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单词 Trading
1 People are always trading on his generosity.
2 Mini-car owners are trading up to "real" cars.
3 This new legislation effectively prevents us from trading.
4 Cultures that were better at trading saw a concomitant increase in their wealth.
5 In heavy trading, the 100-share index closed down 38 points.
6 Most foreign trading companies in West Africa deals in rubber, cocoa and vegetable oil.
7 Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.
8 The company ceased trading in June.
9 The company has now ceased trading.
10 Poor trading figures put back our plans for expansion.
11 New York was originally a Dutch trading post.
12 Stock market trading slowly settled down as sanity returned.
13 Share prices were buoyant today in active trading.
14 There have been growing tensions within the trading bloc.
15 Paperless trading can save time and money.
16 The two countries have become close trading partners.
17 Industrials were up 1.2% at the close of trading.
18 Trading on the Stock Exchange was light today.
19 The notes are currently trading at 10% above par.
20 Shares dropped 10% in heavy trading.
21 Share prices fell back after brisk early trading.
22 The 28 French stores are trading profitably.
23 The euro hit a record low in trading today.
24 Trading in commodities was brisk.
25 Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures.
26 Shoppers are trading down and looking for bargains.
27 The yen hit a record high in trading today.
28 The Council had brought proceedings to stop the store from trading on Sundays.
29 The dollar surged against the yen in the final half hour of trading.
30 Share prices perked up slightly before the close of trading.
1 People are always trading on his generosity.
2 Mini-car owners are trading up to "real" cars.
3 This new legislation effectively prevents us from trading.
4 Cultures that were better at trading saw a concomitant increase in their wealth.
5 The Council had brought proceedings to stop the store from trading on Sundays.
6 In heavy trading, the 100-share index closed down 38 points.
7 Most foreign trading companies in West Africa deals in rubber, cocoa and vegetable oil.
8 The dollar surged against the yen in the final half hour of trading.
9 Share prices perked up slightly before the close of trading.
10 Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.
11 There have been growing tensions within the trading bloc.
12 Cash income is calculated by subtracting total trading income from total receipts.
31 The European Union is a powerful trading/trade bloc.
32 We sat around the dinner table, trading stories.
33 They are trading at a store.
34 Trading settlements grew up by the river.
35 The dollar has weakened in international currency trading.
36 fell back to 108 by the close of trading.
