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单词 Two-thirds
1. The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
2. Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first hurdle and are packed off home.
3. Two-thirds of Californians live within 15 miles of the coast.
4. Two-thirds of householders in this country live in a mortgaged home.
5. Pay constitutes two-thirds of all current expenditure.
6. Two-thirds of the profits are given to charities.
7. The party has a two-thirds majority in Parliament.
8. Two-thirds of the adult population there has contracted AIDS.
9. Do not fill the container more than two-thirds full.
10. Education comprises two-thirds of all local council spending.
11. The scientists estimate that nearly two-thirds of the continent has become drier over the past 60 years.
12. Two-thirds of the women interviewed think about food a lot or all of the time.
13. Economic sanctions will be lifted once two-thirds of their forces have pulled out.
14. Two-thirds of the national electorate had the chance to vote in these elections.
15. The war has uprooted nearly two-thirds of the country's population.
16. The survey reveals that two-thirds of married women earn less than their husbands.
17. A two-thirds majority is needed to amend the club's constitution.
18. Republicans controlled more than two-thirds of the Senate.
19. Two-thirds of lone parents are on benefit.
20. Two-thirds of the ramparts were undefended.
21. The panorama included fully two-thirds of the battlefield.
22. The bond measure needs a two-thirds majority to pass.
23. The governing party controls two-thirds of the parliament.
24. A two-thirds majority is needed to override a veto.
25. Fowler was released after serving two-thirds of his sentence.
26. Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town,(Sentencedict) deserted by two-thirds of its residents.
27. The House voted by 327 votes to 93, comfortably exceeding the required two-thirds majority.
28. Of the four million people who have become vegetarians in Britain, nearly two-thirds are women.
29. The United States and Russia hope to conclude a treaty to cut their nuclear arsenals by two-thirds.
30. A second book has already been commissioned and is two-thirds finished.
1. The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
2. Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first hurdle and are packed off home.
3. Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town, deserted by two-thirds of its residents.
4. Two-thirds of Californians live within 15 miles of the coast.
5. Two-thirds of householders in this country live in a mortgaged home.
6. The House voted by 327 votes to 93, comfortably exceeding the required two-thirds majority.
7. Of the four million people who have become vegetarians in Britain, nearly two-thirds are women.
31. Most of Nichols' farm is enriched through pumped groundwater or private river water that he buys at just two-thirds that price.
32. These provide food for nearly two-thirds of the world's population.
33. The purpose of the two-thirds vote requirement for local bonds is to protect property owners from renter tyranny.
34. Two-thirds of the London sample were employed in the homes of artisans, publicans and victuallers.
35. Remaining funds will be allocated to individual projects, a third to public health research and two-thirds to clinical research.
36. Next year two-thirds of all motorway maintenance work will be carried out in this way.
37. The main farming activity was livestock production so that two-thirds of the total farm income derived from livestock.
38. Two-thirds of those who inherited a property promptly sold it.
39. Over two-thirds have previously been involved in making an acquisition.
40. He gets depressed when he reads computer ads describing models that are two-thirds again as fast as his but cost one-third less.
41. During the last year, two-thirds had remained faithful to a single partner.
42. The entry of the new Lander would, however, have to secure two-thirds support in the Bundestag and Bundesrat.
43. Only five were solved, for a 41. 7 percent clearance rate, less than two-thirds the national average.
44. Two-thirds of the Texas delegates are men, roughly equal to the average for the national delegation.
45. The company said it expects between one-half to two-thirds of eligible workers to accept the offer, which expires later this month.
45. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
46. The ruling United National Party does not have the two-thirds majority in parliament required to change the constitution.
47. Two-thirds of those states that retain the death penalty allow children to face execution.
48. We hope to secure the signatures of two-thirds of our registered voters, thus bypassing the need for an incorporation election.
49. But if two-thirds of the voters sign petitions, their community automatically becomes a town.
50. An amendment would have to pass both the House and Senate by a two-thirds majority and then be ratified by 38 states.
51. Nearly two-thirds of the town's 36 property qualifications were owned by a Warwickshire gentry family, the Goughs of Edgbaston.
