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单词 Presidency
1, She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of presidency.
2, She hopes to win the presidency.
3, His election to the presidency climaxed his political career.
4, She has been nominated for the presidency.
5, The present constitution gives supreme authority to the presidency.
6, She has been nominated for the Presidency.
7, Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the United States.
8, She held the presidency of the association for three years.
9, Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the US.
10, Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.
11, I propose him as a candidate for the presidency.
12, She won the presidency by a wide margin.
13, There were few real improvements during his presidency.
14, The EU presidency rotates among the members.
15, 1945 to 1946 was the nadir of Truman's presidency.
16, Two candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency.
17, Poverty had declined during his presidency.
18, He is preparing a run for the presidency.
19, He was already preparing his run for the presidency.
20, Of course,(http:///presidency.html) the ultimate authority remained the presidency.
21, The presidency is beginning to appear a political irrelevance.
22, The tenure of the US Presidency is four years.
23, He was elected to a second presidency.
24, During his presidency many changes took place.
25, The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the Presidency.
26, He vowed to achieve certain objectives before the end of his presidency.
27, He is set to pulverise his two opponents in the race for the presidency.
28, He has announced that he is running for the presidency.
29, The signing of the peace treaty was the high tide of her presidency.
30, She hopes to be the first woman elected to the presidency of the United States.
1, She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of presidency.
2, She has been nominated for the presidency.
3, The present constitution gives supreme authority to the presidency.
4, The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the Presidency.
5, He vowed to achieve certain objectives before the end of his presidency.
6, He is set to pulverise his two opponents in the race for the presidency.
7, He has announced that he is running for the presidency.
8, Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the United States.
9, She held the presidency of the association for three years.
10, Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the US.
11, Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.
12, I propose him as a candidate for the presidency.
13, Two candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency.
14, During his presidency many changes took place.
15, Only native - born citizens are eligible for the U.S. Presidency.
16, She looked on the governorship as a stepping - stone to the presidency.
31, In a run-off for the presidency of the assembly, Santos beat Gutierez.
32, The European Union's rotating presidency passed from Sweden to Belgium.
33, His presidency was very successful - it'll be a hard act to follow.
34, to demythologize the presidency.
35, Three years into his presidency, he is more popular than ever.
36, I propose Mary Davies as a candidate for the presidency.
37, He won the nomination as Democratic candidate for the presidency.
38, Reagan's presidency may prove to have been the high watermark of the US-Israeli alliance.
39, Both candidates for the presidency were short of relevant experience.
40, Few expected that he would declare his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the presidency.
41, On 1 December the presidency of the Security Council automatically transfers from the US to Yemen.
42, His elevation to the presidency of the new republic was generally popular.
43, The press want to sink his bid for the Presidency.
44, Only native - born citizens are eligible for the U.S. Presidency.
45, He was a White House official during the Bush presidency.
46, Two main candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency.
47, She looked on the governorship as a stepping - stone to the presidency.
48, Some of the mystique surrounding the presidency has gone forever.
49, Even the presidency was handed to him on a plate.
50, To win the presidency he had first to outwit his rivals within the Socialist Party.
51, They have been calling the Presidency decision a backroom deal.
52, Dole possesses excellent credentials for the presidency.
53, But the presidency is largely ceremonial.
54, The largely ceremonial presidency would rotate among major groups.
55, Ronald Reagan, campaigning for the presidency,(http:///presidency.html) denounced the treaty.
56, We interrupt this presidency to bring you a newsflash.
57, He dominated every premier who served during his presidency.
58, The Presidency of Bosnia-Hercegovina denounced the move as unconstitutional.
59, Nixon finally won the presidency in 1968.
60, He had joined his present company seventeen years before, with the 124 presidency of the company as his goal.
61, At the core of the fight over the constitution is the relationship of powers between the presidency, government and parliament.
62, His policies, especially in the first two years of his presidency, often have been confusing and contradictory.
63, We will also use our presidency to help ensure that poorer countries are not disadvantaged as a result of the Single Market.
64, That compares with an attrition rate of just over a quarter during Ronald Reagan's presidency.
65, Ronald Reagan's stock of capital as he began his presidency was comparatively low, as Table l shows.
66, He came into office in 1989 promising a return to the free-spending habits of his previous presidency in the 1970s.
67, A central committee draft law discussing the powers of the presidency of the party was also introduced at the plenum.
68, Jovic formally withdrew his resignation at the next meeting of the Federal Presidency on March 21.
