for the old fibres of the pinewood to recover their give.
197. 'I know I'll want to build my savings back up again as a security blanket as quickly as possible,' she says.
198. Just to back up,remember how diverse we're finding Christianity, and we're going to start seeing that diversity now representing itself in Christology.
199. Fortunately for them , most equity funds are on their way back up to par values.
200. Use this page to create, back up, or restore the encryption key.
201. Carbon dating and infrared analysis of Leonardo's techniques back up the theory.
202. Mason querulously demands that they get his computer back up and running.
203. Cherokee legend, commonly known as "The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting, " is about a rabbit who is a braggart and a trickster able to persuade other animals that he can back up his boasts.
204. You can buy terabyte external disks for under $100, and after your partition juggling you can use them to back up your important files, to transfer large files between systems, or in other ways.
205. So grab some popcorn, relax, and be glad that when the lights go back up, the real universe will still be out there for us to enjoy.
206. Finally, the white side of the 5-on-1 reflector set bounced light from the strobe back up under her hat and added a little bit of a beauty look to the headshot below.
207. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a # 9 on this list.
208. If nage closes the ma-ai (space) with uke, he will hit a point at which uke MUST either commit to his attack or back up.
209. You can select the files and folders which needs to be backed up and also the back up path .
210. Since main memory ( primary storage ) is volatile and too small to accommodate all data and programs permanently, the computer system must provide secondary storage to back up main memory.
211. "Now on the way back up, just as far as the next few days are concerned, I think that 1,340 could stop the short-term bounce," said Ari Wald, equity strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman in New York.
212. The price of admission to the list is back up to $1 billion from 2009 when $950 million was enough to make the top 400.
213. When Langer asked this question , compliancejumped back up to 93 percent.
214. This provides project teams with traceability so that when issues are found during test runs, defects can be entered and tracked back up to the originating requirements.
215. At first, pressure in the heart rises and blood and fluid back up into your lungs. You will feel short of breath and get tired easily.
216. Back up in the BSD layer, it also needs to create new entries in the process table, copy any file descriptors that the process has open, and so on.
217. 'When things aren't going right on the pitch or even off the pitch I'm one to really rally the troops and to get their spirits back up.
218. You can back up the server to a tape drive or hard disk.
219. I raced back up the stairs, slamming the door shut behind me.
220. Neighbour hears voice, come help sb to get over his worries, right now this female " hero " skill back up, single-handed hold bastinado, shout an order " captive " fast from climb below the bed.
220. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
221. The world's oldest known high-altitude human settlements, dating back up to 49, 000 years, have been found sealed in volcanic ash in Papua New Guinea mountains, archaeologists said Friday.
222. The upcoming big Apple TV will use iPhone's Siri 'personal assistant' as its main control method - and will use touch control as a back up.
223. But then as they continue into old age, their happiness starts to clime back up.
224. However, although our observations may back up this generalisation we cannot be sure that it applies to all Virgo's, only those we have observed.
225. When this end is pulled, the rope from the sleeve travels back up and out the pant leg until it gets stuck again!
226. "That was a real low blow, " added Gillett. "He (Benitez) has had a struggle getting the morale of the boys back up but we've got a great group of young men.
227. OK, what I would like you to see is I've been printing out, as I went along, actually let's back up slightly and look at the code. There's merge sort.
228. To back up its money, the bank had a reserve in cotton, gold, silver and land about equal to the value of its note issue.
229. It can show examinee information, back up the database, export typing the corresponding report form.
230. The consequence of desperation to develop is exhaustion of resources and deterioration of environment which lead the mankind to wrack and ruin and lead the economy to back up.
231. For these reasons, I much prefer to back up the queue manager meta-data.
232. Feeling like a complete wimp for ever having asked, I set off back up the slope.
233. In this situation, you can back up the management server data to another live system, which you can bring online manually to take over management if necessary.
