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单词 Serving
1. Delicatessen usually require little preparation for serving.
2. Arrange the chicken and salad in a serving dish.
3. The number of prisoners serving life sentences has fallen.
4. He was released on parole after serving two years.
5. The waiter was serving another table.
6. He is serving on a warship in the Pacific.
7. It is always a pleasure serving you.
8. Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen.
9. Her criminal record disqualifies her from serving on a jury.
10. Prison order is rendered unstable by young inmates serving short sentences.
11. This room has a dual purpose, serving as both a study and a dining room.
12. There was a serving spoon missing when Nina put the silverware back in its box.
13. He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.
14. He was released from prison after serving a sentence of five years.
15. He's serving time at Leavenworth.
16. Just before serving, whisk the cream.
17. Chill the fruit salad until serving time.
18. He's serving time for drugs offences.
19. Garnish the dish with parsley before serving.
20. He was the senior serving naval officer.
21. Pile the potatoes into a warm serving dish.
22. Did you know that Les is serving time ?
23. She is serving two years for theft.
24. What are you serving up tonight?
25. Chill the wine before serving.
26. He's currently serving a life sentence for murder.
27. There was only one girl serving customers .
28. He returned to his homeland with the purpose of serving his own people.
29. Although sentenced to life, he will become eligible for parole after serving 10 years.
30. I like to macerate the food in liqueur for a few minutes before serving.
1. Arrange the chicken and salad in a serving dish.
2. The number of prisoners serving life sentences has fallen.
3. He was released on parole after serving two years.
4. The waiter was serving another table.
5. He is serving on a warship in the Pacific.
6. It is always a pleasure serving you.
7. Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen.