37 I wouldn't mind trading jobs with her.
38 Trading on the stock exchange was light today.
39 The pace of trading slackened during the winter months.
40 Stock prices fell yesterday in heavy trading.
41 Trading on the stock exchange may be suspended.
42 The firm has now ceased trading.
43 UK trading profits were pegged at £40 million.
44 Overnight trading caused share prices to zoom .
45 Spain has been one of Cuba's major trading partners.
46 Trading was carried out under a barter system.
47 The company collapsed in its first year of trading.
48 Nigeria is our principal trading partner in Africa.
49 The pound rallied against the dollar in trading today.
50 There was frenetic trading on the Stock Exchange yesterday.
51 Trading was brisk on the Stock Exchangetoday.
52 He has been arrested for trading in narcotics.
53 A small number of firms have ceased trading.
54 The Textile Services Association has drawn up a code of practice endorsed by the Office of Fair Trading.
55 The bad trading figures do not bode well for the company's future.
56 What accounts for the dramatic turnabout in Britain's international trading performance?
57 At the close of trading(Sentencedict), he had lost thousands of pounds on the stock market.
58 He has been trading in antique furniture for 25 years.
59 If this round of talks fails, the world's trading environment is likely to become increasingly hostile.
60 That same year, France concluded a trading agreement with Spain.
61 Share prices were marked up as soon as trading started.
62 The company's shares had rallied slightly by the close of trading.
63 Share prices had perked up slightly by close of trading.
64 Fans scooped up the trading cards in the first few hours of the sale.
65 The older kids outsmart the young ones when trading cards.
66 Shares worth $8 million changed hands during a day of hectic trading.
67 Children would settle disputes by trading punches or insults in the schoolyard.
68 They are selling their five-bedroom house and trading down to a two-bedroom cottage.
69 Economic prosperity depends critically on an open world trading system.
70 Cash income is calculated by subtracting total trading income from total receipts.
71 Most shops are ignoring the government's edict against Sunday trading.
72 He has amassed a considerable fortune out of trading shares.
73 Its monthly reports on program trading usually come out about three weeks after each month ends.
74 In early trading in Tokyo, the dollar fell sharply against the yen.
75 Share prices have soared to a new all-time high in a day of frantic trading on the stock market.
76 In Big Board composite trading yesterday, the company's shares closed at $44.50.
77 The FTSE 100 closed 31.6 points down at 2459.3 in today's trading.
78 If you ask me, they're just trading on Sam's good nature.
79 Strong trading links exist between us and many South American countries.
80 The company has been trading in oil for many years.
81 Supermarkets everywhere reported excellent trading in the run-up to Christmas.
82 Sole trading is where an individual carries on his or her own business.
83 In trading today the dollar held steady against the yen.
84 Mr. Chapman conceded the need for Nomura's U.S. unit to improve its trading skills.
85 Trading in a foreign country can be fraught with pitfalls.
85 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
86 Many of their customers are trading down to cheaper cigarettes.
87 The government has given the green light to Sunday trading.
88 India began trading with Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries.
89 The US itself, of course, is not entirely blameless in trading matters.
90 Mr Sutherland may have the clout needed to push the two trading giants into a deal.
91 We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.
92 The stock market moved ahead slightly in active trading today.
93 I wouldn't mind trading places with her for a day.
94 Business was reduced to local buying and selling when the war broke out and international trading ceased.
95 The Office of Fair Trading has been probing banking practices.
96 Trading on Wall Street was buoyed in part by rising bond prices.
97 Shares in the company slipped below their issue price on their first day of trading.
98 Several trading companies were set up in the early 1960s to act as fronts for money-laundering operations.
99 They were able to report a small trading profit .
100 In early trading in Hong Kong yesterday, gold was quoted at $368.20 an ounce.
101 Pending the hearing of the case by the court, the business will be allowed to continue trading.
102 They had years of experience of trading with the West.
103 Share prices and trading have been dulled by worries over the war.
104 We made £700 in total, over three days of trading.
105 To investigate allegations of offences against trading standards legislation.
106 Sunday trading is an added attraction.
107 The stock is trading near its all-time low.
108 Oil stocks advanced today in heavy trading.
109 The announcement came after the close of trading.
110 Brought-forward trading losses can be set against balancing charges arising on the disposal of the target assets.
111 Marketing itself tends to be a more specialist operation organised through trading companies who act as agents for manufacturers.
112 Chase Manhattan stopped underwriting and trading municipal bonds about five years ago.
113 Dealers in Tesco were busy, with trading volumes topping 9m in the aftermath of Tuesday's profits announcement.
114 Whether such a use results in the businessman trading on written standard terms and conditions, is probably a matter of degree.
115 It was one of the great hongs, trading houses(/trading.html), that had been booted out by Mao after Liberation.
116 In Wiltshire trading standards officers have made an important breakthrough in cracking the crime.
117 In the present case the council were concerned with what appeared to be a proliferation of illegal Sunday trading.
118 At any given moment on the trading floor billions of dollars were being risked by bond traders.
119 Countries splinter, regional trading blocs grow, the global economy becomes ever more interconnected.
120 The announcement came after the market closed, but rumors of the deal sparked intense trading earlier Thursday.
121 The trading name, Agra, is an acronym of their first names.
122 It is trading at about 11 times earnings per share for 1996, compared to a market average of about 18 times.
123 The town has struck a Faustian bargain, they contend -- trading something of its small-town soul for success.
124 In late morning trading on Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average fell sharply, down 115.09 at 10,380.19.
125 The earnings announcement came before the opening of trading on the Madrid Stock Exchange.
126 Woolwich is the best of the bunch, trading at a multiple to future earnings of 10.3.
127 It also absorbs less liquid, so slightly more is needed when trading it for regular flour.
128 Trading Standards Officers in West Sussex warned consumers to beware of buying the second-hand domestic fire extinguishers.
129 They realised the strategic importance of the site and used it as a naval base and trading post.
130 Other rip-offs in the past have centred on everything from gold bullion to currency trading.
131 The dollar was little changed against the yen during Tokyo trading, and the government bond market barely moved.
132 This could do much to remove many of the cultural and trading barriers to free movement.
133 Trading Bonds for a pitcher is an unacceptable risk because pitchers break down so frequently.
134 These harmful effects can also be exacerbated by the adoption of increased protectionist measures by trading blocs against non-bloc countries.
135 As a result regional trading blocs are emerging as natural stepping-stones in an evolutionary process toward a truly global economy.
136 The auction market in foreign exchange involves trading in futures contracts.
137 It is primarily an interbank trading market where banks lend and borrow overnight or up to one year on an unsecured basis.
138 The filing comes as futures markets seek new products to boost slumping trading activity.
139 Having a stable exchange rate with our biggest trading partner-Euroland-will eliminate uncertainties and so boost trade further.
140 Regular trading hours were resumed after the worst East Coast blizzard in 48 years limited trading yesterday.
141 Co. said strength in its trading and investment banking businesses boosted fourth-quarter profit 89 percent.
142 What you finally get to play is a clever mix of interactive B-movie, arcade-style space combat and interplanetary trading.
143 The Centre supports the continuation of limited ivory trading, in defiance of an international ban.
144 Was it the pattern of politics or the future of Britain's trading arrangements which he wished primarily to influence?
145 They were no longer trading mortgage bonds, but the raw material for mortgage bonds: home loans.
146 They ran government trading at Salomon Brothers during the 1980s and early 1990s, ruling with swagger, bravado and hubris.
