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单词 Rat
1. He used some cheese to trap the rat.
2. The hungry rat ravened down the poison bait.
3. But you promised to help us, you rat!
4. The biology students had to dissect a rat.
5. A rat squeaked and ran into the bushes.
6. So you've changed sides, you dirty rat!
7. A brown rat scurried across the road.
8. Like a rat in a hole.
9. The dog was killed by rat poison .
10. Paul got caught up in the rat race and was never at home.
11. I smell a rat.
12. The brown rat has prominent ears and a long scaly tail.
13. I had to get out of the rat race and take a look at the real world again.
14. The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.
15. A rat had gnawed a hole in the box.
16. The dog scented a rat.
17. The farmer had put down some rat poison.
18. You can't rat out your teammates.
19. The dog nosed out a rat.
20. The dog was worrying a rat.
21. The rat gnawed a hole in the wooden box.
22. He held his breath as a rat scuttled past.
23. I glimpsed a rat running past.
24. Captain Hardnose certainly ran that rat over the hill.
25. The dog cornered the rat.
26. The rat hid in the straw.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. Bottles of lemonade doctored with rat poison were discovered in the kitchen.
28. On the stroke of midnight, Prince Charming turned back into a rat.
29. You mean he just walked out on her after fifteen years? What a rat!
30. He shook her violently as a dog shakes a rat.
1. But you promised to help us, you rat!
2. The biology students had to dissect a rat.
3. A rat squeaked and ran into the bushes.
4. A brown rat scurried across the road.
5. The dog was killed by rat poison .
6. Paul got caught up in the rat race and was never at home.
7. I smell a rat.
8. The brown rat has prominent ears and a long scaly tail.
9. I had to get out of the rat race and take a look at the real world again.
10. The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.
11. I glimpsed a rat running past.
12. Captain Hardnose certainly ran that rat over the hill.
13. The lab assistant injected the rat with the new drug.
14. The arrival of warm weather raises the specter of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
15. Dad wants to get out of the rat race and move back to his hometown.
16. They longed to escape from the rat race and move to the countryside.
31. He had nothing to do all day long but to rat around.
32. A rat took the egg while the mother was away from the nest.
33. What did you do with the gun you took from that little rat Turner?
34. He leapt out of his seat when he saw the rat.
35. People think I'm sick for having a rat as a pet.
36. The novel is about a couple who get out of the rat race and buy a farm in France.
37. I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful!
38. The lab assistant injected the rat with the new drug.
39. It's very easy to get caught up in the rat race.
40. You dirty rat! How could you do a thing like that?
41. The police are all over town. He's caught, like a rat in a trap.
42. He's been working late with her every night this week - I smell a rat!
43. The arrival of warm weather raises the specter of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
44. Dad wants to get out of the rat race and move back to his hometown.
45. I might have known he'd be the first rat to desert this sinking ship!
46. They longed to escape from the rat race and move to the countryside.
47. The road has become a rat run for traffic avoiding the town centre.
48. The arrival of warm weather raises the spectre of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
49. He decided to get out of the rat race, and went to work on a farm.
50. They were accused of encouraging children to rat on their parents.
51. If I don't send a picture, he will smell a rat.
52. The dog was a useful rat catcher in the warehouse.
53. As far as I'm concerned, she's copped out and joined the rat race.
54. The road through our village has become a rat run for commuters trying to avoid delays on the A14.
55. Where I come from, you don't rat on your friends.
56. Rat remains his dapper, timeless self.
57. I wouldn't rat on Albert.
58. Suffice to say, we smell a rat.
59. I have to rat all he has reet.
60. It smelled of damp mold and rat excrement.
61. There were little lamps illuminating the little rat alleys.
62. I smell a rat here - I really do.
63. It is completely absent in the rat.
64. Each cage held at least one white rat.
65. Blackrag Madonna is blind as a dead rat.
66. Life is a rat race. 35.
67. Too much of a rat race.
68. The rat weights did not differ between the groups.
69. I got bitten by a rat.
70. It is enough to make you smell a rat and be damned for your cynicism.
71. Astra refuses to conduct further rat studies with lower doses of ranitidine, saying that this is Glaxo's job.
72. It is, therefore, quite helpless against a rat determined to attack.
73. At the camp, the doctor gave me a choice: rat poison or the stick.
74. It is hard to argue that the average rat has been endowed with conspicuous display ornaments by the preferences of ancestral females.