8. He returned to his homeland with the purpose of serving his own people.
9. Although sentenced to life, he will become eligible for parole after serving 10 years.
10. Prison order is rendered unstable by young inmates serving short sentences.
11. This room has a dual purpose, serving as both a study and a dining room.
12. There was a serving spoon missing when Nina put the silverware back in its box.
13. I like to macerate the food in liqueur for a few minutes before serving.
14. He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.
15. The stew must be boiled up before serving.
16. She can't come to the telephone; she's serving a client.
17. He is serving a 15 - year sentence for his alleged involvement in a plot to overthrow the government.
18. The hotel has a large dining room serving superb local cuisine.
31. Nora toils away serving burgers at the local cafe.
32. Empty the noodles and liquid into a serving bowl.
33. Toss the carrots in some butter before serving.
34. Miller is serving a life sentence for murder.
35. She digs the serving spoon into the moussaka.
36. We were press-ganged into serving the drinks.
37. Let the hot pie cool before serving.
38. Computers have also begun serving agriculture.
39. He's serving an apprenticeship as a printer.
40. The stew must be boiled up before serving.
41. He is the government's longest serving frontbencher.
42. Some were serving life sentences for murder.
43. Shake the drink before serving it to froth it up.
44. In some areas, there are small schools serving a few farm families, and the children walk to school.
45. She was pardoned after serving ten years of a life sentence.
46. They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination.
47. She can't come to the telephone; she's serving a client.
48. There are plenty of cafes and bars,(/serving.html) many of them serving excellent food.
49. He is serving a 15 - year sentence for his alleged involvement in a plot to overthrow the government.
50. Unlike the present government, we believe in serving the community.
51. A constitutional amendment precludes any president from serving more than two terms.
52. The pilot is serving 22 days detention for going AWOL.
53. He was a model prisoner, and was released after serving only half his five-year sentence.
54. I didn't recognize the man who was serving behind the bar.
55. He is serving 11 years for robbery, and did time for a similar offence before that.
56. His religious beliefs precluded him / his serving in the army.
57. After all, it is no use serving up TV dinners if the kids won't eat them.
58. The president is constitutionally prohibited from serving more than two terms in office.
59. Gina succumbed to temptation and had a second serving of cake.
60. Mrs White can't come to the telephone - she's serving a customer.
61. The hotel has a large dining room serving superb local cuisine.
62. Slice the eggs in two and arrange them on a serving dish.
63. We must not forget our boys serving far from home.
64. Bradley will go down in history as Los Angeles' longest serving mayor.
65. She was released on parole after serving just half of her sentence.
66. Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
67. He was jailed for 33 months to run concurrently with a sentence he is already serving for burglary.
68. She opened the serving hatch and put the soup on the counter.
69. I'm willing to be an ox serving the country all my life.
70. He's used to hopping the ball between his hand and ground for several times before serving the ball.
71. All three are still serving good ale.
72. Garnish with the cilantro just before serving.
73. Just before serving, stir in the fromage frais.
74. Just before serving, stir in the cilantro.
75. Sprinkle each serving with currants and almonds.
76. Ideal for serving with chicken, gammon, pork or sausages.
77. Remove bay leaves and adjust seasonings before serving.
77. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
78. The little dumpy girl was one of two serving.
79. Each serving contains 240 calories.
80. A serving wench brought us flagons of watered beer.
81. Often churches are isolated, serving widely scattered farmsteads.
82. It monitors new developments in brewing and serving beer.
83. Often this involves serving on college committees.
84. And the couch won, serving up an October buffet.
85. Just before serving, stir in the chopped coriander.
86. Drain and divide among 4 serving bowls.
87. Amount per serving: calories, 0 per cent.
88. Drain noodles and divide into serving bowls.
89. Stir in parsley and basil just before serving.
90. Voice over Landlords say they're increasingly serving more food than drink, especially in country pubs.
91. Nervously, they festooned the front serving counter with ribbons not believing, quite, that people would come.
92. Cut the fillets into serving pieces but leave steaks whole.
93. Use colander to strain. 5 Tip peas into serving dish. 6 Get butter from refrigerator.
94. By the summer of 1809 on land and sea, 786,000 men were serving - one in ten of the adult population.
95. The new managers saw their administrative responsibilities as serving two purposes.
96. Found guilty of seditious conspiracy and possession of illegal weapons, they are serving prison terms ranging from 35 to 105 years.
97. Open from 11 a. m. until 1 a. m. daily, serving dinner until 10 p. m. Beer and wine.
98. Later that year the Population Council was born, with Rockefeller himself serving as its chairman.
99. The New York Times standard would apply to any teacher or student serving as a duly elected public official.
100. The fries, made through a counter-top machine, can then be deep-fried before serving.
101. The first time Cantor attempted to visit him, the narrow aisles were blocked by serving carts.
102. Zoos, botanical gardens and some circuses claim they are serving conservation by breeding animals or plants in captivity.
103. They have existed for centuries, serving as shops, offices, workshops and homes in this bustling corner of the city.
104. Should not that proviso apply to anybody serving on any committee?
105. Serving the customer involves more members of the company than just those who serve at the customer interface.
106. There are excellent restaurants and hotels, many of them specialising in their own way of serving fresh fish from the lake.
107. Li Jinjin, the union's legal adviser, was also released after serving a similar term of imprisonment without trial.
107. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
108. He has revised regulations to prohibit discrimination against gays serving in federal government.
109. The Technical Committee looks at all aspects of brewing and serving beer.
110. If desired, pour a little soy sauce over the couscous before serving.
111. Mr. Handscomb and the other applicants for judicial review were serving discretionary life sentences.
112. Nutrients per serving: calories, 212; carbohydrates, 36 grams; protein, 6 grams; fat, 3 grams.
113. Bolognese Sauce Serves 4. Fat content per serving - 5g; energy content per serving - 108 calories.
114. Families can drop the custom of serving unappetizing desserts and start tasty new holiday traditions, Eisenberg suggests.
115. A slave was serving Jehana with sweet cakes on a tray.
116. Yet he ended his days at daily mass, even serving for the priest when the altar boy of the day overslept.
117. I prefer serving cold started and desserts because then all the food can be put outside at once buffet style.
118. Spearman is now serving a three-year prison sentence for forgery.
119. Fernand Braudel was serving as a lieutenant on the Rhine frontier and became a prisoner of war.
120. Season the casserole to taste with salt and pepper and garnish with freshly chopped parsley before serving.
121. The head, if that's what it is, is crowned with a tuft of rubbery antennae serving various functions.
122. Each has gone beyond serving a few dozen students, although they still reach only a fraction of the total student population.
123. Class origins are less important than the objective function of serving the interests of the ruling class.
124. If serving the gooseberry fool on its own, add a little extra sugar to taste.
125. The food is then pushed out of its protective package and left in its serving dish to be cooked in a hot-air oven.
126. The fiber-to-the-curb architecture provides high-capacity switched digital network services to optical network units serving multiple residences.
127. He hoisted himself on to one of the bar stools and nodded in greeting to the barman who was busy serving another customer.
