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单词 Comply
1. When requested to leave, they refused to comply.
2. All the citizens must comply with the law.
3. The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire.
4. The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.
5. Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.
6. Candidates must comply strictly with these instructions.
7. All companies must comply with the new directive.
8. They refused to comply with the UN resolution.
9. All companies must comply with the regulations .
10. They have failed to comply with the resolution.
11. You must comply with the library rules.
12. Visitors to the mine must comply with the rules.
13. New vehicles must comply with set safety standards.
14. She must be made to comply with the rules.
15. It should be ascertained that the plans comply with the law.
16. To comply with government hygiene regulations, there must be a separate sink for hand washing.
17. Companies have until December 31 to comply with the new legislation.
18. He was happy to comply without any further urging from me.
19. There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.
20. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in termination of the contract.
21. The regulations stipulate that everything has to comply to the relevant safety standards.
22. Companies must comply with European employment laws.
23. Mrs Kempton failed to comply with the notice.
24. Contempt proceedings were brought for failure to comply.
25. He's been ordered to have the dog destroyed because it's dangerous, but he refuses to comply.
26. She was told to pay the fine, but refused to comply.
27. The newspaper was asked by federal agents for assistance and agreed to comply.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. There are calls for his resignation, but there is no sign yet that he will comply.
29. The court issued a contempt citation against city council members who refused to comply with a court order.
30. There is nothing to be gained by forcing people to comply.
1. When requested to leave, they refused to comply.
2. All the citizens must comply with the law.
3. The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire.
4. The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.
5. Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.
6. He's been ordered to have the dog destroyed because it's dangerous, but he refuses to comply.
7. Candidates must comply strictly with these instructions.
8. She was told to pay the fine, but refused to comply.
31. County officials felt compelled to comply.
32. The gas stations that fail to comply with the law will be fined.
33. Students failing to comply with the rules will be subject to the provisions of Ordinance 1985/7, Students Discipline.
34. Your agreement to the terms of engagement contained in this letter will be confirmation of our authority to comply with this requirement.
35. On 21 September 1982 Mr. Dennis committed an act of bankruptcy by failing to comply with the requirements of a bankruptcy notice.
36. The area now contains more than enough people to comply with the statutory minimum population of 1, 500.
37. I do all that the law requires of me if my actions comply with it.
38. Legislation would not, of course, be just a requirement to comply with the code.
39. Businesses operate within such a framework; they must observe planning regulations and comply with employment legislation.
40. Unlike SSAPs, SORPs are not mandatory but companies are encouraged to comply with the recommendations that they make.
41. Failure to comply with that instruction might give rise to a charge of obstructing the police in addition to that of obstructing the highway.
42. Rather than being openly confrontational with his parents, he just quietly-and perhaps unconsciously-refused to comply with their demands.
43. No company had yet lost government business for failure to comply, but the law was on the books.
44. In order to comply with Community law, it was now necessary to agree the same date of retirement for both sexes.
45. She grew up fearful of authority and anxious to comply with it.
46. The standard is voluntary, but approved detectors are the only ones recommended by safety experts or comply with the Chicago law.
47. Failure to comply with these conditions could result in prosecution.
48. The other three companies will also comply but with different timetables.
49. The child's refusal to comply may not seem as bad as the child's habit of answering back.
50. Although most school districts comply with Loudermill, there are cases where courts still find due process violations.
51. The instinct of Eva's husband, Bee, is to tone down the services and comply with the law.
52. It is then up to you to gauge their importance to you and to decide whether or not to comply with their demands.
53. Not only is secrecy important in order to comply with the Code, but it is commercially desirable.
54. They also asked francophone countries to suspend all forms of aid if the government refused to comply with their demand.
55. Failure by a trader to comply with a prohibition notice or notice to warn is a criminal offence.
56. The Home Office says it's for illegal entrants to this country who've been judged unlikely to comply with voluntary restrictions.
57. The court may intervene where there has been a failure to comply with express procedural requirements.
57. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
58. It's your moral and legal responsibility to find out what the law says and to comply with the law.
59. It directs developed countries to provide an unspecified amount of financial and technical assistance to help developing countries comply.
60. These boards attempt to ensure that both school officials and teachers' organizations comply with the law.
61. It aims to comply with all relevant legislation and be among the industry leaders in its sphere of operation.
62. Under political pressure, and inpart because the banks are in any case controlled by their customers, the banks usually comply.
63. This is a matter which can not be too carefully watched since failure to comply renders the member liable to heavy penalties.
64. And they refrained from attacking for thirty-six hours in the expectation that Diem would comply with their demands.
65. Equally, you may have a right of redress if you are dismissed for failure to comply with an unjust order.
66. Where there is such an approved standard it is, strictly speaking not mandatory for the manufacturer to comply with it.
