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单词 Weed
1. Evil weed is soon grown.
2. You should weed the garden before supper.
3. Nigel's such a weed, isn't he?
4. The weed had twined itself round the branches.
5. We must weed out the yellow flowers among the onions as soon as possible.
6. He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.
7. He looks like a real weed in those shorts.
8. The pond is full of weed.
9. His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed.
10. Tomorrow I have to weed the garden.
11. Large,(http://) clogging banks of weed are the only problem.
12. I wish I could give up the weed .
13. This chemical is found in most weed killers.
14. He saw the phosphorescence of the Gulf weed in the water.
15. The research will help governments to weed out ineffective aid schemes.
16. Scoop the blanket weed out and use it to line hanging baskets.
17. I have tried painting the young shoots with weed poisoner, but this does not kill them off.
18. I used weed killer to get rid of the weeds in the garden.
19. The pond water was strangled with poisonous weed.
20. Don't be such a weed!
21. But there is surprisingly little weed.
22. Not a weed dared to show its face.
23. Even then you'd be a weed or poison ivy.
24. Autumn residuals proved critical for good weed control.
25. Would the red weed affect the time machine?
26. Had the muddy weed really hit its mark?
27. On weed control for all the plots, the Novartis team had the edge.
28. The gardener estimated that it would take him four hours to weed the garden.
29. The first round of interviews only really serves to weed out the very weakest of applicants.
30. A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks. We must weed them out as soon as possible.
1. Nigel's such a weed, isn't he?
2. He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.
3. Tomorrow I have to weed the garden.
4. He saw the phosphorescence of the Gulf weed in the water.
5. The gardener estimated that it would take him four hours to weed the garden.
31. Napalm poured into the villages while weed killers defoliated the countryside.
32. Choose a sheltered sunny position with well-drained and composted soil which is weed free.
33. Remember that the main judges don't see the bulk of the entries because the competition organisers weed them out beforehand.
34. The idea is that recruits from the towns will weed the crops.
35. These farm-worker children weed cotton fields, pick lettuce and cantaloupe and climb rickety ladders in cherry and apple orchards.
36. Another herbicide, Isoproturon, is in much wider use as a means of controlling the blackgrass weed which affects winter wheat.
37. The prehensile pectoral fins actually grasp the weed as the fish moves about.
38. Warren happened to ride toward the point in the long column occupied by the brigade of General Stephen H.. Weed.
39. In my garden it has made a swift transition from weed to wild flower to flower.
40. I'd walked into the garden, over tough grass that wasn't grass at all but rough, close-growing weed.
41. The removal of excess weed can guard against gas bubble disease.
42. A plant can be an obedient herb in one habitat and a rumbustious weed somewhere else.
43. After a quick look round to make sure that weed left no obvious signs of our own visit, we left.
44. Raw sewage was feeding an already rapid growth of algae, raising weed growth to critical levels.
45. For maximum effectiveness, weed killers and fertilizers should be applied now, says Glenn Hester(), a Hidalgo County cotton farmer.
46. Applicants are first interviewed, to weed out the physically weak, violent and unstable.
47. Councils charged with caring for the public interest start to panic at the thought of this oversized weed with its excruciating sap.
48. Clean architectural lines, gleaming glass, flower beds so neat and regimented that no weed would dare to seed itself.
49. She walked round the pond to the sunny side where the water's surface was devoid of weed.
50. Business development professionals often rely on simple rules of thumb to sort potential relationships and weed out unlikely partners.
51. Clumps of sturdy weed grew wherever they could take a firm hold.
52. In the midst of all this I let go of one handful of weed to shake my fist at him.
53. As they approached the castle they realized that the advance of the red weed was increasing in speed.
54. The women polish the furniture, scrub the kitchen and weed the flowerbeds while Mrs McCormick is gone.
55. It is also a very useful rig for fishing over soft mud and weed.
56. But before jumping to that conclusion it is worth pondering whether the weed is more resistant to husbandry practice rather than the herbicide.
57. It may even look like a rather pretty weed, but it's still a weed.
58. Everyone called me a weed when I was at school because I was so bad at sports.
59. It also proved that mistakes with weed control were expensive to rectify later.
60. Soil: The favourite growing medium for waterlilies is heavy garden soil that has not been in contact with insecticides or weed killers.
61. A religious group that could effectively weed out offensive people, the Friends found slave owners sufficiently inoffensive.
