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单词 Comparable
1. Our house is not comparable with yours.
2. A comparable car would cost far more in Europe.
3. A car of comparable size would cost far more abroad.
4. A fire is comparable with the sun; both give light and heat.
5. Its brain is closely comparable to the brain of a chimpanzee.
6. Farmers were meant to get an income comparable to that of townspeople.
7. The two machines are comparable in size.
8. The girls are of comparable ages.
9. The earthquake was comparable with others in recent years.
10. The two experiences aren't comparable.
11. His poetry is hardly comparable with Shakespeare's.
12. These two artists just aren't comparable.
13. Our prices are comparable to/with those in other shops.
14. In other comparable countries real wages increased much more rapidly.
15. It is significantly more compact than any comparable laptop,[ ] with no loss in functionality.
16. The planet Pluto is comparable in size to the moon.
17. By contrast, the comparable figure for the Netherlands is 16 per cent.
18. A comparable house in the south of the city would cost twice as much.
19. The situation in the US is not directly comparable to that in the UK.
20. Inflation is now at a rate comparable with that in other European countries.
21. The risk it poses is comparable with smoking just one cigarette every year.
22. These bonds are comparable to floating-rate term loans.
23. Their failure to attain status comparable to that of older market-sector professions corrodes' middle class, conservatism.
24. The comparable figures for research connected with defence, space and civil aviation were £1343 million, £52 million and £69 million.
25. After a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparable comfort.
26. The achievements of an athlete and a writer are not comparable.
27. Digital priced the new line at less than half the cost of comparable mainframes.
28. The study proved that women were paid less than men holding jobs of comparable worth.
29. No other country at that time had an organized public opinion remotely comparable to Britain's.
30. This is a lapse on his part, but is hardly comparable with Jaromil's treatment of his mendacious redhead.
1. Our house is not comparable with yours.
2. A comparable car would cost far more in Europe.
3. After a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparable comfort.
4. A car of comparable size would cost far more abroad.
5. A fire is comparable with the sun; both give light and heat.
6. Its brain is closely comparable to the brain of a chimpanzee.
7. Farmers were meant to get an income comparable to that of townspeople.
31. Changes in glomerular filtration rate and filtered load of sodium are regularly and continuously paralleled by comparable alterations in tubular fluid reabsorption.
32. Comparisons suggest that for comparable hotels rack rates can be increased by an average of £5 per night. 3.
33. The agency said Abbott falsely claimed that one serving of Ensure provides nutrients comparable to a multivitamin.
34. We investigated whether this drug was comparable to standard first-line monotherapy in efficacy and incidence of adverse events.
35. This is comparable to wearing a mail shirt or breastplate,[http:///comparable.html] conferring a D6 saving throw of 6.
36. By 1914, strike action was running at a rate comparable to that of 1905.
37. This development is analogous with the known development of the comparable mass of ridges at Camber Castle.
38. Even if the comets had strengths comparable to that of stony asteroids, they still could not fit the Tunguska observations.
39. Microsoft said the calls, being much lower level functions, are not comparable to APIs.
40. Similarly, granting a carbonaceous object the strength of a stony asteroid would allow it to penetrate to comparable altitudes.
41. The same Newtonian scheme applies here on earth-and out among the stars and galaxies-to some comparable accuracy.
42. Provided this is taken into account, the differences between comparable samples are as readily discernible as when relative abundance is used.
43. The above figures are also calculated on an International Monetary Fund standard, making them internationally comparable.
44. No New Zealand player has made an impression on this tour comparable with the impact made by many individuals in 1980.
45. There is no comparable question for the death of Nicole Simpson because the Brown family chose not to file a wrongful-death claim.
46. It packs all its power into a compact, low-profile configuration - occupying 30% less desk space than comparable 486 systems.
47. Experience suggests that they will only pay wages comparable with those in industry when circumstances force them to do so.
48. The notes, which are noncallable for one year, were priced to yield 69 basis points above comparable Treasurys.
49. Early music aficionados will have to go a lot farther than the Peninsula to find comparable satisfaction.
50. Small-scale excavations in Heave Acre alongside the Dorchester road revealed a comparable timber to stone sequence, commencing in the third century.
51. Such a concentration of comparable geometrical forms can not be coincidental.
52. It fails to explain the absence of comparable patterns among single and divorced women.
53. Thus, the lower atmosphere and surface of Venus are far hotter than comparable regions of the Earth and Mars.
54. This figure is directly comparable with those reported from other parts of Britain.
55. Analogously, computerised text recognition needs to use higher level knowledge to achieve comparable levels of performance.
56. The effect of the conservatory has been comparable to kiln drying.
57. The insects that bats prey upon have a comparable battery of sophisticated electronic and acoustic gear.
58. It is comparable with the oddness which might visit all our outward appearances if we stopped looking in mirror.
59. No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden. Thomas Jefferson 
60. Despite the different clock speeds, all three offer roughly comparable performance when used to upgrade a 486 system.
