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单词 archbishop
释义  Related topics: Christianityarch·bish·op /ˌɑːtʃˈbɪʃəp◂ $ ˌɑːrtʃ-/ noun [countable]  RRCa priest of the highest rank, who is in charge of all the churches in a particular area 大主教Examples from the Corpusarchbishop• All that Anselm demanded was that the essential basis for carrying out his duties as archbishop should remain inviolate.• But the choice emphasizes three important features of Anselm's mind at the moment when he became archbishop.• No archbishop but Fisher would have had the administrative ability or the tenacity to achieve the end.• As a general rule, the archbishop had sufficient political leverage to ensure success for his own monks in these disputes.• Once again the citizens, now politically organized as a commune, were in dispute with the archbishop and the canons.• This professor of theology at Rheims had a falling-out with the archbishop.• The archbishop dedicated the church to San Satiro, the brother of Sant' Ambrogio.arch·bish·op nounChineseSyllable  in a rank, the Corpus is of highest who of charge priest




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