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单词 Ethical
1. I oughtn't to do that, it's not ethical.
2. The prime minister has a blind spot on ethical issues.
3. His behaviour has not been strictly ethical.
4. Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?
5. You can't divorce science from ethical questions.
6. I thought it was not ethical.
7. It was a debate which aroused fervent ethical arguments.
8. The president must have the highest ethical standards .
9. Transplantation of organs from living donors raises ethical issues.
10. I don't think it's ethical for you to accept a job you know you can't do.
11. We are a moral, ethical people and therefore we do not approve of their activities.
12. There are certain ethical principles that are basic to all the great religions.
13. I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client.
14. Most doctors are opposed to euthanasia on ethical grounds.
15. The ethical issue is on the table now.
16. Man was not more ethical then.
17. This is not possible for obvious ethical reasons.
18. The study was approved by the local ethical committee.
19. This practice raised several serious ethical and legal issues.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. Thus the practical and ethical difficulties can be overcome.
21. What about Marxists' own morality, or ethical values?
22. It requires the highest ethical standards and immense skill.
23. The use of animals in scientific tests raises difficult ethical questions.
24. It is necessary to get the youth to have a high ethical concept.
25. The use of animals in scientific tests raises some difficult ethical questions.
26. The dilemma over human cloning lies at the heart of the ethical choices facing society.
27. The lawyer allerged that the doctor's behaviour had not been ethical.
28. As we march off boldly into a genetically engineered future, the moral and ethical issues will get more and more pressing.
29. It is just too easy to dismiss the idea of ethical business as a contradiction in terms.
30. At his news conference, he said he would evaluate legal and ethical issues before deciding what to do with the money.
1. I oughtn't to do that, it's not ethical.
2. The use of animals in scientific tests raises difficult ethical questions.
3. The prime minister has a blind spot on ethical issues.
31. First, their case focused attention upon the ambiguous ethical relationship between campaign contributions and political favours by elected officials.
32. The company is managed according to strict moral and ethical principles.
33. It does however represent an ethical standard which the press should be reluctant to infringe other than for reasons of genuine public interest.
34. Another important characteristic of the sentimental comedy is its moralizing, ethical nature.
35. Thus ethical statements can not be true or false in a basic way, any more than a command can be.
36. The ethical issue therefore reduces to that dealt with above.
37. Saying someone is religious is heard in most of America as a compliment, a reassuring affirmation that someone will be moral, ethical, and after a few glasses of wine, a freak in the bedroom. Bill Maher 
38. In these circumstances it is more ethical to tell the participants about the screen.
39. It would not be ethical for me, as a doctor, to talk to you about my patients.
40. None of what has been said suggests that we should ignore ethical lapses or law-breaking by public figures.
41. What point has an ethical directive to pursue the general happiness addressed to beings who will necessarily seek only their own?
42. Am I to base my ethical values on the warmth and nature of my social relations?
43. Publicity surrounding organisations committed to ethical trading has led to some disinvestment.
44. We have embodied the highest possible standards in our ethical codes.
45. Both these statements have important ethical dimensions, and they require separate analysis.
46. I try to deal with everyone in an honest, ethical way.
47. Certainly, no good ethical case has been made to justify differential or inequitable treatment on such arbitrary grounds.
48. As well as the physical provisions, certain moral and ethical standards had to be met in order to gain eternity.
49. But a larger ethical question hung in the thick(http:///ethical.html), tropical air.
50. One contentious area where ethical controversies abound concerns genetic screening and the detection of high risk groups.
51. Because the technique involves work with genes it must be approved by an independent ethical committee.
52. We are establishing an ethical committee to look at the effects of advanced techniques in animal breeding.
53. We did not find it feasible, however, because of potential ethical problems, to collect bile from such a patient group.
54. Other companies moved into the ethical niche Body Shop had claimed for its own.
55. New Genetics, New Food New technology is already raising ethical issues for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
56. Ample discussion of these procedures and the ethical implications should be allowed in the timetable.
57. A distinctive feature of the course is the emphasis on ethical concerns and in particular on applied ethics in each year of study.
58. The nature of its relationship to the poor is perhaps the most vexing ethical issue that Holy Trinity faces.
59. This type of advertisement may be legal, but is it ethical?
60. This study received approval from our local Ethical Committee and all patients provided written, informed consent.
61. They are not sensitive to the ethical and moral dimensions of quality. 4.
62. It involves moral and practical problems which cross political and ethical boundaries.
63. Plundering enroute was forbidden, probably because it reduced the speed of the army rather than for any ethical reasons.
