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单词 hairless
释义 Word family  noun hair hairiness adjective hairless ≠ hairy  Related topics: Human, Animalshair·less /ˈheələs $ ˈher-/ adjective  HBHHBAwith no hair 无毛发的,光秃的 SYN bald Young rabbits are born blind and hairless. 小兔子生下来时看不见东西,而且没有毛。Examples from the Corpushairless• His armpits were also nearly hairless, almost sweet with musk.• Rex told them he wanted the boy to be between 6 and 9 and blond with a hairless body.• No wonder the high-voiced boys with smooth, hairless cheeks hated her.• his hairless chin• Just like the familiar bedding forget-me-not, but perennial and with softer hairless leaves.• A hairless philosopher who lives in the wilderness, meditates and kills people.• Can you think of a sympathetic animal with a hairless tail?• Rodriguez thought they must all look like big, hairless teddy-bears romping over the dunes.• The females build nests, give birth to their blind and hairless young after a gestation of thirty·less adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus with hair no




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