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单词 Rape
1. Rape is a taboo subject .
2. Rape is committed where sexual intercourse takes place without consent.
3. It is an unpalatable fact that rape makes a good news story.
4. He was convicted of attempted rape .
5. Rape is a crime that often goes unreported.
6. He was arrested and charged with rape.
7. He was convicted of rape.
8. He always denied that he was guilty of rape.
9. Rape is a very serious crime .
10. Is rape on the increase?
11. Her rape had a profound psychological effect on her.
12. The invading troops were guilty of rape and pillage.
13. The conviction rate for rape is extremely low.
14. Most rape victims confess a feeling of helplessness.
15. The rape trial was sensationally halted yesterday.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. He was charged with rape.
17. Judges are increasingly taking a tougher stance on rape.
18. Abortions would only be allowed in cases of rape or incest.
19. Lizzie was carrying a rape alarm but it was out of reach in her handbag.
20. The road builders were accused of the rape of the countryside.
21. As a result of the rape of the forests, parts of the country are now short of water.
22. The rape victim was found dumped in one of the side streets.
23. Ann says the only way to heal after rape is to talk about it.
24. In this stage of a rape case, the focus often shifts onto the victim and her conduct.
25. The woman alleged rape, but Reeves insisted it was consensual.
26. For many women, the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear.
27. She showed a prurient interest in the details of the rape case.
28. Some of the most disturbed children had witnessed really traumatic things, such as rape and murder.
29. She was murdered by a man who was out on bail for rape.
30. It's difficult to understand what causes a man to rape.
1. Rape is a taboo subject .
2. Rape is committed where sexual intercourse takes place without consent.
3. It is an unpalatable fact that rape makes a good news story.
4. For many women, the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear.
5. The invading troops were guilty of rape and pillage.
6. He was charged with rape.
31. The victim decided to bring a case of rape against him.
32. Her voice harshened when she talked about the man who tried to rape her.
33. The judge was reviled in the newspapers for his opinions on rape.
34. The experience of rape can change how a woman feels about her body.
35. Rape is an act of violence and humiliation.
36. Laws protect the anonymity of the rape victim.
37. Murders, theft, rape, calumnies, graft - our daily bread.
38. Burglary, murder and rape are all on the increase.
39. The man police are hunting after double rape.
40. Oilseed rape establishment-the critical factor for a good crop.
41. I still have bad dreams about the rape.
42. Take our oilseed rape, for instance.
43. My husband is still in denial about my rape.
44. The Committee was not without its own misgivings about non-cohabitation as a prerequisite for prosecution for marital rape.
45. Simon has given hundreds of educational presentations about rape to high school and college students and other community groups.
46. Rape is sexualised violence.
47. Whereabouts required because of alleged complicity in the murder and rape of an unknown woman.
48. Only one man has been convicted of rape,(http:///rape.html) and he has been sentenced to four years in jail.
49. Does the press narrow popular conceptions of rape and make it more difficult for raped women to obtain justice?
50. All freshmen who attend optional orientation sessions receive information on date rape.
51. He was sentenced to seven years imprisonment on each of the rape charges and four years for each of the indecent assaults.