69, Congress surrendered some of its power Thursday and gave the presidency the authority to veto individual items in spending bills.
70, On May 8 Martin Shikuku, interim secretary-general of the party, declared his intention to stand for the presidency.
71, The open mutiny by the military and police highlights Mr Wahid's tenuous grip on the presidency.
71, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
72, In it, Clinton recapped some of his toughest decisions, and important moments in his presidency, good and bad.
73, Jovic nevertheless dismissed fears that the Presidency might seek to annul the election results and declare a state of emergency.
74, The Government is optimistic that Bill Clinton will use the last days of his presidency to make a generous gesture on debt.
75, The Presidency reconvened in emergency session on May 8-9 at the request of the army.
76, At least, he had saved his country from foolish fratricide by unselfishly renouncing the presidency.
77, The discretionary power that de Gaulle gave his prime ministers varied over the course of his presidency.
78, S.-financed program helped opposition politician Rafael Angel Calderon Fournier win the presidency in 1990.
79, His high profile in recent months and obvious bid for the party presidency have amounted to nothing.
80, Even among some Taft supporters, however, there were serious doubts that the controversial senator could win the presidency.
81, But the main crisis over this issue was to occur during Eisenhower's presidency.
82, Nader is untroubled by the prospect of helping bring on the dark night of a Bush presidency.
83, There were two candidates for the presidency, Lyndon B Johnson and Senator Barry Goldwater. The latter was known to hold extreme right-wing views.
84, He expressed disappointment in the Clinton presidency, saying Bill Clinton had undercut minorities by backing off strong affirmative-action programs.
85, A Dole presidency would probably maintain the current balance or add to the Congress-limiting majority.
86, We are by no means blind to the risks of a Gore presidency.
87, We've reached the stage where public image is the most important element in the Presidency.
88, But the vice-president kept hammering home his belief that every vote cast in Florida should be counted before the presidency is awarded.
89, The presidency, though largely honorific, nevertheless gave him two years of unusual influence over the profession.
90, It was an act that demonstrated how awesome are the power and prestige of the presidency.
91, Political observers widely believe Perot is backing the Reform Party as a vehicle that would allow him to seek the presidency again.
92, A number of senators are already mapping their campaigns for the presidency.
93, Indeed, Clinton spent the first half of his presidency finding his foreign policy legs.
94, His presidency lacked an over-arching theme or a guiding principle.
95, They, too, made a comeback, winning the presidency with Jimmy Carter in 1976.
96, Yeah, George, same thing happened to the presidency under Richard Nixon.
97, Axel raises campaign money and advises candidates, including Adlai Stevenson, the Illinois governor who lost the presidency twice to Eisenhower.
98, John F.. Kennedy won by a hair and under questionable circumstances, yet his presidency was never considered illegitimate.
99, It is of some interest to note that the press carried very brief notices that Herrera had relinquished the presidency.
100, Richard Lugar, for instance, briefly sought the presidency themselves but died of inhibited personality traits on the campaign trail.
101, The World Bank presidency has a habit of surrounding its occupants with a warm, well-meaning aura.http://
102, Clinton ventured to Capitol Hill Tuesday night enjoying the highest public approval ratings of his presidency.
103, It is due to reach its completion during our presidency in the latter part of this year.
104, Using its easily controlled procedures, Acting President Choi was elected to the presidency on December 6.
105, The Democratic party has won the presidency only once out of the last six elections since 1964.
106, And in the third year of his presidency, he actually achieved some remarkable successes in that area.
107, When Jefferson defeated Adams for the presidency, Adams left town before the inauguration rather than shake hands with him.
108, This chapter begins by considering the circumstances that brought about the so-called imperial presidency.
109, Among his many far-reaching reforms, Gorbachev effected a transfer of power from Communist Party to executive presidency.
110, Chun, who by that stage of his presidency often monopolized meetings with visitors, this time listened intently.
111, Gbagbo was catapulted into the presidency through a series of remarkable events.
112, Chun was coy only about his ambition for the presidency, and then only to preserve the formalities.
113, A year ago, the experts were predicting another one-term presidency.
114, Morris is going through one of the roughest patches of his presidency.
115, From ancient Rome to the Weimar Republic to the Carter presidency, regimes have been rotted by the monetary cancer called inflation.
116, In the end, Gerald R.. Ford pardoned Nixon after he resigned the presidency in disgrace.
117, In 1960, young Democrats had taken over the party by nominating John E Kennedy for the presidency.