62. Then he filled his clay pipe with Prince Albert tobacco mixed with mullein weed for his bronchitis and lit it.
63. What is a weed? A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
64. The third woman went to pull a weed in her front yard and a rattler bit her hand.
65. All forms are being checked by Price Waterhouse computer systems to weed out illegal multiple applications.
66. It is not essential to do this, but grouting with mortar will prevent unsightly weed growth forming alter.
67. Infected bittersweet, a weed found along river banks, has been picked up bordering the River Ouse.
68. In a typical year, Valley cotton farmers would be in the fields now, applying weed killer and preparing the land.
69. Weed control is an equally high-tech combination of stale seedbeds, flaming and mechanical weeding.
70. A toaster, a pram and a hostess trolley, all lay wreathed in weed.
71. Under different situations in nature Azolla is regarded to be an undesirable weed or a very beneficial plant.
72. She furiously grasped hold of a clump of soggy weed and after more slipping and sliding finally managed to heave herself out.
73. Miguel leaned across and opened the glove compartment, pulling out his fat plastic bag of weed.
74. Suburban communities swiftly expel sleazy politicians and weed out corrupt practices.
75. Perez said that there were virtually no procedures in place to weed out corrupt officials.
76. The plant is regarded as a troublesome weed in rice fields.
77. Timber had been removed without nutrient replacement and there were major weed problems in the rice.
78. A hermit crab sticks sand and weed on its shell, and all Jay's glitz was camouflage.
79. The old bill might be straight in Leyton but there are growing numbers who smoke weed and support calls for legalisation.
80. These fleshy appendages are used to detect and taste food amongst the weed and debris on the bottom of a river.
81. Use weed killers very selectively, for spot rather than general treatment.
82. Can he raise the profile of good research and weed out the poorest work?
83. New ground should be cleared of perennial weed, removing deep roots of docks, thistles and bindweed.
84. The impact caused my fistfuls of weed to rip off the rock with a sickening, slimy, ripping sound.
85. It got him enough money so he could buy some lids and sell enough weed to pay his share of the rent.
86. Avoid accidents with the strimmer by protecting young trees with plastic tubes or weed by hand.
87. He spent a whole year bumming from friends, crashing in strange places, selling weed with pals to make his bread.
88. A gene in a splurge - weed cell stands to gain by promoting the reproduction of its cell.
89. First thing tomorrow I'll weed the garden.
90. The henbit deadnettle is a common weed.
91. Please help me weed the garden.
92. European white-flowered weed naturalized in North America.
93. What is this product ? Horny goat weed?
94. Location: Jimson weed is usually found in warm climates.
95. Ballas was the inventor of the Weed Eater.
96. First thing tomorrow I have to weed the garden.
97. Although we have achieved great progress in the general control of the weed, there are also some serious problems in the harms of the weed, succession,(sentence dictionary) drug-fast and the pollution of the herbicide.
98. My mother pressed it between two sheets of paper toweling in a dictionary, laughing as she did it that we were perhaps the only people who would press such a sorry-looking weed.
99. So you have to make things rough for them and weed out the weenie trees early on.
100. The pollen of the weed is the main sensibiligen of hay fever in human.
101. An Old World perennial grass, widespread as a weed in warm regions and used for thatching .
102. The controlling test was carried out to the annual and perennial broadleaved weed and shrub on forestland with 24% picloram Sc.
103. Working with Mark Mescher, Runyon and De Moraes studied how the weed finds its prey.
104. Even though there are many researches on the field horsetail, there are not effective methods that the weed could be controlled by them.
105. Parthenium hysterophorus L. of the family Asteraceae is an exotic noxious weed from Central America.
106. Another way of rationalizing the film is to call it the ultimate stoner movie — the High in the title says as much — since it contains plenty of weed references.
107. In order to improve herbicide efficiency, a map-based variable weed spraying system was designed.
108. In August 1994, experiment on 41% Nongda Weed Killer imported from us in Phyllostachys pubescens forest resulted that it could effectively kill arbor, shrub, liana and other weed.
109. Littleseed canary grass ( Phalaris minor Retz) is a major weed in wheat field particularly in the rice wheat cropping system.
110. Jesse got up and looked around again before walking through the withered broomsedge and joe-pye weed.
111. Weed thought General William Henry Harrison, one of the candidates in eighteen thirty-six, might be the man the Whigs needed.
112. On the game-creation side, you can play in ranked or unranked games, and you can specify a disconnection or "did not finish" percentage, letting you manually weed out jerks.
113. Though the four-leaf variety may be best known for bringing luck to its discoverer, white clover is also known a high quality forage, and for its presence as a ubiquitous lawn weed.
114. The result indicated that, alfalfa seedlings grew well, the weed control efficiency of trifluralin reached above 90%.
115. And Mr. Ballas was the inventor of the Weed Eater.
116. The descending sort of groups of arthropod was predators, insect pests, parasitoids and neutral insects by the similarity degree of arthropod groups between weed habitat and paddy habitat.
117. But he's arguably the globe's leading authority on soybean genetics and the precise brew of fertilizer, fungicide, weed killer, water — and yes, a pinch of sugar — required to grow a knockout crop.
