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单词 high commission
释义  Related topics: Governmentˌhigh comˈmission noun [countable]  1. PGa group of people working for a government or an international organization to deal with a specific problem 〔政府或国际组织的〕特别工作组,特别事务公署2. PGa group of people with official duties concerning the relationship of one Commonwealth country with another 〔英联邦国家互相派驻处理外交关系的〕高级专员公署 —High Commissioner noun [countable]Examples from the Corpushigh commission• The lack of such participants has been aggravated over the years by high commission costs and clearing fees.• Sources say that high commission officials have expressed concern at the interventions.• Pamela Baptiste, a former consular officer at the high commission in St Lucia, has lodged a claim of unfair dismissal.• She worked at the high commission from June 1991 until her dismissal in June 1998.• the UN High Commission for RefugeesFrom Longman Business DictionaryHigh CommissionˌHigh Comˈmission noun [countable] a building in a COMMONWEALTH country where the official representatives of another Commonwealth country workthe UK High Commission in Harareˌhigh comˈmission nounChineseSyllable  of Corpus a working people a Business group for




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