118, Cameroun provides another example of a country whose stability was seriously jeopardized by a major crisis over the succession to the presidency.
119, It was his chief aim to restore the nation's faith in the presidency.
120, The pact, which was negotiated during the Bush presidency, has been stalled since 1993.
121, Although Lukashenko is tipped to win by the pollsters, already 25 other candidates have said they will stand for the presidency.
122, The most notable adult victim was a prominent New York politician and Democratic candidate for the vice presidency.
123, He noted that Wisconsin controls only 11 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.
124, He promised to demystify the all-powerful presidency and make it more accountable to congress and the voter.
125, But in fact they may actually have presaged that the contemporary presidency and electoral process were beginning to disintegrate.
126, After losing the presidency in 1960 and the California governorship in 1962, he came back to be elected president in 1968.
127, Bosnia's five-member presidency has announced the formation of a republican army after assuming emergency powers to prepare a co-ordinated defence.
128, They had declared the presidency and all ministerial posts vacant.
129, Previously the coup allegations have been launched against the manner by which Bush obtained the presidency.
130, According to one report, he told a group of journalists that he believed he ought to have been given the interim presidency.
131, At 3.15 this morning Clinton had passed the magical 270 electoral votes he required to win the presidency.
132, This epoch was to pass, after Adams's presidency, into similar backgrounds and were very closely interrelated.
133, If the jurors were unmoved by the dignity of the presidency, they were not going to be impressed by the governorship.
134, He not only saw off no-confidence motions, but won the Congress round to supporting direct elections for an executive presidency.
135, In foreign affairs, 1966 and 1967 were perhaps the most hectic years of his presidency.
136, Never in this century has the fight for the presidency pitted a congressional monarch against an incumbent president.
137, He also predicted that even if Aristide won he would not be permitted to assume the presidency.
138, Before departing for Puebla, Santa Anna also resigned the presidency and supreme command of the army.
139, On the other hand, no majority leader has ever won the presidency from the position, though several have tried.
140, The railway companies soon turned their attention to the presidency cities of Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta.
141, This may be the season of goodwill, but the Imperial Presidency is back with a vengeance.
142, During the first months of his presidency, the pressure to adopt a more aggressive policy mounted.
143, Throughout his presidency, Roosevelt was always deeply concerned with religious opinion.
144, In 1996, the nominees possess solid credentials for the presidency as well as the vice presidency.
145, In this worsening climate of inter-republican invective, the collective State Presidency met in emergency session on Oct. 2.
146, This epoch was to pass after Adams's presidency into a period of romantic pluralism at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
147, Perhaps that will be our task when we take over the presidency of the Community next July.
148, He never came close to realizing his dream of winning the presidency.
149, Dole repeated his opposition during his losing campaign for the presidency last year.
150, Iliescu resigned his party posts following his assumption of the presidency and asked Roman to form a government.
151, Mr Clerides, 73, who was making his third bid for the presidency, was far more reserved about the proposals.
152, Bush says the biggest mistake of his presidency was agreeing to a tax increase.
153, Since there are 538 electors, 270 votes are necessary to win the presidency.
154, The changes would strengthen the oil-rich country's presidency.
155, Andrew Jackson stepped down from the presidency in March, eighteen thirty-seven. His presidential powers were passed to his most trusted political assistant, Martin Van Buren of New York.
156, Energy security and supply an overarching theme of Russia's G 8 presidency.
157, Zhai said that Kazakhstan has held the presidency of the CICA since Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev initiated the establishment of the CICA at the 47th United Nations General Assembly.
158, The presidency is less an office than a performance: Who saw the gloom and glower behind Eisenhower's incandescent grin?
159, If you have what it takes , you can work up to the presidency of the company.
160, He catalogs Jimmy Carter's Sisyphean struggle to make energy independence a central issue during his presidency.
161, However, not until Grover Cleveland's first presidency did this unsafe practice change.
162, With his eight-month presidency seemingly weakening, United States President Barack Obama struck.
163, And when he ascended to the presidency following the death of William Henry Harrison, being dubbed "His Accidency" made it a lock.
164, Nestor Kirchner, who remained popular throughout his presidency, has not explained why he stepped aside for his wife instead of seeking another four-year term.
165, Uzbekistan is holding the rotating presidency of the SCO and this year's SCO summit will be held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.
166, During the campaign, his vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden attracted attention for announcing that, in the first six months of his presidency, Obama would be tested on the international stage.
