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单词 Outline
1 We agreed on a skeleton outline of the proposal.
2 This is a brief outline of the events.
3 Make an outline before trying to write a composition.
4 The sharp outline of the island had become blurred.
5 The outline of the mountains was clearly visible.
6 Its outline roughly forms an equilateral triangle.
7 He gave me a brief outline of what had happened.
8 The outline of the trees sharpened as it grew lighter.
9 She drew the outline of the boat and then coloured it in.
10 The dim outline of a building loomed up out of the mist.
11 The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan.
12 A ray of sunshine, outline for you my all memory.
13 Through the fog we saw the vague outline of a ship.
14 We saw the faint outline of the mountain through the mist.
15 She could see only the outline of the trees in the dim light.
16 We could just see the outline of the house through the mist.
17 The book describes in outline the main findings of the research.
18 She pencilled the rough outline of the mountain in front of her house.
19 You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay.
20 Write an outline for your essay.
21 He presented his idea in outline at the meeting.
22 Mist shrouded the outline of Buckingham Palace.
23 Climbing plants soften the outline of a fence.
24 He sketched the street in outline only.
25 She drew the outline with a sure hand.
26 Draw your child's outline with a heavy black marker.
27 The children made an outline of their hands.
28 The politician gave a broad outline of his proposals.
29 The fog blurred the outline of the plane.
30 In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building.
1 We agreed on a skeleton outline of the proposal.
2 This is a brief outline of the events.
3 Make an outline before trying to write a composition.
4 The sharp outline of the island had become blurred.
5 The outline of the mountains was clearly visible.
6 Its outline roughly forms an equilateral triangle.
7 He gave me a brief outline of what had happened.
8 The outline of the trees sharpened as it grew lighter.
9 She drew the outline of the boat and then coloured it in.
10 The dim outline of a building loomed up out of the mist.
11 The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan.
12 Through the fog we saw the vague outline of a ship.
13 We saw the faint outline of the mountain through the mist.
14 We could just see the outline of the house through the mist.
15 The book describes in outline the main findings of the research.
16 You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay.
17 He presented his idea in outline at the meeting.
18 The outline of Italy suggests a boot.
19 The outline of the mountain in the distance is dim.
31 She drew the figures in outline.
32 The outline of the ship became more distinct.
33 Smudge the outline using a cotton-wool bud.
33 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
34 She pencilled the rough outline of a house.
35 The outline of Italy suggests a boot.
36 Always write an outline for your essays.
37 He drew an outline map of Italy.
38 Following is an outline of the survey findings.
39 Here's the plan in outline.
40 I'll give you a broad outline of the plan.
41 He could see only the hazy outline of the goalposts.
42 Each picture is shown in colour on one page and as a bold outline on the opposite page.
43 He has only been able to trace out the outline of the plan, without any details.
44 In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.
45 Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century.
46 He drew the outline of a house on the paper.
47 At last we could see the dim outline of an island.
48 These documents provided a broad outline of the Society's development.
49 Draw the outline lightly with a soft pencil. This can be rubbed out later.
50 He retained the broad outline of the tragedy but not the details of the play.
51 The proposals were given in outline by the Secretary of State.
52 The outline of the mountain in the distance is dim.
53 She lightly traced the outline of his face with her finger.
54 If you read the minutes of the meeting, they'll give you a broad outline of what was discussed.
55 John will tell you the plan in outline, and then I'll round it out.
56 Underneath the hospital blankets I could see the outline of her poor wasted body.
57 In the distance was the insubstantial outline of a ship.
58 The market likes the broad outline but is reserving judgment on the fine detail.
59 With a lip pencil, outline lips and fill them in.
60 The dim outline of a house could be made out.
61 Far away the outline of the island is just discernible.
62 The outline of the castle on the hill was clearly defined against the evening sky.
63 The mountain was visible only in outline as the light faded.
64 I can't give chapter and verse, but that's the rough outline of our legal position.
65 The plate showed the clear outline of a skeleton!
66 So, if you can, plan ahead in rough outline.
67 The application also contained outline plans for housing.
68 The soft blur of outline adds to this attraction.
69 We started the first rough outline of a scenario.
70 Once I am happy with the outline sketch.
71 This outline is especially pertinent for comparative purposes.
72 Taylor can describe it only in general outline.
73 The striking visual appearance of that black and white outline has sparked off innumerable creative ideas.
74 For the purposes of this appeal the barest outline is sufficient.
75 The report will outline what the microcomputer is to be used for and which microcomputer hardware and software will be needed.
