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单词 gravitational
释义  Related topics: Physicsgrav·i·ta·tion·al /ˌɡrævəˈteɪʃənəl◂/ adjective [usually before noun] technical  HPrelated to or resulting from the force of gravity 引力的;重力引起的 the Moon’s gravitational field 月球的引力场 the gravitational pull of the Moon 月球的引力Examples from the Corpusgravitational• A revealing difference between gravitational and electromagnetic radiation is that dipole radiation is absent in the gravitational case.• It modifies the scenario of gravitational collapse in the following way.• The gravitational field generated in its productive phase by the legislative cycle attracted items from several diverse sources.• In practice instruments could not survive such a journey; they would be torn apart by the increasing gravitational field gradients.• However, it is not moving fast enough to totally escape the pull of the Earth's gravitational field.• the Earth's gravitational pull• The second main source of internal energy is heat from gravitational separation.• They regard such wobbles as responses to the gravitational tugs of planets orbiting around them.• Modern detectors which should be capable of detecting the gravitational waves from a supernova collapse in our Galaxy are described.gravitational pull• Spring Tides - Moon and Sun in opposition, with combined gravitational pull. 4.• As if this were an apex of this island, its source of gravitational pull.• The complete system involved includes a flat surface - a table, perhaps - and a steady downward gravitational pull.• These counteract the tendency for the body to contract under its own gravitational pull.• What, even so, of the required gravitational pull?• After a while we are aware of a deviation, the gravitational pull of an unseen planet.• As they were collapsing, the gravitational pull of matter outside these regions might start them rotating slightly.• Such a situation creates a gravitational pull toward contractual arrangements and a corresponding push away from employment in the traditional sense.grav·i·ta·tion·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  force or to from of Corpus the resulting related




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