75. I only began to smell a rat when he couldn't come up with the documents he claimed to have.
76. Fleas desert a dead rat faster than rats desert a sinking ship, and that makes sense.
77. She gave him rat poison and then she took him out back and she had Howard bury him in her garden.
78. Magic shop in Plantation, the rat stock sells out nearly before it hits the shelves.
79. I would have slept on the floor but for fear of waking up face to face with a rat.
80. To his head they fixed a cage in which a rat had been imprisoned.
81. I slept fitfully, dreaming that a rat was softly nuzzling my ear.
82. In the rat small intestine, many drugs are acetylated and excreted into the lumen.
83. Learning becomes even more important in the feeding of so omnivorous an animal as the rat.
84. About 30 years ago the estrogen receptor protein was first isolated from the rat uterus.
85. Like Jitters, she had knocked around the world a bit and wound up in Dead Rat.
86. Others chat about the supposed late-night spotting of a large rat dragging a six-pack of bottled water across the warehouse floor.
87. A woman was poisoned with a soft drink laced with rat poison.
88. An executive from an international chemical company has given up the rat race to run a plant nursery.
89. In the rat cerebral cortex in the absence of calmodulin[/rat.html], calcium has a negligible effect at low concentrations.
90. The predicted human protein contains only one amino acid change at position 101, from Asn in rat to Ser in human.
91. The interesting result is the relation between how well the rat remembers, and how long ago it was taught its trick.
92. His feeding frenzy exhausted, he was torpid, unable to pay attention to the rat in her maze.
93. Studies on purified rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells have shown that proliferation invitro depends on mitogenic factors.
94. Miguel glared back like a cornered rat, lifting himself up with the stick.
95. If the snake so much as hiccups as the rat inches along, the market analysts and social prognosticators pounce.
96. He said he only wanted to kill himself and claimed he ate rat poison and planned to inhale car exhaust fumes.
97. The omnivorous black rat consumes seeds, flowers and fruits, and many small animals.
98. The rat is the unacceptable face of the environment; so is listeria and clostridium botulinum.
99. This rat wanted to eat ropes the way Gene Kelly wanted to sing and dance.
100. Looks like Rico got in on it, then decided like he was gon na rat to Spider.
101. You were looking like a drowned rat after our little foray into Puddephat's rooms.
102. She worried away at her husband like a small and angry rat tackling an even smaller rodent.
103. Perhaps they predicted her actions, a rat in a pre-set maze.
104. Rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells were assayed for incorporation of DNA synthesis precursors[], as described.
105. We can see him serving the rat on the silver tray.
106. The investor doesn't start to smell a rat until the payments aren't coming in.
107. Somewhere in Ohio a doctor has been jailed for feeding rat poison to his colleagues.
108. Gullible hadn't been driving a great big lorry around the place and putting down rat poison.
109. Once poison has temporarily reduced rat populations to almost zero, predation by barn owls can slow the recovery.
110. At least we would be out of the rat race until I had worked up some seniority in my job.
111. More recent investigations with rat jejunal brush border membrane vesicles, however, have found evidence only for passive transport.
112. The ships have gone and so has the Black Rat, but the opportunist Brown Rat remains a threat ashore.
113. The rat turned, ran up the rope again and disappeared.
114. The adult rat provides another example: it has been found that cells in its prostate gland need the hormone testosterone.