52. On his admission to a policeman in civilian life no doubt that person would be convicted of rape.
53. Her Suzy Lamplugh Trust personal rape alarm was lying on the ground a few feet away.
54. This account helped the inclusion of anonymity for the rape defendant as well.
55. But what of the complainant who consciously fantasises about rape?
56. She closed the door behind him, put her rape alarm back on the bedside table, and there they were.
57. The Accused engages with specific, widely held myths about rape in order to dramatically explode them.
58. Even a horrific rape committed within earshot of a big family get-together was ignored.
59. The Union-Tribune, like most newspapers, does not print the names of rape victims without their consent.
60. The rates of rape, armed robbery, etc would probably not fall very much.
61. Some rape victims might be lucky enough to encounter an emergency room doctor who will prescribe the drugs.
62. The reformers were not merely considering the desire of actual rape victims to avoid publicity.
63. But an expert who counsels male rape victims says a change in the law is needed.
64. Not that Luke Hunter would ever descend to anything as crude as rape.
65. A matter of murder-more than one murder, highway robbery and probably the rape of a young girl too.
66. Many elements in its tale of crime, rape, blackmail and luxury beyond dreams are duplicated in the Fujian affair.
67. Boxing champion Mike Tyson was, of course, convicted in the 1992 rape of a beauty pageant contestant.
68. Most experts such as Koss focus on factors outside of criminal intent that contribute to date and acquaintance rape.
69. The Penal Code of 1977 only allows abortions on health grounds or because of pregnancies as a result of rape.
70. Anna was raped and strangled by a man who was on bail awaiting trial for rape.
71. It was clear that he meant this literally and also as: to rape a white girl is to rape her father.
72. The sites for planting genetically modified maize and oilseed rape have to be announced in advance.
73. Many questions have been raised about acquaintance rape since the surge of reported cases has been noted across the country.
74. Consent Defendants who plead not guilty to rape, generally do so on the ground that the victim consented.
75. Witness their behaviour at the Lapithae wedding feast when the centaur Eurythion tried to rape the bride.sentence dictionary
76. She said she did not report the rape because he had destroyed her faith in the police force.
77. The case has been beset by the kinds of official miscues typical in rape cases here.
78. Looting and rape by rebels and their bands of abducted children still occur.
79. Now that poor guy, charged with attempted rape and robbery.
80. We must help victims deal with the shame attached to rape.
81. On two separate but very well publicized occasions Errol Flynn was accused of statutory rape.
82. Wives prepared to report marital rape to the police may well have husbands who fall into this category.
83. Rape and battering are merely one end of a continuum of aggressive forms of behaviour of men to women.
84. This explains why patriarchal legal codes sometimes ostracize and punish the victim of rape as much as the rapist.
85. She will now have to repeat her allegations when the 52-year-old Surrey man is re-tried on two rape charges.
86. The outrage eagerly orchestrated by the newspaper did not focus in a serious way on the needs and dangers facing rape survivors.
87. This would be valuable for those crops processed before use, eg, oilseed rape, sugar beet or soya beans.
88. They've added a rape scene, an act of buggery, and lots of violence that was not in the book.
89. In his Totem and Taboo Freud made such an act of primal parricide and rape the origin of all subsequent human culture.
90. A quick end, rather than torture and rape at the hands of those barbarians in the hall.
91. However, the rape was only the worst in a continual pattern of gross disrespect for others.
92. His earliest rape, of a 19year-old girl, happened the previous year after they met via a mutual friend.
93. Maybe he's not the man she thought he was when she first met him in prison whilst serving time for rape.
94. Reporting a rape remains a strenuous and harrowing experience, however, and it is likely to continue as an underreported offence.
95. Rape on Screen Women tend to get a raw deal from the movies.
96. In the thirteenth century context, liability for marital rape would clearly have been quite inconceivable.
97. These Rape Crisis groups usually draw extensively on the experience and sense of priorities of women who have been raped.
98. It is unlikely that their enthusiasm for reporting marital rape would be much greater.
99. The agent was first charged with rape and kidnapping, according to Human Rights Watch.
100. The man, from Harlesden, north London, was found guilty at the Old Bailey of eight specimen charges of rape.
101. This fresh fodder is used as well as root crops of turnips and swedes and the cabbage-like crops of kale and rape.
102. Merrill points out that most often rape on college campuses is date rape, but that date rape is rape.
103. Puccio is also the lawyer for Alex Kelly, a Connecticut man awaiting trial on rape charges.
104. Specifically the Heilbron Report did not recommend similar anonymity for defendants in rape cases.
105. Tyson was convicted of rape in 1992 and sentenced to six years' imprisonment.
105. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
106. There have been reports of cruelty and rape from the war zone.
107. In the summer of 1974 there had been several questions regarding the possibility of anonymity in rape cases.
108. Oilseed rape is likely to be engineered to produce more than one type of oil: for margarine, cooking oil or lubrication.
