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单词 Administrative
1 The manager lacks administrative ability.
2 Administrative work occupies half of my time.
3 The country was chopped up into small administrative areas.
4 He has a lot of administrative work to do.
5 Environmental law heavily intertwined with administrative law.
6 The tax will require a massive administrative apparatus.
7 Your responsibilities will be mainly administrative.
8 The job is mainly administrative.
9 We deem very highly of his administrative talent.
10 He was the victim of an administrative error.
11 We're trying to ratchet down the administrative costs.
12 Her duties are purely administrative.
13 The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.
14 In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.
15 The cost-cutting measures include streamlining administrative procedures in the company.
16 The matter is outside the jurisdiction of UK administrative agencies.
17 The administrative workload is making massive inroads into our working day .
18 She used the day to catch up with administrative tasks.
19 I spend a lot of my time on administrative duties.
20 The complex administrative arrangements render the decision - making process somewhat opaque.
21 The students sat in at the administrative building to protest against discrimination of race.
22 All appointments to military and administrative posts were in the gift of the king.
23 King Darius I is noteworthy for his administrative reforms, military conquests,[] and religious toleration.
24 He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.
25 The system is based on administrative convenience rather than public benefit.
26 Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.
27 A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work.
28 Spanish liberals sought to create linguistic as well as administrative uniformity.
29 The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.
30 Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs.
1 The manager lacks administrative ability.
2 Administrative work occupies half of my time.
3 The country was chopped up into small administrative areas.
4 He has a lot of administrative work to do.
5 We deem very highly of his administrative talent.
6 The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.
7 The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.
8 The complex administrative arrangements render the decision - making process somewhat opaque.
9 The students sat in at the administrative building to protest against discrimination of race.
10 He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.
31 The post is sometimes also known as administrative assistant.
32 Extra responsibilities and administrative burdens were a major factor.
33 She performed her share of administrative duties efficiently.
34 A second consideration is administrative efficiency.
35 There are separate administrative arrangements for committees.
36 In 1965 a major administrative change took place.
37 Selling and administrative expenses for each year were £10,000.
38 There also may be additional administrative costs.
39 Much the same problem has arisen in administrative law.
40 They would instead be placed in administrative detention in the Qeziot detention centre in the Negev.
41 Committees should cease to be executive or administrative bodies and should concentrate on policy determination.
42 Secondly, this book is primarily about constitutional and administrative law and about governmental institutions.sentence dictionary
43 Are there limits to administrative control over school-sponsored publications or plays?
44 Carter had advocated deregulation, but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action.
45 Amnesty International opposes the detention without trial of all political detainees, including administrative detention.
46 The transfer of certain functions of administrative control from central departments of government to the county councils - decentralisation; 6.
47 But this bogus community, spirited up to serve administrative convenience, does not exist.
48 She also decided to redesign the functions of the two administrative assistants in the office, to get the help she needed.
49 Nor did his Lordship draw any demarcation between administrative institutions and inferior courts for the purposes of review.
50 Roosevelt's New Deal programme was an exercise in regulatory government and led to a major growth in regulation by administrative agencies.
51 Edinburgh's growth as an administrative centre went hand in hand with this.
52 Robson recognized that, throughout history, courts have performed administrative functions and administrative bodies have undertaken judicial functions.
53 There were a further 303 prisoners held under administrative detention, without trial.
54 Feeding soldiers is not a glamorous business; for the most part it is an administrative function that goes unnoticed.
55 Legal regulation tends to create administrative burdens, resentment and loss of self-esteem through the undermining of professional autonomy.
56 There are additional administrative functions, such as the submission of a statement of affairs and the making of reports on specified matters.
57 Mead was bumped off major cases and firm committees, then given only administrative duties, the lawsuit alleges.
58 Meanwhile, in addition to these administrative changes, important developments were taking place within the hospitals as knowledge of mental disorder increased.
59 Thus government, i.e. local government, has strategic responsibility over its administrative area for the provision of sporting opportunities.