52. Parliament would have the power to override presidential vetoes on legislation with a two-thirds majority.
53. Sarah Bradford is right to spend two-thirds of her quiet(), lucid biography on the years before the assassination.
54. Two-thirds of five to seven-year-olds and half of eight to 11-year-olds are looking forward to the autumn term.
55. A similar picture emerges in the case of women except that women's earnings at all levels are only two-thirds of men's.
56. But agriculture and industry together account for two-thirds of national income and four-fifths of national employment opportunities.
57. Less than one in two women visits a pub regularly, compared with two-thirds of men.
58. Businessmen will get most passports, perhaps as much as two-thirds.
59. The results were mixed in other parts of Marin on two capital improvement taxes that required approval by two-thirds of the voters.
60. In addition, two-thirds of all part-time workers are women, many holding more than one job.
61. He pulled the ladder into position, climbed two-thirds of its height to stand on eye level with the filing box.
62. More than two-thirds of those aged 60 or over when interviewed had received a redundancy payment of £3,000 or more.
63. Television commentator Patrick J.. Buchanan, whose name was only on about two-thirds of the state ballots, came in third.
64. Under the 1911 Coal Mines Act, pithead baths had to be provided if two-thirds of the miners voted for them.
65. Two-thirds of depressed patients have family members who have suffered from depression.
66. Nearly two-thirds of the neurons recorded from the human temporal lobe seemed to be interested in faces.
67. In two-thirds of such patients, white blood cells known as T-Lymphocytes that are produced by the marrow attack their fresh surroundings.
68. A majority of two-thirds was required to pass constitutional modifications, and the result was 364 votes to 70.
69. Two-thirds of the output from its factories is for civilian use - washing machines, prams and hunting rifles, for instance.
70. Two-thirds of the way down is Buchi Emecheta's house, built in the anonymous style of 1930s ribbon development.
71. Pensions then were equivalent to two-thirds or more of average incomes of working-class adults.
72. Election results Mahathir's coalition won 127 parliamentary seats, thereby securing its two-thirds majority.
73. In elections to rural councils independent candidates won two-thirds of the seats and 80 percent of mayorships.
74. Two-thirds of the Lords are hereditary peers who succeeded to the title automatically on their father's death.
75. Only one firm in two now bargains with unions(), compared with two-thirds then. Closed shops have been outlawed.
76. Among all voters, Fabrizio found that two-thirds supported balancing the budget over cutting taxes.
77. Ninety percent of the known gay-bashers continue to be men, two-thirds of them under the age of 30.
78. In four rounds of voting on July 24 and 26 none received the necessary backing of two-thirds of the 400 deputies.
79. Because the law requires a two-thirds majority for an appointment, government and opposition parties must agree in advance whom to elect.
80. Floods accounted for more than two-thirds of the 211m people a year affected on average by natural disasters over the past decade.
81. That means the inner core makes a complete eastward rotation about two-thirds of a second faster than the rest of the planet.
82. Do you know that two-thirds of obstetricians in the States have been sued at least once in their lives?
83. Two-thirds of its imports of medicinal plants are taken from the wild.
84. Two-thirds of the ability of male children on aerobic capacity tests; almost 90 percent in female children.
85. Two-thirds of the respondents were satisfied with local bus services, while coach services won 85% approval.
86. Although they followed the diet as well as younger men, they lost only two-thirds as much weight.
87. If today such spending amounts to roughly two-thirds of all economic activity, we can trace its origin back to the 1920s.
88. Two-thirds of disabled people were at or below the poverty line.
89. Two-thirds of the total cited heating and fuel bills in particular as being more expensive than they had anticipated.
90. More than two-thirds were privately educated and 400 went to Eton.
91. By 1986 two-thirds of the labour force worked outside agriculture.
92. The quest to solve it involves raising the living standards of two-thirds of the world's population.
93. That convention needed a consensus, while the London Dumping Convention adopts its resolutions by a two-thirds majority.
94. On Okinawa, however, two-thirds of the 20 military women Fowler interviewed said they had been sexually harassed.
95. Apply slightly lighter highlighter on the remaining two-thirds of the eye - I prefer something with a little sparkle.