118. Location: Jimson weed is usually found in warm climates. While it is not native to Britain, it can now be found growing in the gardens of southern England.
119. Eurasian weed having yellow or mauve or white flowers and podlike fruits.
120. Now with that rock protection weed and crab grass to form a scab on the green.
121. Of course, in the wrong hands, a weed whacker can do damage like any other power tool.
122. Premium ingredients include exotic Blue Lotus, L-Arginine, Horny Goat weed, Damania Leaf and Maca Root.
123. In the U.S., Honeywell makes Green Jet Fuel from oil of camelina seeds, an inedible weed, that is grown in rotation with dry-farmed wheat.
124. Experiments conducted in greenhouse showed that the efficacy of nicosul-furon on crabgrass was affected by weed size, surfactants and rain interval.
125. And plants are rife with TLRs. Tobacco has one called N protein that is required for fighting tobacco mosaic virus. The weed Arabidopsis has more than 200.
125. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
126. Our transportation hacks category is full of unfortunate machinery like [Steven Laurie]'s motor art, weed whacker bikes, and electric motorcycles of all types.
127. Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or to the pea patch, of to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street.
128. European hawkweed having flower heads with bright orange-red rays; a troublesome weed especially as naturalized in northeastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium.
129. Pick a few leaves from the common lawn weed plantain, wash them, mash them, and apply as a poultice to the affected skin.
130. I concluded Part 1 by explaining why it is difficult to apply a formal theory to either weed out programming bugs or prove their absence in arbitrary, large, and complex multithreaded applications.
131. Littleseed canary grass is a major weed in wheat field particularly in the rice-wheat cropping system.
132. In the valleys of central China, a fernlike weed called sweet wormwood grows in fields formerly dedicated to corn.
133. Annual herb (Capsella bursa-pastoris) of the family Cruciferae (mustard family), indigenous to Europe but now a nearly cosmopolitan weed in temperate regions.
134. So you do everything in your power to weed out the tricksters.
135. Isn't it absurd to plant crops and not weed the fields?
136. Premium ingredients include Blue Lotus, L-Arginine, Horny Goat Weed, Damania Leaf and Maca Root.
137. Our expert shows you how to use dill weed in this free cooking video.
138. A fellow reveller at the gathering said that he overheard the 20-year-old actor declare "I love weed" at a private house party in North London.
139. If ever there were a time to relearn commonsensical standards of behavior and weed out the Fabs before the government comes calling, this is it.
140. The ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia, an alien invasive weed, can profoundly influence natural ecosystems, agriculture, and human health.
141. I can remember as a young boy growing up in Santa Cruz, California my grandfather showed me how to dig up this pesky weed called Bermuda Grass.
142. An annual weed( Sinapis arvensis) in the mustard family, native to Eurasia and naturalized in North America, having racemes of yellow flowers and hairy stems and foliage.
143. Weed out traitors and pro - Japanese elements and consolidate the rear.
144. Eurasian plant widely naturalized as a weed in North America; used as salad greens and to make wine.
145. The Sargasso sea , a free-floating mass of sea weed mostly S.
146. Germination and elutriation were used to study potential weed communities of continuous dry-cropping fields to compare the difference between the two methods.
147. Shortly before this flatness we saw sargasso weed floating by.
148. Overworked and undersexed stay-at-home moms might be tempted by the strapping young buck with the weed whacker.
149. For instance, those who grow herbicide-tolerant soybeans typically avoid the most noxious weed killer, turning instead to glyphosate herbicides, which are less toxic and degrade more quickly.
150. The paper reviewed the progress on biological control of tree of heaven prospected the strategy in management of the weed in China.
151. European grass naturalized as a weed in North America; sharp-pointed seeds cause injury when eaten by livestock.
152. Doing this exercise enabled me , in many cases, to immediately weed out the unqualified candidates.
153. My favourite, by far, is the pretty wild cornfield weed, Viola tricolor or heartsease, and the more you pick, the more it flowers.
154. A comparative study on the morphological characteristic of stem, leaf, anthotaxy and involucrum of three kinds of ragweed weed—Ambrosia Artemisiifolia L.
155. Accompanied with herbicide, the quantity of weed seeds in tilth decreased averagely by 75.4% in shallow tillage, and by 27.3% in deep tillage.
156. Mr Clare also stepped out of line, and began privateering about for the weed.
157. The ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. , is one of the most hazardous weed species distributed worldwide and causing serious damages to agricultural production and human health.
158. Or they may be algae which colour the sea green, like the carpet of weed in Qingdao that nearly brought the sailing to a halt in last year's Olympic games.
159. It is very difficult to control perennial weed field horsetail ( Equsetum arvense L . ).
160. The genetic change in the sugar beets makes them resist the herbicide or weed killer known as Roundup.
161. So you have to make things rough for them and 4)weed out the 5)weenie trees early on.
162. The results indicated that allelopathic weed Solidago canadensis L. had a significant influence on the microbial flora.