109. If she'd fought the rape there'd have been skin from her attacker under the fingernails.
110. Brown, of Mitcham, Surrey, denies kidnap and attempted rape and murder in April last year.
111. While it could be very difficult to prove that you were raped before your marriage, proving marital rape may be possible.
112. Twelve spring-sown oilseed rape crops, 12 forage maize crops and 24 beet crops have been harvested.
113. Rape as an act of war-a conscious, deliberate act of war.
114. Convicted of a brutal rape and double murder, he claims innocence, but is a hate-filled racist.
115. The formula includes the obvious, such as murder, rape, kidnapping, and so on.
116. If it is not rape to threaten a woman other than with immediate violence, questions will inevitably arise about other situations.
117. They serenaded the rape victim inside, cheering a brother on as if it were a football game.
118. Rape is a staple in pagan myth, and killing still more commonplace.
119. Since last April the price of oilseed rape has dropped from $ 6 to $ 3 a bushel.
120. Police, faced with their third major serial rape case in a decade, frankly are baffled.
121. Indeed, Wills J. appeared to query the very existence of a marital rape exemption.
122. What is the scale of threat from this stem canker disease to the rape crops now drilled?
123. It follows Operation Orchid, a police investigation into missing boys after a gang rape murder in London.
124. The research on date rape has helped shape prevention programs, but with few results.
125. We have already told of another victim still too frightened to tell police of the day Courtney tried to rape her.
126. Despite saturating the area with herbicide, he found rogue oilseed rape plants thriving in ditches and around telephone poles.
127. The law is vulnerable to being manipulated or abused to serve injustice, and vulture lawyers simply rape the law and prostitute justice to serve the unscrupulous and guilty for profits. Dr T.P.Chia 
128. Lombardy was stopped and arrested on suspicion of rape by force; rape with a foreign object and false imprisonment.
129. No relevant issues were raised, no acknowledgment that rape is about male power, or even that it is wrong.
130. In 1971 this offender had been given a ten-year sentence for attempting to rape a 69-year-old woman.
131. He justifies this view on the ground that rape is a very serious offence to which serious penalties attach.
132. The ultimate nightmare of almost every man is to witness helplessly the rape of his wife.
133. Juveniles 15 and older committing rape or forcible assault are named prominently in offenses automatically transferred to adult court.
134. It has been pointed out above that historically the law of rape was exclusively concerned with the protection of virginity.
135. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison for rape and other sexual crimes against women.
136. Separation is not always the factor which is chosen to delimit the marital rape exemption.
137. Many women believe that the punishment for rape should be life imprisonment.
138. This potential increase of reporting rape incidents became the main rationale for seeking anonymity for the victim.
139. Lula's face was twisted with disgust as she remembered the rape.
140. Two centuries after Hale's pronouncement, Pollock B. unequivocally expressed his support for the marital rape exemption in similar terms.
141. It's hardly surprising that we should be deeply suspicious of any attempt to deal with a subject as charged as rape.
142. After the rape, I just wanted to erase it from my mind.
143. Why didn't she become a rape counsellor or a psychiatric nurse?
144. Conclusion From its earliest origins, rape was a narrowly defined offence.
145. Tamar obviously had no knowledge that the man who had attempted to rape her was working on her husband's estate.
146. A few cases dominate this reporting, while just over one-half of the rape cases mentioned appeared only in one sample newspaper.
147. Lesbians put their weight behind issues such as child care, abortion, race, battered wives and rape.
148. The incidence of violent crimes -- murder, rape, and assault -- has increased in inner city areas.
149. Reid was being held without bail on five counts of rape and several other charges stemming from the string of attacks.
150. Farming practice in recent years has moved to autumn ploughing and early sowing of oil-seed rape and winter wheat.
151. The rape led to new calls for an end to chatlines.
152. Murder, rape and other hate crimes could be a mere provocation away.
153. The core of the prosecution case was composed of detailed confessions in which the three accused admitted participating in the rape.