147 Target business to be run in ordinary course up to completion with no material changes in trading performance or net assets.
148 He pushed his way on to the trading floor and became a bond trader.
149 He was bound by golden handcuffs to the Salomon Brothers mortgage trading depart-ment.
150 Many of these firms depend on brisk trading to earn commissions.
151 Although the market extended its trading hours, many brokers refused to take orders because of the volatility of share prices.
152 No existing trading company may acquire an interest exceeding 10 percent in another security trading company.
153 Boots' progress was accompanied by a variety of stories as in often busy trading the shares gained 9p to 294p.
154 Comparing these subjective judgements with actual costs might suggest that people are wrong about, for example check trading being cheap.
155 There was always a difficulty in obtaining enough currency, a major barrier to trading with the west.
156 Capital Insight also advised Pier 1 Imports Inc., which lost $ 19. 3 million from trading.
157 Trading standards officer say the recent growth in car boot sales has provided a perfect outlet for the computer pirates.
158 Several new businesses began operating during the year and are already trading profitably.
159 Finance ministry officials yesterday said at least six brokerages are under investigation for trading violations in the local Brady bond market.
160 A cluster of ex-dividend stocks trading without the benefit of dividend payments helped keep dealing subdued.
161 Stock trading was down slightly, ahead of the long holiday weekend.
162 But without a background in trading, it's easy to be bamboozled by market jargon.
163 In effect, a personalized automated trading system can be created without having to go to any financial institution.
164 An increasing amount of share trading, particularly in international shares, was bypassing the floor of the Stock Exchange.
165 In trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market, ABS closed at $ 6. 75, down 50 cents.
166 Trading was an estimated 544 million shares, up from the three-month daily average of 430 million shares.
167 The most important form of programme trading is the buying and selling of shares as part of index arbitrage.
168 The benchmark 8 percent government bond due 2006 rose to 106. 54 from 106. 34 in early trading.
169 And there must have been a hundred copies of a pamphlet on the campaign against street trading in animals.
170 More advanced services include stock and mutual fund brokerage or trading services, currency trading, and credit or debit card management.
171 All supply people dreamed of a way to balance the books once and for all-without all that trading and shuffling.
172 A trade that purports to have been executed in the exchange's competitive trading system is in fact pre-arranged by bilateral negotiation.
173 Short-term liquid assets are held for active trading purposes and for buying long-term investments.
174 There were important trading links between Crete and its neighbours in the neolithic and early bronze age.
175 He received consecutive two-year sentences for five charges which included manipulating stock prices, paying bribes and insider trading.
175 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
176 Moreover, nation-states belong to the community of nations, whether the United Nations or trading blocs.
177 Fixed-interest securities would be immune at least to some of the difficulties that might affect companies' trading performance.
178 Trading losses from commercial aircraft mushroomed last year from £37 million to £337 million.
179 The City also wants to take it easier after yesterday's barrage of trading statements from blue chip companies.
180 A new system of trading rules has to be developed to govern the behavior of regional blocs.
181 In one apocryphal story that circulated on trading floors years ago, Black once tried to execute several trades using his model.
182 Brokers said they see an even bigger trading year for 1996 as foreign investment rises.
183 The introduction of a trading lag of half a day reduced, but did not eliminate, these arbitrage profits.
184 There are two types of programme trading - index arbitrage and portfolio insurance.
185 And in Tokyo Thursday, a strong dollar boosted the stock market by 3. 8 % in post-holiday trading.
186 The tests offer for pushchairs and baby buggies comes from Cheshire's trading standards service as part of National Consumer Week.
187 The company, which is trading under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, did not give the nine month figures.
188 Although Britain had long had trading connections with these areas, hitherto she had had no territorial ambitions there.
189 At Salomon, Parseghian headed trading of collateralized mortgage obligations, the custom-made bonds cut from bundles of home mortgages.
190 The new bill includes a second ban on the trading of sea turtles and rare coral.
191 But with the current depressed state of bloodstock trading there was little prospect of any records being broken.
192 Michael Mortara became the head of mortgage trading at Goldman Sachsthe leader in mortgage bond trading in the first half of 1988.
193 Taking place on the trading floor was a strange inversion that be-came more apparent the longer management failed to grasp events.
194 He says the government's turnaround on interest and exchange rate policies should give an extra boost to Christmas trading too.
195 Translation: Salomon could dictate the rules of the mortgage bond trading game as it went along.
196 Trading was close to twice average levels at 732 million shares.
197 Exchange gains and losses arising from trading transactions are taken to profit for the year.
198 It marked the beginning of the London Stock Exchange and an international trading boom for Britain.
199 It is the autonomous nature of sole trading which is an attractive feature of this form of business enterprise.
200 Since building up a 10 percent stake Continental has tried to arrange trading pacts.




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