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单词 Crowded
1) One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name. 
2) The train was crowded to its full capacity.
3) We are all bunched together in the crowded elevator.
4) The buyers crowded into the saleroom.
5) Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall.
6) The hall was crowded to the door.
7) The people heart is too crowded.
8) In midsummer every town is impossibly crowded.
9) The warm region is crowded with birds.
10) When the performance was over,(http:///crowded.html) the people crowded out.
11) In the spring the place is crowded with skiers.
12) He peered slowly around the small crowded room.
13) Crowded I always not see you.
14) The town was too crowded for my liking.
15) They crowded around the table to get their food.
16) Subway is crowded at this hour.
17) The buyers crowded into the salesroom.
18) In the 1980s American exports crowded out European films.
19) The shops were all very crowded.
20) The street was crowded with shoppers.
21) His article was crowded out of the magazine.
22) He jumped on the crowded bus.
23) Mary and I were segregated in the crowded square.
24) We crowded round eagerly, but then felt disappointed.
25) You have crowded your day with too many activities.
26) The park was crowded.
27) If the heaven are too crowded, we went to hell rampant.
28) The train was crowded, but I scraped in just before the door closed.
29) A tragedy was narrowly averted when a lorry crashed into a crowded restaurant.
30) Summer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.
1) Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall.
2) In midsummer every town is impossibly crowded.
3) In the spring the place is crowded with skiers.
4) He peered slowly around the small crowded room.
5) Subway is crowded at this hour.
6) In the 1980s American exports crowded out European films.
7) The street was crowded with shoppers.
8) We crowded round eagerly, but then felt disappointed.
9) A tragedy was narrowly averted when a lorry crashed into a crowded restaurant.
10) The park was crowded.
11) London was very crowded.
12) The attack was carried out by a lone gunman in a crowded shopping centre.
13) Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.
14) From my bedroom window I looked out on a crowded vista of hills and rooftops.
15) Fans crowded the street outside waiting for a glimpse of their hero.
16) Eighty people died when bombs rained down on the city's crowded streets.
17) Shibuya is very crowded.
18) The train was very crowded, and we had to stand.
19) Reporters and photographers were crowded into the lobby.
20) It was a tight squeeze in the crowded bus.
21) A buzz went through the crowded courtroom.
22) I crowded everything into my suitcase.
23) He drove slowly. The avenue was crowded with people.
24) The room was crowded but I managed to squeeze in.
31) More and more people entered and the train was crowded.
32) London was very crowded.
33) When the gates of the ground were opened, all the football supporters crowded in.
34) The attack was carried out by a lone gunman in a crowded shopping centre.
35) Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.
36) From my bedroom window I looked out on a crowded vista of hills and rooftops.
37) Fans crowded the street outside waiting for a glimpse of their hero.
38) Eighty people died when bombs rained down on the city's crowded streets.
39) Shibuya is very crowded.
40) The train was very crowded, and we had to stand.
41) The 6pm train is usually very crowded.
42) The store was crowded with shoppers.
43) It's too crowded here.Let's go somewhere else.
44) Reporters and photographers were crowded into the lobby.
45) I don't like having to navigate London's crowded streets.
46) The bar was crowded with City types in suits.
47) People crowded round to get a better view.
48) The avenues of the city were crowded with people.
49) These days the tennis calendar has become so crowded.
50) She threaded her way through the crowded market place.
51) He crowded the child off the sidewalk.
52) They brushed through the crowded street.
53) Thousands of demonstrators crowded the streets shouting slogans.
54) They crowded round the spokesperson, eager for any news.
55) He was pickpocketed on a crowded bus.
56) The public bar was crowded.
57) We had dinner at a crowded place in Soho.
58) Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms.
59) The street was crowded with evening strollers.
60) Cairo during/in August is unbearably hot and crowded.
61) We had a very crowded schedule on the trip.
62) Seeing the hall was crowded, he elbowed himself in.
63) It's always crowded at peak times.
64) Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets.
65) Crowded markets are a happy hunting ground for pickpockets.
66) The people crowded round the scene of the accident.
67) The narrow roads were crowded with holiday traffic.
68) It was a tight squeeze in the crowded bus.
69) The hungry refugees crowded around the tractors.
70) A buzz went through the crowded courtroom.
71) Their eyes met across the crowded room.
72) Crowded shops are a happy hunting-ground for pick-pockets.
73) The crowded factories are rife with disease.
74) We all crowded round the table.
75) By ten o'clock the bar was crowded.
76) Too much furniture had been crowded into the saleroom.
77) One group of journalists were crowded into a minibus.
78) Hordes of commuters crowded into the train.
79) We had to fight through the crowded streets.
80) We have a very crowded schedule.
81) We'd all crowded into Harriet's small sitting-room.
82) Most people just can't operate in noisy(), crowded conditions.
83) The streets were crowded with shoppers.
84) Fans crowded round him to ask for his autograph.
85) It is a remarkably noisy and crowded city.
86) As soon as he appeared, reporters crowded round.
87) Supermarket chains have crowded out the smaller shops.
88) Disturbing thoughts crowded into my mind.
89) The roads should be less crowded today.
90) At weekends the beach is crowded with noisy trippers.
91) The bomb went off in a crowded street.