60 Each water authority has its own form of organization, administrative control, and territorial jurisdiction.
61 With this transformation came administrative change and consolidation of a coherent political agenda.
62 The whole approach is flexible and has a great strength in the direct link to the highest administrative body.
63 The change in the figures appeared to be due to things like administrative convenience.
64 Judicial review of administrative decisions by central or local government and certain other bodies is now commonplace.
65 Trade unions do not have the right to strike nor negotiate wage levels, which are determined by the administrative centre.
66 It would also have meant higher administrative costs which would have had to have been borne by charge payers.
67 It is at this point that the nation state begins to acquire a psychological as well as a purely administrative significance.
68 And within this relationship local authorities were seen as decentralized administrative agents, acting at the behest of the centre.
69 A case can be made for both its constitutional propriety and its administrative efficiency.
70 Routine administrative functions were sited in the free-standing towns and cities within a hundred or so miles of London. 7.
71 It assumes administrative efficiency will suffice when this may only have the most limited of practical effects.
72 Other clerical and administrative duties as required by the Acquisitions Librarian and the Chief Librarian.
73 Authorities will face greater administrative burdens through the more detailed tendering provision.
74 Taxes may be grouped by the administrative arrangement for their collection.
75 Following this there was some suggestion that in administrative decisions there was a lower duty to act fairly.
76 By contrast a municipal corporation was a public governmental authority with administrative duties owed to all the inhabitants of its area.
77 Nevertheless contracting does incur greater administrative costs in the form of new accounting and information systems and staff.
78 The Department of Public Instruction provided a guideline of administrative duties,[][http://] advice and judges for the state meet.
79 In the Soviet Union it is difficult to disentangle political from administrative controls.
80 Economies of scale and the use of computers were expected to reduce administrative costs.
81 How are management costs and the administrative burden of any of these models minimised?
82 They need your help about everything from prospecting to how to get along with their administrative assistant.
83 That effort has already eliminated several hundred administrative jobs in its East Bay divisions.
84 Principals must pay attention to the concerns of these groups when making administrative decisions.
85 Under the proposed changes, most of the same acts would be covered under an array of criminal and administrative laws.
86 Some adjust levels of existing taxes; some involve technical or administrative questions; a few may suggest wholly new forms of taxation.
87 They may not however be equally suited to all the institutions that comprise administrative law.
88 Nevertheless, administrative change was not the main reason for the decline of the networks in the Southern Band.
89 A simple design of diameter some 65 feet, was part of the administrative centre in the agora in Athens.
90 And in other administrative areas, such as personnel and accounts, most of the supervisory and long-term experienced people opted for relocation.
91 The administrative breakdown of components in the academic career are: research, teaching, and community service.
92 Some states counted administrative areas as urban units, and some counted agglomerations of a certain number of people.
93 Currently, much of the archival work reconstructing the administrative framework of the deposited documents is carried out retrospective to their creation.
94 Moreover, the administrative cost of the procedure for making awards is high.
95 Although vengeance had been wreaked on the assassins in Edinburgh, that was still by no means the main administrative centre.
96 The sites shared administrative costs, selectors and a catalogue which included an illustration and biographical details for each artist.
97 Taking advantage of its remoteness from the administrative centre of the Imperium they had enslaved the native inhabitants.
98 Then I had to wait some three years, and the attitude in hospital and lack of administrative efficiency was unpleasantly conspicuous.
99 They recognized that some of their objectives could be reached by administrative action without running the gauntlet of the legislative process.
100 Does he agree that access to justice is more important than administrative convenience?
101 Only 10 to 15 percent goes toward administrative costs, which is certainly not exorbitant.
102 People will be compelled to spend the money on the truly needy recipients and not on administrative costs.
103 Term loans can generally be negotiated fairly quickly and at a low administrative cost.
104 The latter would be subject to less extensive review than would tribunals and other administrative institutions.
105 The lack of help has forced the part-time student and administrative assistant to move to her parents' South San Francisco home.