96. Selman has sold off two-thirds of his herd so far.
97. A recent Houston Chronicle poll found that two-thirds of Houstonians believed new Latino immigrants strengthened their city.
98. More than two-thirds were businessmen who travel on tight schedules and pay high fares.
99. As expected, the 240-159 vote fell far short of the two-thirds majority needed to prevail.
100. I ask the question because nearly two-thirds of the people who use the Internet are male.
101. A two-thirds vote would only be required if changes result in a net increase in taxes.
102. Changes would require a two-thirds majority in both houses and the approval of the electorate in a national referendum.
103. He found that over two-thirds of the neurons increase their activity when a new item of information enters memory.
104. Almost two-thirds of the increase in the volume of imports last year was in capital goods, intermediate goods and semi-finished manufactures.
105. Despite these problems, two-thirds of the children consider the residential street to be safer than the customary street with pavement.
105. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
106. A subsequent vote in the Senate failed to achieve the two-thirds majority necessary to overturn a presidential veto.
107. But under existing environmental legislation, some two-thirds of this land can not be exploited.
108. Between half and two-thirds of smokers die of something other than smoking.
109. Perhaps giving the opposition two-thirds of the likely overs erred on being generous but all credit to Felsted's enterprising captaincy.
110. Between 1974 and 1995, the number of poorer renters facing serious housing problems jumped by two-thirds, to 6 million.
111. In income, approximately two-thirds of the total household income before tax comes from wages and salaries.
112. A later law dealing with landless newcomers, specifies that they should receive half the property, and not two-thirds.
113. Two-thirds of those questioned said that jacket copy is either extremely important or very important to them.
114. Afternoons were chosen by two-thirds as being especially suitable for courses of short duration.
115. Roebuck acquiring a two-thirds interest in Watt's patent for his financial help.
116. The amendment would require a two-thirds vote of Congress to pass tax increase measures.
117. But spot checks by the agency have indicated travelers are informed only about two-thirds of the time.
118. As in the 29 other instances, an attempt by Congress to override the veto failed to muster the required two-thirds majority.
119. Better yet, two-thirds wish that their high schools would make community service a requirement for graduation.
120. Retail sales are a gauge of consumer spending, which accounts for two-thirds of economic activity.
121. Meanwhile, the Senate voted but failed to get a two-thirds majority on the balanced budget and flag desecration amendments.
122. A vote in favour of secession would be carried subject to a two-thirds majority of the republic's total electorate.
123. Mickey Andrews describes their use: We would only fill a sandbag about two-thirds full.
124. Public police forces are losing ground to private security firms, which now employ two-thirds of all security personnel in the nation.
125. Thus, assuming two-thirds of those retiring were replaced in work by unemployment beneficiaries, the financial costs could have been halved.
126. All told two-thirds of the land was cultivated by subtenants.
127. In desert and hilly regions, where agricultural production is low, people obtain two-thirds of their energy from firewood.
128. Fill pan with boiling water to come two-thirds up sides of terrine. Place in preheated oven and bake for 2 hours.
129. By spring of the following year, two-thirds of the village had died from exposure and hunger.
130. About two-thirds of all collisions at state public crossings actually occur where everything is functioning properly.
131. And any decision is ultimately dependent on passage of a bond measure, again most likely requiring a two-thirds majority.
132. Raising the tax rates above the levels set in the initiative would take a two-thirds vote of the Legislature.
133. Two-thirds of those summoned for jury service do not turn up, some making their excuses, some not bothering.
134. Among the findings: About two-thirds of child killers victimized small children, with about 15 percent targeting newborns and infants.
135. Both houses must approve by two-thirds margins, and 38 state legislatures must ratify such fundamental changes.
136. Operating profits dropped by 18 percent to £105.9 million and interest charges were slashed by two-thirds to £5.4 million.
137. The combination of one-third wheat to two-thirds white flour makes a light, crackly, and satisfying loaf.
138. Because two-thirds of those with an opinion believed the state wasted more than 20 percent of every tax dollar it collected.
139. Two-thirds of this group got over three-quarters of their income from state benefits and only 7 percent had any earnings from employment.