167, This week on our series, we continue the story of the presidency of Franklin Pierce. And they talk about the presidential election of eighteen fifty-six.
168, It is above all to the drumbeat of Wilsonian idealism that American foreign policy has marched since his watershed presidency, and continues to march to this day.
169, First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese delegation, to extend to you our sincere congratulations on your assumption of the Presidency of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee.
170, These riots have come at a testing time for Mr Sarkozy 's six - month - old presidency.
171, In 2007, Colom, representing a social-democratic coalition, won the Presidency—the first time in five decades that a left-of-center leader had ruled Guatemala.
172, The oldest and most important magistracy was the consulship , which can best be described as a dual prime ministership or presidency .
173, Karwar is the headquarters of the Kanara district in the Southern portion of the Bombay Presidency.
174, In 2005, Mandela spoke publicly and candidly about his son's death from AIDS, helping to combat the stigma around the disease that was largely unaddressed during his presidency.
175, We hope that after assuming the presidency, Mr. Ronald Reagan will make new contributions to the development of Sino-U. S. relations.
176, Two days before the election he had a sealed letter , which he had typed himself, hand-delivered to the secretary of state, who was then third in line of succession to the presidency.
177, Then, after a stint in Washington with Anne Wexlers lobbying firm early in my presidency, she went home to Arkansas to live in the Ozarks.
178, In nineteen twenty, Americans elected Republican Warren Harding to the presidency.
179, Hardy succeeded on the death of his friend George Meredith to the presidency of the Society of Authors in 1909.
180, In 2006 he told a German newspaper that the best moment of his presidency was when he caught a seven-and-a-half pound (3.5 kg) largemouth bass on the lake at the ranch.
181, This week in our series, we discuss the presidency of William Henry Harrison.
182, Following the disclosure of his controversial past when he was running for the Austrian presidency, Waldheim was banned by the U. S. government from visiting the United States.
183, This wave of violence comes at a testing time for Mr Sarkozy 's six - month - old presidency.
184, The presidency is difficult enough to run at the best of times, without installing a former first lady and an ex-president in the vice-president's residence.
185, Since my 2008 campaign for the presidency I have often been asked, “How would a constitutionalist president go about dismantling the welfare-warfare state and restoring a constitutional republic?”
186, The term was made popular by Warren Harding, campaigning for America's presidency in the wake of the first world war.
187, Prior to winning the presidency, Clinton had been the long-time Arkansas governor and his wife, Hilary Rodham Clinton, a partner in the state's largest law firm.
188, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has detailed the results of his six-month EU presidency in a final address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
189, Few White House staffers are as important to the success of a presidency as the chief speechwriter and his or her deputies.
190, Such befuddlement has been a feature of his presidency, which began in 2006. Disgruntled administrators lament that "only a handful of people" ever know what is going on.
191, The ad suggests that if Obama wins the presidency and the Democrats have enough members to invoke cloture, the Democratic president’s proposals could pass through the Senate with minimal debate.
192, ON AUGUST 28th, barring some dark manoeuvre by seething Clintonistas, Barack Obama will accept the Democratic nomination for the presidency.
193, He catalogs Jimmy Carter's Sisyphean struggle to make energy independence a central issue during his presidency. The effort, Mr.
194, "It was notclear, following the American Revolution and Articles of Confederation, that the presidency would work, " saysRutgers Universityhistorian David Greenberg.
195, Moreover, Ms Merkel showed during her own EU presidency last year a deftness for compromise that is lacking in either Mr Sarkozy or Mr Brown.
196, Millard Fillmore's rise to the presidency reads like a Horatio Alger tale.
197, The five-course banquet was the first in Mr Bush's presidency to demand a white tie dress code.
198, His "psychodrama" argument blossomed into a full-scale criticism of the Clinton Presidency.
199, The American presidency is Hillary Clinton's to lose. But that doesn't make her a shoo-in just yet.
200, As wife of the 36th president, Lyndon Baines Johnson,[http:///presidency.html] her well-organized and vigorous support of important causes made her an indispensable asset to his presidency.
201, This week in our series, we talk about the presidency of Franklin Pierce.
202, So the weak part decide to nominate him for presidency, even though no one knew where he stood on issues.
203, By its very nature, the presidency involves a lot of on-the-job training.
204, At his press conference in Bucharest Mr Putin was asked how he felt about giving up the presidency next month (to become prime minister). "There is nothing to be sorry about.
205, This week, President Bush sent Congress the final budget of his presidency.




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