随便看 |
- something is (like) a religion
- something is like a religion
- something is like herding cats
- something is like pulling teeth
- something is loaded against somebody
- something is loaded against somebody/something
- something is loaded against something
- something is no go
- something is no joke
- something is not a bed of roses
- something is not all/everything it's cracked up to be
- something is not all it's cracked up to be
- something is not all that
- something is not an exact science
- something is not brain surgery
- something is not everything it's cracked up to be
- something is not for somebody
- something is not for the faint-hearted
- something is not known to be something
- something is not rocket science
- something is not to be missed
- something is of the essence
- something is only skin deep
- something is on your side
- something is small potatoes
- Behold
- Rebuke
- Ameliorate
- Agitate
- Aura
- Minimalist
- Befuddle
- Definitive
- Bathos
- Take control
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- 《村村皆画本,处处有诗题.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《村烟和海雾,舟火乱江星.》原诗出处,译文,注释