140. Two-thirds of the worlds oil reserves still sleep quietly beneath the soil of Mecca.
141. Its population has grown by two-thirds since 1970; it now stands at 1.7m.
142. Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement programs that comprise two-thirds of the federal budget.
143. Sports sponsorship is the dominant form of sponsorship, accounting for over two-thirds of all sponsorship activity.
144. About two-thirds of the students in my property law class signed that petition.
145. The conclusion is that Nkrumah would have otherwise won by the two-thirds majority which was the general election pattern.
146. Soon, two-thirds of the black immigrants had left the state.
147. Pour two-thirds of sauce over mussels, sprinkle with chives and serve rest of sauce separately.
148. Maternity blues linked to platelet receptors TWO-THIRDS of women suffer from postnatal depression, accompanied by crying,[] confusion and tension.
149. Both houses must pass an amendment by a two-thirds margin and three-fourths of the states then must ratify it.
150. The new statutes could only be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of the new Congress.
151. The United States owes $ 464 million, nearly two-thirds of all the late dues.
152. The demolition was about two-thirds complete, allowing both access and cover.
153. Two-thirds of wing chun's active principle is based upon hand manoeuvres and subtle, shifting footwork.
154. The effort fell short of the necessary two-thirds vote, and another attempt is in the offing for next year.
155. It also brings in a good two-thirds of its profits from overseas.
156. In this country they are probably two-thirds of our union members.
157. President Ernesto Zedillo has decentralized its structure: two-thirds of its funds are now controlled by local governments.
158. The shadow was in the shape of a ring about two-thirds of the way across the planet from the earthquakes' source.
159. The strong integrationist call dominates two-thirds of the 37 resolutions on Northern Ireland affairs submitted for next month's Tory conference.
160. Employment in construction rose by two-thirds over the six years, increasing its share of nonagricultural employment by more than half a million.
161. In the election day exit poll, two-thirds of Virginia voters expressed a negative opinion of Robertson.
162. Two-thirds of management boards by 1987 included a senior manager with primary responsibility for promoting service quality and consumer relations.
163. Two-thirds had attended a school visit which would have required organisation by senior school management.
164. The City proper now constitutes nearly two-thirds of the metropolitan population and maintains a low density among cities of comparable population.
165. The proportion of married women falls to just over two in ten, and the proportion widowed rises to nearly two-thirds.
165. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
166. And by 1921 the population of Moscow had declined by one half and that of Petrograd by two-thirds.
167. The amendment passed the House but failed to muster the required two-thirds vote in the Senate.
168. Gucci recently bought a two-thirds stake in Bottega Veneta, simply because the Brits have made it hip.
169. The outer shells of the Buckau rotors sat on pivots that came to about two-thirds of their height.
170. Nearly two-thirds of the people on Earth now use mobile telephones, according to a study by the International Telecommunications Union.
171. Heller Manus Architects, a 25-employee firm in San Francisco is now doing two-thirds of its work in China, with a dozen projects currently on the boards.
172. The South Korean ruling Grand National Party is driven by factionalism and acts like a minority party despite having nearly two-thirds control of the unicameral National Assembly.
173. Sigmoidoscopy , on the other hand, only found about two-thirds of colon growths.
174. Related studies found that two-thirds of male fish near the Orange County pipeline had egg-producing qualities.
175. Recent surveys also show that two-thirds of Egyptian girls aged 10-14 have been subjected to the traditional practice of female circumcision.
176. The General Council shall adopt the financial regulations and the annual Budget estimate by a two-thirds majority comprising more than half of the Members of the WTO.
177. Induced order flow accounts for two-thirds of news' total price effect, with direct news effects accounting for one-third.
178. A nation four-fifths peasant and two-thirds illiterate was industrialised, urbanised and educated within 30 years.
179. The Spanish bank, which has about two-thirds of its loan book in mortgages, earlier today reported a slump in fourth-quarter profit as revenue from lending plunged.
180. Research in Mexico City suggested that secondary aerosols made up two-thirds of particulate pollution, but earlier studies in Los Angeles showed the reverse, Jimenez says.
