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单词 Handful
1 A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning. 
2 A handful of common sense is worth bushel of learning. 
3 her young boy is quite a handful.
4 He surveyed the handful of custo-mers at the bar.
5 The boy picked up a handful of stones and started throwing them at us.
6 The little lad was a real handful. He was always up to mischief.
7 He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.
8 She bent and pulled up a double handful of weeds.
9 Only a handful of firms offer share option schemes to all their employees.
10 He grabbed a handful of hair and jerked at it.
11 A handful of onlookers stand in the field watching.
12 A handful of old faithfuls came to the meeting.
13 Only a handful of people answered the advertisement .
14 Zara can be a handful sometimes.
15 He threw a handful of money onto the table.
16 Only a handful of people came.
17 That young boy of hers is quite a handful.
18 Her children can be a real handful.
19 Michael threw his handful of dirt onto the coffin.
20 There were only a handful of people there.
21 The strike was engineered by a handful of malcontents.
22 The coffee machine suddenly ejected a handful of coins.
23 The girl's head turned with a handful of compliments.
24 We invited 30 people, but only a handful came.
25 Frank emptied a handful of loose change on the table.
26 A handful of good life is better than a bushel of learning.
27 A handful of pebbles in the bottom of a flowerpot will help drainage.
28 There are a handful of charities which I support regularly.
29 Steve barely said a handful of words during the first half hour.
30 His specialization is too narrow to be of interest to more than a handful of students.
1 her young boy is quite a handful.
2 He surveyed the handful of custo-mers at the bar.
3 The boy picked up a handful of stones and started throwing them at us.
4 The little lad was a real handful. He was always up to mischief.
5 He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.
6 She bent and pulled up a double handful of weeds.
7 His specialization is too narrow to be of interest to more than a handful of students.
8 Only a handful of firms offer share option schemes to all their employees.
9 He grabbed a handful of hair and jerked at it.
10 We invited 30 people, but only a handful came.
11 A handful of good life is better than a bushel of learning.
12 When you squeeze a handful of snow, the flakes cohere to make a snowball.
13 Tom grabbed up a handful of snow and shoved it down his sister's collar.
31 He has a good handful of letters after his name.
32 She's a lovely child, but she can be a bit of a handful sometimes.
33 She invited loads of friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up.
34 A handful of protesters began throwing stones at the police.
35 The printer is being selectively marketed in a handful of countries.
36 I filled the pot with a handful of loose earth.
37 She wanted to tear his hair out by the handful.
38 We have received only a small handful of letters on this subject.
39 When you squeeze a handful of snow, the flakes cohere to make a snowball.
40 The government has blamed the protests on a handful of evildoers.
41 Her older son is fine but the little one is a bit of a handful.
42 He picked up a handful of dirt and threw it at them.
43 A handful of Internet companies are battling for world domination.
44 They cannot hope to win more than a handful of seats at the next election.
45 She scooped up a handful of sand and let it trickle through her fingers.
46 He opened his wallet with a flourish and took out a handful of notes.
47 By the time he was 15, Scott had gigged with a handful of well-known small bands.
48 Only a handful had returned to work in the immediate vicinity.
49 Tom grabbed up a handful of snow and shoved it down his sister's collar.
50 He put his hand into his pocket and brought out a handful of silver.
51 All the trouble is being caused by a handful of malcontents.
52 A handful of violent incidents flared before June 30.
53 In it was a handful of small sherds.
54 Just a handful returned my calls.
55 A handful are sitting on large cash surpluses.
56 A handful of multinational companies dominate the economy.
57 There is a handful of raw-material exports.
58 A mere handful set up their own business.
59 A handful of professionals are admitted as honorary members.
60 A handful of poxy tents sold greasy lentil pilaf to the worst kind of industry lackey.
61 When my father threw in the first handful of dirt, I heard the pebbles dance on the coffin lid.
62 Inside the bottle you will find a handful of sparkling semi-precious gemstones which spiritual healers believe affect our health and well-being.
63 He lists a handful of false virus alerts and urban myths.
64 The topping was a melted chocolate bar, sprinkled with a handful of soggy peanuts.
65 As for Jimmy, he chooses from a handful of set comments, so he hasn't a great deal to say.
66 All women are basically in competition with each other for a handful of eligible men. Mignon McLaughlin 
67 But Yeltsin has met with only a handful of people in recent weeks(http:///handful.html), including Chernomyrdin and chief of staff Anatoly Chubais.