64. The problem lies in ethical anomie, philosophical befuddlement and the hypocrisy that today permeates every aspect of our so-called civilized world.
65. At the same time, we all know children from affluent families who are starved for moral and ethical guidance.
66. Sen claims it is essentially a matter of which variable is given priority that separates the major ethical systems and ideologies.
67. If criminal activities are clearly involved, then the researcher has an ethical problem.
68. Just because people are religious believers, it does not mean they must be ethical, moral and trustworthy. Dr T.P.Chia 
69. Its sheer scale means that it is important at this stage not to be distracted by companies making misleading ethical claims.
70. The problem is to find a convincing argument for local ethical scepticism which has no expansionist tendencies.
71. Of course, these straight forward ideas mask substantial ethical and practical problems associated with state interference in family life.
72. Attitude, then, can be inconsistent with attitude, and ethical statement with ethical statement.
73. It points to some of the ethical roots of social action and the citizens' responsibilities towards a just society.
74. In the child research literature there seems to be a greater concern over ethical issues than in other areas.
75. Is it ethical to use this drug to control patients' behaviour?
76. Nowadays, of course, we understand that it was this way of talking about ethical abstractions that made them seem so mysterious.
77. Thorough examination including endoscopy with biopsy of asymptomatic patients, however, is hardly conceivable because of ethical reasons.
78. It had promoted ethical values which were essential to society.
79. Bolting is a purely ethical consideration, no more, no less.http://
80. They appealed to the selfless moral and ethical standards we like to believe we possess.
81. For Ross obligatoriness or rightness, as a property of possible actions, is the most basic ethical property or relation.
82. Because of ethical considerations no placebo group was established and it is conceded that this inevitably limits the strength of overall conclusions made.
83. For Ross the most important method is that of testing ethical principles by reflective intuition.
84. Even companies that had family policies did not address the ethical issues head-on.
85. Only 19 percent of the respondents gave lawyers high marks for maintaining honest and ethical standards.
86. The play is didactic in tone and ethical in nature.
87. If ethical analysis in this context does not help in the real world, it is a waste of time.
88. At the early planning stage Have you identified the ethical issues which may arise in your research?
89. Doubtless words do sometimes have emotive effects, and some ethical words may have fairly standard such effects in certain communities.
90. In Porto Alegre and Montevideo the left is proposing and practising a new set of ethical principles and political values.
91. But none of this alters the ethical issue and the consequent injustice done in 1985.
92. Underlying this hostility was a profound belief in the ethical and moral superiority of collective welfare provision.
93. Ethical guidelines are needed to undergird national policies for information.
94. Zarathustra interpreted the struggle between good and evil forces in ethical terms, and he believed that it pervaded the whole universe.
95. All subjects gave informed consent for the study, which was approved by the local ethical committee.
96. She has such integrity, such an ethical, high-minded view of what the human spirit can attain.
97. Referring clinicians gave permission for this to be carried out and the study was approved by the local Hospital Ethical Committee.
98. Global warming requires an ethical framework that classifies hitherto innocent actions as deadly.
99. For those members to support Gingrich after his ethical lapses became such big news is the ultimate in loyalty.
100. The initiative is seen as the start of a wider move by other charities to use their financial muscle on ethical issues.
101. Looked at this way,() the question of how best to safeguard Venice's heritage is in fact an ethical question.
102. It does not necessarily call for an ethical content, so facts are often distorted or falsified for self-interest.
103. Both these issues have ethical implications in terms of gaining access to children and in the actual process of data generation.
104. He refused to lower his ethical standards for higher ratings.
105. It is an ethical or moral judgment in the sense that ethos and mores refer to the customary practices of a group.
106. But medical advance not only enhances clinical capability, it carries with it profound ethical, legal, social and economic implications.
107. The study was approved by the Western Infirmary Ethical Committee and all patients gave written, informed consent.
108. But what ethical principles should guide the allocation of resources?
109. The Disciplinary Board is responsible for hearing evidence and making decisions on ethical complaints filed against lawyers practicing law in North Dakota.
109. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
110. We should emphasize that there is nothing particularly ethical about the market system as a mechanism for distributing output.
