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单词 head
释义 Word family  noun head heading overhead header headship adjective overhead heady headless headed verb head behead adverb overhead  Related topics: Human, Drink, Recording, Geography, Computershead1 /hed/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  top of body 头部 [countable]HBHBODY the top part of your body that has your face at the front and is supported by your neck 头,头部 He kissed the top of her head. 他吻了一下她的头顶。 Alan fell asleep as soon as he put his head on the pillow. 艾伦头一挨枕头就睡着了。 They dived head first into the water. 他们一头跳进水中。 She was dressed in black from head to toe (=over all her body). 她从头到脚穿了一身黑。 He still has a full head of hair (=has all his hair, even though he is getting rather old). 他依然满头浓发。2  mind 头脑 [countable]MIND your mind or mental ability 头脑,脑筋 The problem only exists inside his head. 这个问题只存在于他的脑子里。do something in your head (=calculate something mentally) 心算 I can’t do those figures in my head. 那些数字我心算不了。 Use your head to work out the answer. 动动脑筋想出答案。come into/pop into your head Jackie said the first thing that came into her head. 杰姬想到什么就说了出来。get something into your head (=understand something) 理解某事,明白某事 ‘It’s over, Jake, ’ she said. ‘Try and get that into your head.’ “结束了,杰克,”她说, “尽量想明白这一点吧。”take/get it into your head (to do something) (=decide to do something, especially something stupid) 突发奇想(要做某事);心血来潮(要做某事) At about two in the morning, Alan took it into his head to go for a swim. 大约凌晨两点的时候,艾伦心血来潮要去游泳。get/put something out of your head (=stop thinking or worrying about something) 不再考虑某事;不再为某事担心 Try to put it out of your head for the time being. 眼下尽量不要去想这件事。put something into somebody’s head (=make someone think or believe something) 使某人思考某事;使某人相信某事 What’s put that idea into her head? 她怎么会这样想?get your head round something British English (=be able to understand something) 想通某事,理解某事 I just can’t get my head round what’s been going on here. 我就是不明白这里发生了什么事。3  calm/sensible 冷静的/明智的 a) keep your head to remain calm and sensible in a difficult or frightening situation 保持冷静 We need a candidate who can keep his or her head even when clients get aggressive. 我们要找的人选需要在客户生气暴躁时也能保持头脑冷静。keep a clear/cool/calm head Get to sleep early tonight – you’ll need to keep a clear head tomorrow at the trial. 今晚早点睡觉——明天审判时你要保持清醒的头脑。 b) lose your head to become unable to behave calmly or sensibly in a difficult or frightening situation 慌了神,失去冷静,惊慌失措 You’ll be OK as long as you don’t lose your head and forget he’s the real enemy. 你只要保持冷静、忘记他是真正的对手,就没问题的。 c) have your head screwed on (straight/right) informal to be sensible and able to deal with difficult situations 明智,理智,有头脑 He wondered what Gemma thought about it all. She seemed to have her head screwed on. 他想知道杰玛对整个事情是怎么想的,她看上去是个有头脑的人。4  person in charge 负责人 [countable] a) a leader or person in charge of a group or organization 首脑,首长,领袖,主管人head of You should discuss the matter with your head of department. 你应该和部门主管讨论一下这件事。 A meeting of Commonwealth heads of state will be held next month. 英联邦首脑会议将于下月召开。head waiter/chef/gardener etc (=the person in charge of a group of waiters etc) 服务员领班/首席厨师/花匠负责人等 b) (also head teacher) British English the person in charge of a school 校长 SYN American English principal From now on all violent incidents should be reported directly to the head. 从现在开始,所有暴力事件都要直接向校长汇报。 → crowned head, head boy, head girl, headmaster, headmistress5  front/leading position 前端/领头位置 [singular] the front or the most important position 前端;最重要的位置(at) the head of something Jenny marched proudly at the head of the procession. 珍妮自豪地走在游行队伍的前列。 At the head of the table (=the place where the most important person sits) sat the senior partners. 桌子的上首坐着高级合伙人。at something’s/somebody’s head 使某人思考某事;使某人相信某事 The band of soldiers marched into the yard, their defeated captain at their head. 这队士兵行进到院子里,灰心丧气的上尉走在前头。