76 In 1989 outline planning for a similar development there by Bellway was refused by Middlesbrough Council's economic development and planning committee.
77 Sometimes he shared an outline or argument with his close friend Hal Owen, the country vet.
78 Chiseled into the first was the outline of a boat riding the crest of a wave.
79 Only a brief outline of the main points which currently affect business executives can be given here.
80 The abdomen was distended and the outline of the transverse colon clearly visible.
81 Instead his mouth pressed against the soft cotton, tracing the outline of her body and making her shudder.
82 The outline of its fibre-sinews flickered in viridian, while diagnostic ikons marched across the bottom of the screen.
83 Now you've crossed Westminster bridge and achieved your goal, we outline the best possible way to recover.
84 Outline the distinction between exposure and resultant cratering and the factors which make them different from each other.
85 The gallows with its black outline, like a half-completed cross, sank back behind the hedge and was lost to view.
86 This guide is intended to provide a brief outline of resources and services.
87 This section will focus on solicitors' charges but will only consider them in outline.
88 Let us define and outline the advantages and disadvantages of each.
89 I could just make out the faint outline of the cliffs.
90 Our second camp consists of outline fonts which can be scaled to produce a bitmap of any required size and style.
91 Before demonstrating this variety, it is necessary to outline some minor technical details of relevance.
92 Outline the problems met with in designing a model to simulate changes in the size and structure of a human population.
93 During that painful walk I managed to work out the general outline of these pages.
94 The note patternings are really very simple in rhythmic outline,(http://) very closely resembling those of early choral music.
95 But through the confusion, the outline of a multi-party system can already be picked out.
96 It is necessary in his judgment to relate the facts only in the barest outline.
97 He ploughed on, trying to outline his plans for the paper, and engage Sutton's attention.
98 It opens with an outline map and the superimposition of the rather rigid zones used by the emergency planners.
99 So in the rest of this introductory chapter I will give a rough outline of all that we did, and why.
100 Use the brush to soften the outline, then pencil over lips before applying lipstick.
101 Decorative stylisation is very marked, surfaces are dotted or outline clings round a solid core.
102 Boundaries are most rigid, their outline obvious and often oppressive.
103 Details of this are described at appropriate stages in this book, so here a brief outline will suffice.
104 By the time the model has been constructed, the analyst has gained an appreciation of the business in outline.
105 But that, unusual though it was, had been only the outline, the skeletal framework of the man.
106 Outline the evidence that some sort of late heavy bombardment occurred on all terrestrial planets. 5.
107 On removing the paper from the board, an outline is produced as a series of small dots.
108 Open the door; hold the striker plate against the door frame in line with the deadbolt mark, and pencil in the outline.
109 The documents and articles look towards more democratic forms of communication and outline a new vision for the 21st century.
110 You might find that writing an outline will help you to organize your thoughts.
111 A gopher computer displays lists of information, broken down into simple headings and subheadings, like an outline.
112 Detailed plans for Operation Mayibuye, an outline for guerrilla warfare and foreign intervention, were revealed.
113 However, Ingleborough has much more than just an impressive outline; geologically it is a fascinating place.
114 A brief outline will illustrate how the reforms benefit the average eater.
115 I then want to conclude with an outline of my own personal experiences in this field here in Northern Ireland.
116 First we shall outline the implications of describing reading as a skill.
117 The solid outline encloses the area within which we measured each individual receptor.
118 Your reference materials should be sorted out and grouped together around each subheading within the proposal outline.