115. Exposing rat cortex to the same stain produces uniform, moderately dense, labelling in the primary visual area.
116. Ralph tried to sound hearty and enthusiastic, but his voice struggled from him like a half-drowned river rat.
117. Underneath the sink he found a large tin of rat poison.
118. I would try to elude notice, but I stood out like a white rat at a tomcat convention.
119. There were also rat droppings and dead insects at the dirt-ridden August Moon restaurant.
120. She has a rat on top of the living room door on Christmas Day, for example, and it will last her two days.
121. As he looked, the great rat dropped from the rope on to the old oak chair.
122. I had another bout on Monday, with Eugene Phillips, who at eight was tougher than a latrine rat.
123. The rat poison and insecticide was taken from a van at Farm lane in Crawley near Witney.
124. He would go down into the cellar tomorrow and put down some rat poison.
125. We started to smell a rat when they asked for an extra £500 deposit.
126. And thus begins a chase, with the Rat almost always being one step ahead.
127. But Rat, I am going to show you the World.
128. Edinburgh Sheriff Court had heard that the boys bought the rat poison from Boots, and offered to cook dinner.
129. Iggy Pop has a cameo as a bordello patron named Rat Face.
130. He has equipped him, too, with a moral certainty which the Rat recognises and envies.
131. The child was rushed to the hospital after eating rat poison.
132. Clare wouldn't put it past Sam to use a rat to lay a trap for her.
133. This is a good way to get back at that rat Yossarian.
134. He turned angrily to remonstrate with Tommy, only to see a rat the size of a rabbit lying between his legs.
135. The rat experiments that we have been considering suggest that the interference theory is more accurate.
136. The black rat was far more of a town-dwelling species and dependent on human food.
137. In the rat, very high single doses of intravenous mesalazine cause acute tubular and papillary necrosis.
138. The rat with no exercise wound up as a bond salesman.
139. Various actors and entertainers drifted in and out of the Rat Pack.
140. He could smell a rat, and he knew just how the men had been cheated.
141. Only a short piece was still attached to the bell, and the rat was still hanging on to it.
142. Not a doghouse, not a rat trap, not a rabbit hutch... not anything, not yet.
143. She felt that he was beginning to smell a rat.
144. She decided to drop out of the rat race because she couldn't stand working 60 hours a week.
145. Invitro certain combinations of oncogenes cooperate to transform primary rat cells.
146. Derrick Evans is Roland Rat with pecs appeal - and the housewives love it.
146. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
147. Wet as a water rat, she sat hugging her knees.
148. They jogged round a corner, and found themselves in what passed for the town square of Dead Rat, Arizona.
149. Indeed, perhaps inimical to ours, in view of the hostility of such long standing between man and rat.
150. Montgomery etal isolated cells from 18 day fetal rat intestine by trypsin dissociation.
151. Furthermore, recent studies from this laboratory have shown that experimental ethanol administration increases the fragility of rat pancreatic lysosomes.
152. The single amino acid change from the rat sequence is indicated in the parenthesis.
153. Retirement: It's nice to get out of the rat race, but you have to learn to get along with less cheese. Gene Perret 
154. Just himself and Eloise, a cleaver, a gun, a spoonful of rat poison.
155. She was delighted that I was not hurt, and threw the dead rat out of the window.
156. We have recently shown in rat pancreas that adverse effects include pancreatic toxicity.
157. In agreement with our findings, they showed that the rat intestine secreted fluid on day 5 after parasite administration.
158. On their own, owls can not cure the rat problem, but they can help with control.
159. This study was designed to investigate further the relationship between inflammation and fluid transport in the small intestine of the rat.
160. Children are forced into the rat race for higher salary and prestige.
161. Angry spouses and lovers or feuding family members may rat on their loved ones.
162. Spidery legs, rat eyes, whiffling whiskers: an unearthed hedgehog, part of the general exodus due to building developments nearby.
163. In this study the efficacy of adsorbents as antiendotoxin agents in a hapten induced rat model of colitis is investigated.
164. Those damn dirges are still running around my brain, like a tone-deaf rat with a megaphone is trapped inside my head.
165. I walked up and down on the bed, to control my trembling legs, and looked at the dead rat.
166. A small lump of nothing rolled across the floor, gathering substance, and coalesced into an unnoticed rat.
167. Offered a free bed and nosebag, Tony is there like a rat up a drainpipe.
168. The level of platelet activating factor in the rat gastric mucosa was determined after the administration of endothelin-1 using a radioimmunoassay method.