106 It also excludes various administrative agencies connected with the National Health Service and the nationalized industries.
107 The two largest declines came in engineering and general and administrative expenses.
108 The administrative burden is increased but the processes are the same as those already in place for fundholding.
109 Anyone performing administrative functions would be paid a working man's wage.
110 The Council also had powers as a criminal court in matters arising out of its administrative duties.
111 The administrative burden would be lifted from local government; it would then be able to concentrate on the job in hand.
112 The agency apparently also wants to ease its administrative burdens under the contracting ordinance.
113 The Charity Commission says the new trustees are well on the way to restructuring their management and cutting administrative costs.
114 In 1991,[] the city was divided into 16 administrative areas or regions through negotiations between urban residents and the municipal authorities.
115 This must be seen as a specialist task, on a par with other administrative duties and research commitments.
116 This book is based on the view that the general principles of judicial review of administrative action are worth studying.
117 Public and administrative law Law can prohibit or regulate activities: The citizen can obey or break the law.
118 The survey used standard socio-economic groups: AB which covers management, professional, technical and administrative occupations.
119 Under conditions of underdevelopment the political elite seeks wealth through the direction of public resources by administrative action. 8.
120 The administrative centre of the manor was the manor house.
121 Co-direction ensures that administrative decisions are made with the full understanding of the implications for all participants.
122 However, the Commission operates much more like a diplomatic than an administrative authority with a strong emphasis on consultation and conciliation.
123 Olivier Nwaha Binya'a appears to be held in indefinite administrative detention without any opportunity to challenge his imprisonment.
124 The principle of the separation of powers is, for example, clearly evident in his views on administrative law.
125 Today it is an important administrative centre and fishing port.
126 Prices in such circumstances become an administrative convenience or merely irrelevant.
127 However, reorganisation provisions necessarily include provisions for operating costs, such as redundancy costs and administrative expenses.
128 Lisa has two daughters, 12 and 16, and works as an administrative assistant in a bank.
129 Besides this diocesan system of priestly pastoral care, there are two other administrative bodies of crucial importance.
130 The former provide the managerial and administrative framework for moving products from supplier to customer.
131 His Lordship drew no distinction as to the scope of review for inferior courts and administrative institutions.
132 These courts were not subject to judicial review at all which only applied to administrative authorities and inferior courts.
133 Large areas of administrative action avoid the discipline of public justification.
134 Although his ministers were never permitted to decide matters on their own account,[Sentencedict] Victor Amadeus delegated wide administrative powers to them.
135 Precontest administrative duties were shared by several county superintendents in pre tion for the state spelling bee.
136 Loan interest paid by borrowers provides for interest on time deposits, staff salaries, other administrative expenses and shareholder dividends.
137 I had worked for many years as an administrative assistant and an executive assistant.
138 Concurrent with this programme of activity, there are dozens of administrative jobs to be done.
139 Payment by automatic direct debit will further relive your administrative burden.
140 Over 600 economists, businessmen and politicians discussed ways to improve the commercial, legal and administrative framework of East-West economic co-operation.
141 Until September, she was an administrative assistant at a geriatric hospital.
142 This encouraged the courts to draw a rigid distinction between judicial and administrative decisions.
143 Taxes may therefore be classified as either direct or indirect, according to the administrative arrangement for their collection.
144 Turnover, cost of materials sold, net revenues and administrative expenses have been adjusted accordingly.
145 They may be said to be exercising an administrative function.
146 In 1945 there was immense confidence in the civic and administrative institutions of government.
147 In fact, any text that needs administrative control can be included within its scope.
148 Confusion also arose when schools took over administrative functions which traditionally had been located in LEAs.
149 Heat, light and power should be revised and contained at 3%, and administrative costs reduced to 10%.
150 The church for its part acted as an administrative agency of colonial expansion and a major institution of social control.