68 Looking down where the water of the canal licked the rocks, I saw a handful of date pits.
69 Add a handful of crushed dill to a bottle of white wine vinegar.
70 Yoyo moaned as she picked up a handful of pieces.
71 The town was nothing more than a handful of buildings arrayed on either side of the highway.
72 But a press backlash did get into gear, leaving a handful of diehard music writers to fight a bitter battle.
73 There's nothing to beat a handful of mushrooms in with a rabbit stew.
74 Warner Digital Studios is one of a handful of studio in-house operations that have entered the increasingly competitive visual effects business.
75 Then some one gave him a handful of drugs during a Grateful Dead concert in Oakland.
76 Nor were there frustrated breakaway movements from a handful of top clubs.
77 I saw myself reaching into that mass and grabbing a big handful and squeezing.
78 Campbell, who once challenged Lathrop to identify tenors in the same format, correctly guesses a handful of more than 20.
79 There were only a handful of old faithfuls at the meeting.
80 That is a handful of the most visible Salomon mortgage traders on Wall Street.
81 There was a handful of claims for alleged failure to detect fraud on audit.
82 Fork garden compost or manure into the bottom and sprinkle a handful of bonemeal to each metre.
83 The offshore industry has trained a handful of apprentices, but these do not compare with its labour requirements.
84 Prohibition killed all but a handful of regional breweries and the well-known industrial giants.
85 Pick up a handful of pine needles from the forest floor.
86 Pour in the cornmeal by the handful in a thin stream very slowly, whisking constantly in one direction.
87 A handful of smaller companies are making Mac clones for high-end graphics applications and other niche markets.
88 Although Sheila finds them a handful and is known to shout at them, she has always sought appropriate help.
89 Only a handful seemed to appreciate the advantages in actively building trust, credibility, and cooperative relationships with peers.
90 He showed a handful of greasepaint and rubber to the officer, who strode over and asked a question.
91 A handful of dramas make the grade but the sitcoms are failing miserably.
92 We're not going to let a handful of radical students hijack our school.
93 They can have from a handful of copies to several hundred, often scattered on many different chromosomes.
94 Foremost among provincial towns were a handful of regional capitals with populations upwards of five or six thousand.
95 Nanomachines could rearrange the atoms in a handful of dirt and produce bread or any other food.
96 And a relative handful have ever attended a national political convention.
97 I fetch a handful of paper towels from beside the wash basin, walking on tiptoe to avoid bloody footprints.
97 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
98 She had taken a handful of downers with her whisky around 10 a.m. and had woken up in hospital.
99 A classic power feature, often touted by its supporters, that will be used by a mere handful of people.
100 Gradually, the number of individual objectors prepared to enter the fray began to expand outside the initial handful.
101 A handful of zealots at bus stops manipulates Belfast workers who are freshly aware of possible bombings on urban streets.
102 Prior to 1986 only a small handful of networks existed within the research and education community.
103 All these packages have the three core applications, plus a handful of additional features.
104 Proper buffet cars are economic on only a small handful of their routes, notably Waterloo-Bournemouth.
105 For the sake of a handful of people making huge profits the entire planet has been put in jeopardy.
106 Grasping a handful of bulrushes to steady herself, she leaned precariously out to grab it.
107 Johnson was one of the handful in the debate who spoke positively about lesbian and gay relationships.
108 At times the Monday evening services attracted only a handful of people and seemed to have little effect.
109 It was a handful of teams from all over the map.
110 A handful of new outlets will be launched next year and if successful, will lead to an even bigger chain.
111 I want to take a handful of good men and go over it with a fine-tooth comb.
112 Not surprising, since she is among a handful of writers to produce a hardboiled thriller from a woman's perspective.
113 He's not alone; there are a handful of others who have nowhere else to go.
114 Grimm tugged a crumpled purple handful from his pocket and restored some shape to the hat.
115 The U. S. Department of Labor also provided demonstration grants for a handful of school-to-work programs.
116 Yet the aid package passed in an instinctively isolationist Congress with only a modest handful of dissenters.
117 Only a small handful of large investors spoke at the meeting, which was dominated by Conrail employees.
118 But now only a handful of his old clients ever called him and even fewer came here.
119 Lures: Get a handful of 4-and 5-inch plastic ocean lures.
120 The trial is the first of a handful of high-profile cases expected within the next few months.
121 In the midst of all this I let go of one handful of weed to shake my fist at him.
122 They played a handful of tunes from their new album.
123 The paracelsian mercurials represented one of the small handful of important therapeutic advances made before the present century.
124 What counts is having a handful of young that are exceptional.
125 Then the Government quietly pulled out and turned the operation over to a handful of communications giants and the long-distance phone companies.
126 The competition began Wednesday with 247 spellers representing newspapers from across the country, as well as a handful of international papers.
127 These days there are hundreds of newspapers, including four competing dailies, and a handful of independent television and radio stations.
