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单词 handily
释义 Word family  noun hand handful adjective underhand handy verb hand adverb handily  hand·i·ly /ˈhændəli/ adverb  1  something that is handily placed is in a position where it can easily be reached or used 在手边;在附近;方便地 She kept the key handily by the back door. 她把钥匙挂在后门,方便拿取。2. American English if you win something handily, you win easily 轻松地〔获胜〕Examples from the Corpushandily• It seemed I could argue and defend handily, and I always loved debating.• Perhaps if it hadn't happened so handily by chance, he would have engineered a meeting.• Feinstein handily defeated Davis in the election.• Powerful Barry Silkman's powerful all-rounder should soon be handily placed and once clear will be difficult to beat.hand·i·ly adverbChineseSyllable  is Corpus handily is a in placed that something




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