151 This is all attributable, directly or indirectly, to administrative costs and the work of the Bar Council and its committees.
152 The legal authority of the Lander has been reduced to legal administrative authority by the federal administration.
153 Among the changes being introduced are: Simplified financial and administrative controls.
154 In 1958 these were abolished and replaced by fourteen administrative districts.
155 Generally, the area concerned with administration is known as public or administrative law.
156 The partnership areas soon attracted most attention because of the joint administrative arrangements which were required between central and local government.
157 There is a powerful argument for saying that, in general, it should be subject to the rules of administrative law.
158 Suppose a plaintiff suffers loss as a result of an illegal administrative decision.
159 Mellowes has assigned me to the duties of the administrative assistants, then to those of the statistical clerks.
160 Village life and the peasant outlook were conditioned by the administrative arrangements adopted at Emancipation.
161 Chapter two: foreign administrative adjudication systems.
162 Administrative personnel should also acquire some technical skills.
162 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
163 There is no longer any administrative organ in Nanking.
164 Quotas of the means of production are allocated by the higher administrative bodies to the lower ones.
165 Nodes registered with an administrative agent can become part of a job management topology, enabling the management of a large number of base application servers.
166 The issue of objective model of administrative procedural law is the most abstract as well as the most basic theoretical one in its legislation.
167 Under this situation, the government had to face the disorderly society and took vigorous action to adjust the division of the local administrative district.
168 Yesterday, the Zhejiang Province food drugs supervised the administrative bureau to announce greatly to have been able Le the Si pharmaceutical industry Limited company's gradualness survey result.
169 The legal responsibilities of tax cover the legal responsibility of tax authority as the main administrative body, the legal responsibility of tax staff and the legal responsibility of comparative.
170 The forth tell about strengthening main legal duty of Forest Administrative License, including administrative duty and criminal duty.
171 Enterprises with foreign investment shall charge losses arising from bad debts to general and administrative expenses.
172 The cultural administration is the combination of the macroscopic cultural administration system and the microscopic cultural administrative operation mechanism.
173 Note that use of administrative commands may be preferred for scenarios where redeployment of message flows is not possible.
174 Such meetings supplement the work of the curia —an administrative body made up of congregations, councils, and commissions—in helping the pope govern the Roman Catholic Church.
175 A state governor oversees the state administrative agencies, including those agencies relating to environmental protection, wildlife conservation, or natural resource management.
176 Article 7 Expenses incurred in administrative review and litigation in the tax authorities at all levels shall be covered by administrative budget.
177 Administrative layer choice restarts at the moment board IPO, is right current drop approbate?
178 The results of this research are available for reference to domestic power supply reliability planning and administrative work of urban power network.
179 Chapter Three focuses on the rules that effectuation system of administrative contract supports and analyses some cases in practice.
180 This article high-lights how computerized system analysis is made and its utilization in administrative operation for the perfection of the decision management information system.
181 Due to the imperfect system and management , the administrative levy, major source of our national revenue , has taken on the presenting messy aspect.
182 The motif of an associated design is to affirm the scope of a design claim for which a patent is given, so a patentee can get expedited administrative remedies while infringement happened.
183 Hartmut Maurer, Pandect of Administrative Law, Translated by Gao Jiawei, Law Press, 238(2000).
184 Below the county level administrative organization for the rural grass-roots level, where.
185 An invalid administrative enforcement action shall have no legal effect from the beginning.
186 Our administrative law scholars put lots of their studies on the concrete administration behavior in the past, and look down upon the administrative factual behavior.
187 The thesis aims at exhibiting the strong points and disclosing the shortcomings of administrative license system.
188 Selling and administrative expenses may be less when intracompany sales are involved.
189 The success of Finance customer management system have forcefully driven the administrative informatization of Chinese postal service and provides the data for the managerial decision-making.
190 However, China's existing administrative and monitoring system didn't play its due role in this process, increasingly reflect the reality of great inadaptability .