6  crazy 发疯的 [countable usually singular] used in particular phrases to talk about someone being crazy or very stupid 脑子〔用于固定短语中,表示某人发疯或很傻〕 People going out in conditions like this need their heads examined. 这种天气出门的人得去检查一下脑子是否正常。be off your head British English You must be off your head if you think that. 你如果那样想肯定是疯了。 If I walk in looking like that, they’ll think I’m not right in the head. 如果我这副模样走进去,他们会认为我脑子不正常。7  a head/per head for each person 每人,一个人 Dinner works out at $30 a head. 这顿晚饭算下来每人30美元。 average incomes per head 人均收入8. river/valley 河/谷 [countable usually singular] the place where a river, valley etc begins 〔河的〕源头;〔谷的〕起点9  come to a head  (also bring something to a head) if a problem or difficult situation comes to a head, or something brings it to a head, it suddenly becomes worse and has to be dealt with quickly (使)〔事情〕到达紧要关头;突然恶化 Things came to a head in the summer of 1997. 1997年的夏天,情况突然恶化。10  flower/plant 花卉/植物 [countable] the top of a plant where its flowers or leaves grow 〔茎梗顶端的〕叶球,头状花序 She was outside cutting the dead heads off the roses. 她在外面把玫瑰的残花剪掉。head of a head of lettuce 一棵生菜11  height/distance 高度/距离 [singular] the length of a head, used to measure height or distance 一头〔用于量度〕 She saw her father, a head above the rest of the crowd. 她看见了比其他人高出一头的父亲。by a (short) head (=used to say that a horse won or lost a race but only by a small amount) 以(不足)一马头之差12  COIN 硬币heads the side of a coin that has a picture of a person’s head on it 正面,带人像的一面heads or tails? British English spoken (=used to decide something, by asking someone which side of a coin they guess will be showing when you throw it in the air and it lands) 正面还是反面? → tails at tail113  laugh/shout/scream etc your head off  informal to laugh, shout etc very loudly 大笑/高喊/尖叫等 Fans were screaming their heads off. 球迷们高声尖叫。14. have a good/fine/thick etc head of hair to have a lot of hair on your head 长着一头浓密的头发15  get/put your head down informal a) to start working in a quiet determined way 专心工作 It’s time you got your head down and did some revision. 该静下心来温习功课了。 b) British English to sleep 睡觉16  keep your head down to try to avoid being noticed or getting involved in something 避免引人注意;避免麻烦 Do what you’re told and keep your head down. 叫你做什么你就做什么,别惹麻烦。17. as soon as your head hits the pillow if you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, you fall asleep as soon as you lie down 头一碰到枕头〔就睡着〕18  be out of/off your head informalto not know what you are doing because you have taken drugs or drunk too much alcohol 神志失常,精神错乱〔因吸毒或醉酒〕 He was off his head on various drugs. 由于吸食了几种毒品,他神志不清。19  go to somebody’s head informalPROUD a) if alcohol goes to your head, it quickly makes you feel drunk 〔酒〕上头,使某人醉 b) if success goes to someone’s head, it makes them feel more important than they really are 〔成功〕使飘飘然,使冲昏头脑 She never let fame go to her head. 她从不因自己的名气而飘飘然。20. tool 工具 [countable usually singular] the wide end of a long narrow tool or piece of equipment 〔长而窄的工具或设备〕较宽大的一端21  put your heads together DISCUSSto discuss a difficult problem together 一起想办法,共同商量 The next morning, we all put our heads together to decide what should be done. 第二天早晨,我们大家共同商量该怎么办。22  go over somebody’s head UNDERSTAND a) to be too difficult for someone to understand 使某人无法理解 The explanation went completely over my head. 解释太深奥了,我根本听不懂。 b) to do something without discussing it with a particular person or organization first, especially when you should have discussed it with them 越过某人〔行使过分的权力〕23. can’t make head or/nor tail of something UNDERSTAND informal to be completely unable to understand something 完全弄不清某事物,完全不能理解某事物24. have your head in the clouds SPEND TIMEto think about something in a way that is not practical or sensible, especially when you think things are much better than they really are 想入非非;耽于空想25. have a (good) head for figures/facts/business etc GOOD ATto be naturally good at doing calculations, remembering facts etc 擅长计算/记忆/做生意等26. head for heights BALANCEthe ability to look down from high places without feeling ill or nervous 无恐高症,不惧高27  a big head informalPROUD the opinion that you are much better, more important, more skilful etc than you really are 自负,骄傲,自命不凡 I suppose I did do OK, but I’d be silly to get a big head about it. 