61. And we let him know we understood that and that we expected to receive a comparable benefit for ourselves in that regard.
62. There is also evidence that the economic effects of age discrimination are harsher in Britain than other comparable countries.
63. Impeaching a president, however, is not comparable to the removal of a prime minister.
64. Both cell types generated platelet activating factor activity and this was generally comparable for epithelial and lamina propria cells.
65. A comparable tendency is to be found in the theatre.
66. Fees at comparable private clinics with two or three nights' in-patient care average £2,400, a financial impossibility without insurance.
67. Television, a medium of hits and stars, turns political personalities into national celebrities comparable to entertainment stars.
68. Marchello said ostrich meat tastes like beef, is comparable in protein, but lower in fat, calories and cholesterol.
69. The energy of this hydrogen bonding is comparable to that of the torsion-angle strain.
70. A comparable soil and silt horizon with charcoal flecks was tentatively identified east of the road in Townsend Close.
71. Very few, however, appear to be planned in any way comparable with the cities of the province.
72. The speed of decision making of some tribunals is broadly comparable with that of magistrates' courts and the county courts.
73. In most cases the cobbler works around these elements and if possible replaces a damaged area with a comparable material.
74. From this perspective, the rioters are not a unique group but rather are comparable to others in the urban underclass.
75. I say bigger brother, but the 880 is only really comparable with the 990 for resolution and performance.
76. Also, cisapride produces healing rates of up to 50% in erosive oesophagitis that are comparable with histamine H 2 receptor antagonists.
77. It expects all three new companies to have dividend policies comparable to similar companies in their industries.
78. Can be comparable with the world's brand.
79. No friend can be comparable with health, no enemy with disease.
80. End of their products can be comparable with other imported products.
81. Spielberg told Entertainment Weekly: "Just as there will never be another Fred Astaire or Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley, there will never be anyone comparable to Michael Jackson.
82. The air separation ability of the CMS which was prepared from the char of Lingwu non-caking coal under the optimum process conditions is comparable to that of the commercial CMS imported from abroad.
83. In creep - brittle materials, the crack tip and creep zone boundary propagate at comparable rates.
84. What's more, to make the test comparable interiorly and optimize the flow passage shape, we superadd tests according to related requirements and it makes a satisfactory seat.
85. We only ask that your prices be comparable to others.
86. They are more comparable to Logical partitioning, as each virtual partition is assigned its own resources.
87. CONCLUSIONS: Mild hepatic steatosis is cleared immediately after hepatectomy, and early regeneration power is impaired, but the long-term regenerative power is comparable.
88. The therapeutical effects of both groups were comparable according to recovering time of thrombocyte and controlled time of bleeding symptom.
89. Both oral and topical antimycotic drugs achieve comparable clinical cure rates that are in excess of 80%.
90. Mean body wts. of rats dosed with THPS or THPC were comparable to those of the vehicle controls.
91. Quantitive analysis is made of mineral products marketing competitive capability by obtaining comparable ex-factory prices from equal price factors.
92. Play poker" thousands" of fully comparable to the magician, to become a true all-around ' Cyclops ' must practice the lascivious child, but which is also the most difficult to practice.
93. Compared with the conventional method, the reaction time was shortened but the yield was comparable.
94. Putting a 14x multiple on those earnings that's comparable to other pure play cable assets,[] he gets to $14.54 per share of Good NWS alone.
95. The birth of the Nautilus literally added a new dimension to undersea warfare... some admirals to so far as to call it a "quantum jump" comparable to the shift from sail to steam.
96. Our attention is paid to the implicit burden, and the comparable labor force method and input-output table are employed to measure scissors cross and indirect tax burden respectively.
97. Gates moved into a realm of wealth comparable to that of John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, two titans of an earlier age of dynamic economic growth.
98. IVC seals depict animals, perhaps as the object of veneration, comparable to the zoomorphic aspects of some Hindu gods.
99. In this case latent heating and radiation cooling are comparable.
100. Apart from providing automatic numbering, the numbered list also aligns the contents of the items, comparable with using table syntax.
101. In this paper, we discuss speech act verbs of English and Chinese, the comparable cognitive features and the classification of the semantic structure of sentences.
102. To make net benefits from different years comparable, their present value must be computed.
103. Insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man.
104. This table is comparable to the adjacency database used by OSPF. There is a neighbor table for each protocol that EIGRP supports.
105. Her verbal behavior revealed a comparable degree of fascination and inquisitiveness: she repeatedly commented, 'This is so cool! '
106. Compared to the LCD using two glass substrates, our new device exhibits a comparable contrast ratio ( 514:1), driving voltage, and response time because of good LC alignment.
107. Formerly called the Trust Territory, Micronesia possesses only two-thirds the land area of Rhode Island, yet lies scattered over an expanse of ocean comparable to the contiguous United States.
