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单词 gynaecology
释义  Related topics: Illness & disability, Medicinegy·nae·col·o·gy British English, gynecology American English /ˌɡaɪnəˈkɒlədʒi $ -ˈkɑː-/ noun [uncountable]  MIWOMANthe study and treatment of medical conditions and illnesses that affect only women, and usually relating to a woman’s ability to have babies 妇科(学) —gynaecologist noun [countable] —gynaecological /ˌɡaɪnəkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl◂ $ -ˈlɑː-/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpusgynaecology• Of 225 new patients attending our adolescent gynaecology clinic in 1992,167 presented with menstrual disturbances.• There is a dire need to encourage juniors into academic obstetrics and gynaecology.• He's a medical student, doing an obstetrics and gynaecology elective at the District.• Both gynaecology and obstetrics challenged traditional lines of demarcation between medicine and surgery.• She was the daughter of John William Taylor, a professor of gynaecology in Birmingham.• But he had forgotten much of the gynaecology he had studied three or four years ago.• Why should the whims of Victorian gynaecology be relevant within a book which discusses the impurity of women in religion?gy·nae·col·o·gy nounChineseSyllable  conditions medical and and the Corpus treatment of study




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