191 Additionally the user downloads music to still can get bell of a homonymic colour inside specific special administrative area.
192 Article 42 All account books, receipts and administrative balance herein are exempt from taxes and duties.
193 She knows that her job-sharing partner, Barbara Keesler, is at the office, handling administrative work for the Jell-O brand group at Kraft Foods in Rye Brook.
194 Even administrative regulations must be accompanied by persuasion and education.
195 General and administrative expenses include expenses incurred in the management of the enterprise.
196 The administrative coercive execution system plays an important part in Chinese administrative law.
197 Machiavelli employs an Italian version (sangiachie) of the Turkish word, meaning an administrative district of a Turkish vilayet or province.
198 But it did warn the agency of " an on - going requirement of intelligible administrative policy. ".
199 The author analyses how the problems existing in the enforcement procedure and law-making of the administrative law impede the legalization of Chinese administrative procedure.
200 If you have a community service project in mind, it is never a bad put to start to go to the church and meet with their administrative board .
201 India's higher selling, general and administrative expenses, as a percent of sales, were due to increased operating reserve.
202 Under the instruction of deontology, the goal of administrative responsibility is to realize the justice.
203 Manage daily administrative work in the department in cooperation with other Assistants in the department.
204 We can say that the police district, which was the foundation stone of administrative district, reflected the change of city administrative system from tradition to modern.
205 It takes a lot of administrative overhead to be a public company today.
206 The technology lifting and administrative promotion are chain job competition core.
207 Administrative recoupment is a legal system based on state compensation.
208 The books and records while treat as the administrative operation basis to raise Zhou people the historical rationality similarly.
209 In addition, all can enhance administrative levels result double window shade, double-faced door curtain.
210 I mean, who doesn't want a product that is easier to use, has less locking contention, minimizes storage administration, makes access to administrative data easier, and so on?
211 And administrative contract should not only follow the common rules but also exceptive rules.
212 System WPARs are autonomous virtual system environments that have their own private file systems, users and groups, login, network space, and administrative domain.
213 What is the contents of the rule on administrative guidance is the heart of this paper.
214 Penglai Fairyland Travel Service belonging to this restaurant has registration in the local Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce with the approval of the State Tourist Bureau.
215 To begin with, the author analyzes the trait of administrative contract byway of comparing the administrative contract systems of western countries.
216 The administrative department in charge of environment protection shall provide relevant departments with data relating to marine environment supervision and administration.
217 When establishment railway transportation brand strategy, may establish the brand in administrative levels.
218 The Patent Law provided that the patentee and interested party could request the administrative authority for patent affairs to handle the infringing act.
219 The social justice and the morality of behavior motive which deontology essentially pursues, conforms to the intrinsic rule and require of administrative responsibility.
220 In actual world, the most administrative acts have not been reviewed by the judicial bodies and one part of them have not been effectively judicially controlled owing to their features.
221 In current environment, universities should take maximal value as its general objective to realize the administrative reification of financing, investment, cost and distribution.
222 This technology has already been applied to the development of special-purpose software, such as administrative system of the agricultural implement and machinery etc, and has made the good result.
222 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
223 The "phenomenon of Caojiadu" is not the unique phenomenon of Caojiadu commercial community, but is a common phenomenon of the administrative connected regions in the current systems.
224 Mainly from jurisprudence, constitutional theory, administrative law science, administrative litigation law science explains to administrative nonfeasance litigation theoretical foundation.
225 Applicants shall have to approach only one administrative body in connection with an application.
226 The retroactivity of administrative act is limited to the executive force.
227 The administrative rulings on classification made by Customs shall be publicized.
228 The rapid expansion of administrative rulemaking may also be a factor.
229 The value of administrative procedure is that it can meet the people's needs for justice and efficiency and its legislative objective model can be divided into power model and efficiency model.
230 I have no idea what kind of administrative unit the disciplinary committee belongs to, whether it has the power to order the student press's editors not to publish content related with sex.




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