111. The intention is to provide practical and ethical guidance on risk issues.
112. Atheism is not anti-God but is strongly opposing any religion that creates the existence of God and use it to corrupt and control the human mind. The atheists reject the existence of God. God does not exist – but they are not necessarily irreligious. They can be believers of any spiritual belief that is not God- based. They are just as ethical and moral as religious believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
113. He said the City's ethical standards seemed to have disappeared.
114. In general, unprofessional conduct refers to any action that violates the rules or ethical code of the teaching profession.
115. If so, do we need our ethical and legal rules to continue to respect and enforce this distinction?
116. Contrary to a lawyer's yen for neatness there are few unambiguous signposts for modern medics facing this or many other ethical issues.
117. Respect established climbing traditions in ethical matters such as the use of chalk, pitons, bolts etc.
118. For over a decade I lived with this new knowledge and with the ethical dilemma surrounding my own pursuit of insider research.
119. The supernatural beings of the Sinhalese could be manipulated by humans soas to influence events, but their ethical position was ambiguous.
120. Britain is considering the ethical problems and has yet to authorise the research.
121. Safeway has refused to take part on ethical grounds, and Sainsbury and Somerfield have publicly expressed concern.
122. First, is it an ethical investment policy to encourage people to try to have their cake and eat it?
123. A second preoccupation evident in these papers is responsibility, and what could roughly be described as the ethical dimension of conceptualisation.
124. This is an independent body of doctors, philosophers, lawyers and theologians which promotes the study of ethical issues.
125. Specific ethical approval was not obtained for physiological recordings, which were considered part of clinical management.
126. The Finance Houses Association were also anxious to ensure that collection practices conformed to the highest ethical standards.
127. The ultimate obstacle is not one of technique but of political and ethical constraint.
128. If managing diversity comes to be viewed as a business issue rather than an ethical one, minorities might actually fare better.
129. If you can teach your child to be compassionate and to be ethical, you will be the greatest teacher! Mehmet Murat ildan 
130. The latter procedure was in agreement with the recommendations from the local ethical committee.
131. But what of attitude with belief, and ethical with factual statement?
132. In his more positive ethical viewpoint Butler tries to give sense to the old opinion that one should live according to nature.
133. As a result of these findings Glaxo stopped clinical trials comparing ranitidine with omeprazole for ethical reasons.
134. This is probably because of the ethical and practical considerations.
135. At the heart of all these issues lie ethical questions.
136. On the one hand, there are many topics that could be experimented on that are barred by ethical considerations.
137. Today, Dole and Barbour are gone and Gingrich stands diminished after having been reprimanded by the House for ethical misconduct.
138. Without help a person acquires very little moral or ethical behavior under either natural or social contingencies.
139. As part of its brief,(/ethical.html) the working party will examine the moral and ethical considerations of launching an advertising campaign.
140. Some people feel that as a result of these ethical problems, the speaker and the president will be driven to compromise.
141. With blatant double standards such as this, the West's claim of taking a moral and ethical stand is vacuous.
142. Local ethical committee approval was obtained, and all patients had given fully informed consent to the procedures.
143. Attitudes, relationships and administrations owed much to the ethical imperatives of the playing fields.
144. The considerations here are not so much juridical as ethical.
145. The Civil and Political Rights Covenant is rooted in western legal and ethical values.
146. Group sessions between senior staff and learners are also of value when ethical problems occur in the treatment of patients.
147. One result of voter passiveness Nov. 5 was the return to office of two leaders with highly advertised ethical problems.
148. The ethical standards of Wall Street have to be monitored at all levels.
149. It was not asked to recommend whether hunting should be banned, or to consider moral or ethical issues.
150. Emmanuel Hospital is devoted to quality care and high ethical standards.
151. And from this stems the origin of ethical systems governing behaviour.
152. Two, can you come up with some moral principle, some ethical issue that is so important it justifies deception?
153. No matter how it worked, the idea raises ethical concerns for the medical profession, two physician-legislators said.
154. How ethical theory might do justice to both these points remains to be seen. 9.
155. Now there is a patchwork of state legislation enacted to deal with the legal and ethical issues raised by genetic information.
156. By ethical conduct toward all creatures, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the universe. Albert Schweitzer 
157. This thesis about the meaning of ethical words is presented against the background of a causal theory of meaning in general.
158. First, there must be a continuing and lively debate on ethical matters to ensure that ethical guidance is kept up-to-date.