128. The agency said Abbott falsely claimed that one serving of Ensure provides nutrients comparable to a multivitamin.
129. We had disagreements in the House about the number of Territorial Army personnel that were serving in the Gulf.
130. The most dramatic performance of the serving staff came with the dessert.
131. The pub is the only public building serving the Trendlewood estate and its 3,000 residents.
132. Tribble was unavailable for comment but left a statement voicing an interest in serving a volume market.
133. A Tea Garden, serving home made cakes, is set in one of the walled gardens.
134. Set aside four orange segments, for decorating the dessert before serving.
135. It seems I have been presented with an excellent opportunity to acquire merit by serving a holy man in charity.
136. His wife scurried around serving ersatz coffee and comforting a baby born four days previously.
137. He then added his own slapstick comedy, each night diving head first through a serving hatch and generally being thrown around.
137. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
138. Place a serving of polenta on each of 6 flameproof serving plates and make a well in center.
139. A model prisoner, he became eligible for release after serving half that time.
140. Few today would hold any brief for a theory, such as Bodin's, serving to justify absolutism.
141. They haven't cultivated the attitude that by serving you they're doing you a favour.
142. By 1701 he was serving as chairman of the influential elections committee, and was even talked of as a possible Speaker.
143. Nutrients per serving: calories, 204; protein, 8 grams; carbohydrates, 35 grams; fat, 3 grams.
144. I like to cook recipes that foolproof, able to wait or take a moment to finish before serving.
145. Where design permits, the old-fashioned serving hatch can come in handy: it's the dumb waiter of the less-palatial home.
146. Guzman was serving more than 20 years for criminal association and bribery.
147. Spread copies of this week's papers on serving counter and butter thickly on slices of bread.
148. Stein, 54, announced his retirement last week after serving more than three decades in the department.
149. His latest film Peter's Friends is due out this week with Branagh serving as producer, director and star.
150. Or serve on individual dinner plates topped with 3 to 4 generous tablespoons sauce per serving.
151. About 15 minutes before serving, preheat oven to 350 F.. Prepare an aromatic fire in a charcoal grill.
152. The former would be a seminar or course, while the latter could be serving as a local councillor.
153. The country would be better off if more women were serving in Congress.
154. Some are excellent sources, while the quantity contained in an average serving of others would be negligible.
155. Heat gently for 1-2min, then season to taste and sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley before serving.
156. Capriati wore Seles down from the baseline and took advantage of her weak serving.
157. The services are very simple with the priest celebrating and two acolytes serving.
158. The road serving Kinlochbervie is linked to the A.838, branching off at Rhiconich.
159. Heber is serving his three-year term in a federal prison in Bastrop, Texas.
160. Hold sauce in a warm water bath until serving time, up to 2 hours.
161. You will have to buy this directly or indirectly from one of the telephone companies serving your local area.
162. Former longtime President Peter MacDonald is serving a 14-year federal prison sentence after being convicted of riot charges in 1992.
163. Along the right wall were two card tables pushed together, covered with white paper cloths for serving refreshments.
164. The hotel is serving it cooked in butter with mushroom and cream flamed with brandy.
165. The audit is usually performed by a third party, primarily serving the interests of the party who delegated the responsibility.
166. The ten-week course was designed to teach female ambulance drivers serving abroad how to repair their own vehicles in the field.
167. Advantages of the nondairy toppings over whipping cream are lower fat content, lower cost per serving,( ) and greater convenience.
168. Cover and let rest for 1 hour at cool room temperature or for up to 4 hours in the refrigerator before serving.
169. The clerk in the liquor store had recommended that she let this red wine breathe before serving it.
170. It also provided approximately 40% of the stipends and housing costs of the 11,500 serving clergy.
171. Pages and serving women hastened through it, each of them bearing an item of outdoor clothing.
172. Or you could line the walls with bookshelves from waist-level, with cupboards underneath to provide storage and serving space.
173. The father of her children is presently serving a two-year custodial sentence for burglary.
174. Spoon into a serving bowl, sprinkle with the cinnamon and serve with the fruit platter.
175. Place a cube of Gorgonzola atop each serving of polenta and mushrooms and warm under broiler.
176. Any renal unit serving a district with cardiac surgery facilities would have significantly more patients developing acute postoperative renal failure.
177. It is a good few years since most of them were serving, and the memories will soon be flooding back.
178. About 20min before serving remove all but the chocolate-coated truffles from the fridge and pile on to a large platter.