127 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
128 Bix was appreciated by only a handful of musicians and fans during his brief lifetime.
129 Elephant seals are so severely sieved that in each generation a handful of males father all the offspring.
130 There were a handful of men in the audience when I saw the film.
131 He had grabbed a handful of cartridges from his pocket, which contained both blank and live cartridges.
132 A handful of children went to camp the first year with money provided by the House.
133 Ken Bradshaw was holding court among a handful of Waimea veterans.
134 I scooped up a handful of dinner mints as we left the restaurant.
135 And behold, he shrivelled and withered under their eyes, and became a small handful of grey dust and glass powder.
136 Gordy put his hand in the water and grabbed a handful of it.
137 With modest resources, the Agriculture Department is introducing the new technologies to growers in a handful of pilot projects nationwide.
138 Bankrolled by a few small grants, a handful of Tucsonans hooked up a 1-800 number to see if anyone would call.
139 The orangutan man reached into his pants and pulled out a handful of brochures.
140 Wild horses live in breeding groups comprising one stallion, a handful of mares and their youngsters.
141 What were they supposed to do about a handful of hedgehogs in Eunice Snell's freezer?
142 No, what I really needed was a handful of beta-blockers.
143 There was a handful of notes, of different denominations and a variety of origins.
144 Even if she only knows a handful of consonant sounds, we can help her to live like an author.
145 Neville poured a half of light and Raffles Rathbone flung a handful of silver across the counter.
146 The handful of dirt caught the dwarf in the face, making him gag and drop his guard.
147 The license limit has prevented retail chains from selling alcoholic beverages at all but a handful of locations.
148 She had three more falls before she and a handful of other players started stick and balling.
149 He shook out a handful of painkillers - the box was nearly empty.
150 There was a tapping noise at the shutters, as if some one had thrown a handful of pebbles against them.
151 Finally he picked up a handful of stones and every time he looked round and found her following, he threw one.
152 Many of the coaxial links in the ground today can carry only a handful of different channels at the same time.
153 This is why it is important to avoid reducing fundamentalism to a handful of agitators who stage demonstrations in the streets.
154 A handful of people fell between the cracks of the Great Divide.
155 They were mobbed by 150 children from three schools as a clash between a handful of pupils turned into a near riot.
156 So it would take more years of dogged detective work by a handful of investigators to connect the dots.
157 Only a handful of visitors can browse without bumping into each other.
158 Only a handful of civilians have gone through the sustained physical abuse that was routine for combat soldiers searching for Charlie.
159 Only a handful of the numerous pamphlets that were published at the time are included in the catalogue.
160 They were a mere handful of men, hardly worth worrying about.
161 Bernard Ellis and his wife Megan are among only a handful of people in the world capable of making the reproductions.
162 They also lost a handful of coordinators and assistants in the past five years, including two colossal defections.
163 She thought ruefully of the cigarette butt, and of Johnny's small handful of apple tree leaves.
164 Barring a handful for specialist duties, every locomotive was equipped with air brakes.
165 He dug in his pocket and brought out a handful of tattered notes.
166 There was never a time when any more than a handful of eccentrics advocated the establishment of a separate black nation-state.
167 Sports Illustrated for Kids asked a handful of athletes whether they had invented anything when they were kids.
168 Kile is among a handful of top-flight pitchers headed toward free agency.
169 After starting with a handful, the factory now employs 2, 800 workers.
170 As a scheduled operator, Virgin must fly its 400-seat jumbos even if there are only a handful of passengers on board.
171 I also pick up small roadkills for Jack, or stop to pick a handful of wild strawberries for myself.
172 An Aikman-Turner rematch would be several years and a handful of concussions too late.
173 The new book is by a man who's already written a handful of best-sellers, most of them about moles.
174 Each morning I was going to take a handful or your dust and drop it on the East River Drive.
175 When they returned each carried a handful of small axes.
176 Intel is among a handful of firms to have chipped in million-dollar gifts, and Barrett personally recruited Hewlett-Packard Co.
177 However, there were a handful of occasions at Cely when her husband's restraining influence was very much a factor.
178 A handful may have placed bets via the Internet with an offshore bookie.
179 It happens with only a handful of Members in their places and achieves little, if any, coverage by the media.
180 She bit the inside of his mouth, and grabbed a handful of his hair and jerked at it.
181 Cook noodles, a small handful at a time, in oil.
182 A little while later, still holding Maura in his arms, Michael threw his handful of dirt on to the coffin.
183 He wore a cap of rabbit-fur decorated with a handful of dried grasses stuck in the seam.
184 The broiler industry, controlled by a handful of large companies, is curtailing production because of record high feed prices.