92) The waiters threaded between the crowded tables.
93) Supporters crowded through the gates into the stadium.
94) The baggage hall was crowded and noisy.
95) The delegates crowded the floor of the House.
96) She sidled out of the crowded room.
97) The shop was crowded with display stands and boxes.
98) The beach was crowded with sunbathers.
99) The eager spectators crowded into the stadium.
100) Memories crowded in on me.
101) We all crowded into the lift.
102) Too much furniture had been crowded into the salesroom.
103) Their eyes met across a crowded room.
104) We all crowded around the stove to keep warm.
105) I crowded everything into my suitcase.
106) I don't like to be crowded.
107) The streets were crowded with protesters against the war.
108) British prisons remain disgracefully crowded and insanitary.
109) A seething mass of children crowded around the tables.
110) You were right about the hotel being too crowded.
111) The bus was crowded with passengers.
112) He drove slowly. The avenue was crowded with people.
113) More than 20 000 demonstrators crowded into the square.
114) Pupils crowded round to ask questions.
115) People crowded around to see what was happening.
116) When it is wet,() the buses are crowded.
117) My eyes range over the crowded room, seeking a familiar face.
118) It was so crowded I couldn't get to the bar.
119) Sounding the car's horn, she drove at high speed through the crowded streets.
120) As Christmas gets closer, the shops get more and more crowded.
121) The explosion sent shrapnel flying through the sides of cars on the crowded highway.
122) We would have liked to print your letter in the newspaper, but it was crowded out by important news.
123) He pulled wires and got us a room at the crowded hotel.
124) His face went red with shyness when he walked into the crowded room.
125) Small shops are being crowded out by the big supermarkets.
126) The chairman ranged his eyes over the crowded conference room and began his speech.
127) We all crowded into her office to sing 'Happy Birthday'.
128) The room was crowded but I managed to squeeze in.
129) As Christmas draws nearer,(sentence dictionary) the shops start to get unbearably crowded.
130) It's a bit crowded in here can you get through?
131) The street was so crowded that cars were unable to pass.
132) Happy memories crowded in on me as I looked at the photographs.
133) The market-place and street were crowded with those who'd come to barter.
134) Small local businesses have been crowded out by large multinationals.
135) The train was crowded so we decided to catch a later one .
136) The airspace over Europe is becoming more and more crowded.
137) The bar was so crowded you could hardly move .
138) The harbour was crowded, with boats berthed two and three abreast.
139) The place was so crowded; we soon lost sight of him.
140) The audience crowded in the hall, yammering for the appearance of their favourite actress.
141) Many expectant mothers were crowded out of the maternity hospitals.
142) Police blocked off the road as hotel staff and guests crowded around.
143) The road was so crowded that the car could not pass through easily.
144) Chen gave her a nod of recognition across the crowded room.
145) It's crowded at the best of times but today it was unbearable.
146) They could hear a loud babble of voices coming from the crowded bar.
147) He explained away his late arrival by blaming it on the crowded roads.
148) Hundreds of thousands of people have crowded into the center of the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius.
149) I suppose it's because I live in a crowded city that I have this yearning for open spaces.
150) I hope the next train will be less crowded than this one.
151) The bus is too crowded,you can't jam any more passengers in.
152) A sleepy capital of a few hundred thousand people has mushroomed to a crowded city of 2 million.
153) The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street.
153) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
154) New software companies are going to find it hard staking out a position in an already crowded market.
155) The restaurant's regular customers are being crowded out by tourists.
156) So many thoughts of Haas were now crowded into her mind all at once.
157) The train was rather too crowded for a comfortable journey.
158) Hundreds of people crowded into the church for the funeral.
159) The moon was shining enough to give a ghostly luminosity to the buildings that crowded both sides of the narrow street.
160) The shops are always crowded with people all round the year.
161) A few kilometres from the crowded beaches of Spain's Mediterranean coast(), many once-thriving villages stand deserted and in ruins.
162) When we returned, the party was in full swing and the dance floor was crowded.
163) Tourists crowded the pavement.
164) The tourists crowded closer to get a view of the painting.
165) Holiday-makers crowded the beaches.
166) We can't crush any more people into the hall; it is crowded already.
167) Small shops are increasingly being crowded out by the big supermarkets.
168) Never before has a summit had such a crowded agenda.
169) A schoolboy was pulled up,because he rode his bike too fast in the crowded street.
170) "Bravo, bravo," chanted party workers crowded in the main hall.
171) She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train.
172) We were all crowded into a small area behind the goal.
173) I tried to keep my place in the queue, but they crowded me out.
174) A motley collection of ornaments jostled for space on the crowded shelf.
175) During winter, many people swim and the pool is crowded.
176) Memories crowded his mind.
177) Some football fans were crowded out of the football ground.
178) She tried to sleep, but thoughts crowded in and images flashed into her mind.
179) Planes are crowded, airlines overbook, and departures are almost never on time.
180) She found herself standing in front of the crowded hall and making her speech, as if in a dream.
181) With the mercury climbing to 40 degrees, beaches and pools will be crowded this afternoon.
182) In crowded places the police should not discharge their weapons.
183) It's never crowded along the extra mile. Wayne Dyer 
184) Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore because it's too crowded. Yogi Berra 




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