179. Ms. Aris was granted clemency after serving 10 years for killing her abusive husband.
180. From seven grateful clients, Project Open Hand soon grew to a charity serving eight thousand meals a day.
181. Per serving: 344 calories, 7 g saturated fat, 2 g polyunsaturated fat, 30 g complex carbohydrates.
182. There's also an option to practise serving: a tricky task involving quickly guiding a small cross into the service box.
183. For each serving, place a warm flour tortilla on a serving plate.
184. Deep fry fish cakes and warm for 5 mins before serving with tomato sauce and lightly-boiled leeks and celery.
185. Transfer to a serving bowl or to individual salad plates and garnish with dandelion, arugula or lettuce.
186. She was also attracted by the opportunity to do advocacy whilst serving articles, which is only possible in a local authority.
187. Occasionally he saw Primaflora who, from serving Carlotta(), had turned her training to attendance on the King's mother.
188. Chill the salad for an hour or two before serving.
189. Nevertheless, by posing questions rather than serving up morals, he's caught some flak from simple-minded gay critics.
190. He received a 21-month sentence, which he began serving last August.
191. Mercedes walks in again with a large serving bowl of black beans and another of rice.
192. Increasingly, companies are making it their business to develop programs for serving both the worker and the bottom line.
193. Fat content per serving - nil; energy content per serving - 174 calories.
194. Biddy, in her neat little black dress, was busy serving food.
195. He was serving an eight year sentence for burglary at Grendon near Aylesbury.
196. New closed prisons were built for convicted offenders serving long fixed sentences or life imprisonment for the most serious crimes.
197. She was trying to chat up the boy who was serving.
198. Just before serving, fold in the whipping cream or CoolWhip and serve topped with cherries if desired.
199. Dole was elected to the Senate in 1968 and is serving in his fifth term, which would have ended in 1998.
200. He gave Edberg no chance of breaking him, serving four stunning aces and a massive percentage of first services.
201. The lowered mood itself increases access to negative memories, serving to maintain the depression.
202. The fife sentence prisoners are not the only ones serving long sentences.
203. Their words infuse the air Britain breathes, serving just three press magnates whose pernicious influence corrodes all political discourse.
204. Perot claims he is serving as a stand-in for whomever the Reform Party nominates at its Labor Day convention.
205. My father had been wounded by a malfunctioning crane while serving with the Corps of Engineers.
206. Per serving: 416 calories, 3 grams saturated fat, 9 grams polyunsaturated fat, 24 grams complex carbohydrates.
207. Remove from freezer 10 mins before serving and serve together.
208. In their view serving the state was the highest moral duty and no state had external obligations.
209. Put a bed of lettuce in a serving bowl and add the tomato and cucumber.
210. The nine-member panel of bishops serving as judges is expected to rule any day on the Righter case.
211. Serving a company in a foreign land, for example, is no longer either a privilege or a hardship.
212. He was national vice-chairman in 1990-91 before serving as chairman the following year at a time of great change in the Association.
213. No one is fighting her for the task of serving school dinners to the juniors.
214. Check the seasoning of the sauce, pile the cooked rice on to a serving dish and pour the chicken mixture over.
215. Spoon the dip into the pineapple shells and arrange them top to toe on a large serving plate.
216. It would usually start with three or four of the top players serving as catalysts.
217. Recent relaxations in late-night licensing have allowed many venues to keep serving alcohol until 6am or even later.
218. Deglazing is simple: Remove the roast from the oven, and transfer the meat to a serving platter or cutting board.
219. For these suggest that holism and individualism can fruitfully be seen as serving different interests in social explanation.
220. The barman was serving the last customer of the evening.
221. I noticed that to our right there was a large balcony equipped with facilities for preparing and serving food.
222. On the following morning, I was awakened by the clanging of doors and the activity of inmates serving food.
223. Serving officers who attempt constructive criticism of the police, risk being labelled traitors and put their promotion prospects in jeopardy.
224. After serving its purpose it is returned to the advance reservation section and used for additional future reservations.
225. Place the chicken on a bed of rice and, just before serving, sprinkle the remaining chopped coriander over.
226. As well, parcels were sent regularly to local men serving in the forces.
227. The bars specialise in serving cocktails with beer being among the least favourite drinks.
228. Cut the oranges into segments and place in a serving dish. Add the apples and a little of the juice.
229. After a day's filming,(http://) the House Of Eliott star spends four hours serving toast and bacon butties.
230. Check that the meat is cooked thoroughly before serving it.
231. Same country accent: I tried practising it in my head, pretending I was a rosy-cheeked barmaid serving cider.
232. Alternate among several breakfast cereals that contain four grams of fiber or more per serving.
233. The majority of members serving on the Association's various standing committees are elected from the representatives on the council.