154. Her behavior was consistent with that of other rape victims.
155. But race is not the distinguishing characteristic of this growing rape epidemic.
156. The offence should be regarded as rape and carry the equivalent penalty and anonymity.
157. He was jailed for life for murdering 23-year-old Anna McGurk two weeks after being on bail charged with rape.
158. Asylum seekers, with tales of torture, rape and solitary confinement, can go to the end of the queue.
159. The code threatened doctors with suspension if they performed abortions unless the pregnancy involved rape or threat to the woman's life.
160. Thus, with certain limited exceptions, rape remains essentially a crime involving violence or the threat of it.
161. On the present occasion he was convicted of attempting to rape and then murdering an 81-year-old widow.
162. She first gathered her evidence from women's groups who worked with rape victims during the war.
163. News of the rape has appalled parents living on nearby estates.
164. Cabrera, 27, started ripping off her clothes and tried to rape her, she and Hernandez testified later.
165. Rape offers the illusion of complete control, obtained either by a weapon, physical or verbal intimidation or drugging.
165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
166. This has all the facilities mentioned above, and in addition uses a medical model of the treatment of rape.
167. In April 1990, Sergeant Norton was acquitted of the alleged rape of an 18 year old girl at Cheltenham racecourse.
168. The Government is considering new laws to counter date rape and to improve the way rape cases are handled.
169. My first little skirmish took place over a film, one about rape.
170. Over 20 days, Jacobs methodically developed his theory that Davis kidnapped Polly with the intent of committing rape.
171. After the furore over the schoolgirl rape victim, he risks having a controversial but respectable viewpoint mistaken for insensitivity.
172. If you want to test cosmetics, why do it on some poor animal who hasn't done anything? They should use prisoners who have been convicted of murder or rape instead. So, rather than seeing if perfume irritates a bunny rabbit's eyes, they should throw it in Charles Manson's eyes and ask him if it hurts. Ellen DeGeneres 
173. Only one in 10 rape victims reports the crime to authorities, he noted.
174. He was acquitted of rape, attempted murder, administering poison with intent and kidnapping.
175. Even the rape case against him began falling apart when his alleged victim failed to appear in court.
176. But the typist turns out to be a prisoner serving a sentence for rape.
177. Rape, although unspeakably degrading for a woman, in no way degrades its victims morally.
178. She talks about relationships and the dangers of date rape.
179. A seventh Army drill sergeant at Aberdeen was charged Tuesday with rape, extortion, obstruction of justice and other offenses.
180. The children took Ben for long walks, again crossing the rape fields.
181. Crawley will compare the ecology of engineered and conventional varieties of three crops: potatoes, oilseed rape and sugar beet.
182. It will also examine changes in the reporting of rape over three and a half decades.
183. Also alleging rape and torture, Amnesty urged the government to take urgent action against the security forces.
184. He then ordered her back to the living room where he tried to rape her twice without success.
185. Thus, it may be thought that the term rape conveys the full horror of the event.
186. He is also actively working on campus around the issues of rape and gay and lesbian rights.
187. The Committee is thus opposed to any form of integration between the three offences of rape, indecent assault and buggery.
188. Thornhill has been peddling his rape thesis for years without much attention.
189. Even knowledgeable thrift presidents felt they faced a choice be-tween rape and slow suicide.
190. This year it hopes for 25 fields for maize and oilseed rape and 30 for either sugar or fodder beet.
191. But I must struggle to understand at least my own tangled emotions about interracial rape.
192. Three other female recruits have also accused him of rape.
193. Arable farmers who applied last year for oilseed rape subsidy will already be familiar with the way the map should be completed.
194. If a man is tried and found guilty of rape, then he deserves to be named and shamed.
195. Those include a 27 % N,(http:///rape.html) 12 % S spring blend for supplying sulphur to oilseed rape and cereals.
196. Often, they said, a captive woman would try to attach herself to one leader to avoid repeated gang rape.
197. Cook, who has previous convictions for robbery, pleaded guilty to attempted rape and to unlawful wounding.
198. We have found no greater frequency of complaints of seasonal allergic-type symptoms in oilseed rape than in non-oilseed rape rural areas.
199. In 1686 he inherited his father's properties and continued his successful business as a producer of linseed and rape oil.
