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单词 Ritual
1. Some religions employ ritual more than others.
2. They worship dreams Holiness in art, ritual, entertainment.
3. The lady of the house performs the sacred ritual of lighting two candles.
4. The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction.
5. She objects to the ritual of organized religion.
6. A strange ritual was enacted before our eyes.
7. She makes an elaborate ritual of the washing-up.
8. It is a familiar, and quintessentially British, ritual.
9. The birds were performing a complex mating ritual.
10. He went through the ritual of lighting his cigar.
11. The police issued the usual ritual apology.
12. She had to go through the ritual of kissing the toys before her son would go to sleep.
13. Their devotion to God is made manifest in ritual prayer.
14. Each culture had a special ritual to initiate boys into manhood.
15. Our cricketers are suffering their ritual hammering at the hands of the Aussies.
16. He went through the ritual of filling and lighting his pipe.
17. The ritual of the party conference is acted out in the same way every year.
18. The whole Italian culture revolves around the ritual of eating.
19. His autograph ritual and travel are his consuming interests.
20. According to Nissenbaum, this ritual never crossed the ocean.
21. It is a shared ritual quickened by dramatic action.
22. Profit warnings have become a daily ritual.
23. The church's view, that marriages sanctioned by religious ritual should not be broken, is reflected in divorce laws.
24. Coffee and the newspaper are part of my morning ritual.
25. Putting on a hat can be a ceremonious act, an elegant gesture in the ritual of dressing.
26. I realized that here the conventions required me to make the ritual noises.
27. If your ordinary life is out of control, then retreating into a cosy ritual will not improve matters.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. Bargaining at the markets is now just an empty ritual.
29. Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a ritual.
30. The children were abused as part of a satanic ritual.
1. They worship dreams Holiness in art, ritual, entertainment.
2. Coffee and the newspaper are part of my morning ritual.
3. The lady of the house performs the sacred ritual of lighting two candles.
4. Putting on a hat can be a ceremonious act, an elegant gesture in the ritual of dressing.
31. The King was a central figure in the ritual of the church.
32. He loathed the sterile ritual of inspections, and this poor devil in his untimely end had saved him from that.
33. He wrote that no new ballet could be founded on a dead ritual.
34. Being a fanatic nonsmoker and health freak, he made us enact the ritual funeral of a cigarette end.
35. Other heroic figures which figure in the monthly ritual dances are equipped in the same way.
36. With regard to circumcision, this too remains a central ritual.
37. We painted women washing clothes in the waters of Lake Bratan - a timeless ritual conducted with quiet dignity.
38. My friends were filled with dread for the time when they would play my part in this ritual of passing.
39. Their ritual rage ebbed away, to be replaced by a mounting fear.
40. Those who regard marriage as a religious sacrament may be concerned to convey the seriousness of the undertaking through symbolism and ritual.
41. She performed a 200-peso, or $ 25, ritual cleansing with herbs, flowers, chiles and perfumed lotions.
42. Intrigued, the aliens monitored the few lyrics they could hear rising up from this outdoor roller ritual.
43. A deeper understanding of the function of leys might emerge if they could be seen in ritual terms.
44. This ritual restored to the mummy all his faculties so that he might enjoy the afterlife to the full.
45. Trade-union development did, however, impart a literary dimension for all its continued employment of ritual and symbolism.
46. Indubitable evidences of an ancient custom of ritual regicide have been found over a great portion of the globe.
47. Or, they may be involved in some form of ritual in which the lighted candle has a religious significance.
48. Although hierarchy was not expressed by ritual along the coastal strip, inequality remained fundamental to perceptions of caste.
49. The swords may have been ceremonial, or they may have been used in an acrobatic ritual sword dance.
50. They said parents sexually abused their children as part of a satanic ritual, and that these practices were widespread.