234. Once in a while, think about why you are cooking, serving and eating together as a family.
235. Very good sandwich cafe in the centre of Greenwich, serving excellent coffee, and with a small garden out back.
236. They should direct such persons to accept the bona-fide gurus serving within ISKCON and uphold the authority of ISKCON's leadership and its decisions.
237. A study of the incidence of cholecystolithiasis in 128 senile patients with diabetes and 147 non-diabetes patients serving as controls was reported.
238. Zhongguancun is the most important science park in china, which the favorable conditions of developing knowledge-based commerce, serving knowledge production and clerisy.
239. Serving meatloaf to truckers and living in a Kansas trailer park?
240. Syntax function of Adverbial phrase of neoteric Chinese adverb "indeed" is mostly serving as predicate, and it also serves as a complement accidentally.
241. Remove the lamb from the oven and keep covered and warm, reheating before serving if necessary.
242. Fortunately, he discovered a monastic order in India whose members not only served the poor but became poor themselves. Ever since he joined the order, his work of serving had gone much more smoothly.
243. Use a serving syringe device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal.
244. In early 1986, he transitioned with the rest of the remote viewing unit from the Army to the Defense Intelligence Agency organization, serving full-time with the unit through the rest of the decade.
245. Monteiro says politicians should stay out of the barracks and the military should be responsible only for protecting Guinea-Bissau's national sovereignty and serving in regional peacekeeping forces.
246. Phosphagen is economical yet provides 5 grams of high-grade creatine monohydrate per serving.
247. "In an hour or two, we'll be somewhere else protesting, " said Patrick Bruner, an English major at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York, who has been serving a spokesman for the protesters.
248. With the PHP 5 release, Zend took an important step towards serving the needs of enterprise customers.
249. Their location should pay much attention to studies of "theory of newly-developed advantages" and adopt the strategy of divergency and serving regional development.
250. Lest the server think holding the balls and stepping up to serve is the best way to take control of a point, imagine serving to Monica Seles.
251. Did the service man come? B: Yes. Andrea is serving him.
252. Senator Jim Webb, the Virginia Democrat, former Navy Secretary and once and forever Marine, said unequivocally today that he was not interested in serving as Senator Barack Obama's running mate.
253. After serving with distinction in the Seven Years' War (1756–63), Burgoyne was elected to the House of Commons in 1761 and again in 1768.
254. As one of the local joint-stock banks, Xiangtan Commercial Bank has conducted a good try and contribution in supporting medium-small enterprise and serving vast local citizens.
255. The researcher is serving in a public enterprise that is going to be privatized and, therefore, is more experienced about innovation of public enterprises.
256. Never be lacking in zeal , but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
257. Bongo, Africa's longest serving ruler, has maintained more than three decades of cordial ties with Beijing.
257. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
258. If enjoying Oculus in its youth, we suggest decanting prior to serving.
259. Aware of the importance of English in Singapore, the CI at NTU has developed a Chinese Language Teaching and Serving System characterized by a vivid interaction between Chinese and English.
260. Please arrive 20 mins early to help prepare for liturgy on the serving day.
261. Facing to the more and more competitive market, the Sendas will keep specialty, staidness , perfectly attitude; serving for the clients for ever.
262. Google does not charge a licensing fee for Android but hopes to benefit by serving highly targeted mobile ads to users.
263. Since the company came to China in 2001, it has been serving the best quality lubricants, car care products and related services.
264. "The least satisfying dozen jobs are mostly low-skill, manual and service occupations, especially involving customer service and food/beverage preparation and serving," Smith said.
265. Germany doesn't feel so rich anymore and doesn't want to continue serving as the deep pocket for the rest of Europe.
266. Google not only sells ads to accompany search results, but it is also becoming an online ad network, serving as the go-between for advertisers and site publishers across the Web.
267. But their forces seem no less accountable than, say, the miscreant UN contingents serving in Congo, and they would certainly be more effective.
268. The Israeli leader admitted that Pollard, a former U.S. naval intelligence analyst serving a life sentence for espionage, "was acting as an agent of the Israeli government."
269. He was living under an assumed name in Richmond, Va., where he was remarried, working as an accountant and serving as treasurer of his Lutheran church.
270. Guangkuling, a mixture of hymexazol and metalaxyl serving as active ingredients, is developed by Center for Research and Development of Fine Chemicals Guizhou University.




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