234. Still even with the improving economy there are still many concerns(Libya, Portugal, Inflation...) that should move the yellow metal back up along with its little sister.
235. For safety's sake, it can also back up your Registry before scanning, so that you can restore it, if the program causes any problems.
236. Is there shareware available to help you back up files?
237. Article 6 Where a labor dispute arises, a party shall be responsible for adducing evidence to back up its claims.
238. The late Iris Chang, who wrote a book about Qian, concluded that the Immigration and Naturalization Service had no concrete evidence to back up its charge that Qian was a Communist.
239. Then they also put my legs in the yoga lotus position, turned me over on the stomach arching my back up, pulling my arms back.
240. If the margin account balance falls below the maintenance margin level, the account balance must be brought back up to the maintenance level.
241. Quality and reliability are getting back up to the mark.
242. He told me how I could get the plane back up to cruising altitude after he'd parachuted out over the ocean.
243. There will be no tendency for him to bounce back up and regain his previous equilibrium.
244. I wonder what has caused so many vehicles to back up here.
245. Anthony, I want you to play back up for Justin.
246. To scroll back up, click the scrollbar track above the scroll slider.
247. Oh, and yes, we do carry back up guns around our ankles...
248. Before creating the mksysb image, you need to allocate the tape drive to the LPAR you want to back up.
249. Jump up, elbow flexion ( forearm back ), also back up the wrist.
250. As memory is dynamically managed among multiple LPARs, the Hypervisor has to use a paging device to back up the excess memory that it cannot back up using physical memory from the shared memory pool.
251. I know that building my fitness back up is the best way to return to my former level, ′ explains Lorenzo, who heads to Germany with a Nietzschean approach to his recent trials and tribulations.
252. Back up the passage he could see a crossway he had already passed, a gaping mouth in the wall.
253. With bounce-back DNA in the palm trees, they come right back up from bending to the ground after the hurricane is gone.
254. Tried restarting, shutting down and booting back up, still there.
255. You can also use the DS8000's remote copy service to back up your OS and application to a remote site, as Figure 6 shows.
256. Also Saturday, a spokeswoman for the mission said its public Web site was back up after a hacker managed to change the site's lead story overnight.
257. Friar Laurence hesitated a moment and then hurried back up the steps.
258. You can use a zip drive to back up your hard drive in a compressed format.
259. After several quarters of robust growth, industrial production has caught back up with its long-term trend in all Asian countries except Japan, S in gapore and Malaysia, accord in gto HSBC.
260. I'm not coming back up here. Never, for love nor money.
261. And, when you stumble, keep faith And, when you're knocked down, get right back up.
262. Sure, most developers unquestioningly back up their source code, but backing up a build environment is a lot more difficult and customarily gets done only in more strictly maintained environments.
263. Before replacing the existing code page conversion table files in the sqllib/conv directory, you should back up the files.
264. The West must back up its verbal support with substantial economic aid.
265. It is recommended that you back up the encryption key after you create it.
266. Indeed I had, and over the next hour or so I drank three flutes of the decent, but unexceptional, bubbly. Man, it was nice: as soon as the glass emptied, the bartender would fill it right back up!
267. Back up the other end and a long throw caught the Rovers backline at sixes and sevens, allowing Ince to race through and crash a volley over the top from a tight angle.
268. I persuaded him to restring the cable between two trees that were farther apart, and we raised the hive back up.
269. Some people prefer to back up the filesystem that contains the queue manager configuration, while others prefer to back up the meta-data about the configuration.
270. You couldn't even back up and around the corner without risking ploughing into another out-of-stater coming along behind you.
271. Join a polar bear club or sing along with a busker in the streets and see what happens. Be a back up dancer at a karaoke bar.
272. Automated High Availability Mode: This feature enables Terracotta server run in an automated restart mode that can be used to automatically back up the cluster data for forensic purposes.
273. Investigate all possible back up project to secure the FY budget.




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