200. Lawyers claim that she's a nut who's concocted a story of date rape.
201. This, though less hazardous than the rape of Persephone, was perilous enough to satisfy the most ambitious.
202. A more likely scenario is that male rape victims would be afforded the same shoddy treatment as their female counterparts.
203. It says in some war-torn areas, women are at high risk of sexual violence, including rape.
204. A method was developed to determine residue of acephate and methamidophos in rape plants by GC/MS.
205. The water extract of poplar root promoted seedling growth of rape, soybean, white turnip and root growth of rape.
206. Prospero alludes to the fact that Caliban once tried to rape Miranda.
207. Israeli President Moshe Katsav has submitted his letter of resignation a day after accepting a plea bargain that allows rape charges against him to be dropped.
208. The variation of plant hormones and ethylene releasing rate in rape treated by a new chemical hybridizing agent WP were studied.
209. Mr. Katsav resigned recently as part of a plea bargain that enabled him to avoid being indicted on more serious charges of rape and abuse of power.
210. This harasser may become involved in sexual extortion, and may frequently harass just to see how targets respond—those who don't resist may even become targets for rape.
211. Remember how Yeats represents history as rape in "Leda and the Swan."
212. Interpol issued a so-called Red Notice at the request of a Swedish court, which accused him of rape.
213. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a significant plant pathogenic fungus leads to sclerotium disease on oilseed rape, sunflower and many other important crops around the world.
214. She said that the boy had told her that he had behaved inappropriately with his half-sister, but insisted he didn't rape the girl and had kept his clothes on.
215. Oilseed rape is an important oleaginous crop. Kinds of diseases during its growth period are responsible for dramatic yield losses.
216. The Lilith report of 2003 used inaccurate statistics to conclude that an increase in lap-dancing clubs in Camden led to an increase in rape.
217. At a set time, able-bodied Romans seized the assembled women in an event now known as the Rape of the Sabine Women.
218. Towler was serving 12 years to life for rape, felonious assault and kidnapping for an abduction on May 24, 1981.
219. The name and reality of the rape (Brassica campestris and Brassica juncea) in China.
220. The crime rate rankings were calculated using six crime categories: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft.
221. When forced sex occurs between two people who already know each other, it is known as date rape or acquaintance rape.
222. It was showed that rape grown on calcareous soil would depress Mn toxicity due to the teste.
223. Interspecific hybridization between Brassica juncea and Brassica oleracea var. aceaphala is very important for creating new types of rape and improving the existing varieties of Brassica napus.
224. Who shot Cally when she bit off his ear during an attempted rape?
225. Rape is the most serious of crimes,(Sentence dictionary) whether it is a man raping a woman or invading armies raping the homeland or the usurpation of rights.
226. Legal crimes are traditional crimes like theft, dacoity, rape etc.
227. The study showed that yellow pigment in rape flowers has good antiseptic effect on cooked beef when the concentration is above 0.05%.
228. Anytime a self-aggrandizing dictator can have someone killed at the snap of a finger, it is not a stretch to believe he could rape anyone he wanted.
229. The mother found local police had shielded the rape suspect, so she appealed to the court.
230. A week later, a different Brooklyn judge ruled the same database was not authorized by state law. He ordered authorities to return a rape suspect's DNA profile without including it in the database.
231. It contributes substantially to adolescent motor vehicle crashes, other traumatic injuries, suicide, date rape,() and family and school problems.
232. The case echoes an earlier incidence of virtual rape a decade ago, as described by Julian Dibble for the Village Voice in 1993.
233. The glutelin electrophoretogram had abundant bands with stronger polymorphism and more characteristic hands, so it could effectively identify the differences between rape hybrid and parental lines.
234. Strauss-Kahn, 62, faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted on charges including attempted rape, sex abuse, a criminal sex act, unlawful imprisonment and forcible touching.
235. CBF1 gene from rape was transformed into Arabidopsis thaliana by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated method to screen its transgenic plants with resistance and conduct PCR detection and GUS staining.