163. Sulfamidyl (thio) carbonyl-1,2,4-triazolineone derivative and preparation method and application as weed killer.
164. The witch weed steals water and nutrient from the roots and attacks the sorghum with a poisonous substance.
165. Only one herbicide, isopropylamine salt of N-Phosphonomethyl glycine proved significantly to depress the colonization of Ageratum houstonianum, a dominant weed species in the experiment field.
166. It was the yellow Gulf weed that had made so much phosphorescence in the night.
167. The families including the most weed species were Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Compositae, Scrophulariaceae, Alismataceae and Lythraceae.
168. As a kind of perennial troublesome weed, Perennial sowthistle (Sonchus brachyotus DC. ) mainly occurred in the North of China, infesting upland crop such as Wheat, Soybean and corn .
169. On the basis of basin-planting experiment, the tests have contrasted the control ratio of 10 kinds weed killer to Murdannja keisak, and have analysed the relation of control ratio and paddy output.
170. Here's a bit of background: In 2005, Monsanto started selling sugar beets that had been genetically modified to tolerate the weed killer Roundup.
171. To create and criticize at the same time is like watering and pouring weed killer onto seedlings at the same time.
172. They encourage internal competition as the way to weed out the weakest.
173. He is superhigh. He hogged more of the weed than Hector and I and he is hunched like a pile of trash against the base of the altar.
174. Dynamics of soil seed bank of exotic weed Mikania micrantha populations in three communities in Neilingding Island were studied.
175. Crofton weed, Ageratina adenophora, is one of the worst invasive weeds in China, has invaded a large areas of southwestern China.
176. Although the FDA classifies purslane as a broad-leaved weed, it's a popular vegetable and herb in many other countries, including China, Mexico, and Greece.
177. Tough brown grass and weed trees sprouted from the gaps between the cobbles, and the mossy walls of what once might have been a huge stone manse.
178. North American grass with slender brushy panicles; often a weed on cultivated land.
179. As one kind of tetrahydrophthalimide herbicides with high efficiency to control the weed in corn and soybean fields, flumiclora-pentyl was firstly synthesized by Sumitomo Chemical.
180. If the herbicide was used after emergence, the effect of 56% MCPA-sodium wettable powder on broad-leaved weed was higher (92.14%). However, that was lower(-29.7%) to gramineous weed.
181. As a kind of annual late-spring weed, dayflower(Commelina Commw2is L), which existed mainly in dry land, such as soybean, wheat and corn, was very difficult to control.
182. The deep-rooted bad habits and many temptations of objective condition grow rampantly like the weed in heart so that pain, illness, and annoyance come to us.
183. Bidens pilosa is one of the noxious invasive weed in Asteraceae.
184. There are some faults so nearly allied to excellence, that we can scarce weed out the fault without eradicating the virtue" (Oliver Goldsmith)."
185. The infant boy dropped a weed from his tiny hands and burst into frenzied weeping.
186. Smoking the weed naturally leads to romp in the sheets, though we are spared watching the attack of the munchies that occurred post-nookie.
187. A coarse cosmopolitan weed(Amaranthus retroflexus) having hairy leaves and stout, terminal panicles with dense, lateral spikes of green flowers.
188. A caterpillar indulges in butterfly weed, a form of protective milkweed which provides a natural resistance to disease.
189. A trailing Asian weed (Portulaca oleracea) having small yellow flowers, reddish stems, and fleshy obovate leaves that are sometimes cooked as a vegetable or used in salads.
190. Transgenic canola plants in North Dakota had received genes making them resistant to herbicides, such as the weed killer Roundup.
191. Weed also thought of General Winfield Scott, who had kept the border with Canada quiet.
192. Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street.
193. Terpenoid compounds from aromatic plants have been found to inhibit asparagine synthetase . Chemically synthesized 1,4-cineole derivatives display a degree of weed control activity.
194. Keith Weed, the head of marketing at Unilever, a huge consumer-goods firm, is excited by the potential of online and mobile video.
195. He used dodgy restaurants to 'test' his dates and weed out the unadventurous eaters.
196. The present paper describes the shapes,(http:///weed.html) hilum and spermoderm micromorphologicalcharacteristic of several Cruciferous weed seeds from Guangzhou.
197. In better management lawn community Geranium sibiricum, Potentilla anserine and Leymus secalinus are the dominant weeds all the time and Geranium sibiricum is the most dominant weed.
198. The test results of ethametsulfuron to control monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weed in oil rape fieldshowed much better than those of traditional herbicides.
199. The fastigium of weed occurrence was 20-40 days after the new root planting or old root harvest in water sugarcane land, while 20-50 days after the rainy season begin in arid sugarcane land.




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