我认为我的确做得不错,不过我要是因此而自满的话就太愚蠢了。28  keep your head above water SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto manage to continue to live on your income or keep your business working when this is difficult because of financial problems 〔靠自己的收入〕勉强度日;〔因财务问题〕勉强维持经营 For years they struggled to keep their heads above water. 多年来他们一直勉强维持着生活。29  be/stand head and shoulders above somebody BETTERto be much better than other people 远远胜过某人 One contestant stood head and shoulders above the rest. 有一位参赛选手表现突出。30  hold up your head  (also hold your head high) to show pride or confidence, especially in a difficult situation 昂首挺胸;抬起头来 If you do this, you’ll never be able to hold your head up again. 如果这样做,你以后就再也抬不起头了。31  be (like) banging/bashing etc your head against a brick wall CONTINUE/NOT STOP spoken used to say that you are making no progress at all in what you are trying hard to do 枉费心机,白费气力 I’ve tried to talk some sense into them, but it’s like banging my head against a brick wall. 我拼命跟他们讲道理,但结果是白费唇舌。32. bang/knock somebody’s heads together spoken used to say that two people or groups should be forced to stop arguing and start to behave sensibly 强行制止某人争吵并使其恢复理智33  bite/snap somebody’s head off to talk to someone very angrily with no good reason 〔毫无道理地〕呵斥某人 I offered to help her, but she just bit my head off. 我提出要帮助她,但她却痛骂了我一顿。34  turn/stand something on its head OPPOSITE/FACEto make people think about something in the opposite way to the way it was originally intended 倒过来想某事物;使人完全改变思考某事物的思路 The attorney quickly turned his main defense argument on its head. 那位律师很快扭转了主要的辩护思路。35. give somebody their head LET/ALLOWto give someone the freedom to do what they want to do 放任[听任]某人自由行动36  be/fall head over heels in love LOT/VERY MUCHto love or suddenly start to love someone very much 深深地爱着/突然爱上 〔某人〕 Sam was head over heels in love with his new bride. 萨姆深深地爱着他的新娘。37  heads will roll spokenPUNISH used to say that someone will be punished severely for something that has happened 有人将要受到严厉的惩罚 Heads will roll for this! 有人将为此事受到严厉惩罚!38. on your own head be it spokenBLAME used to tell someone that they will be blamed if the thing they are planning to do goes wrong 责任自负,一人做事一人当39  do your head in British English spoken informalCONFUSED to make you feel confused and annoyed 使人烦恼,使人讨厌 Turn that noise down – it’s doing my head in! 把声音关小点,吵死人了!40  be/get in over your head to be or get involved in something that is too difficult for you to deal with 卷入处理不了的事 In business, start small and don’t get in over your head. 在生意方面,从小的做起,不要贪大。41. be over your head in debt American EnglishOWE to owe so much money that there is no possibility of paying it all back 负债累累42  go head to head with somebody DEAL WITHto deal with or oppose someone in a very direct and determined way 与某人正面交锋,与某人硬碰硬 Rather than go head to head with their main rivals, they decided to try a more subtle approach. 与其和主要对手硬碰硬,他们决定倒不如尝试智取。43. heads up! American English spokenWARN used to warn people that something is falling from above 当心上面!〔警告别人上面有东西掉下〕44. beer 啤酒 [countable]DFD the layer of small white bubbles on the top of a glass of beer 啤酒泡沫45. electronics 电子产品 [countable]TCR a piece of equipment that changes information on something magnetic, such as a recording tape or computer hard disk, into electrical messages that electronic equipment can use 磁头46  head of cattle/sheep etc [plural] a particular number of cows, sheep etc 牛/羊等的头数 a farm with 20 head of cattle 养着20头牛的农场47. head of water/steam TPpressure that is made when water or steam is kept in an enclosed space 水压/蒸汽压力48. get/build up a head of steam to become very active after starting something slowly 逐渐变得活跃49  land 土地SG [singular] British