169. Red Death shot from your feet, fouling the air with its stench of rotting meat and rat feces.
170. Old Mosse saved three people from a burning house in the Blitz but was a thieving rat otherwise.
171. Comparison between the protein sequences of Drosophila and rat ribosomal protein S2.
172. When he died in June from cancer, investigators from Liquidators Cork Gulley were called in and soon smelt a rat.
173. These genes have been described previously in mouse, rat, man, Drosophila and birds.
174. The rat does not immediately adjust its daily rhythm to the melatonin.
175. He walks along a narrow path to a ridge where wild boar, hyenas and the golden mole rat occasionally roam.
176. Invitro ras and p53 mutants cooperate to transform primary rat cells into cells capable of lethal tumourigenesis.
177. The area covered by gross injury was expressed as a percentage of the area of the glandular mucosa of the rat stomach.
178. At first I jumped like a kid without hamstrings who had ingested rat poison for breakfast.
179. There was a dead rat, blown almost in two, resting on the hearth of the fire.
180. Now I know what it feels like to be a lab rat.
181. Bile acids in the rat are predominantly conjugated with taurine.
182. There, on the great high-backed oak chair, sat the same enormous rat.
183. Niki smelled the rat and said unless his driving contract were honoured, he would move to McLaren.
184. How does a rat tell the experimenter that it has a headache or feels a bit off-colour?
185. As well as transformation of established 3T3 cells, p53 will also cooperate with mutant ras genes to transform primary rat cells.
186. Mucosal mast cells in the rat intestine are drastically affected by an infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis.
187. London owes much of its rat problems to the poorly maintained sewer systems.
188. A runaway hamster called Sophie takes pride of place where the school rat once roamed.
189. Similarly it was not hydrolysed by mucosal homogenates from the small intestine of the rat.
190. One mother of small children opened her garden shed to find a rat which jumped over her hand and ran out.
191. Methods VSMC obtained from rat thoracic aortas were cultured.
192. After deratization, outdoor rat density dropped under 3%.
193. AIM: To investigate the protective effect of taurine on kidney in a rat model of calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis.
194. Method A computer superposition technique was used to observe the effect of electroacupuncture of point Jiexi (ST41) on rat spinal field potential (SFP) after subdermal injection of strychnine .
195. Methods The morphosis of the mesothelium of the parietal pleura in rat were investigated by intrapleura injection with tracers and observed by scanning electron microscope.
196. Objective:To study the morphological changes of atrioventricular junction area (atrioventricular node and atrioventricular bundle) on the myocardial ischemia model of rat.
197. In view of the existence of GABA containing callosal neurons, it also suggested that at least in rat cerebral cortex, some GABA containing neurons had longer projections than local circuit neurons.
198. Extracted the active constituents of Alisma Orientalis by isolation techniques then established rat urolithiasis model.
199. In this heterogeneous system the dose-response curve of ovine LHwas parallel to that of rat LH.
200. ResultThe success of the SD rat submandibular gland cells (RSMG-cell) and preparation out of silk fibroin-chitosan blend membranes culture in vitro.
201. The functional roles of the NaChs were tested by observing the effect of tetrodotoxin, a specific blocker of NaChs(), on the intrinsic heart rate of isolated rat working heart.
202. METHOD Rat models with yang deficiency were made using hydrocortisone.
203. DiscussionThe STZ rat model is used commonly experimental diabetic ani - mal model.
204. The rat brains of the group measured volume were dyed with TTC and measured the area by computerized pathological image analyzer.
205. Dissolved and combined with biological acting in rat, the thermal stability temperature of crocidolite becomes quite lower.
206. Objective TO investigate the alteration of ion transport across the colonic epithelium in the rat descending colon applying by benzalkonium chloride (BAC).
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207. Objective To investigate the changes of expression of 5-hydroxy tryptamine (5-HT), substance P (SP) in rat colon during heroin withdrawal, methadone detoxication and heroin relapse period.
208. Objective To investigate the cytotoxicity of alcohol on hepatic and neuronic cells of rat and.
209. In this study, cryogenic electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and spin trapping techniques were used to detect the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in stroke rat brain.