185 Sharpe grabbed a handful of his mare's mane to haul himself back upright.
186 Not like back in the old days when just a few eccentrics and a handful of true believers would come out.
187 Dempster pulled out a handful of change and slammed it down.
188 A handful of online financial advisers such as Ask Figaro have plans to address this problem.
189 Alternatively you can use a handful of bonemeal or hoof and horn mixed with the soil.
190 He could see a handful of snowdrops in the little back garden.
191 Her free hand reached down through her lap to grab a sincere handful of my crotch.
192 The speaker who complained at the burden on small businesses was clapped by just a handful.
193 But a handful of students remained blissfully ignorant.
194 Self-evidently a handful of companies will benefit.
195 They constitute but a handful of the number.
196 I'd taken a handful of uppers.
197 A handful of heaven all rolled into one.
198 A handful of people on a leaky boat are going to save the world?
199 A HANDFUL of protesters stood outside George Bush senior's presidential library.
200 If you read just a handful of these reactions, you will see that the contributors are not ensconced in any echo chamber.
201 The first is a handful of ocular diseases like pigmentary glaucoma.
202 Currently, Internet site owners are limited to a handful of suffixes, such as, or
203 The band are playing a handful of shows at smaller venues.
204 Sloan pins down a handful of students who've made the decision to go to law school, despite the grim employment statistics.
205 Field Museum is one of a handful of the world's great natural history museums.
206 On paper, we're a one-person-one-vote nation; in reality, we're more than a bit of an oligarchy, in which a handful of wealthy people dominate.
207 A great dribbler whose quick turns and dummies are a handful for any defence.
208 The market for the food consumer’s dollar seems to be highly contestable, even when only a small handful of retailers survive the cost competition.
209 For extra warmth, try a cup of ginger tea or treat yourself to a handful of crystallized ginger, nature's candy with a kick.
210 Mazing Run : A great dribbler whose quick turns and dummies are a handful for any defence.
211 Our situation is nearly hopeless. We were ordered to take the Wailing Ziggurat with a handful of men.
212 The trackball products are rare products now , a handful of manufacturer in Taiwan still making it.
213 Lotus had only taken a handful and the remaining " little darlings " were all in good condition.
214 One spring morning a handful of potential investors assembled in Quincy.
215 The elimination of small local vendors by a handful of national chain groceries has created an oligopsony where farmers cannot receive fair prices for their yields.
216 Of course, you personally may not have lied on a mortgage application. You may not have gambled on a risky adjustable mortgage. You may not have bought a handful of condos in Las Vegas or Miami.
217 Many failed, but the handful that succeeded , as advanced refrigerator and freezer compressors,(http://) generated outsize returns.
218 Today, the core al-Qaida in Pakistan consists of a handful of hunted men.
219 As you study for prelims in the spring, you will begin to realize, if you have not already, that your first micro course was really just a handful of concepts applied in different ways.
220 The trend has been fueled by a handful of small niche designers.
221 They're on the prowl at a handful of police stations, keeping pesky rodents in check.
222 Tom tossed a handful of concussive grenades to disorient them, but his team kept running.
223 An unassuming middle-aged man turns from a ticket booth to pass a handful of tickets to a group of eager kids.
224 Even they're nervous . Norton scoops a handful rocks off the sill.
225 A handful of wild mustard, 1 bamboo shoot, 3 or 4 Tofu cakes.
226 For his chilling managerial style, Vader had to weather a treasonous revolt from a handful of Imperial officers who tried to do away with the Dark Lord.
227 The two men examined the handful of coins. They were gold.
228 Don't use a washer rinse silk, a handful of silk cotton blend fabric exceptions.
229 If his haul wasn't so pitiful — his bag had two packets of defrosted prawn dumplings and a handful of vacuum-packed seafood sticks inside — Mr Takahashi might be taken for a looter.
230 Staggering, awe - inspiring deficiency perhaps deserves even greater recognition than the handful of prizes doled out today.
231 Officials at the Transportation Administration say they have already tried out a handful of backscatter scanners.
232 Only a handful of people were dead set on following him.
233 His specialty's bribery, but he's just throwing your money away by the handful!
234 Twenty thousand Persian soldiers had fallen before that handful of men.
235 A handful of sand is an anthology of the universe.
236 Vick killed a handful of under - performing pit bulls, apparently by drowning, hanging and electrocution.
237 In the course of time the crowd thinned out to a meagre handful.
238 Only a handful of commandos could infiltrate into the enemy's defensive positions.
239 A handful of displaced residents were allowed in to scrounge through rubble for their belongings.
240 A coolie grabbed a handful of penicillin from a shelf.
241 But love conquers all, and thanks to this series, we we're all well aware that breaking your parents' hearts is fine if you're in love with a vampire man-child, which only a handful of us are.




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更新时间:2024/7/6 2:27:16