English a high area of land that sticks out into the sea – used in names 岬(角)〔用于地名〕 Beachy Head 比奇角50. infection 感染 [countable]MI the centre of a swollen spot on your skin 脓头51. give (somebody) head informal to perform oral sex on someone (与某人)口交 → bury your head in the sand at bury(8), → knock something on the head at knock1(16), → off the top of your head at top1(18), → somebody can do something standing on their head at stand1(40), → turn somebody’s head at turn1(17), → two heads are better than one at two(8) COLLOCATIONSverbsturn your head 转头John turned his head to look at the boy. 约翰转过头去看那男孩。shake your head (=move it from side to side, especially to show disagreement) 摇头〔尤表示不赞同〕‘It’s too much, ’ he said, shaking his head. “这太过分了。”他摇着头说道。nod your head (=move it up and down, especially to show agreement) 点头〔尤表示赞同〕The audience nodded their heads enthusiastically. 观众热情地点着头。somebody’s head hurts/aches/throbs 某人头痛/某人的头抽痛Her head was throbbing and she needed to lie down. 她的头阵阵作痛,得躺下来才行。raise/lift your head (=look up) 抬起头nTom raised his head to listen, then went back to his book.bow/bend/lower your head (=look down) 低下头nHe bowed his head and tried not not to look at her.hang your head (=look down, especially because you are ashamed) 〔尤因羞愧而〕垂下头nShe hung her head, not sure how to reply.scratch your head (=especially because you do not understand something) 〔尤因不明白某事而〕挠头nHe scratched his head and started looking through the drawers again.ncock your head (=hold your head at an angle)The big dog cocked his head to one side and raised his ears.adjectivesbare 赤裸的,裸露的The sun beat down on her bare head. 阳光火辣辣地照在她没戴帽子的头上。bald 秃顶的;光头的His bald head shone with sweat. 他出了汗,光头闪闪发亮。somebody’s blonde/dark/grey etc head (=with blonde etc hair) 某人长着金发/深色头发/灰白头发等的脑袋I saw my son’s blond head sticking out from the car window. 我看见儿子满头金发的脑袋从车窗里探出来。head + NOUNhead injury 头部受伤Wearing a helmet reduces the risk of head injuries. 戴头盔可以减少头部受伤的风险。Examples from the Corpushead• a head of lettuce• The copper head moved and Theda's hand dropped.• Professor Calder is the department head.• Every head had to turn simultaneously.• It is coarse and irregular, involves the face, head, and extremities, and is accentuated by movements.• the former head of MI5, the British intelligence service• Keep arms hanging, head down and neck and shoulders relaxed.• She's so quiet - you never quite know what's going on inside her head.• He turned his head to kiss her.• Hwang is head of the local Communist Party, and is also a farmer.• It turns time on its head.• I didn't struggle a lot, but one of them pushed my head right down, my arms were pulled right back.• Dan's head was full of big ideas.• Troy's head is just full of ideas.• Collins suffered severe head injuries in the accident.• a shower head• I picked up a hammer and hit the head of the nail as hard as I could.• In view of what you said, did you consider the use of night sticks on the heads of demonstrators hospitable?• According to Rice, the head of the planning committee, the project is 25% completed.• She's the head of research and development.• There was a hole in the pipe, no bigger than the head of a matchstick.get your head round something• They can't get their head round the notion of patient-centred medicine, basically.head waiter/chef/gardener etc• He was a head waiter during the war.• It was then left in the hands of head gardener Ken Vaughn, who ran it single-handedly for 30 years.• He was previously head chef at Turner's restaurant, London.• Led by the head waiter around a crowded bar we emerged into a restaurant with a breathtaking interior.• This was served buffet style from huge urns by the head chef.• The head waiter already has my name memorized.• The head waiter made a servile fuss when they arrived and begged permission for a photograph to be taken for publicity purposes.• Harry Dodson demonstrates the skills of a Victorian head something’s/somebody’s head• But he was already swinging the case at the Advocate's head.