210. These findings indicate that both dipsacus asper and VE can prevent the overexpression of the APP in dosal hippocampal formation, and improve the learning and memorizing abilities of rat.
211. Methods The cultured osteoblast-like cells in vitro were isolated from fetal rat calvaria and the effects of PDGF on cellular DNA contents were observed under flow cytometer.
212. This feature and its big eyes made it resemble a bunny or a rat—which is why it is commonly called a rabbitfish or ratfish .
213. Objective To compare the effect of collagen fiber staining between Sirius Red F 3B(SR) in saturated carbazotic acid staining and MASSON trichrome staining on rat kidney specimen.
214. METHOD The effects were observed in the following models, xylene induced swelling of mouse ear, carrageenin induced paw edema in rat and hot-plate procedure in mice.
215. Objective:To observe the therapeutical effects of sodium heparinate ointment, 50% magnesium sulfate and hyaluronidase on dopamine induced damage of the rat vein and the tissues around it.
216. Objective To study the action of anti-mastoplasia pills in the treatment of the experimental mastoplasia of rat model and its mechanism.
217. Results:Casticin inhibited significantly xylene - induced mouse ear edema, egg albumen - induced rat paw edema and acetic acid - induced mouse vascular permeability.
218. The catalytic activity of histidase and the expression of the enzyme protein were investigated in rat hepatomas induced by diethylnitrosamine.
219. OBJECTIVE To investigate the protective effects of M3 receptor agonist pilocarpine on myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts.
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220. Most embryos from natural estrous rats migrated into the uterus ahead of morula stage, while embryos from superovulated rat entered the uterus at 8-cell stage.
221. Methods The external carotid artery of rat was ligated to observe the effect of PAMD on cerebral blood flow(CBF), cerebral vascular resistance(CVR), blood pressure(BP) and heart rate(HR).
222. In this study, we sought to evaluate the efficacy of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2-producing adipose-derived stem cells in inducing a posterolateral spine fusion in an athymic rat model.
223. Aim To investigate the in vitro and in vivo stability of 9-nitrocamptothecin lactone form in rat plasma.
224. Methods:Adopt NADPH- diaphorase histochemistry dyeing display NOS nerve fiber of rat gastric antrum, medicine analysis apparatus quantitative analysis.
225. CONCLUSION: Short-term CsA treatment combined with DBMC infusion can lower acute rejection of heterotopic rat cardiac allograft and prolongs survival time of cardiac allograft.
226. ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of glucose and insulin on the synthesis and secretion of adrenomedullin (ADM) by rat aortas in vitro.
227. The nature, shape, structure and distribution of osmiophilic cells in the rat thymus were studied by the osmium black method silver impregnation and histochemistry.
228. Conclusions: OECs promote the growth of the co - cultured rat caudate nucleus neurons.
229. Aim To study the effects of chitosan - bismuth on experimental rat ulcer models.
230. To study the effect of sea-buckthorn seed oil on gastric mucosa lesion caused by absolute ethyl alcohol in rat model.
231. Results Angiogenin was expressed weakly but widely in rat brain, the expression was relatively strong in cerebral pia mater, ependyma, and vessels.
232. Objective To observe the ultrastructural variation of epithelial cell in the development of the rat corpuscle.
233. The afferent connections of the lateral preoptic area in the rat were studied by using the HRP retrograde tracing method.
234. The effects of sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDS) on lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomal system has been studied.
235. Methods The rat COPD model was established by passive smoking and intratracheal instillation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
236. OBJECTIVE To explore into the pharmacodynamic effect of rhinitis spray on rat models with allergic rhinitis.
237. Noradrenaline decreased I_(K) distinctly. Isoprenaline and acetylcholine showed no effect on I_(K) in isolated rat hepatocytes.
238. Objective To explore the expression of N-methyl-D- aspartate receptor subunit-1 (NMDAR1) in the ependymal cells of the third ventricle of rat.
239. RESULTS: Many electron dense toxic granulation and vacuolus in mitochondria were observed in the rat brain of focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion.




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