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单词 handful
释义 Word family  noun hand handful adjective underhand handy verb hand adverb handily  Related topics: Measurementhand·ful /ˈhændfʊl/ ●●○ noun  1  [countable]TM an amount that you can hold in your hand 一把handful of The boy picked up a handful of stones and started throwing them at us. 那男孩捡起一把石子,开始朝我们扔过来。2  a handful of something FEW/NOT MANYa very small number of people or things 几个人[物],少数人[物] There were only a handful of people there. 那里只有几个人。3  be a handful informalCONTROL someone, especially a child, who is a handful is difficult to control 是难管教[控制]的人〔尤指孩子〕 She’s a lovely child, but she can be a bit of a handful sometimes. 她是个可爱的孩子,不过有时候会比较难管。Examples from the Corpushandful• She had three more falls before she and a handful of other players started stick and balling.• Sports Illustrated for Kids asked a handful of athletes whether they had invented anything when they were kids.• As for Jimmy, he chooses from a handful of set comments, so he hasn't a great deal to say.• The trial is the first of a handful of high-profile cases expected within the next few months.• They played a handful of tunes from their new album.• Looking down where the water of the canal licked the rocks, I saw a handful of date pits.• The new book is by a man who's already written a handful of best-sellers, most of them about moles.• Gradually, the number of individual objectors prepared to enter the fray began to expand outside the initial handful.• Prior to 1986 only a small handful of networks existed within the research and education community.handful of• I scooped up a handful of dinner mints as we left the restaurant.hand·ful nounChineseSyllable  in Corpus amount you an can that hold




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