• She reached one arm back and grabbed the rope while Amy fairly clawed at the head.• Out on the court, her three assistants are directing the drills, each at the head of a line of players.• The marshal was right when he waved his yellow flag and pointed his finger at his head.• Two men sat at its head, their faces reflected in the gleaming surface.• Miss Male and Heather were still watching the little scene at the head of the table.• Hughes held the stick aloft, a coil of silver at its head.not right in the head• Satirists are often not right in the head.dead heads• There was no one about except Miss Lofthouse taking the dead heads off the daffodils in the churchyard by the War a (short) head• Beaten by a short head possibly, but decimated, no.• The program could also be controlled by a head or eye movement.• The losers were disrupted by a head injury to prop Seamus Foley, who was forced off in the first half.• The issues that are negotiated by heads of government are essentially unresolvable or they would never have reached the highest level.• They walk and are passed by head to head contact.• Not until the final strides did Cherokee Run edge ahead, and he prevailed by a head. 1993.Related topics: Footballhead2 ●●● S2 W2 verb  1  go towards 朝⋯行进 (also be headed) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]GO to go or travel towards a particular place, especially in a deliberate way 〔朝…〕前进,〔向…〕去head for/towards/back etc The ship was heading for Cuba. 船正驶向古巴。 It’s about time we were heading home. 我们该回家了。head north/south etc We headed south towards the capital. 我们朝南向首都进发。 Where are you guys headed? 你们要去哪儿?2  FUTURE 未来be heading  (also be headed) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if you are heading for a particular situation, especially a bad one, it seems likely to happen 〔很可能〕遭受,碰到,面临be heading for Forecasters predict the region’s economy is heading for disaster. 预测专家预言该地区经济即将面临灾难。 Where is your life heading? 你的生活何去何从?3  be in charge 负责 (also head up) [transitive]IN CHARGE OF to be in charge of a team, government, organization etc 主管,领导 David was asked to head up the technical team. 戴维被要求领导技术小组。 an interim government headed by the former prime minister 由前首相领导的过渡政府4  at top 居于首位 [transitive] a) FIRSTFRONTto be at the top of a list or group of people or things 居于首位,名列第一 The movie heads the list of Oscar nominations. 这部影片在奥斯卡提名影片中名列首位。 b) be headedTOP if a page is headed with a particular name, title, image etc, it has it on the top 题目是…,标题为…;顶端写[印]有… The page was headed ‘Expenses’. 这一页的标题为“开支”。 officially-headed writing paper 印有正式信头的信纸5  at front 在前列 [transitive]FRONT to be at the front of a line of people 在…前列;带领 a procession headed by the Queen 女王领头的一列队伍6. football 足球 [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition]DSF to hit the ball with your head, especially in football 用头顶(球) →5 see picture at 见图 football7 head off phrasal verb a) LEAVE A PLACEto leave to go to another place 离开〔某地去别处〕 I’m heading off now. 我现在要走了。b) head something ↔ offPREVENT to prevent something from happening, especially something bad 阻止某事,防止某事发生 The president intervened to head off the conflict. 总统出面调停以阻止冲突发生。c) head somebody ↔ offSTOP MOVING to stop someone going somewhere by moving in front of them 〔在前面〕拦截某人,拦挡某人 Soldiers headed them off at the border. 士兵在边境将他们拦截住。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushead• They hear that there is a bull market to ride, and they do not care which direction the bull is headed.• At one stage she had suggested that he leave for a vacation and she stayed being, heading a Regency Council.• Levy headed an investigation into the fund mismanagement.• It is headed by a managing director.• The program is headed by an expert in teaching gifted and talented children.• The march was headed by the Reverend Martin Luther King.• Most single-parent families are headed by women.