108. In recent years, researchers in Japan discoverd the real charm of fermented food lies in its unique effect that can be comparable with drug by long-term experiments and research to it.
109. Aggregate data are calculated at current prices, while indices are calculated at comparable prices.
110. i 6.1 with POWER6 processor based-servers and a new Fibre Channel Adapter can deliver performance with the DS8000 that's comparable to internal disk.
111. His team have shown they can transfer charges - in effect change the data - in around 15 nanoseconds. "That's comparable with DRAM speeds," he added.
112. You inadvertently at a corner efforts core-pulling, climbing roses should not comparable to the noble peony.
113. The sensation is comparable to the epiphany that Adolf Loos , the Viennese architect, experienced when he stepped off a steamship in New York Harbor more than a century ago.
114. When the mean distance between water droplets or crystals is comparable to the wavelength of the electromagnetic signals, severe attenuation can occur.
115. When comparable information was presented to each eye, amblyopic eyes made only a minor contribution to binocular performance.
116. The depth in phantom or body may be comparable to the range of the electrons.
117. The Aquasar cooling system uses water at temperatures of up to 140 degrees, and as a result consumes up to 40 percent less energy than a comparable air-cooled machine.
118. For a loss modulation where the threshold carrier density may change, the neglected term may become comparable to the retained first order small quantity.
119. A generic drug product is one that is comparable to an innovator drug product in dosageform, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use.
120. Due to this 400's will be very cheap very soon and will be comparable with ATI in price vs performance.
121. Kids raised in authoritarian households got grades comparable to kids from what we called authoritative households, where you had strictness accompanied by warmth and encouragement of self-direction.
122. Ultracapacitors (which are also more expensive per energy unit than batteries), can store only about 5 percent of the energy of comparable lithium-ion batteries.
123. The taste of Marmite is comparable in some ways to soy sauce.
124. Consumers may pay a slight premium for some eco-friendly electronics, but many prices will be comparable with traditional offerings.http:///comparable.html
125. The permanence of images produced by the system are comparable to those produced by electrophotography.
126. I couldn't think of a comparable traditional "weapon" that we might use in the US to successfully shut down an oil facility for 10 days unarmed.
127. The results show that GPS is an instrument for detecting atmospheric ZHD and ZWD with a detection accuracy comparable with radiosonde.
128. One of Corvus’s NMC modules costs about $9, 300. A comparable lithium iron phosphate system would set you back around $7, 500.
129. Do you think the specs will be comparable any current games?
130. In Berry ratio is best applied to test routine distributors, and only when there is a high degree of functional comparability between the tested party and the third-party comparable companies.
131. Hearing speakers and deaf sign language users have comparable working memory resources during language use. But the resources will be restricted by the visual modality.
132. These results demonstrate that both treatment methods produce comparable final outcomes but internal fixation is associated with an increased re-operation rate.
133. Initial cost is comparable to that of by-pass cooled or external cooled jacketed motor.
134. We only ask that your prices be comparable to others. That's reasonable, isn't it?
135. This superbly detailed view reveals its bright nucleus, grand spiral arms and sweeping cosmic dust lanes with a scale comparable to the Milky Way.
136. But we don't lay claim to comparable expertise in every area.
137. In the Palaeogene, the strata, sedimentary and structural evolution in North Shandong can be comparable with those in Southwest Shandong.
138. Einar Kjartansson, a geophysicist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, said: "It is likely that the production of ash will continue at a comparable level for some days or weeks.
139. Hybrid constructs were comparable to all - screw constructs in correction of coronal plane deformity and sagittal balance.
140. The music of Irving Berlin is scarcely comparable to that of Beethove.
141. Many teashops, restaurants and cafes offer a teatime comparable to those in Europe.
142. In order for MDD to achieve comparable improvements in development productivity, it must incorporate the same level of automation; models must be automatically translatable into executable code.
143. CONCLUSION: Betamethasone and dexamethasone are comparable in reducing the rate of most major neonatal morbidities and mortality in preterm neonates.
144. Conclusions: The rate of CIN in high risk pts undergoing cardiac angiography is comparable after administration of iopamidol-370 or iodixanol-320.
145. A leader who moves by guess work, without practical, definite plans, is comparable to a ship without a rudder. Sooner or later he will land on the rocks"."
146. It is a very important step to establish a bench rapid aging test cycle which should be comparable with the road running test.
147. Conclusion. The current investigation demonstrates that the changes in microarchitecture and mechanical properties were comparable with those observed in humans after long-term GC treatment.
148. The study chose two similar cities that had comparable demographics (Knoxville, Tennessee and Lexington, Kentucky).
149. Conclusion. Surgical correction of both the frontal and sagittal plane deformity are comparable to anterior instrumentation.
150. Conclusion Physostigmine, neostigmine and pilocarpine, when applied locally to the eye in rabbits, could cause myosis and their time-effect relationships were comparable.




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