181. Japan's national broadcaster NHK said the pool had lost two-thirds of its water, releasing large amounts of radioactivity.
182. China buys nearly two-thirds of Sudan's oil, and oil sales account for 70 percent of the African country's export revenue.
183. Two-thirds also would tell a peer about an undone zipper, but only half would tell a higher-up, it said.
184. None of the names nominated seemed able to win the necessary two-thirds. At last, another name was proposed: James K. Polk.
185. Two-thirds of North Atlantic cod catches are believed to go unreported.
186. But Niger is still judged "off-track" to meet its target, because continuing at the current rate will still result in a reduction of slightly below two-thirds.
187. Over two-thirds of medical schools nowhave courses in complementary medicine, although the relationship between thetwo approaches remains as uneasy (and even cynical) as it ever was.
188. Do you really think she's gonna expel Two-thirds of the junior class?
189. Nearly two-thirds of the Dow's 30 stocks today will give you a dividend yield greater than the current yield on the 10-year Treasury.
190. So as a first approximation, a vegan world would need only two-thirds of the cropland used today.
191. Stir the chopped chocolate, fruit and nuts into two-thirds of the cheese mixture.
192. Russia has more than 100 satellites in orbit. Two-thirds of them are military or dual-purpose spacecraft, RIA Novosti said.
193. Cline said that about two-thirds of voters in both parties say they are not committed firmly to a candidate.
194. Two-thirds of China's exports, for example, are made by foreign companies who essentially reprocess imports of semi-manufactured goods that are then shipped to Europe and the US.
195. Off-peak, it's easier to get a seat, and during my 14 hours on the trains, I managed to get a seat about two-thirds of the time.
196. There is widespread unemployment and underemployment -- more than two-thirds of the labor force in Haiti has no formal job.
197. There is ample evidence that the Bangs' approach works — neonatal mortality rates have dropped by two-thirds in rural villages of Gadchiroli, where the system was pioneered.
198. An Interior Department report published on Tuesday said that more than two-thirds of offshore exploration licences in the Gulf of Mexico have yet to be acted upon by oil companies.
199. Two-thirds of this is tax evasion and avoidance, the group says, the rest transfers by criminals and the corrupt.
200. Osteomalacia rarely occurs in adult patients with chronic liver disease despite a low serum vitamin D level being reported in up to two-thirds of patients with cirrhosis.
201. A similar study by the German chambers of industry and commerce (DIHK) found that almost two-thirds of firms had experienced no tightening of credit conditions.
202. Serena: Do you really think she's gonna expel two-thirds of the junior class?
203. They comprise two-thirds of the bank holding company assets in the United States, the Fed said in a fact sheet.
204. He will not like a proposal to allow more federally funded stem-cell research, but Ms Pelosi thinks she can assemble a veto-proof two-thirds majority for it.
205. Formerly called the Trust Territory, Micronesia possesses only two-thirds the land area of Rhode Island, yet lies scattered over an expanse of ocean comparable to the contiguous United States.
206. Spring frosts were followed by hail in June, severely affecting grape production throughout the region. Muscadet was particularly badly hit, with up to two-thirds of the crop lost.
207. The leading export is the coconut product copra, which accounts for about two-thirds of export revenue.
208. Of those, more than two-thirds required no special code to update the kernel.
209. Ocean transport has been the most important mode of transport in international trade Two-thirds of the world total volume and over 80% of China's imports and exports now are transported by sea.
210. The only requirement is that two-thirds apply, and then begins the drama of an unscripted national convention to debate questions of fundamental law.
211. Their home away from home - Among those polled who are planning a summer vacation, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) will be staying at a hotel or other kind of rental property, like a condo or resort.
212. The chief justice of the United States serves as judge. If two-thirds of the senators find the president guilty, he can be removed from office.
213. For the treaty to win final approval, a two-thirds majority of the Senate must vote for ratification, and the treaty must also win approval in the Russian Duma.
214. Of the 956 workers who died in coal-mining accidents in the U.S. in 1891, for example, more than two-thirds perished in the Keystone State.
215. But ethnicity combined with poverty can be a barrier: two-thirds of out-of-school girls around the world belong to ethnic minority groups.