51. Axelrod also emphasizes the importance of predictability and ritual in maintaining a stable pattern of mutual trust.
52. A literal offering of bread and wine has in the course of time been included in the eucharistic ritual.
53. The cremation ritual was directed mainly at inducing the spirit of the dead person to go on to the afterworld.
54. Amid much ritual and farting about, the doc and the daft ravers pronounced rock dead.
55. In fact Pachycephalosaurus had a 10-inch thick skull, and probably used it as a battering ram in ritual contests.
56. That will also help establish your telephone call as a daily ritual for connection while you are away.
57. He began the ritual of morning coffee here, before class, in July, when the summer semester began.
57. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
58. What we witness is not an aesthetic spectacle bringing with it the catharsis which the ritual of the theater can produce.
59. If the ritual was completed, the adventurers still alive have it fairly easy.
60. But indulgence in this small personal ritual was almost automatic.
61. They were designed for ritual use and some of them were coated in gold leaf.
62. The meal, like a ritual communion, had confirmed the curious, unspoken, mutual dependence which bound them.
63. Royal parents could also use the medium to convey a dynastic message: the ritual role identified the child born to reign.
64. The deeply symbolic ritual act of treading the earth affirms the relationship of human beings to their native soil.
65. It says he apparently performed some ritual and gave the girl a cake with her name on it.
66. Since the bombing had started, the ritual checking of number seven Lyra Street had given Vi comfort.
67. I curled up in a fetal position after the Elimination Ritual and waited for sleep to come.
68. Ceremonies have been more divisive in character than any other part of ritual or theory.
69. Viv Richards shows his reaction at Gower's exit as the ritual dance begins.
70. He and Chris tried to steer a middle course during the ritual of drinks before dinner and the meal that followed.
71. Even if the latest Catholic reforms underplay the offertory ritual, it is not of itself without meaning or challenge.
72. It is because such interfaces are believed to be dangerous that men act as they do in ritual situations.
73. To leave was to admit defeat in this peculiar ritual of making myself known.
74. Two years of basic research led to a first description of Mamprusi court ritual and the system of succession.
75. This ritual suggests the pagan belief in the baptism by blood rather than water as being more binding.
76. Catholicism, however gripped the masses by virtue of its incense, its ritual, all quite arbitrary, compulsion without purpose.
77. Following this ritual, she was separated from Annabel while waiting for it to be decided which class she would attend first.
78. Such ritual brings no hope, and it diverts to barrenness emotions which might otherwise have been fruitful.
79. As the crowd waited outside, the macabre ritual in the prison itself approached its consummation.
80. This secondary elaboration of the original dream will use poetic language and ritual performance to communicate to others the original dream.
81. A votive candle is placed on the dozen or so tables, part of the ritual of late afternoon tea.
82. All previous elections had possessed a ritual quality with the outcome determined in advance by religious demography.
83. What remains after completion of the ritual is at once swept up and reverently dispersed.
84. It was a daily ritual to continue for many years.
85. Such were the ideas that became the motivating and constructive force in framing our ritual.
86. The less pubescent diner can cast a detached eye on this ritual from six Formica-topped tables inside the tiny deli-restaurant.
87. In the ritual legal opera only certain kinds of song can be performed; only certain persons can sing.
88. Haguza comes once a year on a special holiday for which people prepare a ritual dish of rather thick couscous with milk.
89. Carol Smith has pointed to the importance of this book for the primitive ritual elements in Eliot's drama.
90. She was used to draughty spaces, soaring walls, a nightly ritual of wraps and hot bricks in winter.
91. Letters avoid this, which is why writing them becomes such an important part of the daily ritual.
92. He performed his ablution before the ritual.
93. Today that ritual is just a fond memory.
94. Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress.
95. Heb. 9:12 tallies Christ's work with the atonement ritual in the Levitical code. His blood was shed on earth, which the brazen altar typified.
96. A relative observes the ritual burning of paper wreaths to honor thememory of farmwife Zhang Guilan.
97. Pope Benedict XVI washes the feet of a layman at a Cathedral in Rome, part of a ritual symbolizing humility observed on Holy Thursday.
98. The only ritual we have is that Tom, Bill and I meet in the greenroom a half hour before the show and are nervous together.
99. The synagogue was built in 1901 on land given by Sir Jacob Sassoon and his family and includes a Mikvah (ritual bath).