159. Occasionally - leaving any ethical questions aside - taped evidence can help to settle a point in dispute.
160. How everyone has relished the moral, ethical and legal dilemmas.
161. And there are ethical concerns which make the law so important to our society.
162. They provide independent advice to local management on the ethical acceptability of any research proposed.
163. They are chiefly associated with his distinctive emphases on historical revelation and on the ethical rather than mystical nature of religion.
164. A stronger criticism of the use of objectives can be made on ethical grounds.
165. We can not hope to recover that certainty about good and evil upon which in the ethical religions salvation itself depends.
166. This, not his ethical problems, caused the steepest dive in his national popularity, to its current nadir.
167. There are several individual societies that the Co-op Group says are separate entities that determine their own ethical policies.
168. Considered the moral consequences of our conduct, and weighed the ethical choices that it necessarily demands?
169. The ethical basis for extending effective property rights in the public treasury to officials is overlooked in the Niskanen-type thesis.
170. Are we to teach science but never consider the ethical issues?
171. Exposure drafts of ethical guidance on those topics have just been the subject of extensive consultation.
172. The study was approved by the local ethical committee and informed consent was obtained from all volunteers.
173. They stem from an inadequate analysis of the legal and ethical principles involved.
174. Competition is amoral, ruthless and cruel - moral principles and ethical standards are compromised. And it is a civilized way of bullying the weak,() the underprivileged and the poor. Dr T.P.Chia 
175. Writers are debating the ethical dilemma raised by the parents who did not want their Siamese twins separated.
176. Briant's work throws up considerable ethical problems that must be explored.
177. I submit that there are logistical, financial, and indeed ethical questions to be addressed first.
178. It just munches grass, unaware of the ethical storm brewing around it.
179. It is at any rate possible that in her a certain ethical rightness and decency coexisted with aesthetic stiffness and suspicion.
180. Health authorities are advised that introduction of new screening programmes requires ethical research committee consent.
181. Here the Navy is under siege for all kinds of moral and ethical improprieties.
182. Ethical and environmental considerations are an important part of this innovative programme.
183. Meeting ethical criteria leads not only to a relatively clear research conscience but to better research.
184. But some charities are prevented from investing all their funds in the ethical scheme.
185. On Earth, progressive tabernacles called ethical investment schemes have been using currency to support social causes for some time.
186. Under such circumstances, Dalzell believed Kenneff had an unambiguous ethical obligation to take remedial action with the court that convicted Lambert.
187. The effort to inculcate ethical behavior without religious faith seems one of the great fiascoes of the modern age.
188. A dog can bite you but you must not bite the dog! Your every movement in life must be peaceful; otherwise you lose your ethical superiority! Nonviolent civil disobedience is a genius; no power can beat it; use it when necessary! Mehmet Murat ildan 
189. The world is a zoo of thinking, ethical, selfish, greedy and hypocritical animals - men. The world is full of good and bad people, passionate and good-hearted people, mean and evil-hearted people, honest and unscrupulous people. Dr T.P.Chia 
190. Apart from the ethical questions, the costs of these measures are disproportionate to any public health benefits.
191. And because sperm now can be extracted after death, doctors must address the ethical questions raised by the lack of permission.
192. However, removing the stem cells kills the embryo, and therefore has serious ethical implications.
193. Secondly, the ethical dimension of reason is apparent in the communicative process of a discipline.
194. One is the notion of human dignity which has come to pervade modern ethical and social thought in the West.
195. Comparative politics, in particular, can not use experimentation for both practical and ethical reasons.
196. Some have criticized my public appearance with President Clinton because of his alleged moral and ethical infractions.
197. Hold your market system accountable by standing your ethical values up against your healthcare costs.
198. For ethical reasons, experimental proof of direct person-to-person transmission is not feasible.
199. There is only one ethical way to carry out this experiment.
199. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
200. Both the first lady and the speaker have serious and unresolved legal and ethical problems that fuel the fury of their opponents.
201. In the past two years ethical investment has developed from a niche market into the mainstream market.
202. A route must be led, on sight, without clipping the bolt, to make an ethical statement.
203. In Epictetus there are two exercises: sophistic and ethical.
204. It is the problem of intersexuality which has not only physical and psychological, but also ethical, legal, and indeed sociopolitical dimensions.
205. At present, what prevent law ethical education from deploying further are mistakes in thinking and understanding, environment of social "morals declines" and impact of law statism etc.