216. The Democrats adopted a rule that their candidate must receive at least two-thirds of the votes -- one hundred and seventy-seven of the two-hundred and sixty-six delegates to the convention.
217. Two-thirds of Tata Sons is owned by charitable trusts which finance philanthropic activities.
218. By the time the UN imposed a cease-fire, India held two-thirds, including the Vale of Kashmir, and Pakistan one third of the beautiful mountain state.
219. An inflammatory encephalitic process has been suggested as a possible cause of this disorder. About two-thirds of patients are left with a more or less severe receptive language deficit.
220. For the first two-thirds of the twentieth century, American liberals distinguished themselves from conservatives by what Lionel Trilling called "a spiritual orthodoxy of belief in progress."
221. The new formula will better combat acute diarrhoeal disease and advance the Millennium Development Goal of reducing child mortality by two-thirds before 2015.
222. It features a 1/2 scale, 540 foot (164.6 m) tall replica of the Eiffel Tower out front, a two-thirds size Arc de Triomphe , the Montgolfier balloon , and a replica of La Fontaine des Mers .
223. Almost two-thirds of this reduction happened in the 1980s and 1990s, when Catholics were apparently drawn away to new Pentecostal churches.
224. Two-thirds of the French are in favour of limiting foreign imports into Europe.
225. About two-thirds of adults consult their doctor at least once a year.
226. Beyond these words, two-thirds of this lexicon now consists of words that are transparent compounds of separate logogram words.
227. Without it, more than two-thirds of projects end up missing user needs, are late or over budget (Standish Group, CHAOS Report available at
228. A year after his death, a complete Bible—two-thirds of which had been translated by Tyndale, the rest by his associate Miles Coverdale—was published by royal permission.
229. The mainly Sinhala province also has a large population of Indian-origin Tamils working in plantations. In that council, the UPFA won more than two-thirds of the seats, with 72% percent of the vote.
230. The House of Peoples includes 15 delegates, two-thirds of which come from the Federation (5 Croat and 5 Bosniaks) and one-third from the Republika Srpska (5 Serbs).
231. Based on the WGI, the researchers estimate that when governance is improved by one standard deviation, incomes rise about three-fold in the long run, and infant mortality declines by two-thirds.
232. Slice the frozen pork belly into lot of grids, the depth of slicing about two-thirds of the meat.
233. Shale gas, according to the committee, accounts for two-thirds of America's technically recoverable reserves, enough to supply the country for 90 years.
234. Nearly two-thirds of daughters-in-law accused their husband's mother of 'unreasonably jealous maternal love'.
235. It claims the world's only parasitic conifer and nearly two-thirds off the world's species of Araucaria trees, all of which are endemic.
236. In all, GM's bankruptcy could lop off 4 percentage points from the U.S. gross domestic product, of which two-thirds is driven by consumer spending, LaVorgna said.
237. Seventy-four percent of those islands are found in the northern hemisphere, though that is not necessarily a surprise because roughly two-thirds of the world's land mass lies north of the equator.
238. Federal debt held by the public, which excludes debt held by the federal government itself (and thus owes to itself), is now at around two-thirds, or 67% of nominal GDP, a 60-year high.
239. The incumbent may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of parliament, with the concurrence of the Supreme Court.
240. Since your nervous system demands the use of two-thirds of your blood sugar, the deficit created by anaerobic exercise can cause neuromuscular problems like headaches or disorientation.
241. Two-thirds of inheritors promptly sold the houses they were left.
242. In an international study of 1000 men with moderate enlargement of the prostate, two-thirds benefited from taking saw palmetto for six months.
243. "Two-thirds of American voters say they support bills that include a temporary worker program or path to citizenship, rather than one that focuses solely on border security," he said.
244. National exit poll results found Sen. Obama won two-thirds of Hispanics and more than two-thirds of voters aged 18 to 29.
245. Back then Egyptians were lucky to own a transistor radio. Now two-thirds of homes have a satellite receiver, 87% own a fridge, 97% have piped water and 99% have electricity.




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更新时间:2025/3/15 0:25:54