236. GM technology is also being used to enhance provitamin A content in the mustard plant, a relative of canola (oil seed rape) that is grown in many parts of the world, including Bangladesh and India.
237. The campaign should also aim to reduce the stigmatization of victims of rape.
238. Former Israeli president Moshe Katsav is to be charged with rape nearly two years after he resigned as part of a plea bargain.
239. In the laboratory, the behavioral responses of OAMs to volatile extracts of milk vetch and rape were compared.
240. Several doctors say they have found Viagra tablets and condoms in the pockets of dead pro-Gaddafi fighters, alleging that they were using rape as a weapon of war.
241. The xanthan gum is the extracellular polysaccharide secreted by xanthomonas campestris from wild rape. It can be produced by fermentation with starch or glucose as the carbon source.
242. Please quote reprinted annotated source consciously, otherwise you will be cursed with gang rape.
243. The sparerib covers rice, shredded meat cabbage, mushroom picks rape, the shrimp skin wax gourd soup, rice.
244. The crime of whoring a girl under the age of 14 was born out from the crime of rape, but there are so many similarities between this crime and carnal knowledge behavior of the crime of rape.
245. Relations between teenage women and older men would anywhere else be called pedophilia or at least statutory rape.
246. In the mean time, don't worry about the millions of hardcore bukkake, gang-bang, and rape sites your filters miss, satire sites should be your top priority.
247. The clubroot harmed rape from seedling period and was most severe at bolting stage while the disease index and disease incidence reduced at silique mature period.
248. On feeling threatened with rape, Deng attacked the officials with a fruit knife, killing one and wounding his colleague, according to the reports.
249. In Katine sub-county we hear about rape, defilement and child abuse, mostly of girls.
250. Emily Bazelon and I researched false rape allegations for Slate in 2009, when a Hofstra student garnered headlines for recanting after claiming that she was gang-raped by five men in a bathroom.
251. With people like you it's well documented "rape during times of warfare" unless it's about Sodom where the big lie you push is that it's about gay people.
252. In Baraka, one survivor recalled: "They tried to make my older brother rape me.
253. Terry Norris of the Georgia Sheriffs' Association cites a man who was convicted of statutory rape two decades ago for having consensual sex with his high-school sweetheart,(http:///rape.html) to whom he is now married.
254. This paper deals with the effect of leaching liquor of Conyza canadensis on seed germination and seedling growth of three crops including wheat, rape and cabbage.
255. If a man forced you buggery, and that is rape, whether you are male or female.
256. Therefore the rape test was believed suitable for determining bioactivities of the sulfonylurea herbicides represented by the chlorsulfuron.
257. Content of its calcium, iron is very rich, often eat rape to clear blood step-down, able-bodied skeleton, Qing Dynasty heats up alexipharmic action.
258. Wheat, rape, sugarbeet, and barely grow well along with a variety of vegetables which grow near Erfurt, the state's capital.
259. Rape (Brassica campestris L. )Was found to be a more susceptible species than cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. )and maize (Zea mays L. ).
260. Borrow the network, borrow the contaminative and mass sense organs, borrow to rape the mass eyeball but become famous, to us the inequity of absoluteness.
261. Nations at peace still have rape, they still have murder, and they most certainly still have corruption and venality.
262. Human Rights Watch's research in Liberia found that the Liberian Peace Council was responsible for torture, rape, extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detention, and forcible recruitment.
263. Ms. Martin says the plight of rape victims is especially dire in Darfur because roughly nine out of ten Sudanese women undergo an extreme form of female circumcision.
264. It is a terrifying thought that women are being made to adapt to rape by wearing these devices ...Women would have to wear this every minute of their lives on the off-chance that they would be raped.
265. During oviposition period, the male and female OAMs displayed certain tropism to the flowering rape and the milk vetch, the female OAMs performanced intense behavior of oviposition.
266. The factory used a glue ingredient that, when ingested, is broken down by the body to make GHB, the "date rape" drug, which can cause unconsciousness and even death.
267. He'd been on Korean wanted lists since 1999 (and the Interpol Red Notice since 2004) after fleeing the country after charges of rape emerged.




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