100. This Decalogue, which is often called the ritual Decalogue, so it's listed on there in Exodus 34, bans intermarriage with Canaanites less they entice the Israelites into worship of their gods.
101. And albatrosses, which stay together their entire lives, keep it interesting by entertaining each other with goofy ritual dancing.
102. The local phenomena of religious ritual is a very important issue in religious studies.
103. It tends to assume the form of a pagan religious ceremony, adapting itself to the forms and the ritual of the local church.
104. Other groups sought to promote High Church ritual within Anglicanism .
105. Try a daily forgiveness ritual, suggests Sharon Salzberg, a revered spiritual teacher and cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts.
106. Ritual cleanliness and ablution are required before salat, as are clean clothes and location, and the removal of shoes.
107. A Japanese citizen failed in his attempt to commit Seppuku, a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment, in front of the Houses of Parliament in Tokyo Monday after police foiled his bid.
108. HC:And lo , let the hobgoblin Ritual of Manhood commence!
109. It is based mainly on the rigorous intellectual disciplines of Madhyamika and Yogacara philosophy and utilizes the symbolic ritual practices of Vajrayana (Tantric Buddhism).
110. Saudi Arabia expects to host perhaps three million people in a ritual journey that every able-bodied Muslim who can afford it must make at least once in their lifetime.
111. Quran Reading is an important religious ritual for Muslims in Guangzhou.
112. Allahabad, India: A Hindu holy man performs a ritual by burning dried cow dung cakes in earthen pots on his head during the Magh Mela festival.
113. Use the corridors to link the Gambling Den and the Scriptorium to the Ritual Chamber.
114. "Carnival ritual" is the main ritual of carnival, which is "Putting on crown and taking off crown banteringly ".
115. But ritual remains that we must do a series of platonic actions before we can have intercourse.
116. The point is not to permanently traumatize anyone — the researchers who performed this experiment quickly followed it with a ritual absolving the child of blame.
117. Cyclical change as an erotic dance of life, death and rebirth is a popular theme in Wiccan imagery, ritual and liturgy .
118. The paw trade has damaged hunting traditions with deep roots in Siberia, the taxidermist said, turning a hallowed male winter ritual into a mercantile exercise.
119. While we are at Dazaifu Tenmangu, a religious ritual is being carried out. But I have no idea what it is about.
120. Never before captured on film, we witness majestic sliding, an epic fight for toboggan territory and the unique mating ritual of this rare icon of the Canadian Prairie.
121. The first is that they were doing a ritual dance, but the other possibility is that the man and woman wer copulating and that he was standing behind her.
122. One of the staple Russian fares has always been kasha or porridge, which also has a ritual significance.
123. The bean was a form of currency in Aztec society, and the frothed chocolate drink made from fermented beans or seeds was central to social and ritual life throughout Mesoamerica.
124. In the cultural anthropology perspective, the pilgrimage every Muslim lifetime of a typical "transitional protocol" is a change in the status of the Muslim community identity and a religious ritual.
125. A key feature of living in the Balmoral Beach area, for example, is the ritual morning walk (or run) of the mothers, swapping news and arranging emergency childcare.
126. Thank you. Guild arena used for ritual combat, coming-of-age sacrifices, and as mosh pit for local alternative rock bands.
127. The ritual slaughter of animals, like this camel in Lahore, is a common sight during the Muslim holiday of Id al-Adha, which commemorates the trials of the Prophet Abraham.
128. Frazer's monumental study The Golden Bough (1890-1915), which traces elemental patterns of myth and ritual, and to the depth psychology of C.
129. That dayglo smiley hovering in the air in the middle of the jungle is actually a Bird of Paradise engaging in a completely ridiculous mating ritual.
130. This paper studies the traditional Andai Ritual of Kulun Banner in Tongliao in the Inner Mongolia as well as the life consciousness and the social functions embodied in the ritual items.
131. The ritual communication universe of discourse covers ritual own communication and the ritualization communication as a whole.
132. Once the topiary is properly treated, the animating ritual can commence.
133. The chanting stilled as the leader, face shadowed by a heavily gilded hood, stepped forward and began to intone a ritual in some indecipherable tongue.