119 In the far distance was the blue outline of yet further hills.
120 Mr Richardson applied for outline permission to build the chalets after winning approval for a hotel and golf complex at Humbleton.
121 Look at this section of an outline for a newsletter article about vacationing at bed and breakfasts.
122 There are some legal niceties attendant upon this definition with which it is fortunately not necessary to deal in the present outline.
123 We thought these books were good because they told the basic story outline for novels.
123 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
124 Now Labour-controlled Bradford council has supported outline building proposals, leaving the Widdups little option but to go.
125 Behind the fringe of orange crime-scene tape, on the street, the chalked outline of a human body.
126 Only a brief outline of the structure will be presented.
127 We could only see a dim outline of a ship in the distance.
128 When the sun fell aright you could see the soft outline of ancient walls beneath the turf.
129 He hoped an outline deal between a new Equitable board and policyholders' groups might suffice to attract a buyer.
130 Commissioning authorities should outline their current commissioning priorities and highlight the research needs of their health strategies and primary care developments.
131 Present-day economic, social and political conditions are identified and an outline description of their origins is attempted.
132 Does it adequately outline assessment procedures which will identify the needs of the deaf child?
133 One good example of this flow is implicit in the Introduction section of the research proposal outline.
134 Outline with a natural lip pencil before carefully applying your colour with a lip brush.
135 The student could produce an overview or outline plan containing a consideration of ideas showing the main components of the investigation.
136 The dark outline of the forest was enough to discourage even the boldest mutineer.
137 Since this type of parser is well documented, I will simply outline its main features.
138 The difficulty is that, however strong in outline, the characterization turns out to be weak in detail.
139 And even if we know the basic outline of a story we may not remember how it ends!
140 A first note would outline the agreed improvements and a second note would be issued upon completion of the works.
141 He saw the dim outline of the taxi-driver's head inside the cab.
142 Even the shape of a tree - with its numerous branches and twigs - resembles the general outline of our own lungs.
143 He was after outline planning and thought he was going to get it.
144 This is an outline of the way speed can be achieved during normal updating.
145 He then goes on to outline some examples for the primary school curriculum.
146 An outline of some of the domestic chores undertaken by Mr and Mrs McGill will help to answer this question.
147 Outline the difficulties that might be encountered when relating Landsat imagery to conventional maps.
148 Give them that outline, the feeling of involvement and purpose, at the opening session.
149 Before we consider each of these offences in outline, let us examine the practical and theoretical foundations for them.
150 This, in outline, is the situation facing the government of the newly independent state.
151 With the exact position established, the outline can be scored with sharp blows from a club hammer and bolster chisel.
152 The basic outline of the beaded sample was worked with a plain crochet chain sewn with slip stitch to the knitting.
153 The jagged outline of ageless stone suggested the lost, the ancient.
154 What I am describing in outline here is a world enveloped by a military nightmare.
155 Though the specifics will vary enormously, the general outline is quite clear.
156 I have not been able to do more than suggest the rough outline of this approach.
157 The bars should be solid, not just drawn in outline. Bar charts are sometimes drawn vertically in columns.
158 What I call outline plants form the backbone of your garden.
159 In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well-known facts of fetal development.
160 I will briefly outline the nature of this reaction, and then consider its implications for classical criminology.
161 A more emphatic outline can be achieved by making a second cut round the outside of the first outline.
162 Although no longer a barren exchange, they do not represent outline agreements to be followed at the national level.
163 However, the syllabus does provide a clear outline of the department's philosophy and aims and objectives.
164 If this were an outline for a novel it would probably be rejected as too far-fetched.
165 Stitch braid to the outline of the pleats, covering stitching along top edge.
166 As far as styling goes Lakewood are obviously borrowing heavily from the Martin heritage, since in outline these are millimetre-perfect dreadnought copies.
167 You may feel, on consideration, that a brief outline would serve your purposes better.
168 There is only room here to outline the bare facts about cuts and the main lines of argument that surround them.
169 For example, a story about a murder may be represented by the outline of a body and a gun.
170 They claim that their report is the first to outline the impact of global warming on snow and ice-covered regions.
171 On the wall you could see the faint outline of where a picture had once hung.
172 Outline the arguments for and against the late heavy bombardment of a terrestrial planet occurring after its formation. 6.
