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单词 gully
释义  Related topics: Nature, Geology, Geographygul·ly, gulley /ˈɡʌli/ noun (plural gullies) [countable]  1. DNa small narrow valley, usually formed by a lot of rain flowing down the side of a hill 〔山坡上被雨水冲成的〕隘谷,沟壑2. DNa deep ditch 深沟Examples from the Corpusgully• The phalanx of ladies drew me away from there and up a gully.• After one more headland we joined the official high level route to go round the edge of a deep gully.• Enemy aircraft swarmed overhead, methodically searching each gully and outcrop.• Hartland took a fine gully catch to dismiss Russell.• It was noted that it bounced only once before exploding in the gully below!• Yet the moment they skidded into the gully they were trapped.Origin gully (1600-1700) gully “throat” ((1500-1600)), probably from gulletgul·ly nounChineseSyllable  formed by Corpus narrow a small valley, usually




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