206. As medicine progresses, we will end up with lots and lots of ethical questions.
207. This may sound like Groundhog Day meets Afterschool Special, but it's actually a subtle, layered and ultimately ethical book.
208. It mainly introduces theoretical foundation of euthanasia decimalization that included ethical and penal foundation.
209. I suggest in the course of the book that certain interpretations of reason and clear understanding as discursive rationality have damaged ethical thought itself and distorted our conceptions of it.
210. We report an unusual case of condyloma acuminata that highlights several important clinical, ethical and medico-legal considerations in the treatment and follow-up of such lesions.
211. The working group call for UNAIDS and the World Health Organization to gather a panel of experts to develop updated guidance on these and other ethical issues relating to such research.
212. Broadly defined, neuroethics is a science studying the influences of ethical, legal and social policy to neuroscience.
213. Other countries impose ethical standards as a matter of law.
214. The results show that the cultural dimension "universalism versus particularism" has a great influence on ethical decision-making in marketing.
215. The ethical or esthetic value of material can be always argued, but a life style, maybe un-natural, in today's synthetic environment is pressingly needed here.
216. Jon Conte, an authority on the effects of childhood sexual abuse, suggests an ethical framework for such a complex situation.
217. Both of these issues raise serious human and animal health concerns about the use of GMOs in food(), and also major ethical concerns about the fact that foods from GM-fed animals remain unlabelled.
218. You will be working with Denims and jersey fabric and being organic you MUST have a interest or follow ethical and ecological views which will be reflected on our garments.
219. When newborn empires and monotheism end the era of tribal society, states come into being and become the supreme form of communities, ethnic groups and various religious ethical culture.
220. By focusing on Human Stain, this thesis is devoted to revealing Philip Roth's ethical thoughts in the novel.
221. It is a kind of group ethical values with humanitarian spirit meriting a high academic value and practical significance.
222. As a sign invented by the ancient matriarchy to guard against an act of blood marriage, the tattoo of the Li ethnic group holds more profound ethical reasons than assumed to be.
223. Affected by this, ethical education has slumped into the wrong path of "science-oriented alone", as a result, the distortion of school ethical education appears at the age of science and technology.
224. By image comparison of two women in the works, we could see that the independent women were gradually shackled by the feudal ethical code with the establishment of feudal ethics.
225. During the Warring States Period, the merging of nationalities made the marriage and ethical ideas of the Huaxia nationality rise again, promoting the disappearance of levirate marriage custom.
226. The second chapter interprets Philip Roth's ethical pursuit of harmony in terms of harmonious relationships among people and harmonious state of minds of people.
227. The peasant - workers problem is not only an economic problem, political issue, also an ethical problem.
228. Some medicine we need is ethical drug which you can't buy without a prescription.
229. Many police departments attempt to impose ethical standards and effective policing through policy, proscription, and punishment.
230. These are American terms for an informal agreement not to report to their superiors the ethical lapses that they observe.
231. Ethical order is spiritual support of market order; the foundation of market institution needs the guaranty of the rule system and the support of the ethical value.
232. However, since modern society, the rules of reason and exaggerated, leading to loss of virtue ethics and marginalization has led to a modern crisis of sexual morality and ethical dilemma.
233. As an ethical concept, the metaphysical concept of "fidelity" tries to fetter translation onto the two poles of "faithful" and "unfaithful", thus incurring a number of insolvable problems.
234. This paper distinguishes the teachers' professional ethical code with those non-moral codes one by one, and points out the causes and inappropriateness of their confusion.
235. Although such simplifications risk erasing the rich nuances found in ethical debates over pioneering research, they do aid in attenuating risible fears often associated with such advances.
236. Although paternity test has been widely used as a modern technology, but the related ethical problems have long been neglected.
237. Secondly, it is about a specific analysis of the characteristics of the Korean family-ethics dramas, from what, we can see"Ethical Beauty"and"Affined Beauty".
238. He also quoted National Institutes of Health bioethicist F.G. Miller, who argued in the Journal of Medical Ethics that ethical proscription against killing by doctors is "debatable."
239. When talking about the pleasure that virtual art brings to us, we have to care for the missing bit of humanity and ethical issues.
240. "Many police departments attempt to impose ethical standards and effective policing through policy, proscription, and punishment, " O'Donnell says, arguing that this approach is flawed.
241. The ethical principles of non- maleficence and beneficence might be used as justification for overriding her autonomy.
