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单词 Overwhelm
1. Deal with stress fast whenever it threatens to overwhelm you.
2. Don't just win the match; overwhelm your opponents by about 20 goals to nil.
3. After my lecture,(Sentencedict) the students began to overwhelm me with questions.
4. Her story, however, will overwhelm adults and mesmerize kids.
5. Its harsh tannins seem to overwhelm the fruit.
6. Most preparations overwhelm the flavor of good oysters.
7. The sheer mass of Snotlings can overwhelm or tie down an enemy unit even if the tiny creatures don't cause many casualties!
8. Napoleon's army was strong enough to overwhelm nearly any potential enemy.
9. This can surprise us and overwhelm us so much that by far the most appropriate response is to laugh.
10. Such statistics can serve merely to overwhelm one with a sense of futility.
11. Something seemed to pour through his face and overwhelm her, something molten, timeless, glorious.
12. But he was able to overwhelm an audience of devotees by genuine warmth and frankness.
13. In argument he never tried to overbear or overwhelm the opponent by intellectual bludgeoning.
14. Other times, like tonight, the world threatened to overwhelm him.
15. It is now threatening to overwhelm the beds of a native seagrass which are important breeding grounds for fish.
16. It was clear that one massive Allied offensive would overwhelm the weakened enemy.
17. The software, designed for children, has good graphics and animation that doesn't overwhelm the content.
18. It shows enough to reveal the nature and genuineness of the reality, but not so much as to overwhelm.
19. No amount of inside organization or outside aid can overwhelm a high population growth rate.
20. And in the storm of emotion that threatened to overwhelm her there was only room for one thought.
21. She bit her lip, fighting the fear that threatened to overwhelm her.
22. Man beats back the jungle, the vines and fluid spong trees inexorably overwhelm the masonry.
23. But eventually he was forced to concede that religious and regional fanaticism threatened to overwhelm his reforms.
24. The object world falls back and away, and invasions from the unconscious overtake and overwhelm one.
25. So, it's vital to zap stress fast whenever it threatens to overwhelm you.
26. The husband belongs to Scarlet, a woman whose life of quiet desperation threatens to overwhelm her.
27. The sufferings he saw everywhere piled up more and more tasks and threatened to overwhelm him.
28. We both kept waiting for the moment when the experience would overwhelm us and send chills up our spines.
29. This example assumes that a sympathy for motorists with overwhelm any tendency to logical analysis.
30. In the warm, crowded conditions of the home aquarium, the parasites overwhelm the fish.
1. Deal with stress fast whenever it threatens to overwhelm you.
2. Don't just win the match; overwhelm your opponents by about 20 goals to nil.
3. After my lecture, the students began to overwhelm me with questions.
31. We shall have to match his fighting spirit, and not let our fear overwhelm us before the first blow is struck.
32. Setting a strategy and putting it into action are challenges that can overwhelm even the most effective managers.
33. Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. Desmond Tutu 
34. To lose these meanings would be death,(http:///overwhelm.html) to unleash them would overwhelm.
35. Drinking is a safeguard, but huge amounts of water may overwhelm the gastrointestinal tract, causing cramps, bloating, nausea.
36. However, it should not be allowed complete freedom to rule, since it can overwhelm and destroy.
37. The pressures on the decision makers might overwhelm their capacity to respond effectively.
38. There was shouting, and it seemed as if the crowd might surge forward and overwhelm the Archbishop and his priests.
39. No difficulty can overwhelm us.
40. Don't attack your opponent until you can overwhelm him.
41. The Stilton doesn't overwhelm the flavour of the trout.
42. Dull butcheries on a gigantic scale and mass effects overwhelm all detached sentiment.
43. Those little bits can come together and almost overwhelm the world.
44. Since the morning when I am appointed as the missioner , I have been considering how to overwhelm the hardship to accomplish it.
45. By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm.
46. Don't let the process overwhelm you or weigh you down.
47. In septicemic plague, Bacteria overwhelm the Bloodstream and often cause death within 24 hours, before other symptoms have a chance to develop.
48. The signal from the largest tends to overwhelm the others.
49. Inevitably, impatience will also overwhelm whatever high-minded arguments we might make in favor of the well-being of future generations.
50. A dark wavemass attack of twisted creatures sought to overwhelm the paladin.
51. Such rapid influxes of sediment probably overwhelm the bottom dwellers in an area.
52. Rich or poor, young or old, people are seeking an anchor in a storm-tossed society that threatens to overwhelm them.
53. If then the Apollonian (rational) were to prevail, overwhelm the Dionysian (passionate) in the Homosphere, intellection could penetrate reality at large, a Cosmosphere in the making.
54. The CSI 300 had dropped as much as 39 percent this year on concern earnings growth will slow and new additional share sales will overwhelm demand.
55. Among them, basic endowment insurance system and basic hospitalization insurance system definitely want to overwhelm battlement township population.
56. Their mission was to seize the bridges and overwhelm the garrison.
57. He knows that they must be alluring enough to overwhelm the mind.
58. Personal problems can overwhelm an already stressful young university student.
59. For example, in a situation in which several bystanders need to band together to overwhelm a perpetrator, they will be more likely to act collectively than to act alone.
60. Cities like Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai will, at a certain point, overwhelm even the staunchest urbanite .
61. Your savings will likely also overwhelm any hit from a market decline.
62. Don't underestimate this vehicle though, it can transport many fully equipped soldiers to their destination point very quickly in order to overwhelm the enemy ground forces.
63. Missed opportunities, frenzied work hours, stress , overwhelm , resentment , and guilt are just a few consequences.
64. A deluge of electronic information may overwhelm American civil justice.
65. At a meeting last week in Winnipeg, Canada, experts warned that these cases could overwhelm hospitals.
66. But the era, its ruins and its overwhelm us with facts.
67. Find a print and color combination that doesn't overwhelm you.
68. The raider, cornered at length(), will overwhelm one weak vessel and escape.
69. It also lets me space non-time-specific events out through the day, so as not to overwhelm people with a massive dump of information".
70. Imps mean swarms of little winged creatures that will overwhelm enemy forces.




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