• His teammates were long gone, headed home to celebrate the biggest victory of their pro careers.• Jean and those guys, it seems like this organization is heading in the right direction.• This helped them to gain height and get power when heading the ball.• For Cranmer, who headed the party of Reform for the next twenty years, the task seemed hardly begun.• The commission was headed up by Barry Kerr.• Heading up the investigation into the crash is Officer Frank Foyle.head north/south etc• The houses begin to thicken as the highway heads south.• The way moves cast, and then doubles back, labyrinth-like, to head north and up the stairs.• Others retire and head south for the sun.• Are the prices of homes in your area heading north or south in 1996?• It swung north, then headed south, then back north, then east-east!-then back south.• In it, a miner who has been made redundant heads south to Helsinki and falls in love.• Our alternative is to head north, to the coast.-head /hed/ suffix [in nouns] 1  TOPthe top of something 顶端 the pithead (=the top of a coal mine) 煤矿井口 a letterhead (=a name and address printed at the top of a letter) 信头2  BEGINNINGthe place where something begins 起源 a fountainhead 泉源From Longman Business Dictionaryheadhead1 /hed/ noun [countable]1JOBthe leader or person in charge of a group, organization, or part of an organizationhead ofThe head of each division is responsible for its operating performance.Stone was head of corporate finance at Coopers & Lybrand.Work is divided into different areas and is supervised by section heads.2JOB head receptionist/trader/cashier etc the most senior RECEPTIONIST etcAny cash received must be double-checked by the head receptionist.3COMMERCE have a (good) business head to be able to make sensible and PROFITABLE business decisions4COMMERCE a head/per head for each personA conference for 70 people will work out at around £30 a head per day.Expenditure per head on training had been growing rapidly.5head on if you deal with a problem head on, you deal with it in a very brave and direct wayThe issue has to be tackled head on.6COMMERCE head on if two companies compete head on, they each try to be successful selling the same product or serviceInstead of trying to compete head on with stores like Our Price and HMV, he moved down-market, stocking cheaper CDs and tapes.7have/be given a head start to have an advantage that helps you to be successfulhave/be given a head start overBanks will have a head start over their non-banking rivals in selling products in this new market.8keep your head above water to only just manage to keep your company in business or live on the income you earnThese are savings that defence companies have to make to keep their heads above water.9go over somebody’s head disapproving if you go over the head of your BOSS (=the person who you normally take orders from at work), you ask his or her boss something instead of asking him or her directlyMy boss was angry because I went over his head to the department manager.10heads will roll spoken used to say that someone will lose their job or be punished for a mistake they have madeheadhead2 verb1[transitive] (also head up) to be in charge of a group, an organization, or part of an organizationShe heads a building company.2be headed if a page is headed with a particular word or sentence, it has it at the topThe three columns are headed ‘budget’, ‘actual’ and ‘variance’.3head north/south informalFINANCE if a share price, currency etc heads north, it rises in value. If it heads south, it falls in valueRight now, the rouble is heading south. → head down → head something → off → head up→ See Verb tableOrigin head1 Old English heafodhead1 noun →10-19 →20-29 →30-39 →40-51 →COLLOCATIONS1head2 verb-head suffixLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus of has your Business body the top part that




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