173 They are all a type of experimentation, which was outline as being an important part of learning in the opening chapter.
174 That period now covers the year ahead and two succeeding years in broader outline.
175 The room darkened, and Culley's outline melded into blackness beside her.
176 In this chapter we define the boundaries of the sports industry and outline the key contributors to its economic importance.
177 Outline case histories will be built up concerning many thousands of individual victims.
178 Beyond 1945 and its immediate aftermath was the outline of a future permeated with hope.
179 Fedorov's carriage was in view again, its outline jutting out from behind a heap of timber on the wharf.
180 Whilst tightly held in this position, the wall of the capsule is compressed and moulded to its smooth, vase-shaped outline.
181 Ask the sales assistant to outline the features of any tent before you buy.
182 The book begins with a brief outline of the history of modern China.
183 This species looks rather like a bun, but not highly convex, and with a five-sided outline.
184 Then, to our left, the outline of a tree rose out of the gloomy fog surrounding it.
185 The early chapters give a basic knowledge of nucleic acid metabolism and chemistry, with an outline of elementary genetics.
186 An outline of the current national economic strategy is provided by the Minister of Industry and Commerce.
187 An outline of the geology has been given in the field guide.
188 The crystal was no more than a glimmering outline in the darkness.
189 So who had the chalk outline around their corpse on Tuesday night?
190 I had already begun an outline for another book and for that I needed some local colour in an Eastern bloc country.
191 For a self-evaluation, write a detailed outline with three sections: your current responsibilities, your strengths, your weaknesses.
192 As night fell, the outline of the mountain became less distinct.
193 It is recommended that an outline of the final research report format be placed at the very end of the research proposal.
194 These brief examples are given, in bare outline, to indicate some possible procedures.
195 Poplar leaves have an elegant outline resembling that of an arab minaret.
196 The next step is to lay out the deck outline on the ground on which it is being built.
197 Can you give me a broad outline of what the speech was about.
198 The hon. Gentleman should be ashamed of the lip service that he has paid to employment by continuing to outline such policies.
199 The club have submitted an application for outline planning permission to Glasgow District Council following extensive feasibility studies.
200 He looked hard at the outline of the body under the rug.
201 The irreducibility thesis, in its general outline, might be summed up thus.
202 What follows is therefore only a brief outline, with a closer examination of certain areas.
203 After a quick outline of what each type of program lets you do, I list some uses to whet your appetite.
204 The outline should include phonemic contrastive charts of the consonants and vowels.
205 This is where the counsellor can briefly outline the agendas, leaving the counsellee in little doubt as to his or her intentions.
206 Then he felt along to a door frame and followed its outline until he found a light-switch.
207 Then his outline moved upright, a jarring elastic shape like cartoon smoke gone mad.
208 That is the bare outline of the Pilmay and Scott story, a tale that could be told in much more detail.
209 The knack of outline planting is to arrange a selection of these shapes in groups that are pleasing to the eye.
210 This outline is fairly abstract, consisting of oval shapes connected by narrow passages.
211 What I am seeking to do is to outline a model of language use.
212 In moonlight the white belly fur breaks up the outline of the hunter to perfection.
213 Such, in brief outline(Sentencedict), was the Combined Fleet plan for the Midway operation.
214 These facts and figures added relatively little to what was already known in outline.
215 The first part: Outline of industrial workers.
216 This article outline research progress of male silkworm moth.
217 Outline of gymnospermous medicinal plants in China.
218 The first part Introduction, mainly draws the outline of the Beguine and makes a brief summary on the research situation of the Beguine.
219 Inside this main window are various panes, called views, which display console output, outline views of your project(), and so on.
220 To preview the packages before you bind them, go to the SQL tab of the pureQuery outline view and click on the potential package.
221 Outline: Only by adhesive power, thermally stable, retentivity good bond constitution, thick and transparent non-matrix material two-sided agglutination adhesive tapes.