67. Organising a procession, and knowingly failing to comply with the conditions imposed. 3.
68. For $ 35, 000, this little town plans to build an elevator to comply with legislation championed by Sen.
69. After the murder, the tabloid was asked by federal agents for assistance and agreed to comply.
70. And all installations had to comply with the legislation by 1996.
71. Along the way, it effectively preempted the problem of needing to take on token individuals to comply with government mandates.
72. Participating in a procession and knowingly failing to comply with a condition imposed, or inciting another to do so. 4.
73. They appeared in court accused of failing to comply with a notice to quit their mobile home.
74. We regret that we are unable to answer multiple queries that do not comply with these instructions.
75. Companies must comply with the Companies Act 1985 and display the following information on their stationery: The company's name.
76. Yet the report looks to the institutional investors to exercise the leverage necessary to persuade companies to comply with the code.
77. It is clear that firms are taking the regulatory regime seriously; nearly all have taken steps to comply with audit regulations.
78. To comply with the intermediate advert requirements the advert must include a full postal address or phone number. 8.
79. Any person who without reasonable cause fails to comply may be sent to prison for not more than six months.
80. Most landlords comply, and let government inspectors roam through the bedrooms and bathrooms of the houses they rent out.
81. But even more is needed to comply with Taylor and some creative and entrepreneurial business measures needed to throw up the cash.
82. The sellers delivered goods which did not comply with the conditions of the contract.
83. Finally, two apartments had to be remodeled to comply with federal laws assuring equal access for handicapped persons.
84. This is more than a mere breach of the implied condition that goods should comply with the contract description.
85. All investing parties should use their influence to ensure that companies in which they have invested comply with the code. 5.
86. In order to comply with the court ruling the authority was faced with a number of equally problematic options.
87. Comply with temporary assignment by leader.
88. She grew up in a democracy and freedom of the family, there are many strange ideas, not bound to comply with the feudal ethical code.
89. The tax payer agent or other concerned may refuse to comply if no receipt is given.
90. The letters and numerals of a registration mark shall comply with the proportions and form shown in Diagram 3 and with subparagraph (3).
91. Input parameter values according to product technology performance, check if the functions comply with technology standard.
92. Thus, in order to comply with the development trends of fi- nance trade liberalization, perfecting market exchange rate mechanism of RMB is one inevitable choice before us.
93. Raw Material Medicine: Methyltestosterone, Atenolol, Nimodipine, Timolol Maleate, Methadone HCL, Verapamil HCL, Pergolide Mesylate, are all comply with USP/BP/EP standards.
94. If the tax-consolidated group's head company does not comply with this requirement, it is subject to a fine equal to 5% of the sums not reported.
95. All companies should comply with the market principle of fair dealing and follow its laws irrespective of their size, wealth and stature.
96. Attention please: Not comply Application form right - specification persons cannot to Shares Purchase.
97. The permittee shall ensure that the flag sellers and persons organising the sale are aware of and comply with the permit conditions.
98. This is to certify that the following products maunufacured by your factory comply with requirements for manufacturing.
99. So long as target boards make full, accurate and timely disclosure of relevant information, and comply with their fiduciary duties, they are free to use whatever measures they prefer.
100. Samples of a stink bomb toy obtained from some retailers had failed to comply with the statutory safety requirements for toys.
101. The weak magnetic field these devices are going to produce are not going to affect the operation of other wireless devices, and comply with IEEE standards.
102. Main transformer protective device, detective device etc, all self-protective device commissioning method and commissioning contact shall comply with technology information provided by manufacturer.
103. Accordingly, the following discussion of several water supply systems are in line with the Fire Code requirements and must comply with Fire Code requirements.
104. Performing risk assessments and testing to ensure major processes, systems and procedures comply with group policies.
105. Comply with applicable customs law and, in particular, will establish and maintain programs to comply with customs laws regarding illegal transshipment of products.
106. The inside transfer of shares should comply primarily with the shareholder autonomy rules, i. e. the shares may be transferred among shareholders themselves freely.
107. A complete SOA security design must address not only message- and transport-level security, but the need to secure persisted content to comply with government regulations and industry best practices.
108. Any person may have in-plant driving privileges canceled or be subject to disciplinary action, or both, for failure to comply with plant traffic regulations or for improper use of vehicle.
109. The computation of stress resulted by external load is relatively complex because the deformation of unbonded prestressed strand cannot comply with the plane section assumption.
110. Knowing how to port applications to comply with a 64-bit architecture can help you write portable and efficient code.
111. The article mainly narrated the signification and approach of document delivery participating in constructing literature resource, emphasized that it was essential to comply copyright law.
112. The principle of autonomy of will means that we should comply with free will of parties on deciding rule of applicable law by common negotiation in the applicable law of contract.
113. Securities firms shall comply with the regulations of the Competent Authority and set aside a portion of its annual after-tax profit as special reserve.
114. Article 10 The lease out of land for use must comply with the overall land use plan, the urban plan and the annual construction land use plan.
