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单词 guide
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Tourism, Newspapers, printing, publishingguide1 /ɡaɪd/ ●●● S3 W2 noun [countable]  1  for deciding/judging 起决定/判断作用INSTRUCTIONS something that provides information and helps you to form an opinion or make a decision 指导的事物;判断的根据 The polls are not a reliable guide of how people will vote. 根据这些民意测验来判断人们将如何投票并不可靠。 The figures are only a rough guide. 这些数据只是一个大致的参考。2  person 人 a) BODLTsomeone whose job is to take tourists to a place and show them around 导游,向导 a tour guide 导游 an experienced mountain guide 一位有经验的登山向导 b) ADVISEsomeone who advises you and influences the way you live 〔生活上的〕指导者,指引者,导师 my spiritual guide 我的精神导师3  instructions 指南 a) TCNa book or piece of writing that provides information on a particular subject or explains how to do something 指南,指导手册guide to a guide to North American birds 北美鸟类指南 Follow our step-by-step guide. 跟着我们的分步指南去做。 Details of how to use the various programs are in the user guide. 如何使用各种程序,在用户指南里都有详细的说明。 b) TCNa guidebook 旅游指南,旅游手册4  girl 女孩 British English a) DLC the Guides the Guides Association, which teaches girls practical skills 女童子军〔组织〕 → scout b) DLCa member of the Guides Association 女童子军成员Examples from the Corpusguide• The $ 9. 95 guides are sold at bookstores or can be ordered by calling 1-800-222-3602.• There is some need for such a guide, but unfortunately Lead on the Brain does not fill it.• You are advised not to enter the Kenyan game reserves without a guide.• A guide for hospital staff will be published shortly, covering everything from simple hygiene to security regulations.• A friend's experience isn't always the best guide for you.• Both guides cost $ 9. 95.• a free guide to financial planning• One of our guides helped me set up the tent.• I shared a canoe with our guide, Kaz.• The two students who had been walking with our guide quickly disappeared into the trees.• Our guide and interpreter said he enjoyed the work because he himself had learned much about the city.• Not sure what that means; we check the press guide.• the Good Schools Guide• This simple guide is essential if you are thinking of taking up hill walking.• A total of 377 schools are featured in the guide - now in its second edition - from across the United Kingdom.• This guide will help you to take the case.• a tour guide• That seems like a question for our experienced tour guide, Monika Koppel.• The book is an extremely useful guide to starting your own business.rough guide• However, as a rough guide, it feels slightly more Gibson-like than it does Fenderish, if that helps.• The latter is calibrated in centimetres, but most people will probably only use the rod as a rough guide.• As a rough guide, first scrub or wash, peel and slice them.• Charges differ throughout the country but 40p per cubic metre is a rough guide.• Charts, then, are only a rough guide to ideal weight.• We assume to start with that the weighted patterns provide a rough guide to playing the game.• Although individuals vary a great deal, a very rough guide is that the liver removes one unit of alcohol each hour.mountain guide• Today the once new but now traditional occupation of mountain guide is one of the most respected in the Alps.user guide• She also helps to produce a user guide for A/V workshops.guide2 ●●○ W3 verb [transitive]  1  TAKE/BRINGto take someone to a place 带领,引导〔某人至某地〕 SYN leadguide somebody along/through etc He guided us through the narrow streets to the central mosque. 他引领我们穿过几条狭窄的街道,来到中央清真寺。► see thesaurus at lead, take2  TAKE/BRINGto help someone or something to move in a particular direction 为…引路guide somebody/something into/towards etc He guided her firmly towards the sofa. 他领着她稳步走向沙发。 Searchlights were used to guide the ship into the harbour. 用探照灯引领轮船进港。3  ADVISEto influence someone’s behaviour or ideas 引导,指导〔某人的行为或观点〕 Teenagers need adults to guide them. 十几岁的青少年需要大人来引导。4  TEACHto show someone the right way to do something, especially something difficult or complicated 指引,指导〔尤指做困难或复杂的事〕guide somebody through something Guide your students through the program one section at a time. 指导学生分节学习这一课程。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusguide• The travellers were guided around the Hindu Kush by local people who had lived there all their lives.• We were always guided by the belief that we would be rescued.• One day, the primary teacher guiding children through their instructional computer program may be able to prevent reading failure altogether.• He guided David Smith's Perth to the world title in 1991.• I guided Doreen away from the grave.• In man also there seems to be a similar principle to guide him on his journey.• Sammler was a huge help, guiding me through the dangers of the city streets.• The constellation of values that these stories promulgate has guided the family for several generations now.• The pilot guided the plane to a safe landing.• Permissive parents, on the other hand, are too lax about guiding their somebody through something• Tax-preparation programs guide you through the tax form.From Longman Business Dictionaryguideguide1 /gaɪd/ noun [countable]1something that provides you with information, figures etc on which you can base your judgement or method of doing somethingThe key US and foreign annual interest rates below are a guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions.2a book that provides information on a particular subject or explains how to do somethingthe latest version of the company guide3TRAVELJOBsomeone whose job is to show a place to people visiting itSandra, who liked traveling, started a new career in her forties as a professional tour guide.guideguide2 verb [transitive]1to show someone the right way to do something, especially something difficult or complicatedThe Justice Department issued regulations to guide businesses on how to deal with their customers under the new laws.2to take someone through or to a place that you know very well, showing them the wayOn the tour, we were personally guided through five of the rooms in the White House.→ See Verb tableOrigin guide1 (1300-1400) French Old Provençal guidaguide1 nounguide2 verbChinese   Corpus information and provides something Business that helps




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