242. The white snake"s tragedy is caused by feudal Confucianism durance, little townsman"s character defects and self ethical consciousness.
243. But others wonder if it breaches an ethical code drawn up the International Cremation Federation, a body set up in 1937 to promote and provide information on cremation practice.
244. Educational management has many characteristics, of which the ethical characteristic is of the utmost importance.
245. Honest and Ethical Conduct and Ethical Handling of Conflicts of Interest.
246. The vast territory and abundant resources of China gestate the offspring, and cause the form of the special "ethical collective unconsciousness"—"local complex".
247. Strategic intelligence is a systematic and ethical program for gathering, analyzing, and managing external information that enables your company to make informed business decisions.
248. If a man plans to take a seat in the business game, he owes it to himself to master the principles by which the game is played, including its special ethical outlook.
249. Generally speaking, moral decision-making is based on two ethical theories: utilitarianism and deontology.
250. Interventions that cannot be tested in an RCT for ethical or practical reasons are sometimes included in the categorisation table and are identified with an asterisk.
251. The current basic insurance for urbanite is an important integrant of the whole society. As a social arrangement, its policy contains profound moral reliability and ethical dependability.
252. At that time, the concept of the feudal ethical code is still serious, women should not be public appearances, had signed "Mad Phoenix", and care brother Jiangfeng transmitted.
253. The application of calligraphic, artistic and symbolic font of Chinese characters in packaging and upholster design has become a Chinese ethical propagation mode of business information.
254. As a right based on the nature and trueness of ethical relations, heirdom to property has great effects on virtue cultivating.
255. Delictum Omissis according to prior act and moral obligation have same ethical foundation.
256. As a globate economic activity, globate integration of economics must be supported by economic ethics and demands every state would abide by economic ethical standards.
257. Copyleft turns out to have other benefits, and people who endorse the practical values of "open source" rather than the ethical ideals of free software have often used the GNU GPL.
258. The positivistic attitude, he points out, is as a general rule associated with ethical skepticism.
259. Incorruptibility education for college students is one important part of the ethical and political task on campus , which, under the new circumstances, has both strategic and realistic significance.
259. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
260. Economists—unlike sociologists, anthropologists, statisticians or political scientists—do not formally subscribe to a professional ethical code.
261. If my values receive their sanction and strength from relationship to divine law and acceptance of its ethical imperatives, then nothing can really harm me.
262. Discuss the physical, psychological, ethical, legal, and sociopolitical dimensions of intersexuality .
263. Marriage represents substantial ethical relationships, including sexual relation, mutual love and discipline rite that helps maintain family relationship.
264. To economic thought, ethical element is endogenous, but its formation and evolution are not initiative, inevitable.
265. Mergers, such as the combination of the UK's Co-operative Bank with Britannia building society, are helping to enlarge the ethical market.
266. This approach is considered more feasible and ethical than assigning mothers to breastfeed or bottle-feed .
267. Thisspectrum ranges from body to mind to spirit; from pre-rational to rationaltotrans-rational; from subconscious to self-conscious to superconscious;fromemotional to ethical to spiritual.
268. Their ideal nation would leave no room for what they saw as the twisted ethical code of Christianity, which they argued prized suffering and destructive self-repression.
269. Don't take any job unless and until you're convinced the company's ethical standards are high, " advises Challenger.
270. Bellow has a strong sense of morality, so his works demonstrate a strong moral sense, ethical optimism and rejection of the denigration of human life.
271. Modern credit covering virtue or individual self-cultivation, ethical code or public morality is bound to be represented by the arrangement of social system.
272. What is moral turpitude, an ethical lapse, but a soilingof one's character?
273. On the theoretic level, the application of moral purism as weapon to make unlimited criticism to terrorism is the only route thoroughly solving ethical problem of terrorism.
274. Modern enlightenment in China is a kind of ethical enlightenment, for its aim is to repudiate feudal ethical code based on the authority of family in which females played an important part.
275. Thanksgiving should be every person in the community should be some basic ethical guidelines, is the minimum life of self-cultivation, but also human.
276. This paper argues that his philosophical anthropology was a continuing development of his ethical personalism posed in his early ethical theories.
277. Mr Newman says the Kansan medical authorities were about to revoke Dr Tiller's licence following ethical complaints, though Dr Tiller had stayed open for decades despite a barrage of similar ones.
278. Industry needs to work with the academic community to ensure that the ethical debate continues inside and outside of the ivy-covered walls.




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