222 In this paper a new grinding method, using small cylindrical face grinding wheel to grind straight outline hourglass worm, is put forward and the mathematical model is set up.
223 You are vogue and beautiful epigone, yearn for the perfect outline of cap-a-pie , blossom a glorious of unapproachable evil spirit be puzzled.
224 Earlier, we mentioned needing someplace to start, well Teach Yourself Graphic Design: A Self-Study Course Outline is one of those places.
225 Finally fill in the properties for the partner element in the process node's Outline view, again making sure that the information here is consistent with the process WSDL.
226 SVG gives you a number of graphic primitives, and each primitive has various XML attributes that further specify the graphic: color, size, position, fill, outline, and so on.
227 For instance writing the commercial Outline, handling product fulfilment, dealing with refunds and product support questions.
228 Style details : This has a grey base background color with hints of brown. It has a bevel effect and a red outline border shadow.
229 The clear outline of a boot print on the driver's door.
230 In Canlian landslide located in Wushan, the monitoring optical fiber was laid on the entire landside and BOTDR was used to obtain the outline information of it.
231 We use shades of gray to outline maps and to outline the aircraft planform shown on various subsystem formats, such as fuel, flight controls, and weapons.
232 The outline also includes proposals for a temporary worker program and penalties that would allow illegal immigrants to stay such as paying fines and back taxes and performing community service.
233 Put all your note cards or paper in the order of your outline, e.g.
234 In view of this, we suggest that the government should advocate a concept of manpower and social investment in the conceptual dimension and outline an effective scheme of job training in action.
235 A new Country Partnership Strategy Progress report currently under preparation will outline the IBRD's agreement with the Mauritian government on the program going forward.
236 The material that sends in sea language teacher is very important, those are grind to taking an examination of the abstraction of outline, review rise to also have a key quite.
237 One of a series of works that depict outline map of Wales as a leaping woman.
238 By using a combination of sources, however, scholars have developed the following tentative outline of Essene history.
239 Hope to go out from the porthole, have alert:dy seen the sea water of last deep blue in the ground, and Japanese archipelago of probably outline.
240 The " main mark" represents a man running along the outline of the earth, spreading the spirit of the Games.
241 This essay is a statistical and inductive analysis over the unstressed words and"r"-retroflexed words as listed in the"Outline of Chinese Vocabulary Classes".
242 , a 65m x 27m spray painting of the outline of a penis on the bascule of a bridge opposite St Petersburg's Federal Security Service (FSB) office.
243 This group consisted of 1,000 large rocks, again spread over an elongated zone, whose outline Evenson this time compared to a pickle or gherkin, 8 kilometres long by 2 kilometres wide.
244 In this dissertation, we first outline the standardization process and technical overview of LTE/LTE-A, and give a brief introduction of theory, methods and tools of the link level simulation.
245 As for lipstick, maintain the lips' natural shape. Don't overdraw the lips or outline them, which can lead to a blown-up-doll look.
246 The essay put the chronological table of CiXue in Hunan Province modern history in order, and takes notes about birth and die of author, imperial examination, works, for having clear outline.
247 In a speedy condition, a blur or an unshaped outline could represent the shape of passing time.
248 After the lecture, many club members said that they obtained so much from the lecture and have a more clear outline about their future investment.
249 It says : "An Outline Treatise of Medical Herbs" warm sweet chestnut, Yangwei spleen, kidneys, gluten of blood, bleeding effect, and medicinal value.
250 This paper presents an outline of the characteristics, classification and development background of Non-Impact Printing(NIP).
251 The converse perspective drawing is a prime design method of using new product 's photo-view to get the outline in the reversal imitating design of photo-view .
252 One can see its faint outline, its beautiful stonework side walk, and even the bridge and running water in front of it,(http:///outline.html) which has blended with the brick wainscoting in the room.
253 Results It was seen under the microscope that the cells grew well with round or fusiform appearance and clear outline, and the cellular plasma plenty and bright.




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