115. It is important for the animal to be in doubt, yet still comply on the chance that it might receive a morsel.
116. On the other hand, study of rockfall doesn't comply with the characters of safe net system.
117. If any bank can not, for any reason, comply with the instructions given in the collection order received by it, it must immediately advise the bank from which it received the collection order.
117. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
118. It is a focus on solving the problem to make color monitor comply with the interrelated standard.
119. An owner, demise charter or master who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with subsection (2) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
120. The reflective fire-viewing mirror is to view the fire, it is made to comply with the scientific principle, and user can pull out the fire-viewing mirror under the door to view the firing condition.
121. If that happens, the infringer must comply with the order immediately even if he thinks it should not have been granted.
122. In the realization of communicating with computer, we comply the RS - 232 standard of computer serial interface.
123. Broker-dealers failing to comply with the new delivery requirement will be prohibited from further short sales in the same security unless the shares are pre-borrowed.
124. Assange said today that they had tried to comply with a private White House request to redact the names of informants before publication. But the US authorities had refused to assist them.
125. This independent third party certifier provides assurance that products and materials are regularly tested to comply with ASTM and ANSI Standards.
126. Businesses also need to provide workers' compensation insurance and comply with all laws requiring withholding and payment of payroll taxes.
127. Idea of 1 change, comply with a situation, aggrandizement capital manages, raise capital utilization rate.
128. It is, of course, not wrongful for a manager to instruct his employees to comply with a valid document retention policy under ordinary circumstances.
129. However, its engine does not currently comply with F1 regulations because of the unusual fuel, produced by refining oils in chocolate.
130. The rating of an attachment plug assembled to a flexible cord for connection to a branch circuit shall comply with Table 3.2.1.
131. SSA was striving to comply with a new process standard, the Capability Maturity Model (CMM), and to centralize its software estimation capabilities.
132. The graphics developed by this effort comply with MIL-D-28003, the CALS Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) standard.
133. A demise charter who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
134. The Subscriber understands and agrees to comply with these Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions of HKBN (including the terms and conditions to be effective from time to time).
135. Check and commission set value of thermal relay, the operation value shall comply with the capacity of protected equipment.
136. Propriety and good faith is the code of behavior that citizens should comply with and the important content of construction of socialist spiritual civilization.
137. The manufacture of waveform key and waveform groove and the method of inosculation have to comply strictly with production process.
138. The templates and preparation rules for annual reports, half-yearly reports and quarterly reports shall comply with relevant rules formulated by CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
139. The goods comply with the specifications of the sales confirmation.
140. I hereby agree to comply with the conditions stipulated therein should a Public Subscription Permit be granted to me.
141. Vasari's art historical approach does not comply with more recent documentary methods.
142. To comply with the Base Realignment and Closure legislation of 2005, DISA will relocate to the new 95-acre site by September 2011 from its primary headquarters in Arlington, Va.
143. Bluntly, assertively refusing to comply with their demands withers them, because in their warped emotional environment, one person in each twosome must always dominate, the other be dominated.
144. I'd be quite willing to if I could, but we must comply with the label requirements according to our law, or we can't clear the consignment of lichee through the Customs.
145. Floyd Zanetta, the meeting's chairman - virtually ignored since Elliott Freemantle eclipsed him in attention - hurried to comply.
146. Without prejudice to the Sub-Contract's overall obligations in respect of quality and workmanship, the Sub-Contractor shall comply with Schedule 25 – Siemens Quality Requirements.
147. Article 4 The forward transactions shall comply with the principle of openness, impartiality and fairness.
147. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
148. That is, the test laboratory is simply a part of a medical device manufacturer of which all device-related divisions shall comply with the QS regulation.
149. The instance serialized in the message body must comply with one of the schemas represented in the type array.
150. Failure to comply can result in a violation of the SLA and potential nullification of any vendor warranties or liabilities.
151. The action officer has not independent executive position, so has to comply with the order from the judge.
152. Analyzing what an organization seems to seek through its job postings, and then evaluating whether you comply with their requirements, which is an essential step.
153. Banks, credit cooperatives or other units that deal with savings deposit must comply with it.
154. So "in order to comply with the order to re-pasteurise my already pasteurised milk, I would need to get exemption from the head of the CDFA," she explains.
155. We are manufacturer of medical dressing and need purchase tea tree oil comply to ISO4730-2004 standard for...
156. It's not clear to me why business plans are the way they are, but they're often misused to obfuscate,(http:///comply.html) bore and show an ability to comply with expectations.
157. Chapter III to example on how to comply with the principles of aesthetic education under effective language teaching.
158. Caps shall comply with the performance requirements of Cap Size, Ventilated Caps Vent Area or Ventilated Caps Air Flow.
159. An owner or demise charter who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with subsection (1), commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
160. The Company contract and keeping promises to comply with tax law, is an honest business.




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