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单词 grand
释义  grand1 /ɡrænd/ ●●○ S3 W3 adjective  1  IMPRESSbig and very impressive 宏伟的,壮丽的,隆重的 OPP humble a grand country house 豪华的乡间大宅 The party was a grand affair. 这个聚会场面隆重。 New Yorkers build on a grand scale. 纽约人喜欢建高楼大厦。2  IMPRESSaiming or intended to achieve something impressive 〔目标或计划〕宏伟的 Henry Luce had a grand design for America’s future. 亨利·卢斯为美国的未来设计了一幅宏伟蓝图。 The company’s grand ambition was to become the first and biggest global airline. 公司的远大目标是要成为首家并且是最大的国际航空公司。3  IMPORTANTimportant and rich 显赫的,富丽堂皇的,华贵的 He looked very grand in his ceremonial uniform. 他身着礼服,看上去气度不凡。 the grand end of West Avenue 西大街繁华的一头n4. → Grand5  British English informalGOOD/EXCELLENT excellent 极好的 We all had a grand time. 我们都过得非常愉快。 Thank you, Shirley, that’s grand. 谢谢你,雪莉,那真是太好了。6  a grand total TOTALthe final total you get when you add up several numbers or amounts 总计a grand total of You could add the £15,000 Bonus to the First Prize and win a grand total of £125,000! 头奖再加1.5万英镑的奖金,获奖金额共计12.5万英镑!7  grand (old) age an age when someone is quite old 高龄 She had reached the grand old age of 80. 她已经到了80高龄。8  the Grand Old Man of something ADMIREa man who has been involved in an activity or a profession for a long time and is highly respected 〔某活动或某行业的〕元老,老前辈 the Grand Old Man of British theatre 英国戏剧界的老前辈 —grandly adverb ‘I am training her to cook for royalty, ’ Auguste said grandly. “我在培养她为王室烹饪。”奥古斯特郑重地说。Examples from the Corpusgrand• A rather grand certificate marking the successful completion of all the tasks also adds to the attraction.• The grand finale is the Handel's "Hallelujah" chorus.• But even the grand floor-to-ceiling gold brocade drapes can not set this head-of-U.• The conferences always take place in grand hotels, away from the realities of life.• the grand ideas of Gandhi• Being called before a grand jury does not mean a witness has done anything wrong.• She was a grand lady loved by everyone.• But the grand opening in August 1990 would have been ruined had the diplomats known everything about their elegant chancery.• the grand prize• They always make grand promises to the biggest group of voters.• This is a portrayal of malevolence on a grand scale.• They amounted to the grand sum of twelve pounds and ten shillings - a fortune!nGranda) used in the titles of buildings or places that are big and impressive 大〔用于建筑物名或地名〕 the Grand Hotel 格兰大酒店 Grand Central Station 中央大火车站 b) used in the titles of some people who belong to the highest social class 大〔用于对最高阶层的人的称呼中〕 the Grand Duke of Baden 巴登大公Related topics: Musicgrand2 noun [countable] informal  1  SEC (plural grand) a thousand pounds or dollars 一千英镑;一千美元 The car cost him 15 grand. 这辆汽车花了他1.5万英镑。2. APMa grand piano 大钢琴,三角钢琴 →5 see picture at 见图 piano1Examples from the Corpusgrand• She made 60 grand last year.• You been right this far, and you need the five grand, so you're gon na be trying real hard.• Twenty-six grand was as nothing to her.• The director let me tune and regulate the piano, a beautiful old Steinway grand, in their small concert hall.• On receipt of my father's letter, I got drunk and sent him a cheque for twenty grand.• That you can give twenty grand to the Methodists and make all those tight-arsed matrons green?From Longman Business Dictionarygrandgrand /grænd/ noun (plural grand) abbreviation G [countable] informal a thousand pounds or dollarsten grand’s worth of goodsOrigin grand1 (1500-1600) Old French “large, great”, from Latin grandisgrand1 adjectiveGrandgrand2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  and very impressive Corpus big Business




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