134. From the 12th to 17th centuries, hara-kiri was a form of ritual suicide in Japan.
135. This was nothing to do with the scrabbling desperation of a starving people, but a highly ordered, solemn and even reverent religious ritual.
136. It is noted that visitors are not allowed to watch the ritual, for Tibetans believe it will bring negative efforts to the ascending of the souls.
137. Today, making noise is more of a custom than a religious ritual.
138. Also, moral impurity is not removed or reducible through rituals, through washings and launderings, ritual ablutions and the like.
139. In fact, she said, it's a part of the whole extra-marital mating ritual, according to Wysocki, who said adulterous interactions that begin online seem to follow a regular pattern.
140. The Qidan people bury vulgarly use mask complex plane this custom, should be only then produces under Shamanism's religious custom ritual.
141. The diversity of the individuals buried together and the special treatment they received could be a sign of ritual killing, said Vincenzo Formicola of the University of Pisa, Italy.
142. Tiger Dance represents the relic of Luoluo Minority's tiger worship and ritual dance of their ancestry worship.
143. This is a very high ritual of the Supreme Yoga Vajra Division, which cannot be discussed in detail with those who have not received initiation.
144. For six months, Minati Khatua, 27, from Orissa, India, was told by her husband that they could not consummate their marriage because "he" was observing a religious ritual.
145. Therefore, dialysis sports ritual dance of the deep-rooted cultural identity, focus on cultivating high-caliber athletes, coaches, referees and spectators, it is very necessary.
146. Disembowelment played a part as a method of execution and ritual suicides once in Japan.
147. Malashenko says one needs to think for a second that a judge - a civil authority - can provide instruction about proper or improper religious ritual.
148. Imagine, if you will(/ritual.html), the indescribable horror that the first Europeans felt when they witnessed Carib natives during a post war ritual chewing and/or eating human flesh.
149. The priests were able to construct a new identity and religion that stressed the sinfulness of the people, and the need for ritual purity and ritual observance and legalism as the road back to God.
150. The tassels or fringes of thread on the corners of a garment, especially a prayer shawl, worn by men as prescribed by ritual law.
151. Karen is well aware that the notion of sacrificing animals in a religious ritual strikes many people as unconscionable.
152. This morning, I somewhat masochistically volunteer for a similar ritual.
153. The monks, wishing to spread the serenity of bodiless enlightenment, subjected Fortuna to their ritual surgery.
154. Each year, the doge "married" the sea in a ritual in which he threw a gold ring into the city's lagoon.
155. Deciphering the writing could provide a window into daily life or religious ritual in Jerusalem around the time of Jesus Christ (interactive time line of early Christianity).
156. Those who managed to reach Pu'uhonua were graced by Kahuna Pule following a complex redemption ritual after which they were free to return to their village and resume every day life.
157. It examines the ritual roles, contractual rights and duties and patterns of and succession and miaozhu.
158. A wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) contracts its wings during a mating ritual on South Georgia Island, Antarctica.
159. Pilgrims perform a series of rituals including walking around the Kaaba, standing vigil on Mount Arafat and a ritual Stoning of the Devil.
160. Now the nightly ritual keeps open the sea-lane of memory between colonial past and present nationhood .
161. This kiss is also performed by numerous Pacific Islander cultures, including the Maori of New Zealand, where it is a ritual greeting.
162. Along with the performances, there are usually a series of ritual which have special meanings to both play group and inviter.
163. After their evening ritual of giggling over a table game and reading stories, Karen sent her son outside to play until bedtime while she agonized over the checkbook.
164. Monastery Ritual:Monks remain deep in thought after an early morning prayer meeting at Drepung Monastery.
165. Its first line, connecting the main sites of the haj ritual, should be up and running by November,[] just in time for the greatest annual influx of pilgrims.
166. With no elaborate courtship ritual, males in a frenzied pursuit of sexual congress often blunder into and puncture the bodies of other males, occasionally inflicting fatal wounds.
167. Ther are two ways of looking at this. The first is that they were doing a ritual dance, but the other possibility is that the man and woman wer copulating and that he was standing behind her.




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